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STATE AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1875. No. 356 Published Weekly by '„ m m REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. 'C. W. SWEET............President AND Treasxtrbii PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretart. TERMS. One year, in advance...........810 00 'Communications should be addressed to Nos. 345 AND .347 Broadway The Index for the year 1874 will be ready on or be¬ fore January 16th. CONVEYANCES. NEIV YORK. Dec. 31, Jan. 2, 4, .5. Attorset St., AV. s., 150 n. Grand st., 25x100. Albert Bossert to Fredericke Bossert. April 30, 1874...............................^23,000 B.VXTER St. (No. 64), s. AV. cor. Franklin st., 25x .54.9x2.5xoU.10. Thomas Carey to Julia Els- bach. Jan. 2............................1(3,300 Bleecker st. (No. 203), southerly cor. Hancock St., 25x98. Gilbert J. Bogert to Anna V. Avife of James C. Forrester. Dec. 31.........20,000 Same property. James C. Forrester to Gilbert J. Bogert. Dec. 30......................20,000 BOAVERY (Nos. 1.58, 1583^, and 160), av. s., 85 n. Broome St., 50x100. (Partition.) Paschal W. Turney (Ref.) to Augustus Barth. Jan¬ uary 5...................................78,900 Catharine st. (No. 86), av. s., bet. Cherry and Oak sts., 24.6x100x2-5.3x100. Jacob Bennett to Ernestina Cobn. Jan. 4..............'20.000 Cherry St., n. s., 12.6 e. Pike st., 23.5x122.2. Abraham B. Conger, Wuldberg, N. Y., to Catharine A*. Hedges. Dec. 31...........10,000 Delancey st., s. s., 25 av. LcavIs st., 2.5x75, h. &1. Philip Bohnet to Ann Butler. Janu¬ ary 2 ....................................20,000 Fr.ajs-kfort St. (Nos. 30 and 32), n. e. s., 26.5 n. AV. Rose St., o2.3x75.5x31.3x64 (excepting piece off rear of No. 32, 1.5.10x11.5). John f. Hill to James L. Morgan, Jr. December 26, 1874.....................................12,000 Fr.anivLin st. (Nos. 195 and 197), s. s., 37.2x75. William T. Garner to Adeline P. Avife of Al¬ fred R. Whitney. Dec. 30,1874..........50,000 HuDSOX River R", R., n. av. cor. 62d st., runs north abt. 27 x Avestto new bulkhead line, x south to centre 62d st., x east to Avest side Hudson River R. R., x north to beginning. William C. Wetmore to William H. Vander¬ bilt. (0. a. G.) Julyl..................30,000 Henry st., s. s., 191.3 e. Scammel st., 24x_^ block, h. & I. William Hofacher to Theodore Sehroif. Nov. 30........................24,000 Henry st., s. s., 1.50 w. Jackson st., 25x94.11. William H. Griraley to George Debobeu. Jan. 2...................................14,000 King st. (No. 38), s. s., 310.2 e. Varick st., 20x 100. Chariotte A. P. Craig (AvidoAv) to Sarah Caroline Avife of EdAvard G. Buekeuham. Jan. 2...................................10,000 LEON.iKD St. (No. 83), n. s. Max Heidelbach to Philip Heidelbach and Jacob Seasougood, Cincinnatti. (>^part.) Dec. 26, 1874.....nom. Leavis St., n. w. s., 45.8 n. 6th st., 22.10x64x22.8 x67, h. & I. (B. & S.) William R. H. Squires to John A. Squires. Dec. 28, 1874........nom. Manhattan st., n. e. s., 39.10 n. av. 125th st., 25 xlOO. Andrew Smith to Anthony Auf enanger. Dec. 14...............................f...4,500 Platt St., AV. s., 60 n. Pearl st., 60.1x5.11x60.6 xl2.2. G. Adolphus Scheldt to James L. Truslow. (Confirmation deed). January 28, 1874....;.............................;.. .nom. Prince st. (No. 72), s. b., 25 w. Crosby st., 25.3 2110.6x25x109. Charles VV. BelloAvs to Lem¬ uel B. Clark. (>^ part.)....................350 Prospect pl., e. s., 17.1 s. 43d st., 16.8x.58, h.