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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. n.^^ Vol. XV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APEIL 10, 1875. No. 369 Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET............President and Treasurer PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary. L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager TERMS. One year, in advance...........SIO 00 Communications should he addressed to C AV. STVEET, Nos. .345 AND 347 B.ioadwat SPECIAL NOTICES. We call the attention of buyers to the advertisement of John W. Stevens, offering houses for sale to " suit the times." Mr. Stevens is an old and well-known builder, and the property offered for sale by him, especially the houses on Fifty-third Street, near Broad¬ way, are worth all the money he asks for them, and more too. A four-story, brown stone house right near Broadway, with all modern improvements and plumb¬ ing work of the verj' best material, for $95,900 is a bar¬ gain even in times like these. Among the novelties of peculiar interest to contrac¬ tors and builders is the organization of the New York Cleaning Corps, whose advertisement appears in anoth¬ er column. The Western Union Building, after having been completed, was cleaned by this corps nnder the managament of Mr. C. N. Swift, whose office is at 61 Bleecker Street, where orders will be received for clean¬ ing nev,- buildings, hotels, dwellings, marble fronts, hanks, &c., &c. CONVEYANCES. IfB-W YORK. 3Iarch 31, Apj-il 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. BA11CI.AY St. (Nos. 8)4 and 10), s. s., 208.9 w. Broadway, abt. 30x101.10, having a plot ad,i. ou east side, abt. 20x43.7. Joseph \V. Meeks, Islip, L. I., to John Meeks, North Bergen, N. J. (Kpart.) Feb.l.....................nom. Barclay st. (No. 12), s. s., 23S.9 w. Broadway, 2,5x101.10x25x102. Joseph W. Meeks, Islip, L. 1., to John Meeks, North Bergen, N. J. (3^ part.) Feb. 1.........................nom. Baxter st., w. s., 46.4 s. Hester St., 17.2x.53..5. ) Baxter st., w. s., 63.6 s. Hesterst., 34.6x72..5. \ Harvey Baker to Abijah G. Morgan. March 29.......................................23,000 Beach st, n. s., 20 w. St. John's alley, 20x80. Joseph W. Meeks, Islip, L. I., to John Meeks, North Bergen, N. J. (>^ part.) Feb. 1.. .nom. Baxter st. (Nos. 10 and 12), -w. s., bet. Chat¬ ham and Park sts., 37x84. Robert Maclay to Isadore Abrahams. April 1...........§28,000 Broadway, w. s., 54 s. Franklin st., 28.1x186.8 x74.6 to Franklin st., x e. 26.10 to point 165 w. Broadway, x s. 50.10 x east 165 to beginning. (Partition.) Henry Wilder Allen to James B. Colgate and John B. Trevor, Yonkers, N. Y. April 1.................................230,000 Broome st., n. s., 127 e. Hudson st., 2.5.6x84.3,") h. &1..................................... 1 Spring st., n. s., 1.50 vf. Hudson st., 25x100... f 104th St., s. s., 180 vf.4tlL av., 2.5x100.........j John M. Scott (Exr. of Alexander M. L. Scott), Gilbert C. Scott, and Frances L. wife of Dan¬ iel W. Meeker, to John M. Scott. (Partition.) April 5.................................. nom. Broome st. (No. 118), n. s., 25.1 w. Willett st., 25x45x25.2x45. Mary L. wife of Thomas W. Jackson, Roseville, Essex Co., N. J., to Johu H. Egbert, Port Murray, N. J., Elizabeth A. - wife of Kobert D. Vroom, New York, and Ad¬ eline wife of Francis W. Jackson, East Or¬ ange, N. J. (3-6 parts.) Jan. 29.........2,370 Broad st. (Nos. 46 and 48), and ) fronts 38.10 on New St. (No. 48). \ Broad st. aud 30.3 on New St., with alley, &e. Joseph W. Meeks, Islip, L. I., to John Meeks. {)4 part.) Feb. 1....................................nom. Charles st., n. s., 236.2 w. Greenwich lane, 22x 95. Joseph W. Meek^, Islip, L. I., to John Meeks, North Bergen, N. J. (K part.) Feb¬ ruary i...................................nom. Charles st. (No. 62), s. s., 74.11 w. 4th st., 25.1 x95.7x24.8x95.9, h. & 1. Joseph Meeks (Ref.) to Christina K. Martling. (Foreclos.) (Morts. S9,000, interest June 1, 1874.)