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Estate Record D BUILDERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1875. No. 384. CONVEY A NOES. Wherever the letters Q. O. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows: Ist—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may he im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. NEW YORK. July 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21. BoutEVABD, e. s., 24.118.126thst., 25x75. Thomas H. Lang and others, heirs-at-law of Thomas Lang, to Mary A. wife ot Nicholas Kunz. June 30...........................................nom BouLEVAED, e. s., 24.11 s. 126th St., runs n. e. along Boulevard, 12.9 x s. e. 8.9x n. e. 19.9 to s. s. of 126th St. X e. 58.11 x s. 24.11 x w. 75. Mary A. wife of Nicholas Kunz and others, heirs-at- law of Thomas Lang, to Catharine wife of George Kunz. June 20. (4-5th part)......nom Boulevard, e. s., 49.11 s. 126th st., 25x75. Mary A. wife or Nicholas Ktrnz and others, (heirs-at- law of Thomas Lang), to James Lang. June .so....___...;..................=.............nom Boulevard, e. s.^ 74^11 s. 126th st., 25x75. Mary A. wife of Nicholas Kunz and others (heirs-at- ' of Thos. Lang), to Thomas H. Lang. June 30..........................................nom Bowery (No. 15^), 29.6x100. Alii-ed Mclnlire (Ref.) to Simon Herman and Marx W. Mendel. July 21. Partition...................... .$40,100 Broadway (Nos.112 and 114), w. s., 37.6x94. John W. Simpson to the Equitable Life Assurance Society. June 25. 15 years' lease, per year as per articles of agreement----.;............nom. Broome St. (No. 73), s.s., 104.5 e. Columbia st., 24.9x100. Frederick Folz to Jane Rayner. July 20..................•.................22,500 Christopher St. (No. 39), 21.4x72.9x21.4x70.L Robert Haydock to Ellen G. wife of George W. Corlies. June 12........................5,500 Christopher St. (No. 39), 21.4x72.9x21.4x70.1. Edward A, Corlies to Robert Haydock. Feb. 21, 1861.......................................5,500 Chrystie St., e. s., 224.-3 s. Houston st., 25x75. Ferdinand Kurzman to Charles Lindemann, Brooklyn. July 15........................27,000 Delancey st., s, s.. .100 e. Willett st., 25x87.6. Peter Dlsch to Wilhelm Stieg. July 16.... 16,000 Downing St., n. s., 50 e. Bedford St., 25x70. Christina wife of Charles L. Mam-er to Ferdi¬ nand Reichenbach. July 16. 7,700 Dry Dock st., w. s., 97.5 s. 11th St., 22.1x84. Thotnas Boese to Christopher G. Shurrager. (More, $4,000 and int. Oct. 1, 1874.) (Fore¬ clos.).................:.....................1,500 Duane sr., n. w. cor. Greenwich st, 20x50. Wm. H. Leonard (Ref.) to Henry Ranken. (Fore¬ clos.) June 24;.:...........::;.;;........23,000 Same property. Irving Felter to Henry Sanken. (Q.C)....................................nom Greene st., e. s., 182.11 n. Waverly pi., 50x80. Trustees of.the Sailors' Snug Harbor to the Midnight Mission. May 1, 21 years, per year.500 Hqdson St., No. 82, e. s., 83.7 n. Anthony St., 18.9 x88.ll. Augustus Weep to H. August Beier. July 12,................................................17,500 Houston st. (No., 326 Bast), 23x81.11x23x83.5. Oliver R. Steele (Ref.) to Mayer Schutz. July 20. (Foreclos.)............,..................14,500 Irving pi.. No. 50, s. e. cor. 17th st., 27x116.1. "Juan C. De Mier (Trustee) to Emma Caswell. {1-6 part.)............:.....................nom Kingsbridge road, s. e. cor. 187th st., runs s. e. along 187th st. 1,236 ft. to a point equidistant from 10th and 11th avs.. x s. w. 302 ft. to land of Dr. Garvey x n. w. 1,221 ft. s. e. line of Kingsbridge road x n. e. along Kingsbridge road 315 ft., contaihmg 8 acres, two rods and eight perches. Griffith Rowe to Benj. F. Ray¬ nor. {% part, subject to }i $50,000 mortgage.) Jnly, 6...,..................................nom Lot 10 on map of Fort Washington property, be¬ longing to Isaac P. Martin, runs n. 169 74-100 ft. to s. line of Lot 8, thence runs e. 106 x s. 173 to a point in south line of Lot 10 x w. 115, containing 336-1,000 of an acre. Isaac P. Mar¬ tin to Augustus F. Smith. April 7, 1873----7,848 Ludlow st. (No. 22), e. s., 126.6 s. Hester st., 25.1x87x25.3x87. Louis Mendel to Marx Stahl- heit. (C.a.G.) (^part.) June 23.......9,500 Manhattan St., s. w. s., lots on map of Manhat- tanville, numbered 104 and 106, bounded n. e. by Manhattan st., s. e. by lot 108, s. w. by Blackberry alley, and n. w. by lot 102. Joseph Hussen lo Mary A. and Catharine Kunz, Thos. H., John and James Lang (heirs of Thomas Lang). (Correction deed.) June 15........nom Same property. Mary A. wife of Nicholas Kunz and others (heirs-at-law of Thomas Lang) to John Lang. (Partition deed.)