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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 15, no. 363: February 27, 1875

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XY. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1875. Ko. 363 Published Weekly by m\ REAL ESTATE RECOED ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET............President and Treasurer PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary. L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager TERMS. One year, in advance...........SIO 00 Communications should be addressed to C "W. BTVlSlil'X', Noa. 345 AND 347 B.toAnwAA' CONY E^'an'c E"sy' NE-W YORK. Feb. IS, 19, 20, 23, 24. ALPHABETICAL INDEX, GRANTORS AND GRANTEES. Note.—Names in small capitals convey property from husband to Avife. GRANTORS. Adams, W. U___Annan, W. G. Banta, Maria (Exrs. of)___Boden, James .. Brainerd, Cephas___Burwell, Theodotas (Ref.)... Bonnell, i Tammisin M. H., Avife of Alexander___Brtill, .To- Seph—Bowman, P. -C. (Assignee) (2)___Building Soc., Second Union Co-operative__Burnard, WU- : liam—Burnhatn, Gordon .. .Bennet, Eli. ; Cutter, Amelia G., Avife of H. T....Crosbj-, D. G. (Ref.) , —Cooper, J. G___CoAvperthAvaite, M. B___Cal- I KIN, H. C.....Corcoran, Thomas ___ Cockerill, ; Thomas. | Dotzauer, John___Donovan, Timothy___Dwyer, Bl- I lon,Avifeof John___Dowdney, Abraham___Draper, i Heury (Trustee). EijLEK, Jacob___Euler, John H___Euo. A. R. : Pitch, S. S., Jr. I Gifford, S. D.(Ref.)....Guutzer, J. W....Gassner, Eliz- i abeth C___Green, Mary, wife of W. 11 ...Goeller, i C. J....Gale, E. D. (Ref.)... Gilchrist, G. W. i Ilolborow, Jane A., Avife of W. J___Hayden, Jamep A. j ....Hull, Asa..-.Hard, !S. B. (Ref.)....Hiinueke, I Henry — Heyman, LeAvis___Henry, R. M___Hoi- i brook, Ephraim (Exrs.) " ; Jackson, James. ! Kleinhaiis, Jacob—Knapp, E. P___Kretz, G. F..... : Killborn, II. W. ' Lunny, Uuirli___Leventritt, David. Mix, W. P....Moses, Max....McRoberts, William. | Niewenhous, Siebrand___Noble, Laura A. i O'Conor, Charles ___ Osborn, Eliza ___ O'Keefe, Catharine (widow) ...O'Reillv, Cornelius....Orth- i aus, Joscj)h___Olwell, J. A. (Ref.) Platt, Sarah H....Pcck, C. E....Peiser. Hannah, wife of H.i'.rij....Paddock. S. G ...Paddock. G. L.... Paddock, Angelica H. Avidow)___Place, Barker... Pincknej'. J. C.... Power, W. L....Price, J. II.... Peck, Joshua S. Riss, Margaret, wife of Ignas—Roux, Alexander___ Reed, C. C.... Reis, Lewi.'ii L. Schneider, Cath., wife of George.... Schmitt, Johu.... Smith, Joseph ... SchwarzwaeUler, William ___ Schuhrieneh, George----Schncidewind. AndreAv. ....Shandley, B. J. (Ref.)