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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XIII. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1874. No. 313 J. DENHAM &. CO., AND IREAL ESTATE ATTORNEYS. ESTABLISHED 1845, 266 "West Twenty-Tliird Street. Rents collected, Real Estate Bought, Sold, and Ap¬ praised. Safety Hotel and Store Accidents avoided if Rope, Belt, and Engine break. No nice adjastment requiring constant attention. Price one-third less than others claiming to be safe. Jlanufacturers of Pumps, Engines, Boilers, and Hoist¬ ing Machinery for every conceivable use. Contractors', Planters', Wreckers', Miners', Builders' Pumping and .Hoisting Outfits. Address WM. D. ANDREWS & iBRO., 414 Water Street, New York. Brown's Cable Carriages for Coal Yards, Mines, Quar- a-ies, &c., &c. L.. C. HILDRETH, GRANITE BEALER. Granite for Buildings, Granite Sidewalks, Monuments, Cemetery Lots enclosed with Posts and Bars or Cop¬ ings, &c. Quincy, Scotch, Maine, and Connecticut C=a-3E=L-<9^ 3?ijr X "3? DE3 . NOBLE STREET, near Franklin, GBEEIVPOLVT, L. I. Box 51 Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange, New York. DAN3EL BIRDSALL, (Late of the firm of John Lloyd & Sons) REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 345 BROADWAY, (Room 4.) Cor. Leonard Street. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE ]VIOVERS, Residence and Office, 108 and 110 West Twenty-fifth St., near Sixth Av., New York. SECURITY GIVEN TO ANY AMOUNT. The undersigned solicits the collection of Rents and charge of Estates. Returns made promptly. Has had long experience in the business, and can give good references. Tenement property a specialty. LYMAN DENISON, Jr., 187 Greenwich Street, (Over North River Bank, corner Dey Street.) Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. si. R. W. FORBES, LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for SHIPPING or DOMESTIC USE, At Wholesale or Retail. Yard, Cor. of West 29th Street and llth Ave.. DOo^vn-Tovrix Ofiice. 14 south: wizijIam street. JACOB APPELL & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 2TT "WEST 23d STREET, Comer Eighth Avenne, NEW YORK- ESTATES TAKEN IN CHARGE. TATE & OSBORNE, STOIsTE CXJTTEdELS- All kinds of American and Imported.Marble, Granite,. Cane Stone, Browu Stone, Ohio and:Dorche8ter, and all- other Stones, cut and set to order in any part of the country or city. 91st &,92d STS.,, EAST EIVER, NEW YOEK. We claim to have unusual fapilitiea for doing work .cheaply, accurately, and gnickly, as our STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-SAW GUTTER,thefirst brought into use in this cityi works most: successfully. Those having: business in our liiie aire respectfviUy Invited to inspieCT the qualltyof our-workj-ana give us aa-opportanity ta makeestlmfttes. ' 'V The undersigned givea special attention to Real Estate as a^ent, taking the general charge and super¬ vision of Houses and Stores, collecting Rents. &c. References of the highest order fnrnished for ability, experience, and integi-ity. The; care of Estates, large or small is solicited. JAMES R. EDWARDS, Real Estate Broker and Ageut, 69 Wfest 23d Street. Manufacturers & Builders' Bank, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $.500,000, 916 TJiird Avenue and SSth St., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS John Davidson, Pres. C. A. Waterburt, Cashier. TRADES' SAVINGS BANK, "West Twenty-third St., near Eiglitli Av., Have declared their usual Dividend of SBVEX (7) PER CENT., Payable JANUARY 20. The bnsiness of. this Bank in¬ creased more than one-half. In safety, equal to the best institutions. MONEY- DEPOSITED or DR.\WN AT ANY TIME, INTEREST FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT, thus saving accounts opened or transferred to this Bank from loss of interest. Deposits before January 20 draw interest from January 1. Accounts opened of any amount and drawn against by check when desired. C. B. Le BARON, Pres't. -1. M. Freese, Sec'y. GT^jSLIC C31-0033JS, MANUFACTURED BT STEWART & CO., Works, extending through, from W. 18th to 19th .St., near llth i^v,, New York. Office, 539 "West IPth St. Down-Town Depot, 269 Peari, St., near'Fuxton St, SPECIALTIES.—STE.\M PRESSED DRAIN-PIPE, from 2 to 18 inches in diameter, with all necessary fit- tites. TERRA COTTA WARE.—Garden Vases and Statua¬ ry, Rustics, Poimtains, Plain and Ornamental Chimney Tops, &c., &c. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. JOSIAH N. CHRISTMAS, STM STOKE WORKS WYTHE AV., GOR. RUTLEDGE ST., BSOQELlZ:ir, £. I). The imdersigned having recently piut.np theJatest iihproved machinery, including the ilrst' "DIAMOND STONEtSAW cutter ever erected in this country, is prepared to work aiiy Hind of Freestone. Those having orders to fill'cain rely that our late improvements and nnoflual. f?iCilitie&.-^^U insure the utmort' acearicyj prdrnptneiBi an^'e
UNGS In gr«at variety at Low Frie«8.)