..............2,9*25 Commerce st. (No. 15), n. s., 186 w. Bleecker St., 21x40. John Reid (Exr. John ilc- Clelland) to Dominick Neusch. April 3.. .5,750 Cherry st. (No. IS). 25x74x'35x74.9. Anna il. C. wife of John D.' McGrath, Brooklyn, to the New York Bridge Co. April 5...........15,350 Cherry st. (No. 7), s. s., 24.8x91.8x24.1x96.10, h. & 1. William Stevens to the Nev/ York Bridge Co. April 5.....................16,000 Cherry st., s. s., 00 e. Dover st., 25.6x79.9x2!5x 85.9, h. & 1. Hermann Goetz to the New York Bridge Co. April 1.................9,050 Cherry st. (No. 9), s. s., 25x86x23x92, h. & 1. Thomas H. Gilhooly to the New York Bridge Co. April 5.............................13,3.")0 Cherry st., n. s., 22 e. Corlears st., 154x50. Sa¬ ra Cornwell to Rosina wife of Wm, J. Pease. (1-6 part.) April 3............consid. omitted. Columbia st., w. s., 60 u. Stanton St., 40x7.5.. ! Stanton st., n. s., 25 w. Columbia St., 50x60. j Eliza J. (widow of John Hanratty), White Plains, to Catheriue E. Carpenter. (Release.) Oct. 1, 1874............................Annuity. Delancey st. (No. 263), s. w. eor. Columbia st., 25x62.6 (with use of alley), h. & 1. Obadiah Newcombe (Exr. of Obadiah Newcombe) to Edward Maass. April 1.................18,000 Delancey st., s. s. (No. 137), 25x75. Frank Windholz to Mina Windholz. (Q. C.) March 22.......................................nom. Eldridge st. (No. 61), w. s., 75 n. Hester st., 25x100. August Meyer to Mary wife of Hein¬ rich Brossler. (See Ridge st.) April 1. ..31,800 Grand st. (Nos. 577 and 577>^), s. s., 110 w. Corlears st., 30x96.5x26.8x83.5. Ann and Johu T. O'Donoghue (Exrs. and Trustees of Michael O'Donoghue) to Thomas O'Brieu. April 1..................................13,6.50 Gr.and St., s. e. cor. Elizabeth St., 23.11x55.3 x23.4x55.3. Cord. Mahnken to Garrett B. Brinckerholf, Theodore C. Pohle, and Thomas 8. OUive. March 31.....................20,000 Greenwich st. (No. 220), w. s., 26.6 s. Bar-") clay St., 26.6x80...........................! Greenwich st. (No. 216), w. s., 79.6 s. Bar- [ clay St., 26.6x80, hs. & Is...................J Robert aud John J. Macklin and Alfred Roe to Amanda J. and Williara H. Miller. (Q. C.) March 24...................................250 Greenwich st., s. e. cor. Charlton st., 2.5x75. Greenwich st. (No. 491), 130.6 n. Canal st., 22x90..................................... John M. Scott (and as Exr. of Alexander M. C. Scott), Frances L. Meeker wife of Daniel W. Meeker, to Gilbert C. Scott. (Partition.) April 5..................................nom. Greenwich st., s. e. eor. Charlton st., 25x75. Gilbert C. Scott to Frances L. wife of Daniel W. Meeker. April 5....................15,000 Grove st. (No. 4), s. s., SO e. Hudson st., 20x 49.2. Anna Maria A., Cornelia, and Matilda Lovett to Minnie G. wife of Ferdinand S. Fer¬ guson. March 22.........................7,000 Henry st., s. s., 191.3 e. Scammel st., 24x100, h. & 1. Theodore Schroff to Sigismund Windt. March 30................................22,600 Hudson st., 50 s. Spring st, 25x90. John M. Scott (and as Exr.), Gilbert C. Scott, and Frances L. and Daniel W. Meeker, to John M. Scott (Trustee for Frances L. Me"'^-—V.. April 5.......,........................;. ' ^''* Leonard st, s. s., 50 w. West Broadway,! 