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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 14, no. 349: November 21, 1874

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XIV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1874. No. 849 STEAM HEATING FOR FACTORIES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS. Iron Pipes and Fittings for Steam, Water, aud Gas. RUTZLER & IVES, Ko. 135 CE\TRE STREET, IVew York. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. DENHAM & CO., AUD REAL ESTATE ATTORNEYS. ESXABUSHED 1815. 5 66 West Twenty-TMrd Street. Ken.- collected, Eeal Estate Bought, Sold, and Ap¬ praised. J. C. COSTLINC & CO., 159 Front Street, New York, Importers of Portland Cement. SOLE AGENTS FOR TELLETIEll'S PATENT BETON SIDE- WALK AND STONE CO. For specimens see sidewalk of new Post-offlce and the uew building for flats on Fiftieth Street and Broad¬ way. This stone is peculiarly adapted for House-fronts, Sidewalks, in Breweries, Ice-houses. Slaughter-houses, and Stables. L. C. HILDRETH, GEANITE DEALER. Granite for Buildings; Granite Sidewalks, Monuments, Cemetery Lota enclosed with Posts and Bara or Cop¬ ings, &c. ftttincy, Scotch, Maine, and Connecticut o-It-^isri-a? EN¬ NOBLE STREET, near Franklin, GREENPOIXT, L. I. Box 51 Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange, New York] TATE & OSBORNE, STOnSTE C"CJTTEK,S_ All kinds of American aud Imported Marble, Granite, Cane Stone, Brown Stone, Ohio and Dorchester, and all other Stones, cut and set to order in any part of the country or city. 91st k 92d STS., EAST RIVER, NEW YORS. We claim to have unusual facilities for; doing work cheaply, accurately, and quickly, as our STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-SAW CUTTER, the flrat hrotight into nse in this city, works most successfully. Those haying business in our line are respectfuByJn'vited 'to; ing^e^ the quaUty of our work, and give us an opportunity to make estimates. — Safety Hotel and S\j6ti Accidents avoided if Rope,* Belti'ahd-Engine-breialt. No nice adjustment requiring constant attention. JPrice one-third less than others claiming to be safe. Manufacturers of Pumps, Engines, Boilers, and Hoist¬ ing Machinery for every conceivable use. Contractors', Planters', Wreckers', Miner8',-Builder8', tumping.and Hoisting Outfits. Address WM.. D. ANDREWS-* BRO., 414 Water Streetj New Tdrk; - \ " ' '' Brown's Cable Carriages for Coal Yards, Mines, Quar¬ ries, &c..&c. _. ' "- ' -^ ': V; ■'•;-■■ .,-, JACOB APPELL & CO., REAL £STAT£ BROKERS AN© SaiOXJSE -A. GJ-E 1^T T S, 277 WEST 23d STREET, Corner Eighth Aveuue, NEW YORK. • Care of Estates and collection of Reuts a specialty. City and Country property for sale or to let. Money to loan ou bond aud mortgage. A successful business record of eighteen years as refei'ence to those in want of rei?ponsible agents. HUBERS & MADDEN, STEAM STONEWORKS, Seventy-ninth Street, EAST EIVER. SHOWN, UOnCUESTER, OHIO, AND RUBBED BLUE STONB. We have the latest irapi-oved Steam MiU, Avith three Diamond Stone Saw Cutters. Manufacturers' & Builders' BANK, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000, THIRD AVENUE, Cor. 51th Street. JOHN DAVIDSON, HENRY J. BURCHELL, Pres. Vice-Pres. C. A. WATERBURY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: DAVID MORGAN. SAMUEL COOPER. LEANDER STdNB. JOHN SEXTON. JOHN J. BURCHELL. IHCHAEL MURKAY. DAVID BABCOCK. WILLIAM BAIRD. WILLIAM A. BUTLER. G. L. SCHUYLER. N. A. WILLIAMS. NATH'L. BURCHELL. WILLIAM P. PARSONS. JOHN D. MOLL. GOODWIN & DREW, 108 and ItO West 25th Street. A. O. ROWE, Supt. Bmlding Material Go. Masons' Building Material of all kinds, 24 MTTERAY STEEET, 360 WEST STEEET, and FOOT WEST 24tli ST., Also, agent for BALTIMORE J?liONT BRICK rar New York City, RED WELSH & OTHER IMPORTED BRICK Portland, English, and German Cements constantly on Hand. " WyLLYS H. WARNER, HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE Steam Heating & Ventilating APPARATUS, l.!l3 Xaeoxxa.:i^ca. St. LOW PRESSURE Stoam Warming with the OPEK BOILER, which is POSITIVELY NOX-EXPLOSIVE under any iiosslble cdndi^tions, and free from the danger of Superheating the Steam, has been a specialty "for thirteen years. Send for descriptive pamphlet, with references. Over l,O0O in use in the coldest sections of the country. HUCH YOUNC, St 0x1.0 OnULttOl^y AND SIANUPACTUREB.OP DIAjMOND SAW MACHINES OPPICE AND STOKE TABB, Toot of East lllth Street, JPTew Yort. WIL L IAMS ^i& BA I L L E R , QUARRYlftiN ANDililoJEESALE DEALERS IN BUILDING STONE, SPECIALLY JOSIAH N. CHRISTMAS, STEAM STONE WOEKS WYTHE AVmCOR. RUTLEDGE ST., BEOOKLYN, E.D. ------------- The nndersigned having recently put np the latest improved machinerjj including the first DIAMOND. STONE-SAW CUTTER ever erected in this country, is work any kind of FrecBtone, Brown, Ohio, and Dorchester Stone/ Those haying orders to fill can rely that our late improvements will insure the utmost promptneBB-and economy. ■■-■;-,. ;:.;.., BIIENA VISJ'A JOHN »[. MIIBLIi;BRv PtOfrlMot, 8T6NE-T'a«D ANi» STBAM-Mnilr S. W. cor. lith Avenue and 6dth St., ]|« ¥. BLOCK AND 84WBD STONE, SVUs, Lintels, andWaie:c.TahMsl^Q#iKr i'&fea tbasCiX any other yard. .Sawing for the tode.: iL 'T 241 BRaAJ>W4.T, Chas. P. WiixiAMs, I -wctit vnun- Chas. D. Milleb, Jr. f -"^^ YORK. MIITTOFS. TILES R. MINTON TAYLOR'S, t. ASPINWALL, SOX.S3 -A-C3t-:E33>flrT, 39 Murray street. MilTTOrS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, .... For Public Building's and Dwellings) ?-? As laid hy us in The Capitol at Washingtont And in.immerons Chorches, Banks, and Dwellings in ___ every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled TUes for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, &c., and for Exterior Decoration. MILLER & COATES, aro i»e»rl street, 'Sf&w Yorlc, iosaiGs For Public Buildings and DwelUnga, ;,: HALLS, .fJESTlBULES, &c. iiisilsyitt'street.