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STATE AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. XL iSTEW YOEK, SATUEDAY, JUNE 28, 1873. No. 276 Pid/lished Weekly by m REAL IS'MTE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................§6 00 AU communications should he addressed to O. TV". B^iVJBlET, Whitikg Building, 345 and 347 Broad-wat. MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK. June 31 Bank st., n. s. bet. W. 4th and Greemvich av. Thomas Coppins agt. Emraeline Gallup............ $264 20 24 Bo-vvERY(N6.' 168), w. s., bet. Spring aud Broome sts. Julius Poerschke agt. Bertha Rauth................ 1,624 TO 24 Broadway, w. s., 30 n. o8th st. and extendmg n. to 59th st., aud 59th st. s. s., extending from s. e. cor. Sth av. to s. Vf. cor. Broadwaj', and Sth av. s. '.. cor. 59tli st. extend¬ ing s. 10.8 frorn cor. Andrew P. Camphell agt. Johu D. Voorhees. 600 00 20 Bkoadway (ÎÎos, 1250, 1252, 1254, and 1256'). Patrick Hand agt. A. C. Loomis....................... 190 34 26 SAilE PROPERTY. StEPHEN HaYES agt. A. c. Loomis............... 1,190 00 19 Corlearsst., s. e. cor. "Watek st., 188x209.6. George L. Haag agt. Peter H. 'Walsh.................. 830 00 19 Forty-second st. (Nos. 210 and 212W.), s. s. (cout'n to June 25, 1874). Edward Hall agt. N. E. Cornwall......................... 1,111 00 20 Eorty-sixth st., s. s., 175 w. Broad- way. John Moran agt.------...... 800 00 21 Forty-fifth st., s. s., 250 e. IOth av. G. A. Wamnaker agt. Michael BischofE......................... 10 50 81 FnrTY-sÉvENTxi st., s. s., 3 houses, . 100 e. 6th av., John J. Coady agt. Philip Fitzpatrick................ 113 00 21 Fortieth st. (Nos. 242, 344, aud 246 W.), s. s. Patrick McNamarraagt. John Doe........................ 969 00 20.Fifty-ninth ST., n. w. cor. 4th av., 17 houses, extending w. on 59th st. Jôlin Moran agt. Martin &Co. and Feraando Wood............. 7,260 00 24 Forty-second st. (No. S50), s. s., 150 e. 9th av., Joseph Beaclx agt. James Dunseith..........:....... 1,300 00 24 Forty-second st., s. s., 144 e. 9th av. Myers & Gedney agt. James Dunseith......................... 919 42 25 Fifty-ninth st., n. s., 22 houses, extending from n. w. cor. 4th av. to n. e. cor. Madison av. John Galligan agt. Martin & Co_______ 3,300 00 23 Greenwich st. (Nos. 52 and 54). George T. Smith agt. Ager, Smith, & RusseU......................... 7,200 00 2.5 Madison av., w.s., 25 n. 132d st., 3 houses. ' Samuel H. "WaUace agt. John N. Hayward................ 337 oO 20 One Hundred and Twenty-sixth st., s. s., 18 houses, commencing 300 e. 7th av. Tate & Osborne agt. James S. Dale.....'.......___ 5,300 00 23 One Hundred and Fourteenth st. (No. 334 E.) ■ L. A. & F.' P. Fidler agt. Patrick McHugh ;.'...'........ 40 20 . 25 One Hundred and'Fourth st., n. s., 13 houses, commencing 150 w. - 2d av. Ai-nbld & Co. agt. Ed¬ ward s: Innis'.'.'.. :.' .■; .* .■.;:..;..... 2,703 83 19 SE'VENTY-FbÙBTH ST., S.' i."C0R. 4tH av., 180x74 ■(é6nt'ri'it6'''Jùné 33, -487é); ■ s; M". Styles'4^.S6n agt.-A. ■; Cj^,^ifdsaU;.....:;.;^v„:......U ^^OOiOO 20 Sixty-ninth st., n. s., 3houses, com- mencing 95 w. Sd av. Thos. W. Donnelly agt. Bernard Muldoon.. 