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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVI. NEW YOKE, SATUKDAY, OCTOBEE 23, 1875. No. 397. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET...............Pbesident and Tbeasdbeb PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seceetabt. L. ISRAELS.........................Business Ma.nageb TERMS. ONES YKAR, in advance___$10 00. Communications should be addressed to Nos. 345 and 347 Bboadwat. CONYEYANOES. " NEW YORK. October 14,15,16,18,19, 20. Chatham St., w. s., 158.11 s. Pearl st., I9xll2.7x 17.9x111.5. Solomon E. Japha to Wm. .Japha. ly part.) Sept. 27.......................10,000 Front st., s. w. cor. .Jackson st., 16.2x62.6. Adam Walker to William 1). Andrews and George H. Andrews. Oct. 13..........................3,400 Fbont St., s. s., 62.6 w. Jackson St., 12.6x16.2. Adam Walker to Wm. D. Andrews and Geo. H. Andrews. Oct. 13...........................600 Front st. (Nos. 288 and 290), n. s., 34 w. Eoose¬ velt St., 45.11x74.2.......................... Water st. (No. 373), s. s., 50.7 w. Roosevelt st., 25.1x74.4.................................; j Eichard Jacot to Augustine W. Daby. Oct. 2........................................90,000 Front st., n. w. s. (No. 202), 23.4x73.6. John Gray to William A. and Edward C. Gray. Oct. 16....................................25,000 Fulton st., northerly cor. Front st. (No. 15). (Leasehold.) John Gray to William A. and Ed¬ ward C. Gray. Oct. 16....................2,500 Horatio st.,^n. s., 136.9 e. Washington st., 23x 84.3. Samuel T. Freeman (Eef.) Lo John Twi¬ ner, Tottenville. July 29.................. 3,000 Hudson St., w. s. (No. 469), 39.11 n. Barrow st., 20x83.' (Leasehold.) Charles E. WUliams to Beni. F. Eobinson..........................9,500 Jane st., n. s., 215 w. Greenwich st., 23x87.5. Ed¬ ward H. Hull to Martha H. Kipp. Jan. 1, 1872........................................2,000 Jat St. (No. 13), Church Farm, 25x95..........] Franklin st., s. s., 80 vr. Washington st., 43.6x 100.3.........................7.............f West sL, e. s., 40 s. Franklin st., 60x81.5......J Frances Clarkson to Selah B. Strong and Henry McVickar (Trustees). July 7...............nom Kingsbridge road, e. s., as proposed by the Com¬ missioners of Central Park in widening Broad¬ way, and known as Plot 104, Fort George property. William M. Martin to Benjamin C. Wetmore. Oct. 14.........................4,800 Macdougal St. (No. 173), w. s., 130.10 n. Waverly pL, runs w. 110.1 x north 8.9 x east 12.5 x north 16.4 X east 99.2 to Macdougal st. x south 25 to beginning. Margaret M. Hoey (Trustee) to the Female Aca,demy of the Sacred Heart. (Q. C.) May 3.......................................uom Maiden lane (No. 159), n. s., 101.6 e. Front st., ■" 19.9x48.6x20x49. William C. Durand, MDford, Conn., to George B. Cumming, Savannah, Ga. Oct. 19....................................15,000 New St., w. s., 229.8 s. Exchange pi., 36.10x57.7x 36.10x57.10. Catharine Valentine to Mary E. wife of Francis Morris, (y part.) May 1, 1845. nom Orchard St., e. s., 125 n. Eivington St., 25x87.10. Katharine Schmitt to Mana, Schafer. Oct. 11- ■•■'•.....