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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 15, no. 360: February 6, 1875

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100 REAL ESTATE RECORB. Lother, Erust C. AV.—Lehman Samuels. (1874) 395 21 ;i Melvin, George W. — George IL AVhite. (1866)...................................... 1,008 05 Mahon, Jonn—Henrv W. Sage. (1874)....... 2fi5 42 Jtulrein, Michael—-James Wood. (1865)...... 32 94 Same-------same. (1807).................. 12 94 Manning, Johu — Ambrose C. Kingsland. (1874);................................... 1.57 25 Norton, Patrick—Henry W. Sage. (1874)___ SCo 42 Nicoll, Aiignstiis AA'.—John B. Cornell. (.1875) 49122 O'Brien. Dnvid — The People of the State of New York. (1873)........................ r,,000 00 *PJ;itt, George AA'.-AA'm. U. Oarnes. (1S73). 123 15 *Same-------snme. (187.3)............... 1.335 71 Parker, John—John 0. Smith. dSUT).. ... 1,984 42 Perry.-John N.—.-\l(!x. A. Thompson. 08T4). 547 45 Richardson, Andrew .1. — Uervev C. Calkin (Receiver. &c ) (ISGS) ........'........... 901 02 Ruppert, Jacob—ChriPtophev P.nnney. (187.')) 323 81 Reicli. I.orenz—Bernard Goodkind. (1874)..; 626 48 Reynolds. Emma A.—lohn Gnnil. (1872)___ 145 GO i Smyth, Eliza A.—Jaiuea Fav. (1871i....... 77 38 ■'Same-------same. 0871) ...........-. 20 03 Satterly, A\'illiam—Friuicis Wilev. (1874)... 770 45 Schlesinger. II. AV. — Bernarcl Goodkind. (1S74).................................... 620 48 Smythe, Eh7.!i A.—t'hfirles Watrous. (13741., 142 ()4 Smith. AA' G. — (:vnthia I. Siafl'ord (Ad¬ mrx.) O''<70).......'.................. 1,3,33 40 S|)ra^n(', Goorge R.—John H. Sprague. (ISCS) 74 32 Same-------same. (ISUS).....!.......... 131 .38 AV.—Nathan :Metzger. (3874) 1.57 02 Tiveod, AVilliam M. — John 1). Townsend. (187o).................................... 1,093.56 i Thomas, Dion—John H. Plait. (1873)...... 2,684 09 Tiiman. Natalie—George \v. Dilks. (1874).. 847 til S.nme-------Thnadore E. Studlev. (1874). 8.59 25 Tiiicy, Rnirm—Levi M. Bates. (187:5)....... 839 33 Tiillodi, l):ivi(l—AViilinm Graham. (1374) ... 2.703 :J4 •rhe Mavor, .to., of New York — Potor W. bav.-rie. (1S75)........................... ^89 19 Tfic Pheni.-c Ins. Co., of Brooklvn — Alphens 0. Voiii)!^.....................'.............. 4,108 18 Same-------same........................ 73 25 Tiie .Mavor, &c., of New York — George \V. Piillor. (1875).............................. 8.0,56 66 Same-------Manhattan Gas-light Co. (187:5) 12,415 10 Seme-------Philip G. AVeaA'er. (1875)....' 1,980 03 The Lovatt Silk Co.—Ambrose C. Kiiigsland. (1374)............................. .. 1.5725 iA'oothis, I'eier—.Tohu W. Pettigrew. (1875) - 877 02 A'an Sicklcn. Sarah J. and George W.—John Grant. (1872).............................. 145 00 Wilkes, George S. — GustaA-e F. Perrenoud. (1873)...................................... 155 21 i WelsIiofcr,i:MaUiias—Samuel Philips. (1875) 3.909 83 AVaLsli, John J. — a'he People of t he State of New York. (7-Tudsments.) (1873)........ 7,000 00 Same-------same. (1873).................. .5,000 00 Walther,--------Abigail DoAA-ning. (1874).... 