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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVI. NEW YOKK, SATUEDAY, NOVEMBEB 6, 1875. No. 399. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. 0. W. SWEET...............Pkesident and Tbeasureh PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seobetabv. L. ISRAELS............,......:.....Bosiness Ma.kagee TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance.,..$10 00. Communications should be addressed to C. TV. SWIEJET, Nos. 345 and 347 Bboadway. OONYEYANCES. NE"W YORK. October 28, 29, 30, November 1, 2, 3. Baxter st., w. s. (No. 64), s..w. cor. Franklin St., 25x56.10x25x54.9. Isaac Elsbach to Simon Wit¬ mark: ....................................14,000 Broadway, n. vr. cor. 68tli si., runs w. 99.9 x north 50.5 x east 36 x south 32.5 x east 56 to Broadway x south 20.' James P. Ledwith (Eef.) to Samuel V. Hoffman. Oct. 19.....13.500 BouLeYABD, vr. s., 64.2 s. 74th st., 26.2xll3.5x25x 100.9. Reuben H. Cudlipp to William T. Graff. Oct. 30....................................20,000 Delancey st., n. s., 25.3 w. Norfolk st., 25x69.8. Henrietta wife of Louis Silberstein to Thomas Morrison. Nov. 2........................35,000 Division st., n. e. cor. Essex st., 28xll4.8x25x 127.9. (Leasehold.) All right of William and Magdalene Schwarz to Geo. F. Gerrard. Oct. 28........................................30,000 Eldridge st., e. s. (No. 114), 25x87.6. John Rabensteia to Theresa Huler. Oct. 30.....26,000 Elizabeth at., vr. s., 100 n. Canal St., 75x94___j Mott st., e. s., 100 n. Canal st., 75x94.........j" Terence Farley to Alvin J. Johnson. Oct. 28.......................................221,000 PoESTTH St. (Nos. 119 and 121), vr. a., 125 n. Broome st., 50x100. (Life estate, 2-35 part.) Maria C. Kissam, Newburg, N. T., to Francis A. LiviDgston, Philipsiown, N. Y. Oct. 28. .nom Same property. Anna wife of Louis Blake to Francis A. Livingston. (1-7 part.) Oct. 28.2,000 Gra^d St., s. s., 50 e. Essex St., 16.8x70.9. Auke Dooper to Anna M. Flamm. June 22___. .17,500 Gband Boulevabd (or Public Drive), n. e. cor. 151st St., 24.11x100. Fernando Escobar y Cas¬ tro to Roberto Escobar. Oct. 26...... .....5,100 Same property- Roberto Escobar to F'eresa Es¬ cobar wife ol Fernando E. y Castro. Oct. 26.5,100 Greene St. (No. 34). (Leasehold.) Julius Leo¬ pold to Eugene Poltier. (To secure Bond.) Nov. 1.....................................aDom Greenwich st., vr. s. (No. 110), 26.6x83.6x33x83.6. (Allright.) Elizabeth S. Van Beuren (widow) to Elexander P. Irvin. Oct. 28... ^..........1,500 Laweence st., n. s., 200.9 e. 10th av., 25x110x25.3 X106.7, h. & 1. Richard DowJing to John Mur¬ ray.........................................4,000 Laurens St., w. s., 62.8 s. Grand St., 23x50. (Leasehold.) Mary P. Pitts to Charles %. Shearer. Oct. 30..........................8,000 McDougal st., w. s., 79.6 n. Charlton St., ruLs w. 52 X north 33.3 x east 24.4 x south 8.2 x east 39.8 to McDougal st. x south 31 to beg- ginning........................___........ McDougal st., n. w. cor. Charlton st., runs w. 13.9 X north 87 x east 4.6 x south 28 x east 7 X north 6 x east 27 to McDougal x south 58.6 to beginning..................----........... Elizabeth W. Brown to Caroline L. Dolph and Jillia A. Brown. Oct. 26.....................nom Monroe St., n. w. cor. Corlears st., runs n." along Corlears st. 59.6 x west 20.10 x north 70 to Grand x west 70 x south 80.6 x east 20.10 x south 76.3 to Monroe st. x east 62.6.......... Broome st., n. w. cor. Columbia st., 50x87..... SULUVAN St., w. S. (Nos. 66 and 68), 42x55.9x 46.5x76..................................... 8th av., s. e. cor. 39th St., 98.9x100............ 8th ar., n. e. cor. 38th st., 98.9x100,........... 35TH St., s. s., 225 e. 7th av., 25x98.'C.L ........ 34th St., u. s., 226 e. 7th av., 22x98.9.......... 41st St., n. B., 125 w. 6th av., 25x98.9........... John V. Phillips to Priscilla Cohen. June 10. nom Prince st., n. e. cor. Wooster st., 25x95, h. & 1. Asher Hecht to Samuel J. Held. (Subj. to all imcumbrances and dower right of Henrietta Hecht.) Oct. 15.........other consid. and nom Prince st., s. s. (No. 26), 47.6 e. Mott st., 24x) 109.9x23.1x115.2.............................