..............nom Oliver st., w. s. (No. 69), 24x100. Adam Knab to Christian Hieber. July 1................nom Same property. Christian Hieber to David M. Koehler. July 1..........................25,000 Pearl st. (No. 456), e. s., 93.11 s. Chatham St., 25x121.4x25x116.3. Isidor Falk to Isidor Perl, Brooklyn. July 10................. .$1 and exch Prospect pi., w. s., 50.5 n. 42dst., 16.8x54.. Maiy Pauline Kurz to Daniel and Emilie Wiessner, Newark, N. J. (Subj. to mort., $8,200.) July 14.............................. .nom. and exch RiviNGTON St., n. e. cor. Ludlow st., 22.3x40. Na¬ thaniel Jarvis, Jr., to Peter Donald. (Fore¬ clos.) ......................................8,000 Willett st., e. s. (Nos. 122, 124,126, bet. Hous¬ ton and Stanton sts.), 75x100. Jacob Kopp, Brooklyn, to Jacob Eschlimann. (% part.) July 16....................................12,000 Willett st. (No. 122), 25x100. Jacob EschU- mann to Jacob Kopp, Brookljni. July 17. .12,500 11th St., n. s., 35 e. 7th av., 15x64x23.11x;82.11. John S. Lawrence (Ref.) to Leonard Scott. (Foreclos.) July 14......................14,250 llTH St., s. s., 300 w. 1st av., 25x94.10. James Wiley» (Ret.) to Joseph Bellesheim. (Subj. Mortr gages $7,000 and interest, Dec. 1,1874.) (Fore¬ clos.) Julyl6..............................2,000 llTH St., n. s., 50 e. 7th av., 25x100. irreg. John S. Lawrence (Ref.) to John N. Wright. (Fore¬ clos.)...................X.................21,500 16th St., n. s., 95.6 w. Av. B, 19x92............} 16TH St., n. 8., 114.6. w. Av. B, 18.6x92........j Catherine Repper to Frederick and Charles E. Repper..................................20,000 17th St., n. s., 100 w. Irving pi., 25x92. Alex. H. Wallis (Ref.) to Henrietta A. Cone, Great Bar- rington, Mass. July 14....................21,000 19th St., B. s., 60 w. 3d av., 40x92. (Leasehold.) Henry Abell to Haixiet A. Evans___........nom 19th St., s. 8., 60 w. 3d av., 20x92, Robert R. Stuyvesant to Harriet A. Evans. April 15, 21 years, per year...............................362 19TH St., s. s., 80 w. 3d av., 20x90. Robert R. Stuyvesant to Harriet A. Evans. 21 years, per year.........................................362 24th St., n. s., 120 e. 2d av., 20x98.9. John Qulnn to Thomas H. Brennan. July 2............14,000 26thSt., s. s., 475 e. Oth av., 25x98.9. John Mason to William Cochrene, Flatbush. May 1,1866, 21 years, per year........................... .200 Same property. William Cochrene to Terrence J. DxiSy. (Assignment.) July 12..........1,400 29th St., 8. s., 80 e. Lexington av., 20x98.9. Ann Augusta De Wolf to Clara Vredenburg. July 16........................................22,000 33d St., s.~s., 70 w. 1st av., 30x98.9. DavidM. Koeh¬ ler to Chiistian Hieber. June 16...........28,750 37th St., s. s., 155 e. 4th av., 25x98.9. Jacob Voorhis, Jr., to Thomas W. Burd. July 15. nom Same property. Thomas W. Burd to Rachel T. wife of Jacob Yoorhis, Jr....................nom 38th St. (No. 232), s. s., 275 w. 7th av., 17.10x98.9. Adam Sander to Hugh W. Hunter. July 15........................................ .12,000 39Tn St., n. s., 75 w. 1st av., 275x98.9. Jacob Voorhis, Jr., to John R. Brahams. July 15. $100 and other consid 39th St., n. s., 75 w. 1st av., 275x98.9. John R. Brahams to Rachel T. wife of Jacob Voorhis, Jr, July 16.................................nom 39th St., 8. s., 175 e. 2d av., 25x75. Richard Hayes to Peter Hayes.....................19,500 39th St., n. s., 325 w. 9th av., 25x98.9. Isidor Falk to Sophie Buddensiek. July 14.......10,000 40th St., s. 8., 185.9 w. 7th av., 14.3x98.9, h. & 1. Mary J. B. Hayward to Ravena H. Johnson. (Subject to Morts. $9,000). July 15.........4,760 43d St., s. s. (No. 324 East), 250 e. 2d av., .16.8x 100.5. (3^ part). Bernhard Fischer to Rosa ■wife of Samuel Oestreicher. (Subject to Morts.) July 20............................i,3f Q 44TH St., s. s., 317 w. Sth av., 17x100.5. Michael Rush to Matthew Mher. (Subject to Mort. $5,000.) July 14............................nom. Same property. Matthew Miner to Mary wife of Michael Rush! July 15.....................nom. 47th St., n. s., 620 w. Sth av., 25x100.5. (Lease¬ hold.) Miguel de Aldama to Mary wife of Rev. Abram B. Hart. Juiy 16.......___...... .45,000 49Tia: St., s. s., 150 e. I'ltti av., 25x100.4. James Kiernan to Mary Kiernan. Sept. 20,1872. .nom. Same property. Peter Kiernan to James Kier¬ nan. Sept. 20,1872;..;.;;.................nom. 51ST St.. n. s., 150 w. 2d av., 25x100.5. Joaeph Hillenbrand to Francis A. Hillenbrand. Juiy 8.........................................12,000 54th St., s. 8., 119 w. 3d av.. 37.11x100.5. Joseph M. Koehler to Catharine Chattilon. July 15...............;........................ .36,500 57th St., n. 8., 275 e. Oth av., 20x100.5. Robert Nichols (Trustee) to Richard H. Clarke. June 24.....;....................................nom 58th St., n. s., 140 w. Lexington av., 16.6x100.5. Wm. L. Loew to Mary A. Avife of James Savage. Nov. 1,1874...............................31,000 58th St., s. s., 325 e. 9Lh av., 50x100.5. Robert Nichols (Trustee) to Sylvester R. Comstock.nom 60th St. (No. 137 E.), n. s. 22 w. Lexington av., 21x100.5, h. & 1. H. Augusta Phelps and G. D. Phielps (Exrs. of Geo. D. Phelps) to Con¬ necticut Trust and Safe Deposit Co. (Trust.) July 7.....................................25,000 61ST St., n. s., 255' e. 3d av., 8x100.5. N. Y. Church Extension and Mssionary Society of the.M. E. Church to Alfred and Samuel D. Bus- sell. July 10...............................nom Same property. The Trustees of the Olst st. M. E. Church to Altred and Samuel D. Bussell. June 23..........................................2,080 81ST St., s. s., 200 e. Madison av., 20x102.2. Chas. T. Middlebrook (Ref.), to the North America Life Insurance Co. July 16. (Fore¬ clos.)......................................1,000 91ST St., n. s., 5.3 e. At. A. 94.9 to East River x along East River to intersecfion of land ot Rhinelander x w. along Rhinelander's land 196.3 to beginning. Heni-y Otten to WUiiam N. Philbrick. July 15. {% part)..........20,000 lOOTH St.. 8. s., 105 w. 2d av., 75x100.11........] 2d av., w. s., 50.7 s. 100th St., 75.6x105......./ 99th St., n. s., 255 w. 2d av., 250x100.11........f lOOTH St., s. s., 255 w. 2d av., 225x100.11......J Alex. H. WaUis (Ref.) to Henry D. White. July 7. (Foreclos.).............................9,000 106th St., s. s., 213 e. 1st av;, 50x100.11. David Solingerto Chs. Hayman. July 20. (% part.) 7,500 110th St., n. 8., 200 w. 10th av., 200x90.1......I 111th St., s. s., 200 w. lOtti ar., 250x100.11.....( Edmund R. Robinson, (Ref.) to Courtland Palmer and otliers (Exrs. of Gouriland Palmer, deceased). July 15...................___25,000 lllTH St.. n. s., 275 w. 4th av., 25x100.11. Fred¬ erick Thomas, Bergen, N. J., to Mary L. wife cf Christian Erdenbrecker....................2,000 112th St., 8. s., 259.9 w. Av. A., 19.5x100.11. Gar¬ ret G. Allison, Haverstraw, N. Y., to Margaret J. McKeachnie. June 28.;. 1; .■.'..;........15,000 112th St., s. s., 135 e, 3d av., 20x100.10. John J; Maskell to WiUiatti C. iSaphagen. (C. a. G.) June Ifi....................................6,000 113th St., s. s., 225 w. 2d av., 24x93.7x33x66.8. Eliza M. Gallaway (individually and as Guard¬ ian) to Edward Brennan. July 3.......... .6,750 119TH St., 8. s., 293.4 w. 3dav., 16.8x100.10. John Murphy to Donald McQuien. July 10.......4,500 122D St., n. s., 80 e. 2d av., thence e. along street 21.5 X n. e. 12.5 x n. 91.5 x e. 71.6 x n. w. 127.3 to 123d St. xw, 23.4 x s. 201.10 to beginning. William S. Keily (Ref.) to New York Life In- • surance Co. July 21.......................9^9