112 72 * A^acated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal. t Released. § Reversed. r, Satisfied by Execution. MEOHANIOS'LIENS. 3 Thomas av., e. .s., com. 331 s. of Welsh St., lOOx— to Harlem R. Pv. (Cont'n to Feh., 1876.) Theodore Malzaeher agt. the Board of Education...................805.00 3 Same pkopj^-rty. H. H. Meise agt. s.ame. (Cont'n to Feb., 1870)........1,370.00 KINGS COUNTY, N. Y. -lau. .and Feb. 30 M.AOON ,ST., s. s., 3tH E. Stityvesant av., 30x300 to Macdonouu-h st. Alexr. Miu- neo agt. Wm. AV. Jones and .John .Al. Cooper................................500.00 3 Myrtle av. (No. 1301), x. .s^., 35 av. Ceoau .St., 3-5x80. Laurence Gray agt. J. B. 'Ma¬ son, Daniel AA'^illi.ams, aud------Doyle___30.03 37 SciiEtniERHons st., s. s., 85 av. Hoyt st., 30x100 (No. 183). (ieo. AV. Woodr, agt. Pt. Sweet, Sarah B. Freuch, and .Airs. BroAvn.................................55.00 37 Same property. W. P. Osborn aot. H. SAveet, Sarah B. French, and Mrs. Brown.70.00 3 R.APELVE ST., N. S., 300 E. VaN BrUNT ST., ,30.10x100. John AA^allace agt. R. Mc- Artney and Thoraas Quiglev...........175.00 37 GoLiA'ST. (No. 354). Aeonzo J. Hai.l agt. Laurence Davis and Kichard Relrner___SO.OO 3 (iREENE AV., S. S., SO.7 E. FkANKI.IK AV., 39 XlOO. Francis Nash agt. AndreAV Smith and Amelia D. Smith..................4110.00 NEWjrORK. Jan. and Feh. 1 Amity st., s. a., 135 e. Oth av., Oth av. (Nos. 130 and 133). A. J. Camp¬ bell agt. the Mavor, Aldermen, &c .-51,805.03 4 Bkoadavay, e. s. "(No. 598), 100 s. Houston St., 35x100 to Crosbj' st. Ascher Levy agt. Samuel AA''ood....................373.19 30 C(3LDMBIA ST. (NoS. 105.A.ND 107), AV. S., 70 n. Stanton St., extd'g 43 feet. James M. Seaman agt. estate John Henretta.....793.44 30 Same PROPERTY. S.a.muel Lawrence agt. same..................................377.05 SO SiME PROPERTY'. ThOMAS CARTER AGT. same..................................199.93 30 Same property. Edwin AA'"oolley agt. same................................. .149.70 30 Same property. Thos. P. Galligan agt. same..................................30.00 4 CniTROH ST., AA'. s., bet. Liberty and Cortlandt sts., and adj. jiremlses knoAvn as No. 39 Cortlandt st. Jaraes P. Isaacs agt. John Doe.........................360.00" 39 Fifth av,, w. s., bet. 30Tn and SIst sts. (No. 386). Z. P. Wheeler agt. ------ Clark. (Cont'n to Jan. 39,1876, to amount of §40.00). 39 Fourth av., av. s., 16 houses on n. s. of OOth St., extd'g from cor. of 4th av. to within 90 of Madison av., lots in depth extd'g north y block ou av. Candee «fc Smith agt. the'North American Life Ins. Co...................................3,338.09 3 Mulberry st. (No. 340), e. s.,bet. Spring and Prince sts. Heine & Moller agt. Peter ILart..................................135.00 8 Sixtieth st., n. .s., 16 uoirsES, extd'g Ave,5t from cor. 4th av. Candee & Smith agt,. North American Life Ins. Co.... .3,338.09 4 Sixtieth st., k. s., S9 e. Madison av., 10()s:100.5, 5 houses. James M. Davis agt. the North American Life Ins. Co., New York.......,.............,.,....175.00 HUDSON CO., N. J. Scott st., n. s., 3.5x100. .Joseph ST.A.nL, owner and contractor; .Tames Costello, claimant..........................