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EAL INSTATE KECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XV. NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, JUNE 5, 1875. No. 3T7 Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET............Pbesident and Treasurer PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary. L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager TERMS. One year, in advance...........SIO 00 Communications should be addressed to Nos. 345 and 317 B ioadwat OONVEYANOES. Wherever the letters Q,. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the gi-antee, they mean as follows: 1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed. i. e., a deed iu which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or incinnbered. NETV YORK. 3Iay 26, 27, 2S, 29, 31, June 1. Attorney st., e. s., 100 u. Grand st., .50x100.. ) Pitt st. (Nos. 54 and .5(5), e. s., bet. Delancey [ aud Rivington sts., 48x100.................) John McCloskey to the Church of St. Mary. (Q. C.) May 10..........................uom. Beaver st. (No. 9), n. vr. cor. New st., SO.Sx 11G.6 (irreg.) (Partition.) Bradburv C. Chet¬ wood (Ref.) to Robert Ireland. May 15. .25,000 Broadway, n. w. cor. 18th St., runs north 110.7 X west 101 X south 2S.6 x west 3.0 x south 715.8 lo 18th St., X cast 138.3, h. & Is. (Foreclos.) James H. Gilbert to Bache Cuuard. April 2'j.....................................778,000 Cliff st. (No. 89), 23x85.9x11.4x42.(5x17.9x40.9. Walter K. Wood, Brooklyn, and Mariana wife of Edward Brown to Catharine and Johu P. and George il. Chatillon. (Q. C.) May 10.......................................nom. Same property. Walter R. Wood, Brooklyn (Trustee), to same parties. May 10.......8,250 Colombia s't., e. s., 325 n. Kivington st., 25x100. Peter McCormack to Mary A. Clarke. (Con¬ firmation deed.) May '26.................uom. S.tME property. Maurice Leyne (Ref.) to Mary Anne Clarke. (Partition.) May ^8......1(5,100 Chrystie st, e. s., 100 n. Rivington st., 25x100. John C. h\ Koerner to Jacob Pollenz. May 2(5......................................30,500 Downing st. (No. 25), n. s., 25x70. Jesse Kipp to Mai-y Anu Holly, Brooklyn. (1-8 part.) May 24... ..............................9(52.50 East Broadway, s. s., 36(5.3 w. Market st., 25x 75, h. &■ 1. William A. Conway to Mary F. wife of James F. Conway, Ear Rockaway. April 7..................................20,000 Elm St. (No. 190), 21.3x100. James Hayes to Herman Kichter. May 24...............13,250 Grand st. (Nos. 223 and 2-29) I s. e. cor. Grand Elizabeth st. (Nos. 88 and 90) \ and Elizabeth sts., runs south 105.4 x east 100 x north 50 x west'4.7 X north 55.6 to Grand st., x west 24 x south 55.4 X west 48 x north 55.3 to Grand st., X west 23.11. Garrett B. and Daniel D. BrinckerhofE to Theodore C. Pohle. (C. a. G.) (Mpart-) May27...................nom. Greene st. (Nos. 194, 194>^, 196, and 198), e. s., 222 s. Amity st., runs south 82.10 x southeast 70 X northeast 25.10 x northeast 52.9 x north 10.(5 X northwest 13 x north 15 x west 70 to ■ heginning. Abram J. Dittenhoefer to Aaron Kamak. (See 5th av.) M.ay 28..........80,000 Houston st., n.s., 100 e. 3d av., 2.5x82. Gott¬ lieb Krumm to Franciska Krapf. (All title.) May 14...................................uom. Ludlow st., e. s., 40 ii. Rivington st., 40x22.4. (Foreclos.) Thomas C. Eunever to Merritt _ Trimble. MBy25.............._____......8,900 Macdougal st., w. s., 55 s. West Washington pl., 27.(5x128. (Partition.) Bradbury C. Chet¬ wood (Ref.) to Robert Ireland. May 15. .22,-500 Mott st. (No. 161), vr. s., 150 n. Grand st., 2.5x 100. August L. Nosser to William Keim. May 29.................................14,000 Macdougal st. (No. 177), or St. Clement's pl. (No. 3), w. s., 50 s. Sth st., 25xi00.9x25xl02.11. ClaraM. wife of Eugene Peugnetto Kaufman Simon and Mary A.'Worth. May 27.....19,000 Macdougal st., w. s., 205.10 n. Oth st., runs west 102.2 X north 20.11 x east 39.5 x north 2.8 X east 04.5 to Macdougal st. at point 25 from Clinton pl., x south 25. Kaufman Si¬ mon and Judsou G. Worth to Clara M, Peug- net. May 27........................... 