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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XV. NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, MAY 29, 18V5. No. 3T6 Published Weekly by THE. REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET.....".......President AND Teeashrkr PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary. L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager i TEEMS. One year, in advance...........$10 00 Communicationa should be addressed to C. SV. SAVEET, Nos. 345 AND 347 B.mADWAT LAWS AFFECTING EEAL ESTATE. CHAPTER 38. An Act to amend section one of chapter tAVO liuudi-cd and sixty-one of the laws of eighteen liundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled 'An act to enable resident aliens to liold and convey real estate, and for other purposes,' passed April tliirty, eighteen lutndrrxl and forly- live," passed April tAventy-seven, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Passed March 3,1875; by a tAVO-third vote. The People of the State of If eio Yor?c. rejyresented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as folloivs: ^ Section 1. Sectiou one of chapter tAvo hundred and sixty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- four, entitled "An act to amend au act entitled 'An act to eiuihle residentaliens to hold and convey real estate, and for other purposes,'" passed April thirty, eighteen hundred and forty-live, is hereby amended so as to read asl'ollows. to Avit: §1, Section four of chapter one hundred and fifteen of the laws of eighteen hnndred and forty-five, entitled "An act to enable resident aliens to hold aud convey real estate, aud for other purposes," passed April thir¬ ty, eighteen hundred and forty-five, is hereby amended so as to read as follows, to Avit: § 4. If auy alien resident of this State, or any nat¬ uralized or native citizen of the United States, Avho has purchased and taken, or hereafter shall purchase and take, a conveyance of real estate within this State, has died, or shall hereafter die, leaving persons Avho, accord- | ing to the statutes of this State, Avould auswer the de- ' scriiition of heirs of such deceased person, or of dev- ii?ees under his last Avill, and being of his blood such persons so answering the description of heirs, or of such devisees of such deceased person, Avhether they are citizens or aliens, are hereby declared and made cap¬ able of taking and holding, and may take the hold as heirs, or such devisees, of such 'deceased person, as if they were citizens of the United States, the lands and real estate owned and held IJ^ such deceased alien or citizen fit the time of his decease. But if any of the persons so answering the description of heirs, or of such devisees, as aforesaid, of such deceased persons, are males of full age. they shall not hold the real estate hereby made descendible or devisable to them as against the State unless they are citizens of the United States, or in case they are aliens, unless they make and flle in the oftice of the Secretary of State the deposition or" allirniation mentioned in the first section of this act. § 2, This act shall take eflect immediately, "conveyances." Wherever the letters Q. C, and C. a. G, occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as folloAvs: 1st—-Q, C, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a. 6. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in Avhich he covenants that/te hath not done auy act Avhereby the estate conveyed may he im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. NEW^ YORK. May 18,19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25. Broad-wat, av. s., 50..5 s. 50th st, 2.5x81.4x25x 80.2. Robert Buck (Exr. of WUUam Irwin) to John D. Wendel. May 20..............