491 00 21 Seventeenth st. (No. 102), s. s., 116 e. 4th av. Francis M. Smith agt. Y. M. Francis.................... 325 00 23 Sullivan st. (No. 2-20), w. s. Thom- as McKeowen agt. M. Crask..... U 25 24 Seventy-sixth st., n. s., 250 w. Istav., 2houses. Henry Goldsmith agt. Magdaleua Rabenstein....... 183 59 25 Seventy-fourth st., s. s., 250 e. 2d av., 3 houses. Ralph Orvin agt. S. S. "Walker and A. T. Wilson.... 950 00 19 Thirty-second st. (No. 50 W^), s. s., and Broadway (Nos. 1,250, 1,252, 1,254, and 1,256). Dennis Broder¬ ick agt. Estate Daniel Paine...... 720 93 23 Thirty-first st., n. s., 220 w. First av. Joseph C. Brady àgt. Michael Boylan aud James Skully......... 60 00 23 Thirty-eirst st.. n. s., 200 w. First av. J. C. Brady agt. Michael Boy¬ lan and Michael Riley............ 60 00 25 Twenty-fifth st. (No. 227), n. s., 300 w. 2d av. G. L. and J. M. Schuy¬ ler agt. Slawson Bro.............. 315 34 23 "Vandewater st. (No. 40), e. s., Thomas Smith agt. Jabez Edwards and SUas C. Smith................ 34 75 23 Same property. Sinclair Ed- wards agt. same___.............. 34 00 23 Washington st. (No. 55). George T. Smith agt. Ager, Smith & Rus¬ seU .............................. 7,200 00 KINGS COUNTY. 19 Penn st., n. s., 134 vf. Lee av., 113.7 xlOO, 6 houses. Bradley & Currier agt. Wm. J. McCord and Charles A. Dockham and E. G. Booth and W. W. Bampton.................. 139 44 20 North Fifth st. (No. 121.) Philip Quû-k agt. "Wm. R. Hanrahan and Abm;FoTk and Christopher Conelj'. 35 75 25 Rutledge st., n. s., 341.10 b. Lee av., 242x100, 13 houses. Adolph Klaber agt. Geo. H. and Hannah S. Chamberlaiu....................... 3,000 00 35 Henry st., s. w. cor. Poplar st., 63.5x100. George Scofield agt. S. C. Ryder and "Wm. B. Davis and 8. C. Ryder andWm. Keelerand Nich¬ olas Luquer...................... 57 00 20 Ninth ST., s. s., 205.9 w. Fourth av., 5 houses. James Garahan agt. C. B. SkifE and Anos F. Eno...... 467 12 31 New York av., s. e. cor. Atlantic av., 135x100. Samuel McKee agt. W'm. McNaughton and Wm. Find¬ lay.............................. ------ 25 Decatur st., s. s., 100 w. Patchen av., 100x100. R. Resseqiui & Co. agt. Bridget and John McClean and Geo. H. Grannis.................. 2,425 09 Eldert st., n. s., 153.8 E. Broad-" „„ way, 108x100........;.......... "^ Margaretta st., s. s., 231.8 e. , Broadway, 108x100............j IrvinB. Baxter àgt. Thomas Heg¬ arty and A. J. W. Laidlaw.-...:... 981 70 19 "Washdîgtonav.(No.108),w.s.jBEt. Park and Myrtle avs. • Bénj. Han¬ cock ag-t. Mrs. James .."".•.........'. 34 54 Eldert st., n. s.,- 153:8'e-. Broad nq way, 108x100. ....."... :......... ^* Margaretta st., s.' s., 231.8 b Broadway, 108x100: :;;::....... GiU, Band &eo, agt. Thomas Heg¬ arty and A. J. W^. -Laidlaw........ 450 00 24 Eldertst., N.: é§154E. Broadway, 108x100. James':'.'Howard, agt. * Thomas Hegaftf, .'M.'pâwkins, and H.A;Meiiketfi^il|^%'JvW.Laidlaw 900,00 20 Decatur st., s. s., 100 w. Patchen av., 100x100. Chas. E. Evans agt. John McClean.................... 338 48 18 McDonough st., n. w. cor. Lewis av., 300x100, 15 houses. Pat. Far¬ rel agt. W^m. Hoover and Curtis L. North........................... 