....8pauldinir,' Bernard. ----SoMMKR, — Sominer, Jennie. ToAvnshund, Johu___Thorp, J. M___Thorp, E. A. Union Nat. Bank. Vyse, T. A., Jr... Van Tas.sel, Ellen, Avife of Isaac G. Wade, C. H....Whiting, James R....Willis, B. A.... Wurster, Charles.... Wallace, R. A___Woodward, Samuel.... Wagner, Webster ... Wallace, John.... Exrs. of Wheeler, D. E ...Wandell, John C. (.3). Zeiss, Lorenz. GRANTEES. Arnold, D. W... Addoms, M. C... .Ambrose, J. W. Bliss, George....Boyd, J. M....Breves, Otto ...Barth- elmes, John — Bittmann, Heinrich___Baier, .John. Brooks, Hannah, Avife of T. S....Bemiet, Eli ... Brandon, Edward. Coles, Albert.... Cook, Valentine.... Colby, J. L.... Cameron, H. S. ...CowpertliAVJiite, B. M....Cahu, L. P....Cooper, Sarah W. Connell, Andrew.... Candee, J. A .. Calkin, Violetta A___Cauld¬ Avell, Laura B., Avifeof James....Ckrke, Sarah M. (Extrx.) Dooper, Auke....Dooper, Auke ...De Rivera, Joseph. ___Darman, George. Ealer, Johu H.. Eulek, Maria, Avife of Jacob.... Ehrhart, Ferdinand. Furst, Mary—Fowler, Anderson (8)....Fitch, S. S Sr. Gra3% W. H....Grace, Lillius, Avife of W. R....GaBten, Richard....Gordon, H. G. Hays, W. H___Hull, Asa___Harper, James___Hey- raaii, Lewis....Hercke, Johu___llampilton, Fred- crick..., Eliuncrs, Hermann. Irwin, T. J. Knapp, R. P .. .Kendall, D. R.___Kicinhans, Jacob___ Kramer, William___Kilpatr' ' --'"s. Lilienthal, Susannah P., Avifc • . ...Leaycraft, Jane___Lithauer, Leopold, Jr....Lord, G. D. & V,. May, John___Morrell, W. II___Moses, Mary... Mur¬ ray, R. I. (2)....Mischler, Wendel....jMUIs, K. J. ___ilayer. Max. Nathans, John J... .Noyes, D. L. O'Keefe, James___O'Thayuc, Patrick. Peck, W. T... Power, W. L....Place, Anni« M., Avile of J. K___Reiser. Harris___Pheli)s, Emilv F___ Price, J. H.... Post, Alfred C... .Peck, Joshua S. (3)....Philips, Samuel. Raynor, W. H....Radle.y. J. B. ...R.ab-rdiiig, Charles ___Rosenblatt, Gottlieb___Roux, Rosa liOuisc ___Rundlc, Eliza A. Shumu-ay, Susan I)., wife of John — Seymour, Almira, Avife of Joel P___Schmidt, Tranzott___Schneider, Catharina___Stnmpf, Caspar___Stead, W. D___ Strahan, Mary A___Schiefer, Ernst ... Stcizer, George... Sommer, Jennie — Som.ver, Diadbma, Avil'e of Sebastian___Sharkey, James. Traphagen, W. C .. Tooker, W. T....The Congrega¬ tion of St. Paul, the Apostle___Tuomey, John. Vanderbilt, W. II... .Y. d Griehen, Eliz. A. Wade. Mary P., wife of C. IL...White. W. W.... Wines, W. D ...Weldon, P. M ...WeU>^, J. L.... Wandell, John C. Zach, Caroline. Chatham st., s. o. cor. Roosevelt .st., runs east 100.6 X south 117 X Avest .50.2 x north 2(3 x Avest .54.1 to Roosevelt st., x north 87. Elizabeth G. Gassner, Ncav York, aud Montgomery B. Cow- perthAvaite, Yonkers, to Bernard M. Cow¬ perthAvait. April. 1, 1872...............1.50,000 Essex St., s. e. cor. Delancey st., 25x62.10, h. & 1. John Dotzauer to Auke Dooper. Januarv 30................................. .....39,000 Essex st., e. e., 25 s. Delancey st., 24.10x02.10, h. & 1. Siebrand NieAvenhous to Auke Doop¬ er. Jan. 19.............................28.000 Greenavich st., s.'e. cor. Jane st., 18.3x50x22.6 x.50.9, h. & 1. William G. Annan to Lanra B. AA'ife of James CauldAvell. (Q. C.) February 20........................................uom. Houston st., n. s., 118 w. Av. C, 22x64.7x22x