$25,400 Beekman pl., n. e. cor. 49th st., 100.10x100. A. Montraville Burr, Riverdale,Westchester Co., to Samuel W. Dunscomb. Feb. 25,1867.30,000 Boulevard, w. s., 50.11 s. 115th st., 25x75. John J. Macklin to WUUam H. Allen. (^ part.) May 24............................4,000 Chestnut st. (No. 26), e. s., 23.3 s. Madison st., 20,1x44,10 to n. av. s. New Bowery, x n. e. 35.4 X w. 69.10. Catharine Barrett (Avidow), Jersey City, to Bridget Barrett............7,000 Christopheii St., n, s., 152 e. 4th st., 25x7.5. Lydia C. Holt and H, G, De Forest (Exrs, of P. H. Holt) to Robt. S. Holt..............6,000 Crosby st. (No. 80), av. s., 139 n. Spring st., 25x 100. JuUa A. Cosby (Individ, and Extrx. of E. Cosby) and John E. Cosby, Buffalo, N. Y., to Frederick H. Cossitt. M ay 1......16,000 Elm St. (No. 16S), w. s.. 139.5 s. Broome st,, 20,4 xl00x28,6xl00. WUUam H.Van Vorst, Brook¬ lyn (Trustee, &e.), to Susan Kip, Passaic, N. J. Oct. 24, 1874..........................nom. Elm St., AV. s., 139.5 s. Broome st., 30.4x100x28.6 xlOO. Susan Kip, Passaic, N. J., to WiUiam H. Van Vorst. {)4 part). Oct. 24, 1874.. .uom. Gramercy Paric, easterly earriagcAvay, 19.8 s. 21st St., 19.8x80. John R. Ackermann, Brook¬ lyn, to Amanda E. wife of Curtis Judson, and CharlesEly. May 17....................5,500 Grand st. (No. 389), s. -w. cor. Suffolk st., 2.5x 70, h.&l. (Partition.) WiUiam T. Horn (Ref.) to Ludewig B. Y. Anger. May 24.15,500 Houston st., s. s., 18.5 e, Suffolk st„ 18.11x61,1 xl8.11x60,S, h, &1, Heinrich and Erederick Lampe to Charles and Elisabetha Schilo, May 17..................................15,.500 Houston st., n. e, cor, Goerck st,, runs east to East Eiver, x north to south side 3d St., x Avest to Goerck st,, x south to beginning, Avith reparian rights, hs. & Is. William Smith to James W. and Wilbur F. Smith. (Q, C.) (AU title,) Jan, 30, 1871..................uom. Henry st., s. s., 194.9 AA^ CUnton st., 24.11x100, David Korn to Teresa Schneidler, Feb. 4,30,000 Henry st. (No. 254), s, s., 75.6 e. Montgomery St., 27x10.5,10. Jane T. Dillon and Louisa A. O'Donohue .(Extrcs.) and Joseph Riley (Exrs. of James Murphy) to Thoinas and George R. Baldwin.................................11,700 Irving pl,, s, w, cor, 1.5th st, (Irving Hall), (Lease.) Williani A, Virtue to Helen S. Bel¬ lew.......................................2,000 Irving pi., av, s,, bet, llth and loth sts. (Lease.) Wm. A. Virtue to Helen S. Bellew........1,000 James' slip (No. 14), s, e, cor. Water st,, 26x45, h, & 1. Harriet B. Avife of Charles N, Decker, Newburgh, N. Y., to Mary Massey, New¬ burgh, N. Y. April 1................... .10,000 Monroe st. (No. 67), n. s., 186 av. Pike st., 25x 100. Phoenix Remsen, Alex. S. Webb, Robt. L. Belknap, Wm. H. Kane, and George G. Waters (Exrs. of Henry R. Remsen) to Daniel R. Lyddy, March 30.....................6,000 Murray st., s. s. (indeft.), 2.5x75. (Leasehold.) Mathilda Wiedersum and Maria R, Avife of P, H. F. Wiedersum, Brooklyn, to George P. Brooke and John H. Myer...............25,500 Neav Chambers st., westerly cor. Rose st., runs northwest along New Chambers st. 6.4, x south 3,3 to Rose st,, x east 6,10 to beginning. Bella Adolphus (Extrx. of Aaron Adolphus) to Anna Wagner. May 19.................'^25 Prospect pl., w. s., 33.9 s. 43d st., 16.8x.54. (Foreclos.) Maurice Leyne (Ref.) to Walter S. Cutting (Exr. ol Gertrude Cutting). May 22........................................6,000 South st, (No, 27), n, av. s., 20.11 s. av. Cuyler's alley, 25.6x84,9 (irreg.) Charles S. Baylis to John W. Frothingham. May 20..........19,000 South st. (No. 200), n. s., near Catharine Mar¬ ket, 20x80, h. & 1. Florence Butterbrodt and Elizabeth, his wife, to Bernhard Hammer. May 20..................................18,000 Suffolk st. (No. 73), av. s., 2.5x100. (Foreclos.) John. P. O'Neill to Maria Freeman. May 18........................................8,250 Tompkins st., av. s., 100 s. Stanton st., runs] south 100 X west 200 to Mangin st........