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STATE AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1873. No. 301 Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance...........S8 00 All communicationa ahould be addreased to AA^iiiTiNG Building, 343 and 347 Broadwat. MECHANICS' LIENS. A Card.—The notice of Mechanics' Lien in the Real Ebtate Record of December 13, 1873, against Broome St., s. a., 75 e. Crosby St., 50x100.9, so far as it names John Downey as a debtor, is erroneous. December 19, 1873. John Taylor. g^" The error referred to by Mr. Taylor is not chargeable to the Record, but to the clerk who filed the lien.'—Ed. WEAV YORK. Dec. 17 Broadway, vv. s., 9-3 s. 41.st st. Stenene Mill and Lumber Co. agt. John Doe........................ §42 76 17 Same propkrty. J. W. Stevens & Bro. agt. aame................... 123 09 17 Barclay st. (No. 190), k. s., extd'g to Park pl. John Kierat agt. E. A. Constant..................... 696 00 lo Canal st., s. e. cor. Yarick st. A. L. Lepard agt. H. N. Kellogg . 67 75 13 Fifty-first st. (No. 234 to No. 243), s. a., bet. Broadway and Sth av. Alichael Cleary agt. John W. Coburn.......................... 1,402 SO 13 Forty-fourth st. (Nos. 25 to 31), n. a., bet. 7th and Sth avs. Pat¬ rick Flanneiy agt. Jeremiah Ken¬ nedy and Martin Fallon.......... 600 00 13 Fifth av., e. s., extd'g from 46th to 47tli at. T. P. Mahon agt. John T. Daly.................... 3,173 00 13 Forty-sixth st. (No. 615 W.), n. s. Wright & Norton agt. William Leonard......................... 523 85 17 Fifty-fourth st. (No. 42S W.), s. s. (Cont'n to Dec. 22, 1873.) James Smith agt. John Totten___ 1,050 00 16 Madison av., n. w. con. 73d st., 10 houses. John Nicholson agt. James E. Coburn................ 1,718 67 One Hundred and Fifty-second St., n. s., 425 w. Boulevard..... 15 One Hundred and Fifty-third St., B. s., 425 w. Boulevard.....J William Ross agt. W. Sinclair___ 33 75 16 One Hundred and Twenty-sixth St., 6. s., 300 e. 7th av., 8 houses. James Dougherty agt. James S. Dale............................. 300 00 13 Seventeenth st. (No. 335 W.), n. s. Bernliardt Schaaf agt. John H. Muegge.......................... 3,700 00 13 Seventy-ninth st. (No. 168 E.), s. s. Kelly & Maber agt. D. Bud¬ densiek .......................... 85 00 17 Seventy-eighth st. (No. 60 E.), s. s. Andrew McKinley agt. Heury Loeb............................ 841 12 18 Second av., e. s., extd'g from 133d to 123d st. (Continuation.) Patrick Bannon agt. Valentine Vandewater..................... 1,750 00 18 Same propertv. (Continuation.) John Hickey and Patrick Kennedy agt. same party.................. 1,043 11 18 Sixty-sixth st., s. s., 150 w. 1st av., 6 liouses. Michael McCahill ($24.50) and Geo. Montgomery (§28.42) agt. James Gilmore...... 52 93 12 Thirty-eighth st. (No. 149 E.), n. s. Watrous & Wilson agt. Eliza A. Smythe....................... 94 68 13 Thirty-eighth st. (No. 149 E.), n. s. Joseph O'Neil agt. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Swift................ 15 Twenty-fifth st. (Nos. 137 and 139), n. s., com. 450 w. 6tli av, Thomas H. Clarke agt. A. W. Barnes........................... 16 Twenty-eighth st. , n. s. , 284 e. 9th av., 5 houses. E. McGuinness and D. Reilly .agt. Solomon Gayton___ 17 Thirty-sixth st. (No. .553 W.), n. s. J. and R. Darrow agt. Jolin Doe 17 Twenty-eighth st. (Nos. 29 and 31 W.), n. s., 3 houses. Thomas Mc¬ Dermott agt. Andrew Gilsey..... 17 Twenty-eighth st., n. s., 384 e. 9th av., 5 houses. J. H. Voss and E. T. Underhill agt. Solomon Gayton 18 Twenty-eighth st. (Nos. 28 and 30), n. s. Geo. Hayes agt. Peter Gil¬ sey .............................. 18 Same property. Crane & Clark agt. same........................ 151 88 1,381 39 950 00 100 00 939 40 440 00 84 00 1,653 55 KINGS COUNTY. Dec. 10 MiVCON ST., N. E. COR. ThROOP AV., 300x100. Patrick Derby agt. Lu¬ ther Adams, Jas. Ryan, and R. B. Johnson......................... |379 00 16 Sixteenth st., s. e. cor. 11th av., 40.Tc97.10. John Doherty agt. John Phillips, E. J. Beach, and P. and Margt. Mclntire................. 116 60 10 Fulton st., s. s., 48.9 w. Smith st., 35x135. McGrath and Sulliv.an agt. John and R. J. Gray and David Clark...................... 331 69 17 President st., n. e. s., ISl.l n. w. Court St., 18.1x100. Bowen & Al¬ lard agt. Long & Cameron and Hans Christian................... 550 00 6 Decatur st., n. s., 440 w. Tates av., 200x100. W. E. Chapman agt. John E. Quinn and Edward Duns- comb ............................ 