682 73 21 Same property. Watson, Pettin- ger & Co. agt. C. L. North....... 10,000 00 23 Same property. Wm. E. Chapman a.gt. W^m. H. Hoover and C. L. N'orth............................ 5,010 55 18 Flatbush av., s. e. cor. Atlantic av., 13 houses. Phitt S. Conklin agt. Sanil. B. "V'reelahd and Marga¬ retta P. Remsen.................. 3,630 00 19 Baltic st., s. s., 189.3 w. Schenec- tady av., 133.oilC6.7. Ri'ch'd. D. Bateman agt. James S. Scofield... 48 35 JUDaMENTS. NEW YORK. In thèse lUts of judgments the na;me^ alph'abetically arranged, and which are first on each li-ae, are those oj the judgment debtor. June 19 Alberga, Abraham A.—J. W. RandeU §4,895 48 23 Ai-thur, Samuel D.—H. K. Thurber. . 97 IG 23 Ames, Oliver—J. W. Davis.......... 64,338 31 34 Ager, WUson—Cornélius PoUlon___ 16,205 65 18 Baird, W^iUiam—T. P. SomerviUe ... 887 95 18 Barton, WiUet—H. B. Schenck...... 538 77 18 Brown, Félix—August W'ies........ 100 00 18 B.ampton, George—C. N. Romaine.. 315 56 19 Barney, Augustus W.—Richard Hur¬ ley................................ 171 06 19 BeU, Amos C—K. J. Gnilfoyle..... 123 03 19 Brown, Morris S.—Chas. Stirling___ .514 77 19 the same---------Abraham Gre en- hall.............................. .325 91 19 Breen, Matthew P.—-J. J. Canton___ 49^06 30 Brown, Joseph B.—Wm. Higbie___ 116 52 20 Bryan, Morgan—S. J. Stinson....... 169 68 20 Burr, William—Chester Stoddard... 331! 11 20 Berry, James P.—Polly Atwater..... 91 06 20 Beri-y, Mrs.—Sarah J. Stoue........ 93 58 31 Beman, Nathan—H. .M. Currau..... 897 03 31 Brett, James E. and G. A.—R. S. Davis............................. 82 16 31 Barnett,- W. L.—Louis Canzi........ 113 33 31 Burrell, Jno. E.—Wm. Smith....... 49 94 33 Brudi, William—W^m. Oothout..... 304 24 23 Bartlett, Thomas—Colwel' Shaw aud WUlard Mfg. Co.................. 784 09 23 BaUey, Floyd—■:..obert Hoe......... 107 99 33 Bloomer, Charles—Bernard Stern... 154 94 33 Berge, Louis—Thos. Shriver........ 83 86 33 Butler, A. T.—I. D. Condet......... 334 83 23 Brown, Edward—Leopold Half..... 122 23 23 Buschmann, Henry—J.& H. Stemme 353 56 23 Brennan, Matthew T. (SherifE)—Rob¬ ert Cohen..........".............. 321 29 f,j. Bouton,. James W. (Thos. McSped- BisseU,.Augustus ( on........... 69 41 33 Britton, L. L,f.G. W. T. Lord...... 205 64 23 Buckley, WilUam-F.-G. A. Osgood. 156 49 OQ BushneU, Cornélius S. )- -r ^-tr !->„,.„ en oe.c n-, 23 Bâtes, Benjamin E. f ^- ^^- ^^^^^^ ^.'^SS 21 24 Bamum, Charles—A. G. HuU....... 1,041 62 24 Brown, M. S.—A. C. LaAvrence..... 136 31 18 Curley,. Joseph—J. J. Phelan....... 103 75 18 Cunningham, James and Robei-t—T. P. So'inèi-vUle..................... 887 95 18 Clark, Thomas F.—Manhattan OU Co 114 63 18 Cummings, John G.-t-"W. F. Burke . 1,232 09 18 Center,. James D.—Arthur RusseU.. . 68 81 18 Cléments, A. L.—"Wm. EverdeU,.Jf. 126 81 19 Clark, WilUam F.—Michael Latt....... ;.84 85 19 Cooleyy James E.—Maiy-D. Smith... 1,633'88 19 Cranmec,Charles C.-^y.de Escoriaza 3,532 29 19 CarroU, .'WiUiam—People StatèlSf.: Y. 1000 00 20 Clapham, Glover-r-Gabriel HoweU.. .174 11 20 Cline, Bedford—Security Bank, "Wa- terto-wa.,.,.;.................... .2,843 61