• • •........................... .25,000 Sullivan st., e. s., 161 n. Broome st., 25x100. Ed¬ ward D. Gale (Eef.) to E. Ellery Anderson. Oct. 15...............................,,.... .9,000 Water St. (No. 313), s. s., 50.7 w.-Eoosevelt st., 25.1x74.4x24x74.7. Augustine W. Daby to Lewis K.- Albro. (Subj. to Mort. $16,000 and tax for 1875.) Oct. 6...............................nom 6th st.,,n. s. {No. 415), 200.5 e. 1st av., 21.10x 90.10. Emii Furer to Maria E. wife of Augustus J. Rieffel. • (Subj. to Mort. $4,400.) Oct. 14.nom Same property. Augustus J. Eieffel to EmU Furer. (Subj. to Mort. $4,400) .Oct. 14......nom 7th St., s. s., bet. 1st av. and Av. A, 25x90.10. (Leasehold.) Herman Weigand to Christian Schnitzer. {y part.).....................7,000 8THSt.,n. s., 146 w. 2d av., 26x112.10. Morgan A. Dayton, Jr. (Ref.), to Susman Schuster. (Subj. to liens not named.) Oct. 15........13,000 8th St., s. s., 150 w. 5th av., 25x100. (Lease¬ hold. ) Mary A. wife of William E. Chisholm to Edward C. Eichards. 21 years from May 1, 1875........................................400 9th St., n. s.. 413.6 w. 5th av., 17.5x92.3. James P. Ledwith .(Ref.) to Charles F. Sanford. Oct. 12....................................18,000 IOth St., s. s., 300 e. 1st av., 25x99.7. Henry Romer to John Neubauer. Aug. 29, 1872.. 20,000 llTH St., n. s., 42 West Dry Dock st., 21x85.6. Thomas C. CorneU and another (Exrs. of Eliza¬ beth Duffy) to Thomas Pruden. Oct. 15.... 6,000 12th. St., s., s.,. 167.6 w... 3d .av., 22.6x106.6. Jeremiah S. Storms to Casper C. ChUds. Aug. 30.......................................1,600 14th St., n. s., 291 e. Av. A, 25x103.3. Theodore Von EUert and Emil Von Schoening to Eein¬ hardt Kromm. (Q. C.) Oct. 18.-...........nom 14th St., n. s., 291 e. Av. A, 25x103.3. Eeinhardt Kromm to Selim Marks. Oct. 19..........19,000 14th St., s. s., 275 w. 7th av., 25x131. Isaac Btrn- heimer to Mary Greenwood. Oct. 15......28,500 17th St. (No. 23 East), Assignment of Lease. James E. Nolan to Clinton B. Eogers. Oct. 18........................................1,500 20th St., n. s., 210 e. 2d av., 20x92; Francis Bim- ner, Sarah F. wife of Augustus Pettibone, and Mary F. wife of Abram Bogairt to Paul C. Coffin. Oct. 12............................14,000 24th St., n. s., 135 e. 6th av., 20x98.9. Sidney B. Cliae to Benjamin F. Spink. Oct. 15........nom 26th St., n. s.. 157.4 w. Sth av., 17.8x98.9. Samuel S. Hinman to Frederick Methesius. Oct. 19.5,252 22d St., n. s., 391.8 w. 4th av., 33.4x98.9. EUza E. Irving, Edwin Clark and George Irving, to Wiaiam I. Clark. (C. a G.) (y part.) March, 1865.......................................8,900 Same property. Helen Ining to Wm. I. Clark. (Subj. to Mort. $4,000.)..