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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XYI. NEW TOEE:, SATUEUAY, august 14, 1875. No. 387. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C, W. SWEET.............. .Pkesident and Tkeasureb PRESTON I. SWEET...........Secretakx. L. ISRAELS.................•........Business Masageb TERMS. ONE YEAR, ill advance___flO 00. Communications should be addressed to Nos; 345 AND 347 Bboadwat. CONYEYANOES. Wherever the letters Q, C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as foUows: 1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, onditting aU covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he- covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or Incumbered; NE'W YORK. August 5, 6, 7, 9,10,11. Attorney st., e. s., 175 n. Stanton st., 25x100. Jacob Fleischauer to Catharine McDevitt. July 31. ...:.......:............................27,000 Batabd St. (No. 76), cor. Mott st. (Leasehold at $800 per year.) Joseph Simon to Isaac Jacobs and Phillipine Eosenbaum. July 26..;.— nom BroadwaTi, s. e. cor. 59th St., 107.5xll0.6x 100.5x114.10. Joseph B. Ecclesine, Jr., to Louise I. wife of Washington A. Connolly. (l-6th part.)......................................49,500 Broadway or Kingsbridge road, e. s., 150 n. Academy St., 50x150. Nicholas A. Lesplnasse to John Corbet. (Contract). Aug. 2.......2,650 Cathakinb • st.^ w. Si, 60 s. Cherry st., 20x40. (Eelease ol dower). Eliaa Murphy, Flatbush, L. I., to Thomas Murphy, Flatbush. Jan. 11, 1869....................................... .3,000 Chetstib St., w. s., 150 n. Delancey st., 25x146. Wilhelmina Weber (Extrx.), George Grunewald and Daniel Rummel (Exrs. Daniel Weber) to George Derr, July 30.....................27,500 Same property. Wilhelmina Weber (widow of Daniel WebeV) to George Derr. July 30___27,500 Division St. (No. 15), s. s.,512.6 x 3^ block. George J. Leslie to Mary Powers. July 24.13,100 East Broadway, s. p., 211 e. Market st., 25x90. William C. Conner (Sherifif) to Isldor Abra¬ hams. Aug; 6............ .... ........... .1,040 Eldridge St., e. s., 100 n. Stanton st., 75x87.6. George Herdtfelder to Jacob Hetnlin. (Cor¬ rection;), (Q. C.) July 29..................nom ELDKroGB St., w. s. (No. 103), 25x100. Francis Freyto John Hauck. Aug.-4........;. —15,000 Fulton st., s. s.- (No. 50), 24.11x20x24.11x14.8, h. & 1. (See 23d' Ward). Sarah J. wife of Charles EverdeU to Mary G. Burtis, Brooklyn. (1-5 part;) Aug. 7.........•.....................nom HANOVERSt. (No, 6)......................----) Exchange pi. (No. 16).; —..................>- BEAVEB-8t. (No.-69), 64.4x63.4x76, h, &. 1......) Joel B. Post to John A. Post, (y part). April 25,1873................................. .108,500 Houston St., s. s., 186.7 w. Chrystie St., runs e. 86.7 XS; 287 x n. w. 141.6 x n. 153.7 xe. 75 x n. 100, formerly known as '^Friends Burial Ground." Eobert E. and Samuel WiUets, Samuel T. Valentine and Barney Corse to Eec¬ tor, &c., of Trinity Church. Aug. 7.......80,000 James st., e. s., 4.4 n. New Bowery, 22x31.3x34.2x 5. Harris Salomon to Isaac Levy.........; 7,000 .MADiSOKSt., s. s. (No. 146), 186.2 w. Pike st., 25x 100. Harris Salomon to Isaac Levy......10,500 MOTTSt., e. s.,90 s. Bleecker st., 91.3x63.6. Elias Kahn to Abraham Birnbaum. Union HUl, N. J. May 13........;............'...............38,000 Pike St., e. s. (No. 49), 21.10x85*6, h. & 1. Harris • Salomon to-Nathan M. Kosinsky, July 14. .11,500 Eidge St., w. s., 66 n. Broome st., 34x75. John Friedmann to Charles Michenfelder. Aug. 5............................■............10,200 Eivington st., s. s., 112 e. Mangin st., 22x75, h.