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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XIV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1874. No. 351 STEAM HEATING FOR FACTORIES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS. li-on Pipes and Futin^s foi Steam, Watei, and G.h. RUTZLER & IVES, 9i^, 135 CE.\TRE feTBEET, \e» York. ESTIM-VTES FURNISHED. J. B£NHAM & CO., AND 1 . REAL, ESTATE ATTORNEYS. ESTABLISHED 1845. 266 West Twenty-TMrd Street. Keiits collected. Real Estate Bonght, Sold, and Ap¬ praised. Safety Hotel and Store Accidents avoided if Rope, Belt, and Engine break. No nice adjustment requiring constant attention. Price one-third less than others claiming to be safe. Manufacturers of Pumps, Engines, Boilers, and Hoist¬ ing ^Machinery for every conceivable use. Contractors', Planters'. Wreckers', Miners'", Builders', Pumping and Hoisting Outfits. Address WM. D. ANDREWS & BRO., 414 Water Street, New York. Brown's Cable Carriages for Coal Yards, Mines, Quar¬ ries, &c,. &c. J. C. COSTLINC & CO., 159 Front Street, Nexe York, Importers of Portland Cement. SOLE AGSNTS FOK , PELLETIEK'S PATENT BETON SIDE¬ WALK AN j) STONE CO. For specimens see sidewalk of new Po:-t-otiico and the uew building for flats ou Fiftieth Street and llroad way. This stone is peculiarly, adapted for Horiso fronts^ Sidewalks, in Breweries, Ice-houses, Slaughter-houses, aud Stables. L. C. HILDRETH, GEANITE DEALEE. Granite for Buildings, Granite Sidewalks,-.Mouuraents, Cemetery Lots enclosed with Posts and Bars or Cop¬ ings, &c. ftuiiiey, Seotch, Maine, and Connecticut NOBLE STREET, near Franklip, GREEIVPOIXT, L. I. Co.x; 51 jSIechanics' and Traders' Exchange, New York. TATE & OSBORNE, so? O 3Sr.S OtJ TT E El S . All kinds of American and Imported Marble, Granite, Cane Stone, Brown Stone, Ohio and Dorchester, and all other Stones, cut aud set to order in any part of the country or city. 91st Si 92d STS., EAST MVER, iTEW^YOSK. We claim to have unusual facilities for doing work cheaply, accurately^'and^qniokly, as our STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-SAW CUTTER, the first brought into use in this city, works most successfully. Those having business in our line-aro respectfully invited to inspect the quality of our work, and give us an opportunity to make estimates. R. W. FORBES, LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for SHIPPING or DOMBSTIO USE, At Wliolesalo or Retail. Yard, Cor. of West ii9th Street and Ilth Ave., I>OAVii-ToAvn Ofliee, 14 SOUTU WILIjJAM STJtETST, HUBERS & MADDEN, STEAM STONE WORKS, Seyenty-nintli; Street, EAST RIVER. ....... ^ . BROWM, DORCIIESrER, Olli*- ^i
>NE. JOHN SEXTON. JOHN J. BURCHELL. MICHAEL MUIl??AY. DAVID BABCOCK. WILLIAM BAIRD. WILLIAM A. BUTLER. . G. L. SCHUYLER. N. A. WILLIAMS. NATH'L. BURCHELL. WILLIAM P. PARSONS. JOHN,D. MOLL. Goodwin & drew, house mo v^ehs, lOSahd ttO West SSth Street. JOSIAH N. CHRISTMAS, STEAM'STONE WOEKS VyYTHE AV., COR. RUTLEDGE ST.,' BROOKLYN, E. D. The undersigned having reGonfly put np the latest improvcjd niachinciv, iudiiding, the first DIAMOND STONE-SAW'CUTTER ever erected iii this country; is prepared to work any kind of Freestone, Brown, Ohio, aiut DdrchesteivStonc. Those having orders to fiU can rely that ouv late impiovements will insure the utmost prompthoss antT ecoiuimy.- r ■■ .;, ■: :; BUENA ViSTA EEEE-STONE, WORKS JOHK M. .>IUELLER, Proprietor, - . STOKE-YAIiD AND STEASr-MILl. S. W. cor.lltli Avenue and,60tli St., N, Y. BLOCK AND SAWED STONE^ Si,lis, Lintels, and Water Tahles at lower rates than at any other yard. Sawing for the trade. A. O, ROWE, Supt. BtdMirig Material Go. .Masons.'.Building Material of all kinds, - 24 MURKAY STREET, 360 WEST STREET, and iFOOT WEST 24tli ST., Also, agent for BALTIMORE vtli ONT BRICK for ■ New York City, RED WELSH «( btHER IMPORTED BRICK Portland, English,- and German Cements constantly on Hand. WYLLYS H. WARNER, HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE , Steam Healing & Ventilating Aipi>ARATUS, 1X3 31aeox3LA