(1-6part.) Dec. 10, 1872___....................................3,000 27th St., s. s., 440 w. Gth av., 20x98.9. David Thompson to Amanda Cutler. Sept. 28___15,000 29th St., n. s., 150 e. 1st av., 25x98.9. . Garret L. Schuyler to Frederick G. Smedley. Oct. 14.15,000 30th St., s. s.. 250,e. .4th av., 18.9x98.9. Hugh J. Hastings to Mary W. wife of Beverly Ward. (C. a G.) June, 1874.......................nom 30th St., n. s., 190 w. Sth av., 20x98.9. Charles Werner to Ealchen Feldman. Oct. 15......15,000 31st St., n. s., 141.8 w. 6th av., 20.10x98.9. Wil¬ Uam White wright to Sarah A. Sanchez. Oct. 14........................................15,500 32d St., s. s., 204.2 w. 6th av., 20x98.9. Amanda Cutler to David Thompson. Oct. 12.......20,000 33d St., s. s. (No. 106), 133.4 w. 6th av., 16.8x35.6 6x17.3x30.10. Frant Eudd (Eef.) to Mary E. Seaman, . (Partition.) Oct. 15..............8,000 Same property. Mary E. Seaman to Joseph Hart. Oct. 15.....................................8,000 Same property. Sidney B. CUne to Joseph Hart. (Q. C.) Oct. 15..............................nom 33d St., s. s., 325 w. .6th av., 25x90.7x25x83. WU¬ liam Sinclair (Eef.) to Teresa E. wife of John . Eooney. Oct. 15..........................3,427 34th St., n. s., 76 w. 2d av., 24x98.9. Simon W. Jacob to Ephraim L. Snow. Oct. 7........18,000 39th St., s. s., 202.6 e. 8th av., 20.6x98.9. Selim Marks to Eeinhardt Kromm.. Oct. 19......18,000 42d St., n. s., 62 w. 9th-av., 19x80.5. Catharine • wife of John Griffin to . WUUam J. Brewster. (Subj. to % Mort. $16,500,. and taxes and as¬ sessments.) Oct. 35..................consid. omit 43d sti, s. s., 383.4 e. 2d av., 16.8x100.5. Jennie wife of Morita Traubman tb Caroline Rab. Oct. 20....................................10,500 48th St., 11. s., 492 w. 5th av., 20x100.5. (Lease¬ hold.) Trustees of Columbia CoUege to Wil¬ Uam Westerfield. Dec. 1,1865................360 51st St., s. s., 390 e. 11th av., 20x100.5. George Spicer to John Dunham. Oct. 14...........8,365 53d St., n, s., 100 e. Sth av., 18.9x100.5. Amasa Leonard to Henry C. Smith." Oct. 12......15,000 o4th St., n. s., 145 vr. 3d av., 25x100.5. WUUam Clark, Jr., to National Fort Plain Bank. (C. a. G.) Aug. 14......... -.................9,GO0 61ST St., n. s., 215 w. Oth av., 20x100.5. Alex¬ ander Spaulding to Butler H. Bixby. (Q. C.) Jan. 9,1874.................................nom 62d St., n. s.. 40 e. Oth av., 20x50.3. WilUam Bedell to WiUiam Irving. AprU 30........18,000 65th St., n. s., 95 vr. Madison av., 50x100.5. Francis and Patrick Morgan to PhiUp MUli- gan. Oct. 18..............................38,500 69th St., n. s., 345 w. 10th av., 80x100.5. Joseph Blumenthal to James Usher. Oct. 15......30,000 71ST St., n. s., 98 e. Av. A, 100x102.2...........) 72d St., 3. s., 98 e. Av. A. 100x102.2.............V 72d St., s. s., 298 e. Av. A, 100x102.2...........V Pauline wife of WilUam Neustaedter to Louis Zeimer. Oct. 14..........................36,C0O 71ST St., n. s., 150 w. 3d av., 16.10x102.2. Edwin B. Gurnee to Louisa wife of Thomas J. Fitch. Oct. 9.....................................15,000 71st St., n. s., 240 e. 4th av. (No. 125). Stephen H. OUn to Louise B. wife of Richard M. Henry. (Q. C.) Nov. 22,1871.......................nom Same property. Eichard M. Henry to Stephen H. Olin. (Subj. to life estate Margaret Henry.) Nov. 22,1871................................nom 71st St., n. s., 240 e. 4th av., 20x102.2. Richard M. Henry to Margaret Henry................nom 73d St., n. s., 702.9 vr. 3d