100. Rachael T. wife of Charles E. V\ head, Emily N. Vanderpoel, and Juli Noyes (heirs W. C. Noyes) to Horace B. ' Un. March 1,1873 ....,............... Leonard st. (No. 69), n. s., 40 e. Church st, 1 25x50.....................................I Church st. (No. 165), e. s., being n. of Leon- f ard St., 25x65.............................. J Joseph W. Meeks, Islip, L. 1., to John Meeks, North Bergen, N.J. 1)4 part) Feb. 1.. .nom. Leonard st., s. s., .50 w. VVest Broadway, lOOx 100. Horace B. Clafliu, Brooklyn, to George 0. Hovey, Boston, Mass. March 31.....ISU,000 Lafayette pl., s. v.^. cor. Astor pl., 94xl25.6x 42.1x150.10. William B. Astor and Walter Langdon (Trustees, &c.) to Orlando B. Pot¬ ter. March 30...........................07,500 Lewis st. (No. 123), w. s. William J., James F., Edward C, Thomas B., and John H. Hughes aud Patrick Rafferty to William J. Hughes. April 3........ ................nom. Mulberry st. (No. 27), w. s., 25 s. Park st., 25 x74. Newman Cowen to Frederick Kirchner and Michael F. O'Neill. April 1.........14,-500 North Moore st., ii. s. (No. 27), 27x91.6x21.10 X91.2. James S. Hall (Admr. of James Smith) to Heury McArdle. April 3..............16,000 Prospect pl., e. s., S3.9 n. 42(1 st, 16.8x58. (Foreclos.) Maurice Leyne to Walter L. Cut¬ ting (Exr.) March 8.....................7,COo Prospect pl., s. e. cor. 43d st., 17.1x58. (Fore¬ clos.) i\Liurice Leyne (Ref.) to Walter L. Cutting (Exr.) (Morts. .$.5,000 ; interest Jau. 1, 1S75.) March 8........................4,700 Prospect pl., e. s., 67.1 s. 43d st, 16.8x.5S. (Foreclos.) Maurice Le3aie (Ref.) to Walter L. Cutting (Exr.) (Morts. .§5,000; interest Jan. 1, 1875.) March 8 ..................2,000 Ridge st., w. s., 72.11 s. Rivington st, .30x.50.7, h. & 1. Mary wife of Heinrieli Brossler to Au¬ gust Meyer. (See Eldridge st) Apr. 1. .35,000 Rivington st, n. e. cor. Ludlow st., 22x80. (Foreclos.) Roderick F. Farrell (Ref.) to Ho¬ ratio N. Peters, jNIadisou, N. J. April 5 ..."2.50 Spring st, n. s., 150 w. Huesc>u st, 25x100... "1 Hudson st., w. s., 50 s. Spring st., 25x90..... Eroome st (No. 5S2), n. s., 127 e. Hudson st, | 25.6x84.3.............................. ... 1 Greenwich st, s. e. eor. Charlton st., 25x75. f Greenwich st, e. s., 130.6 n. Canal st, 22x 90.........................................I 104th St. s. s., 180 w. 4th av., 25x100.........J Anu E.' Scott (widow of Janies 0.) to Marga¬ ret M., John M., Fanny L., and Gilbert C. Scott. (Release.) Feb. 20, 1864..........8,000 Sheriff st, e. s., 100 s. Rivington st, .50x100. Obadiah Newcomb (Exr. Obadiah Newcombe) to Charles McGinnis. March 31.........15,o00 Same property. Catharine A. wife of George Newcombe to Charies McGinnis. (Q. C.) March 31...........................-----nom. South st. (No. 187), cor. James slip. .James G. Maclay, Jr., Nebraska City, to James G. Mac- lay, Chicago, 111. (J<< part.) (Sub. to dower right) March 19...."....................10,000 Spring st, n. e. cor. Marion st., 2.5.3x100.9x25 x95. John Cavanagh to John D. Wendel. M.areh 31..............................29,700 Suffolk st., s. e. cor. Delancey st. (by deed it would be s. w. cor.), 2"2.3x5o.7, h.
.< part) Feb. 1........ .nom. Vesey st. (No. 28), e. of Church st., 24.2 x abt 76. Johu Meeks, North Bergen, N. J., to Jo¬ seph W. Meeks, Islip, L. I. {)4 part.) Feb¬ ruary 1.............,,,.,..........., •... .nom.