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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 16, no. 388: August 21, 1875

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Real ECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVI. NEW YOEK, SATUEDAY, AUGUST 21, 1875. No. 388. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET...............PUESJDENT AND TeEASTOIEK PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seceetabt. L. ISRAELS.........................Business Ma.nagek TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance___$10 00. Communications should be addressed to O. ^W, S^WEET, Nos. 345 and 347 Beoadway. CONYEYANQES. " Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean aa follows: 1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Qait Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—C. a..G. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in.which he covenants that lie hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. HiBW YORK. August 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18. Allen si., n. s., 158.4 w. Rivingtonst., 20.10x88.4. (Leasehold.) Ann J. Smith to Agriol Paur.$2,275 Same property. W. C. Ehinelandei- (Exr.) to-Ann Jane bmith. Lease 21 years, per year S500 from March 12, 1874. All right and interest in estate of Jacob Strant (dec'd). James H. and'George H. Carlough to E. J. Strant........................ 3 200 Same property. Catharine A. Van Tassel to E.' J. Strant.......................... 3 900 Barrow st. (No. 4), n. s., 75.4 w. 4th st.',' 22x45.2'^ except strip off of s. e. cor. rear 4x22.6. Charles F., Jolm H., and Robert L. Wood, Emma V. Gardner, Maria E. wife of James Kain to "William Barclay. July 24... 9 ooo Charlton st. (No. 25), n. s., 325.2 e. Varick st., 25x100. Berrian av., n. e. cor. Elizabeth sL, 75x100. Jane Barry 10 John J. Barry. June -, ^..........................................nom Same property. Mary Barry to John J. Barry. ^ Junel.....:................................nom Church sr., s. e. cor. Lispenard st., 19.2x50. Aaron H. Balhbone to Charles E. Applebv, Glen Cove, N. Y. Aug. 2. {% part.) Fulton st., s. s., about 50 e. West st., 20x68x20x 72. Mary Schumann to Jolm Hilleyer ... 5 251 Same property. Ida W. D. and Augusta S. E. Ahlborn, by Gustav Schumann (Guard.), to John H. Meyer. (All right of infants.)......9,249 Hamilton st., n. s. (No. 5), 16.4x51.5. EUza Titus, Brooklyn, to Thomas Bishop........ 4,000 Henry st. (No. 126), s. s., 251.5 w. Rutgers St., 27.4x99.11. Walter Edwards, Jr., to Robert Lenox Belknap. May 12........ 12 000 Jane st., s. s., 120 w. West st., 41x70. (id years lease). John S. McLean to John Culi; 5 years at Sd40, and 5 years at $680 per year. MovT St., e. s., 100.7 s. Canal st., 100x94. (Re- kase). Frederick Hcerleui to Marcus and Abraham Harks. Aug. 10___.. i ooo MULBEBRT St. (No. 134), 25x100. Alexander H. WaUis (Ref.) to John McConaughy. (Parti¬ tion)............................!".:....... .nom -Mulberrt St. (No. 134), e. s., 100 w. Hester St., 25x100. George W. Wingate (Ref.) to John Mc- Conaughty. (Foreclos.) Aug. 2..........13,250 St.Marks pi, (No. 75 West 8th st.), n. s., 100 w. 1st av., 25 X y block. Rosalie wife of Simon Schawel to Frederick Heerlein. Aug. 16.. 17,500 Suffolk st., w. s., 225 s. Houston st., 25x100. (Leasehold.) Lorenz Lang to George Reitin¬ ger. Aug. 17......................°......nom ULLiVAN ST. (No. 87), 18.10x50.4. Morris S. Thompson and Mary Gassin (Admrs. of Henry Gassm) to Eunice Watson. (Release.) Aug.- .2.............................................1 000 Water St., n. s. (Nos. 614 aud 616), 46.8x65.11, b. & 1. Abraham H. Cohen to Hiram W. Kilborn, Champion, Jefferson County, N. Y. Aug. 12...................................55,000 2d St., B. s.,235 e. Bowery, 20x76.4x20.5x70.2... 2d St., s. s., 255 e. Bowery, 40x82.8x40.10x76.4... BOWEBT, s. e. cor. 2d St., 39.10x75............. Houston st., n. s., 20 w. Sheriff st., 20.2x 58.1X—X60.7................................ Houston St., n. w. cor. Sheriff st., x20.2x55.6, extending to 2d st........:___ Francis S. Keese, Hennepin County, Minn., to John W. Keese, Cook County, ^lU. (X part.) Nov. 15,1873...............................nom 7th St., s. s., 219.3 e. Av. C, 22.8x90.10. Ignaz Waizmann to Henry Simon. Aug. 16.....13,000 13th St., s. s., 245.6 w. Av. A., 24.3x103.3. Barbara wife of Charles Sander, Waterbury, Conn., to Margaret wife of Adam Dieti-ich..........16,900 13th St., s. ?., 170 w. Av. B, 25x103.3. (Lease¬ hold.) Charles Hahn to Catharine Stephan. Aug. 13....................................nom Same property. Charles P. Stephan to Charles Hahn. Aug. 12............................nom 17th St., n. s., 100 w. Irving pi., 25x92, h. & 1. Harriette A. wife of John A. Cone to Amelia Foster, Staten Island. (C. a. G.) July 28 . .25,000 20th St., s. s., 375.3 e. 6th av., 25.3x92. James J. Goodwin to Wilham F. Proctor. Aug. 10. .26.500 24th St., n. s., 120 e. 2d av., 20x98.9. Thomas W. Breman to Bridget M. -wife of John Quinn. July 2....................................15,000 74th St., s. s., 67 w. 2d av., 16.6x76. Sophie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek to Bridget Avile of Charles D. Lamarche. Aug. 10...........14 oOO 24th St., s. s., 97.7 e. 3d av., 24.5x98.8.........'i 24th St., s. s., 122 e. 3d av., 24.5x98.8..........f Alexander Shaws to AVilUam Heury Kirby. Aug. 16..................................26,000 26th St., s. s., 475 e. Oth av.,. 25x98.9. Marv A. wife of John Nason, Bury St. Edmunds, Eng¬ land, to Terence J. Duffy. June 23.........4,750 32D St., n. s., 100 w. 1st av., 16.8x98.9, New] York......................................I 136th St., n. s., 276.6 w. Willis av., 55x100___\ 146th St., s. e. cor. College av., 75x100........| Jerome av., w. s., 300 n. e. James St., 100x125: J John C. H. Hamann to Pauline wife of Emil Von Schoening, Brooklyn. Nov. 30,1874.......32,000 32D St., s. s., 125 e. 10th av., 50x98.9. PhiUp Borchardt to Louis Borchardt. (B.&S.) Oct. 5, 1874.....................................nom Same property. Louis Borchardt to Eruesiina Borchardt. (B. & S.) Oct. 5, 1874..........nom 33d St., s. s., 193.9 w. Sth av., 18.9x98.9. William Goodwin Clark to Mary F. wite of Peter W. Laurie (1-6 part). Aug. 12................nom 34th St., s. s., 380 w. 9lh av., 20x98.9, h & 1. Stephen P. Tallman to Anna E. wife of John Clay, Branchburgh, N. J. July 15.........16,000 45th St. (No. 242), s. s., 100 w. 2d av., 25x100. Loms Beer to Athur T. Porges. Aug. 18___nom 47th St., s. s., 425 w. lOlh av., 25x100. John Ebel to Mathew Spohr. Aug. 11...........13,000 48th St., s. s., 300 e. 2d av., 25x100.5. . Henrietta wife ot Henry Pattberg, Jersey City, to Mar- ■ cella Gibbons. July 27......................nom Same property. Philip H. Benk to ~ Henrietta Pattberg, Jersey City. July 24............26,000 49th St., n. s., 82 e. 10th av., 18x80.4. (Lease¬ hold.) Maurice Levi to James BlacKhm-st. (Subject to Morts. $14,300, aud taxes for 1872, '73, '74 aud '75.).-...........................8,000 50th St., s. s., 100 e. lOlh av., 20x100.5. (Lease¬ hold. ) Betsy Levi lo James Blackhiu:st. (Sub¬ ject to Morts. $6,000, and taxes lor 1872, '73, '74 and '75.)...................................9,000 52d St., n. s., 110 e. 3d av., 16.8x100.5. Sophie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek to Jannet Mas- sie. Aug. 12..............................16,000 52d St., n. s., 200 e. Lexington av., 25x100.5, h. & 1. Charles H. Miher, Henry E. Crampton and Frederic G. Smedley (Exrs. and Trustees of Jacob Miller) to Richard B. KeUy. Aug. 14. .21,500 Same property. Richard B. KeUy to Emma Z. wife of Frederic G. Smedley. (C. a. G.). .21,500 52d St., n. s., 100 e. 10th av., 75x100.5. Walter J. Stafford to James Netter. (Subject to Morts.) Aug. 2......:..............................1,000 53d St. (No. 117East) (Leasehold.) Johanna Reiff to Louis Goebel............................nom 65th St., s. s., 75 w. 10th av., 25x50.5. Charles D. Lamarche to Sophie wife of Charles A. Bud¬ densiek......................consideration omit 56th St., s. s., 63 e. 2d av., 18.6x100.5. EmUie wife of Simon Schlussel to Alexander Schlus- sel. Aug. 2...............................14 000 GlST St., n. s., 275 w. 9th av., 20x100.5, h. & 1. Mary J. wife of Jacob 0. Emery to Thomas B. Stewart. Aug. 14.........................20,000 75th St., n. s., 280 e. 3d av., 25x102.2. Sidney He Kay (Ref.) to Caroline Stern. (Foreclos.) , "«ly 27....................................11 600 76th St., n. s., 148 e. Av. A, 25x69.7x25.4x73.10. John Janson to Charles Schaler. (Subject to Morts. $1,550). Aug. 13....................1,650 83d St., n. s., 258.4 e. 9th av., 16.8x102.2. Job B. DaUamore to William Dallamoie. July 30. .20,000 88th St., n. e. cor. Madison av., 36.8x100.8. Hajjnah T. wife ol WUUam J. Kane to John Kavanagh. Aug. 9.........................nom 118th St., n. s., 210 w. Sth av., 100x100.11. Louis G. C. Hildebrandt to Charles H. F. Ahrens. Oct. 1, 1872................................15 000 119th St., n. s., 125 e. 7th av., 300x100.11......) 120TH St., s. s., 125 e. 7th av., 50x100.11........\ Louis G. C. HUdebraudt to Charles H. F. Ahrens. Oct. 1, 1872......................49,000 124Tn St. (No. 57), n. s., 247 w. 4th av., 18x100.11. Fannie M. aud David F. Porter to Henry G. . Peters. Aug. 16..........................13,000 130th St., s. s., 150 e. 5th av., 160x99.11,' h. & 1. Andrew Sober to Elizabeth A. Sheehy. (Subj. to taxes, water rents and assessments since Oct. 5,1874.) Aug. 12....................82,000 130th St.. n. s., 175 e. 12th av., 25x99.11, h. & 1. Edward H. ScheU to Agnes wife of PhUlip Di- virs. (Foreclos.) Aug. 13................3 300 134th St., n. s., 310 e. 6th av., 50x99.11 Louis G. C. HUdebrandt to Charles H. F. Ahrens. Oct. 1,1872....................................7000 184th St., s. s., 125 e. 11th av., 50x77.8x50x68.10. Aspasia S. J. Snowden (widow) to Octavia A. Snowden. Aug. 12.........................i,200 184th St., s. s., 175 e. lllh av., 25x71.5x25x70.7. Aspasia S. J. Snowden (widow) to Eleanor S. wife of WUUam W. Trac.y. Aug. 12..........600 184th St., s. s., 100 e. 11th av., 25x68.11x25x68. Aspasia S. J. Snowden (widow) to Mary S. wife . of Frederick A. Cairns. Aug. 12.............600 Lexington av., w. s., 65.8 s. 29th st.. 16.3x81, h. & 1. Inez H. wife of Seth Adams to Flora M. wUe of Diedric Van Aken. (B. & S.) Natural love and affection and nom New av., n. w. cor. 109th st., 100.11x99.6x103.4x 78 on St. (12th Ward). George S. Sedgwick (Ref.) to Benjamin Lehmaier. (Mort. $6,600, int. from May 2,1884. Aug. 12..............100 1st av. (No. 15), w. a., 25"n. 1st st., 16.8x75. Charles P. Stephan to Charles Hahn. Au'-. 12........................................12,000 Same property. Charles Hahn to Catharine wife of Charles P. Stephan. Aug. 13...........12.500 IST av., s. e. cor. 38th St., 148.1x125. John P. O'NeUl (Ref.) to Simon Bernheimer and David Jones. (Foreclos.) Aug. 16..............57,600 2d av. (No. 1,140). (Leasehold.) Charles FeUil- ler to Heinrich Papenhausen. Aug. 12.....2,000 3d av., w. s., 20. 5n. OOth St., 20x55. (Leasehold.) Mathias Neumann to PhUip Warch........10,750 4th av., n. w. cor. 111th st., 100.11x155. (1-5 part.) Edwin Dobbs to Edgar WiUiams. (Subj. 1-5 part Mort. $7,600.) ((la. G.) Feb., 1874.......................................nom 4THav.,n.w.cor. 111th st., 155x100.11. (1-5part.) Edgar WiUiams to Edivin B. Hale. (Subject to 1-5 of Mort. $7,600.) March 4........... .nom 5th av., e. s , 26.6 s. 84th St., 25x100. Ebenezer H.BalchtoAugustePottier. (SubjectloMort. $20,000, interest and taxes.) Aug. 18......32,736 5th av., E.>e. cor. 120th st., 50.6x100. Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr. (Ref.) to Henry Cohen. (Fore¬ clos). July 15............................15,000 5thav., n.w. cor. 135th st., 99.11x235. George Hoffman to Mary FuUer. Aug. 6...........85,000 8th av.,e. s., 25.5 s. 56th St., 2.5x100. James Blackhurst to Maurice Levi. (Subject to Morts. $15,000 and taxes of 1874 and 1875). Aug 2. .7,000