$145.75 Su.MMiT AV., s. w. P., 163 from A'^ettekliion ]■<]., .50x139. AAMlUara DalzeU, owner; Wm. A. AA'oodAvard, contractor; AVm. Keeney et al. (partners), claimants. .. .507.73 CONTR.ACTS under LIEN L.iW. Gardes bt., Greenville. Contract d.\ted J an. 33, tiled Jan. 30. Charles Miller, OAvncr; George Arnold, contractor. First st., w. s., Hoboicen. Contract d.4.ted Oct. 4, filed Jan. 30, 1875. John Snitte, oavu- er; John Demartini, contractor. William st., s. s.. Town of H.a.rrison. Con- traet dated Jau. 30, filed Jan. 38. James Handlou, owner; Hannah N. McGlenon, con¬ tractor. Bergen Point, City of Bay'onne. Contract dated Jan. 36, filed Feb. 3. Daniel T. Ram- age, owner; Charles M. Piper, contractor. Monmouth st., s. e. cor. 3d st. Contract dated Jan. 39, filed Feb. 3. John Rugg, oavu- er; AV. H. & F. AV. Cane, contractors. Monmouth st., s. e. cor. 3d st. Contract dated Jan. 39, filed Feb. 3. John Rugg, . OAvner; P. Rine aud ------ Fleramiug, con¬ tractors. Township of Kearney. Contract dated Jan. 1st, filed Jan. 38. Chas. Wilsou, OAvner; Ben. Frazee, contractor. BUILDINQS. PROJECTED, N. Y. Plan 44—Eighty-second st., n. s., 60 w. Mad- ison av,,;one two-story brick stable, 3.5x70; OAvher, F. 11. AValker, 33 East 83d st. ; architect, Ac, AV. F. Lennon. PL.4.N 45~COLUMBIA ST. (NO. 9), ONE ONE-STORY brick factory. 33.6x45; owners, &c., R. Hoe & Co., 504 Grand st. Plan 46—Mott st. (No. 07), one five-story store and dwelling, 33.1 and 34x75 ; OAvner, Mar¬ tin Fricken, 67 Mott st.; architect, AVm. (jraul; builder, Julius Goerschke. Plan 47—Pitt st. (Nos. 137 and 1-30), tavo five-story brick stores aiid tenements, 35x48; oavu- ers, .John Huber and Peter Velter; architect, L. Biela. PL.A.N 48—Ludlow st. (No. 89), one five- storyiron and brick tenement, 35.11 aud 3.),7.x63^; OAvner, Isaac Acheson ; architect, D. H. King, Jr. Plan 49—Elizabeth st. (Nos. 88 .and 90), one four-story brick- factory, 50x44 ; oAvner.s, Brincker- hoff&Co. ; builders, Chas. E. Hadden & Bro., 103 South 5th av. 37—Tenth av., n. e. cor. 63d st., one five-story brick tenement, 35x60; owner, M. Ruck, 606 East llth st.; architect, AA^'m. Jose. Plan 38—Tenth av., e. s., 35 n. 63d st., three five-story brick tenements, 35x60; oAvner, M. Ruck, 606 East llth st. ; architect, AVilliam Jose. Plan 39—Sixty-secont) st., n. s., 60 e. IOth ay., oue one-story sash-Avork and doors, 1.5x31; owner, M. Ruck, 606 East llth st. ; architect, Wm. Jose. Plan 40—Sixty-second st., n. s., 75 e. IOth av., five five-story brick tenements, 35x05 ; own¬ er, M. Ruck, 606'EastlIth st. ; architect, AA'^iUiam Jose. Plan 41—Eighteenth ,st., s. w. cor. 8th av. (rear), one four-story brick store and tenement, 18x37; owner, George Frees; architect, Julius Boekell; builder Robert Huson. Plan 43—AVillis av., w. s., .50 s. 146th st.. North NeAV York, one two-story frame (rear) car¬ riage house, 37x30 ; ovA'ner, A. J. Bossert, 3d av., e. s., near 148th St., Melrose. Plan 43—Fifty-ninth st., s. s., 100 w.