Co.I', h. & 1. Max Moses to Mary Moses. (C. a. G.) Peb. 10...........................uom Hillside st., centre line, 654.5 av. llth av. junc¬ tion, plot 148 Fort George property, 157.10 x218.9xl50x263.1, runs through to llth av. Laura A. Noble, Essex, N. J., to William H. Morrell. Eeb. 18.........................6,000 Merger st. (No. 45), av. s., 199 n. Grfind St., 25 xlOO. Alexander Koux to Rosa Louise lloux. (Morts. S20,000.) April 14, Nassau st. (No. 120), s. e. s., 142.6 s. av. Beek¬ man St., 18.10x80.1x17.2x79. Frederick J, Betts, Ncav Haven, Conn., and Erastus C. Benedict (Exrs. of Ephraim Holbrook) to William Kramer. Feb. 23..............35,000 RiA'iNGTON St., 6. s., 75 e. Suffolk St., 22x100, h. ^ 1. Joseph Brull, Ncav York, and George Schuhrieuen, BLauA'cltsA-ille N. Y., to Levi F. Cahn. Feb. 20..........................10,-500 St. Mark's pl. (No. 94), or Sth st., s. s., 75 e. Ist av., 25x73.2. Catharina Avife of George Schnei¬ der to Jacob Kleinhans. Feb. 17...^.....26,000 Washington st. (Nos. 217, 219, and 221), s. c. cor. Barclay St., .52.7x80.1x53x80.4, h.' &, 1. AVilliam P. Mix to Susannah P. Avife of Chris¬ tian H. Lilienthal. (See CouvcA's. Nov. 17). C. a. G.) Feb. 12...............'..........120,000 Washington st. (No. 505), e. s., 121..". n. 1 Spring St., 20.6x77.10......................| Hudson st. (No. 615), av. s., abt. 80 s. Jane f St., 24x81.5x24.1x82.8......................j Mathias Bauta and Gilbert J. Bogert (Exrs. of Maria Banta), to VVilliam H. Gray. July 23, 1873.....................................36,000 Water st., s. s., 57.8 e. Montgomery st., 25.8x ^ 70.4. Joshua S. Peck to John C. Wandell. (Kpart.) Feb. 16.......................12,500 7th St., n. s,, 283 av. Av. C, 20x97.6. Jacob Kleinhans to Catharina Avife of George Schneider. Feb. 17.....................12,500 IOth st. (No. 194 West), s. s., 151.6 av. 4th st., 25x95. Eliza Osboni (widow) to John J. Nath¬ ans. (J.Iorts. §12,024). Feb. 17...........nom IOth st., s. s., 193 av. Av. D, 25x92.3. llervey C. Calkin to John Henry Price, Brooklyu. Ang. 30,1SG6............................10,000 Same property'. John H. Price to Violetta A. Calkin. (C. a. G.) Sept. 1, 1806.........10,000 13th St., s. s., 134.1 e. Av. C, 23.10x103.3. John C. Wandell to Joshua S. Peck. (J-^part.) Feb. 16..............................."... .9,000 IOth st., s. s., 413.6 av. 7th av., 25x103.3. Jolm W. Guntzer to J.anc Leaycraft. Feb. 19..13,.500 17Tn St., s. s., 244 e. 1st av., 2.5.x92. John Schmitt to CaroUne Zecb. ()^ part.) Feb. 15............................."