av., 17.3x102.2. Albert HamUton to Abram H. Brown. Oct. 18......nom 74th St.,. s. s., 250 w. Av. A, 50x102.2. Louis Zeimer to PauUne wife of WUUam Neustaedter. Oct. 15....................................42,0CO 76th St., n. s., 75 vr. Av. A, 25x75. James Nunan and Charles McDonald to Anne E. wife of An¬ drew KeUy. June 23....................12,500 76th St., n. s., 620 e. 5th av., 25x102.2. Nathaniel Swift to Almena wife of Jonathan Swift —1,500 Same property. Jonathan SwifD to Nathaniel Swift. Sept. 28............................1,500 77th St., s. s., 95 e. Madison av., 50x102.2......) 76th St., n. s., 95 e. Madison av., 25x102.2......j Griffith Eowe to Wm. K. Hinman. Oct. 12. .7,700 78th St., s. s., 317.6 e. 3d av., 12.6x102.2. Susan Briody to Gustav A. Flach. Oct. 15........6,000 SOth St., s. s., 220.10 e. 4th av., 18.4x102.2 Kate V. wite of Asahel G. Darwin to Mary C. wife of Norman A. CaUiins. Oct. 16............. .16,500 82d St. (No. 214). s. s., 169.6 e. 3d av., 16.6x102. Timothy F.Butler to Thomas L.Butler. Oct. 19.......................................13,0C0 84th St., n. s., 310 e. 2d av., 20x102. James Gordon to Thomas W. and Harriet V. Thome. Aug. 27....................................7,500 84th St., n. s., 366 w. 2d av., 20.4x102.2. August Hartwig to EosaUe wife of Herman Weigand. May 10___:................................14,000 SSth st., n. s., 150.0 e. 3d av., 25.8x100.. August Birnstiel to Eufus L. Cole. Oct. 18....... .20,000 93DSt., s. s., 485 w. 3d av.. 18.4x100.8. Richard Campbell to Lambert S. Quackenbush......nom Same property. Lambert S. Quackenbush to Mary C. wife of Richard CampbeU. Oct. 14..nom 94th St., s. s., 510 e. 4th av., 75x100.8. John Ten Brook and John J. Latting to Florence S. wife . of Lewis H. Austin, and Cnarles P. and Frances B. Austin. (Q. C.)...................-.-----.nom 96th. St., n. s., 150 e. 51 h av., 100 x half block. John Q. Preble to Ebenezer H. Balch. Sept. 30................................••.:......44,000 106TH St., s, 8., 175 w. 2d av.. 25x100,11. Benja¬ min F. Raynor to Charles L. Mead. Oct. 9. .3,000 106th St., s. s., 196 e.-3d av., 18x100.11. Wm. Sin¬ clair (Ref.) to Peter Asten. Oct. 1.........3,850 UOth St., n. s., 325 e. Sth av., 50x100.11.......) 111th St., s. s., 300 e. 8th av., 75x100.11........f- Sarah E. Secord to Augustus F. HoQy. Oct. 8. . (Impart.)...................................15,525 113th St.. n. s., 300 e. 10th av., 50x100.11. Maria L. wife of John G. Schull to Christian LinhciT. Oct. 13....................................12,000 117THSt., s. s., 259.11 e. 41h av., 20x110.11. Eliza¬ beth, wife cf Thomas Cogan to WiUiam J. Brewster. Oct. 6............................ .nom Saaie property.. .WilUam J. Brewster to Catharine Griffin. Oct. 15............................ nom 121st St.. s. s., 230 w. 2d av., 30x100.10. James •P. Ledwith (Ref.) to Julia 0. Bryan. Oct. 14.3,000 124th St., n. s., 222.6 e. 6th av., 75x100.11. Ben¬ jamin F. Eaynor to Edwin F. Eaynor. (Subj. to Mort. $5,000.) July20.....................nom 126Tn St., n. s., 90 w. 9th av., 20x99.11. FrancesM. Cosine to Olmrles Welde. Oct. 15.. V. iJ... ,30,000