2,000 00 8 De Kalb av., s. s., 300 w. Yates av., 100x100. Henry Ruxton agt. Jas. M. Ashton and Isaac C. De¬ bevoise .......................... 123 00 8 Seventeenth st., s. s., 125 w. oth av., 40x100. Junior & Gilmartin agt. Emma B. and Danl. Dunlop.. 258.00 13' Seventeenth st., s. s., 145 w. 5th av., 20x100.3. Starr & Adams agt. same............................ 356 36 11 Atlantic av , s. s., 100 w. Hoyt St., 25x—. Christian & Hughes agt. Augusta J. Hobday___.."!... 115 97 13 Atlantic av., n. E; cor. Smith av., .50x100. J. D. and W. 0. Douglass agt.Wm. Cramer and J. W. Hunter 338 88 15 Same property. Andreas Heid- egger agt. J. Raffaele and John W. Hunter.......................... 150 00 11 Carlton av. (No. 195), e. s., bet. Myrtle and Willoughby avs. Camp¬ bell Bros. agt. Louis Israel....... 113 00 11 Carlton av. (No. 132), w. s., 200 n. Myrtle av. Campbell Bros. agt. Meyer Israel___................. 337 00 13 Woodbine st., s. e. s., 170 n. e. Broadway, 40x100. Richard Tuck¬ er agt. P. W. Higginson and Mrs. C. L. IngersoU................... 54 00 13 Same property. George Tucker agt. same........................ 64 00 13 Bergen st., s. s.,105 w. Powers st., 50x100. John E. Holt agt. John and Mary McGarry............... 150 00 15 Macon st., n. s., 100 w. Throop av., 100x100. Jas. Keenan agt. B. F. Opie and J. J. Nicbols ...'........ 109 93 16 Gates av., n. w. cor. Ralph av., 18.6x80. J. J. Finlayagt. E. H. Nutt............................. 284 00 16 Madison st., s. s., 100 e. Tompkins av., lOOx—. Wm. Lindsey and Jas. O'Brien agt. John Gregory and Henry M. Needham.......... 185 00 16 Gates av., n. w. cor. Ralph av., 18.6x80. Jos. J. Finley agt. J. M. Ashton and R. H. Nutt........ 190 00 16 Schermerhorn st., n. s., 1.50 w. Powers St., 100x100, Dr. Talmage's Church. Peter Nowlan agt. 1\' E. Pearsall and J. M. Rowan, Trus¬ tees.............................. 340 00 17 Wyckoff st,, n. w. cor. Nevins St., 50x100. Dixon & Ross agt. L. M. and B. T. Robbins and Ger¬ trude wife of Johu D. Prince..... 45 98 17 Carlton av., e. s., extd'g from Dean to Bergen st., 230x81.4. Bowen & Allard agt. Long & Cam¬ eron and Manly A. Ruland....... 1,525 00 13 Broadway, n. e. s., 35 n. w. Yates av., 35x100. Henrj' Quirk agt. Hilkemeyer&Lutz and Mrs. John Schillmacher..................... 70 50 11 Sumpter st., n. s., bet. Howard and Saratoga avs. H. F. and W. Burroughs tfe Co. agt. Johu Rueger, Charles Home, and a Society of Burners.......................... 120 00 JUDG-MENTS. NE'W YORK. In these lists of judgments tlie names alphabetically arranged, and which are first on each line, are those qf the judgment debtor. Dec. 11 Amman, Adam—Isaac Merhbach... 5510 62 13 Apfel, Sigmund—Charles Goepp___ 1139 70 13 Allen, William B.—A. Wather...... 80 34 13 Archer, George—H. F. Carpenter... 301 65 13 Arnold, John—C. W. Tutte......... 6,034 16 13 Abrahamson, Solomon—H. D. Hunt 3*304 62 15 Allen, Robert AL, Jr.—R. E. Kelly.. 'eiS 19 15 Adams, John W.—Robert Brown... 143 76 16 Appel, Herman—Philip Nittre...... 279 45 16 Altenbrand, Henry—T. N. Gibbs ... 1,7(13 24 17 Aitchison, W. H.—Henry Paret___ 'l28 24 11 Bamf ord, Adam S.—Bank Chenango 536 97 11 the same---------the same........ l,5t)4 92 11 Bloss, Newel W. and Benj. G.—Thur¬ iow Weed........................ 339 58 11 Burnham, M. A.—Augustus Noel... 554 47 11 Beard, George M.—J. M. Mason___ 590 62 11 Breen, Matthew—J. G. Powers..... 93 7y 11 Berla, Jacob—People State N. Y___ 300 00 11 the same---------the same........ sOO CO 11 the same---------the same........ 300 00 11 Brown, William H.---------the same.. 300 CO 13 Bannon, Patrick—William Hollister. 955 33 13 the same---------the same........ 1,037 20 13 Browning, Matthew P.— Frederick Mathesius.......................- 751 3^^ 13 Baumann, John—Israel Yoger...... 3i;o 24 13 Becher, Philip—0. A. Menges...... 106 28 13 Bogart, Jacob—Albert Smith....... 245 ig 13 Black, Joseph R.—R. F. Stobo...... 1S7 20 13 Babeock, John—Charles Watrous... 114 67 13 Baron, Roselie—E. G. Smith........ 51 53 13 Barnes, E. W.—Joseph Colyer...... 102 00 13 BischofE, Max—H. D. Hunt......... 3 204 63 13 Bartlett, Fredk. A.—L H. MacBride. 105 70 13 Berger, Emanuel—Lorin Palmer___ 261 74 13 Bayard, Edward—William Jackson. 803 33 13 the same---------the same........ 971 48 13 the same---------the same........ 710 48 13 igan-; James } Heniy Patterson.... 103 IS 13 Bleecker, Anthony J. aud James— Tribune Assoc................... 3 691 03 13 Beebe, Welcome R.—W. fi. Fox.... ' 68 45 15 Blum, EmilM.—R. E. Kelly........ 613 19 15 Bedell, George £. and Joseph H.— W. H. Ray....................... 604 24