..........9,600 17th St., s. s., 200.8 c. 4th av., 25.3x92, h. & 1. George W. Gilchrist to Lillius Avlfe of William K. Grace. Sept. 20......................32,500 19th St., n. s., 287.6 e. Oth av., 21.10x03.6. Charles H. Wade to Kobert P. Knapp. (Morts. §5,360). Feb. 17..................nom 19th it., n. s., 287.6 e. 9th av., 21.10x63.6. Robert P. Kuapp to Mary P. Avife of Charles H. Wade. (C. a. G.) Feb. 17............nom 21sT St. (No. 33), n. s., bet. 5th and Oth avs., 29.3x98.9. Sebastian Sommer to Jennie Som¬ mer. Feb. 12...........................uom. Sasie property. Jennie Sommer to Diaderaa Avife of Sebastian Sommer. Feb. 12......nom. 23d St., s. s., 337.6 e. Sth av., 18.9x98.9. James G. Cooper, California, to Sarah W. Cooper. Brooklyn. Dec. 3........................3,300 24Tn St., u. s., 326 av. 3d av., 22x98.9. William McRoberts to Thonias Kilpatrick. (Morts. .§17,000) NoA\ 30.......................17,700 26th St., s. s., 375 e. 1st av., 60x98.9. Henry Draper (Trustee) to Alfred C. Post, Charles A. Budd, and others. Feb. 24............50,000 26th St., n. s., .50.5.11 av. 6th av., 15.5x98.9x15.11 x98.9, h. & 1. William SchAvarzAvaelder, Brook¬ lyn, to Daniel L. Noyes and V/illiam D. YVines. Feb. 15........................13,.500 28th St., n. s., 78.6 av. Lexington av., 21.0x79.9, except strip off e. s., .59.2 n. 2'Sth st., 0.6x19.7. Tammisin M. H. wife of Alexander Bonnell to James Harper. Feb. 20...............31,000 30tii St., s. s., 275 e. 8th av., 25x98.9^ h. & 1. Joseph Orthaus to Otto Breves. Feb. 1.. 11,000 33d St., s. s., 135 e. 3d av., 16.8x98.9. Amelia G. Avife of Henry T. Cultjr to Mary Furst. Feb.,500 39Tn St., s. s., 350 c. 2d rtV., 25x98.9. (Fore¬ clos.) EdAvard D. Gale (Ref.) to Mortimer C. Addoms. Feb. 19........................1,500 44th St. (No. 11), n. s., 248 e. 5th av., 27xlU0..o. Charles C. Reed to Edward Brandon. Feb. 23............•-..:.......................67,000 44th St., s. s., 1.50 e. Sth av., 100x100.5. Web¬ ster Wagner to William H;Vauderbilt. (Morts. !?95,62o.) (C. a. G.) Nov. 15, 1872.......23,500 45Tit St., n. s., 210 e. 3d av., 16.8x100. LeAvis Heyman to Harris Peiser. Feb. 19........nom. S.uib'property. Hannah Avife of Harris Peiser to LeAvis Heyman. Feb. IS..............nom. 4Sth St., s. s., 475 e. 1st av., thence cast 55 to East River, x southA\'est — to a point 167.5 south 48th St., X nortii 167.5 to beginning. John C. Wandell to Joshua S. Peck. (^ part).......................................35,000 50th St., n. s., 200 av. Oth av., 30.x40.9x30.11x35, h. & 1. Charles O'Conor to William H. Haye,. Jan. 15..................................10,000 52d St., s. s., 150 e. 7th av., 150x27.6x150x8.10 (gores). Heurv Hunneke to George Bliss. Feb. 5'........"..........................18,000 Saiwe propertA'. Ruth A. Wallace to same. (Q. C.) Feb. 1...........................nom. Same property. Union Nat. Bank to same. (Q. C.) Feb. 5...........................nom. Same property.- William H. Adams to same. (Q. C.) Feb. 19...........................nom. 55th St., s. s., 75 AV. 2d av., 2oxlU0.5. Andrew Schneidewind, Brooklyn, L. I., to John Hercke, Ernst Schiefer, George Sterzer, John Barthelmes, Richard Gasteh, Wendel Misch¬ ler, and Heinrich Bittmann. (1-8 part.) Feb. 18........................................1,200 55th St., n. s., 80 e. Lexington ay., 30x100.5.