„, | Tompkins st., w. s., 20 s. Stanton st., 80x100. { Stanton st., s. e. cor. Mangin st., 100x100... [ Tompkins st., e. s., 120 s. Stanton st., runs j east 270 to east side East st., x north 145 ix | Avest 270 to Tompkins st., x south 145......J WiUiam Smith to James W. Smith. (Q. G.) (All title.) Jan. 30, 1871.................nom. Varick st. (No. 85;. (Leasehold.) GUead W. Candee to Hiram Ostrander...............2.500 Water st. (No. 103), e. s., 18.6x89,8x19.7x89,8. Charles T, C, White, Saratoga Springs, to JohuH, White. (1-75 part.) Mayl........400 Same property. Lillian J. E. W. Boekes and Francis A. White, Saratoga Springs, to John H. White. (2-75 parts,) April 30..........800 Same property. Wm. H. Boekes (Guard.) to same. (2-75 parts.) Mayl.................800 Water st. (No. .584), n. s., 134,2 av. Montgom¬ ery St., 20.7 X n. 56.10. Phoenix Remsen, Alexander S. Webb, Robert L. Belknap, Wil¬ liam H. Kane, and George G. Waters (Exrs. Henry R. Remsen) to Peter ipiayes. March 30........................................3,500 Waverly pl,, n. s., bet. 5th av. and Macdougal St., 27.6x133. (Lease 21 years.) Mary A. C. Rogers (Avidow) to Henry Chauncey. Per J'ear......................................1,000 Water st. (No. 588), n. s., 92.11 av. Montgom¬ ery St., 20.8x56.9. Phcenix Remsen, Alexan¬ der S. Webb, Robert L. Belknap, WUliam H. Kane, aud George G. Waters (Exrs. of Henry li. Remsen) to Wm, F. McNamara. Mar. 30.3,100 '2d St., n, s,, 180,10 w. Av. A, 20.2x100. Anna C. Avife of Jos. M. Cummings to James W. McBarren. {)4 part.) May 20............7,000 Sth St., n. s., 300 e. 2d av.,25x85.11. Mary wife of WiUiam Smith to James W, Smith. (Q. C.) (x\ll title.) Jan. 30, 1871................nom. Sth St., or St. Mark's, pl. (No, 3), n. s., 74 e, 3d av., 24x75,4x24x75. Andre Vincent Vigoroux to Owen O'Connor. May 20.............23,000 16tu St., n. s., 2.50.2 w. 9th av., 25x92. 04] part)......................................! 16tu St., n, s., 30U,1 av. 9th av., 24.11x92. {)4 part)................................. Richd. Jacot to Augustine W. Daly. Nov. 2, 1874.....................................25,000 16th St., n. s., 325 av, 9th av., 2.5x92. Wm. Kronberg ^to Richd. Jacot and Augustine W. Daly. Nov. 2, 1874................... ..25,000 21ST St., n. s., 200 e. llth av., 75x98.8. (Lease¬ hold.) (Foreclos,) EdAvard H. Hobbs (Ref.) to David Moore and Halsey R. Stevens, NeAvburgh,N. Y. May 24................7,500 26th St., n, s., 125 e. 10th av,. 2.5x98.9. Mary A. wife of John Nason, Bui-y St. Edmund's, Suffolk, Eng., to Charles A. Schwank. April 6.........................................3,800 28Tn st,, u, s,, 284 e, 9th av., 36.6x98.9, h. & 1. George Kammerer to WilUam H. Gildersleeve. May 14..................................48,000 34th St., n. s., 200 n. 2d av., 2.5x98.9. Jonah D. F. aud Adon, Jr., Smith (Exrs. Adon Smith) to John Murphy. April 29...............10,000 35th St., n. s., 275 e. 2d av., 18.9x98.9. Chas. A. Kuothe to Chas. J. Schinck. Feb. 4.. .6,000 35th St. (No. 199), n. s., 293.9 e. 2d av., 18.9x 98,9, Chas. A. Knothe to Chas. J. Schinck. Feb. 4....................................6,000 35th St., s, s,, 100 e, 3d av,, 12,6x98.9, h. & 1. Edward Sturges to Thomas H. MeCutchen. May 12...................................8,000 38th St., n. s., 159.5 e. 2d av., 40.6x64.4x32x78.8, hs. & Is. Teresa Avif e of John Lynch to Moses Abraham. May 18......................13,000 40th St., n. s., 100 vr. 10th av., 50x98.9. Theo¬ dore P. Howell, NcAvark, to T. P. HoweU & Co., Ncav Jersey.........................nom. 44th St., s. s., 125 AV. 2d av., 130x100. Henry L. Volkening to Wm, F. Shirley. May 15... 43,000 44th St., s. s,, 130.6 e. 3d av., 24.6x100. WUliam F. Shirley to Henry L.Volkening. May 19.26,000 44th St., s. s., 400 AV. 5th av., 50x100,5. James H. Hunting to Anson Blake Jackson. Janu¬ ary 3.....................................nom. 44th St., s, s,, 100 vr. 10th av., 25x100.5, h. & 1. Mary E. Scovell (Extrx.) and John Haley (Exr. of Howard Scovell) to John Hoersch. May 18...................................6,000 45th St.. s. s., 255 e. 3d av., 12.6x100.4. Johan¬ na wife of Louis Wiersch to Wm. MarshaU. (See 3d av.) May 20......................6,000 45th St., s. s., 330 8. Sth av., 20x100.5. (Lease¬ hold.) Eliza Woodruff (widow) to Augustua P. Woodruff............................13,00Q