- 1st av., one four-story brick tenement, 35x50 ; owner and builder, Dennis Uulshina, 59th St., on prem¬ ises ; archit/ect, John M, Mclntyre, AI.TERATIONS, N. Y. Broadway (Nos. 113, 115, 117, .and 119), interior alterations," elevators, steam heaters, etc. ; cost, S35.000; oAvner. Sarah Borrell; architect, S. D. Hatch ; builders, K. Ii. Darragh and A. G. Bogert &Co. Division st. (No. 7), extension 33x21, &c, ; cost, $3,.")00; oAvner, Michael Feeley. Elizabeth st. (No. 9S), raised one story, front altered ;, §3,000 ; OAvner, F. W. Leonard. East Broadway (No. 149), front altered ; cost, §1,000; oAvner, " A. Lieson; architect, JuUus Boeckeli. Fiftieth St., s. s., 30 av. 4th av., new beams, floors, &c.; cost, 5?1,800 ; owners, Colutubia Col¬ lege ; architect, Chas. (J. Haight; builder.*, Fire¬ proof Building Co. a.nd Architectural Iron AVorks. Fourth .iv.^No. 63), extension 30.^:18; cost, -S375; owner, John SehefUer ; builders, John AVal- ther & Son and George Leicht. Heury St., n. e. cor. Clinton st., raised one storv, &(i. ; cost, 83,500; OAvner, John T. Huuer ; buUd¬ er, George Vassar. Ninth'st. (No. 644 E.), front altered ; cost, §400; OAvner, J. Gaerduer; architect, VA'^m. Jose; build¬ ers. Hopke & Merclc. Third av. (No. 746), extension 18x39 ; cost, -*I,400; owner, M. Beiuhaur; architect. Thos. Hayes ; builders, J. & W. J- Thornton. AVest Houston st. (No. 333), raised one story ; cost, -?1,2()0; owner, Mrs. Kcmmet; architect, Chas. Sturtzober; builder, Joh. Zentel. PROJECTED, BROOKLYN. Hart st., n. s., 3-50 w, Tompkins av., one two- story frame dwelling, 35x34 ; oAvuer, Jlr. Dibble, Tompkins av., near' Kosciusko st. ; architect, J. J. Rei'uolds ; builder, Thos. P. Greenland. Orchard st., e. s., 135 from A'^an Cott st., one three-story frame tenement, 26x50; OAvner, Frank Rodahan, 93 Orchard st.; architect, James Conroy; builder, Patrick Conroy. Putnam av. (Nos. 30, 41, and 43), three three-story broAvn stone dAvellings, 30 and 31x43; owner, &c., E. B. Sturges, 85 DoAvning st. Stagg st. (No. 98), one three-story brick store and tenement, ;35x.50 ; OAVuer, S. Sichter, 98 Stagg St. ; builder, Jacob Aloessner. AVest st., s. e. cor. Greenpoint av., one two- story frame office, 24x15.9 ; owners, Abendroth «& Root Mfg. Co. ; buUder, M. Bant. Wythe av., e. s., .35 n. Hewes st., two three- story brick stores and tenements, 20x45; owner, John H. Puckhaber, W}'the av., cor. HcAves st.; buHder, P. F. O'Brien. miscellaneous: REVIEW OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET, There have been no reports during the week indica¬ tive of activity in the general market, but there is, probably, an undercurrent of business, which will he felt at some future day. We gain this opinion from the fact that recorded transfers have increased^n volume, and show a number of important transactions. These, however, have been of gradual nceumulatiou, embracing a period of several months, as avIII appear on reference to the dates of transfer, and are only now made public. Auction sales have been more numerous, and a stronger feeling seems to pervade the market, even in the rou¬ tine of legal sales. This has been matter of some re¬ mark, of late, and was more clearly shown on yester--