20,000 Mgtt St. (No. 274), e. s., 20x87.3x20x87.0. Eliz¬ abeth R. B. wife of John 2J. King to John Doherty. Mayl........................G,()00 Mott st., n. w. s., 190.2 n. e. Bayard st., 14.8x 100x11.10x100. Mary J. wife of John Burns and EUeu T. Clancy to William Morgan, Bi-ookl3ui. May 27.......................6,500 Pearl st., n. s., 59.3 w. Centre St., 18.11x80.6] xl8.11x81.11..............................I Houston st., s. s., 20 e. Goerck st., 20x75___[ 1(5tu St., u. s., 162 v,-. 7th av., 25x93.........j Oliver Porter to Emily Porter. (Q. C.) Oi part.) Feb. 10...........................1,-500 Spring st. (Nos. 6 and 8), s. s., .50.6 e. Elizii- beth St., 50.6x96.4x48.9x108,8. S. Vau Rens¬ selaer Kruger (Exr. of Cath. Wilkins) to Michael Murray.' May 2S................31,.500 Soutu St., n. s., 100 w. .Jackson St., 25x70___'\ Front st., s. s., 75 v,. Jackson st., .50x70.....[ Jackson st., w. s., 35.8 s. Front st., 19.10x75. { (One plot). J Daniel L. Pettee to William D. and George H. Andrews. June 15, 1874.............1-^,000 Union pl., s. e. s., 26 n. c. 15th st., 26x12-5. (Leasehold-) WiUiam K. Martin to Jane A. Parks...................................30,000 Washington st., e. s., .53 s.Wan-en st., 2(;.6x8(). David Martin, Brooklyn, to Johu F. Pupke aud Thoraas Keid. June 1..............32,.500 West Broadway (No. 93), e. s., 20x76 John Taylor, New York, and Thonias B. AVilson, Kye, N. Y., to Kobert F. Brundage, Portchest¬ er. May 24............................25,000 3d St., u. s., 245 e. 2d av., 20x96.3, h. & 1. Re¬ becca Miles, North Plaiutield, N. J., to Sara¬ uel H. Johnson. (Q.C.J April 7.......nom. 4tii St., s. s., 86 w. 2d av., 20x72.1. Herman Bruns to Louis Posner. June 1..........15.000 6tii St., n. s., 125 vr. 1st av., .50x90.10. Mary A. Curtis to Lehman Samuels. (Q. C.) Dec. 21........................................nom. 7th St., 6. s., 64.6 w. Av. B, 27.10x90.10, h. tfcl. Joseph Pfannenschlag, Philipsburgh, Warren Co., N. J., to Therese Pfanueuschlag. (C. a. G.) June 1....................... ......nom. Same property. Frank Pfannenschlag to Jo¬ seph Pfannenschlag, Philipsburgh. Juue 1........................................nom. 9th St. (No. 625 E.), n. s., 323 w. At. C, 20x93.3. Mary J; Magnes, New York, and Ellen Fagan, Brooklyn, to Lawrence Keenan. May 31. .6,380 9th St., s.s., 258 e. Av. C, 25x93.11, h.&l. Louise wife of Ernst Melching to Leopoldina wife of Heinrich Eisberg and Rosina wife of Herman Wild. May 25..................1.5,(576 10th St., n. w. cor. Av. C, 37.8x94.9..........i 10th St., n. 6., 37.8 w. Av. C, 70.4x94.9.......f Magdalena Hoellebolt (widow), Mary Back- haus, Eliza, Gertrude, William, and Adam Hoellebolt (heirs William Hoellebolt) to George Snyder. M ay 1..................50,000 10th St., n. s., 151.10 v. 5th av., 25x94.10. Adolph and Charles L. Hallgarten et al. (heirs Lazarus Hallgarten) to Harriet V. wife of Gouverneur M. Ogden. May 1..........26,500 12th St., n. 5., 100 w. 7th av., 20x103.3. (Lease 21 years.) Wm. E. Chisholm and Jefferson Goddington (Trustees of Geo. P. Rogers) to John McCormick. Per year............287..50 13th St., 11. s., 125 w. 7th av., 25x103.3. (Lease 21 years.) Mary A. wife of William E. Chis¬ holm to Patrick Scanlon. Per year........,. 390 14th St., n. s., 291 e. Av. A, 25x103.3, h. & 1. Albert Hermes to Reinhaidt Kromm. (See 59th St.) May26......................30,000 llTH St., s. s., 375 w. Sth av-, 23x103.3. (Lease 21 years.) Mary S. Van Buren to Sarah C. Kerrigan. Per year........................920 IOth st., n. s., 2.50.2 w. 9th av., 25x93........) 16th St.,n. s., 300.1 vr. 9th av., 24.11x93......