\ Suffolk st., e. s., 150 n. Hester st., 50x100.....) August L. Nosser to Samuel Reimer. Nov. 1..........................................82,000 West Washington pi., s. s., 150.4 w. Macdougal St., 22.4x96.2. William A. Martin to Ann Mar¬ tin. Oct. 30...............................18,000 Worth St. (Nos. 45 and 47), n.s., 200 w. Church St., 50x100, h. & 1. (y^ part.) William F. Grubb, Boston, Mass., to Charles U. Cotting, Brook- line, Mass., and William C. Til^betts, Boston. (Trustees of wiU of David B. Jewett, Newton, Mass.) Sept. 24.......................... .60,000 Same property. (}y part.) Charlies U. Getting and Wm. C. Tibbetts (Exrs. of David B. Jewett, deceased) to William F. Grubb, Boston, Mass. Sept. 24...........;........................60.000 3d sc, n. s., 103 vr. Av. B. 24x96.2. Fabian Yon Hatten to Peter J. Ulhleim. Sept. 20.......nom 7th St., s. s., 132 n. vr. Morse av., 30x105. Michael C. Smith to James A. Coleman. Sept. 5 25..........................................4,000 10th St., s. s., 138 w. Av, A. 25x92.3. Francis Burg to Katharina Rief. Oct. 28..........36,000 20th St., s. s. (No. 128), 353.8 w. 8th av., 25x92. Anson N. Stratton to Samuel Ji Powers. Nov. 1.........................................10,000 21ST St., s. s., 400.1 e. 8th av., 16x92. Caroline M. Morgan to Henry A. Dingee. Oct. 25.....10,500 22b St., n. s., 175 w. 6th av.," 16,8x98, h. &1. Clara wile of Morris Waitzfelder to Jesse A. Mar- sliall. (Subj. Morts. $12,000)..............12,000 25TH St., s. s., 217.9 w. 7th av., 15.6x98.9, h. & 1. Wilham Mulry to Sophia Pieishman. Nov. 1.........................................13,000 26th St., n. s, (No. 231), 363.3 e. 8th av., 24.10x 98.9. Eobert A. Blackwood and James Robert¬ son (Exrs. and Trustees of Jane Blackwood), and Robert A., James W. and Mary E. Black¬ wood et al. to Margaretha wife of Jacob Hoehl. Oct. 30....................................17,250 29th St., n. s., 300 vr. 10th av., 25x98.9. James E. Carpenter to Alfred W. Lowerre. Oct. 27.4,100 32D St. (No. 386 West), s. s., 53.1 e. 9th av., 24.4x 41.5 (excepting strip off of s.^w. s. 2.9x16.8). Adam Norrie, James B. and John. T. Johnston (Trustees ot Davenport Trust) to Richard Mc¬ GiU. Oct. 27...............................8,300 33d St. (NO. 217), n. s., 180 w. 7th av., 20x98.9. Harriet wife of Lewis 0. Wilson, Norwalk, Cohn., to Margaret wife of Henry Ivey. (Q. C.) Oct. 25...........................r....nom 40th St., s. s., 124 e. Lexington av., runs s. 98.9.x east 48 x north 15.8 x northwest to a point in a line drawn piarallel to Lexington av. and dis¬ tant 148 easterly therefrom x thence north 79.7 to 40th St. X thence west along 40th st. 24 to beginning. Roderick F. Farrell (Ref.) to Sarah E. wife of John P. Elmendorf. Oct. 28.........:..:............................9,800 41ST St., s. s., 320 w. 7th av., 59.6x98.9. Gilbert E. Doriand to Jacob David. Nov. 1.......22,000 44th St. (No. 154 West), s. s., 176.8 e. Broadway (1860), 24x100.4. Charles, William and Henry E. Lamb et al. (heirs-at-law of Catherine Lamb) to Chester Lamb. April 30..........nom 44th St., n. s., 125 e. Madison av., 16.8x100.5. (Foreclos.) John A. Goodlett (Ref.) to John Borland. Oct.27..........................16,500 45th St., n. s., 330 e. 8th av., 20x100.5. (Lease¬ hold.) John B. MmTay to Nettie C. wife of Samuel Kay. Oct. 28...................... .nom 45th St., h. s., 355 e. 10th av., 22.5x100.5, h. & 1. MUes A. Stafford to Amelia Barlow (widow). Nov. 1.....................................25,000 48th St. (No. 3), n. s., 100 e. 5th av., 25x73. Charles Duggin to John Ewen. Nov. 1___58,000 48th St., s. s., 125 e. 12th av., 150x100.5. Charles P. Easton, John H. Hulsapple and James H. Harmon (Receivers of Stevens Mill and Lum¬ ber Co.) to Jenny AUen and Henry E. Stevens. (Subj. Morts. $26,164.55.) Oct. 6...........3,835 50th St., s. s., 200 w. 6th av., 16.8 x^ block. Lewis J. Phillips to Phoebe M. Davies. Oct. 20.........................................11,000 51ST St., n. s., 300 w. 6th av., lOOxlOO.5. Eliza wife of CorneUus D. Myers lo George Findley. May 8.....................................63,000 51ST St., n. s., 300 w. 6th av., 20x100.5. George Findley to Charles T. Sanford. Oct. 15... .15,500 54th St., s. s., 200 e. 11th av., 25xl42.1x25.3x 138.8. Stephen Pabst to Rudolph J. Schott. Oct. 30.....................................9,5CO 55thSt., s. s., 345 w. 8th av., 20x100.5. (Leasehold.) Frank W. PuUman (Ref.) to Marv wife of Adam Cambeis. Oct. 21..........................6,550 56th St., n. s., 150 e. 10th av., 10x100.5. Vemon K. Stevenson to Peter Farley...............2,000 57th St., n. s., 200 w. 8th av., 55x100.5. Amelia Barlow to Charlotte wife of MUes A. Stafford. Nov. 1....................................5O,0CO 57th St., s. s., 410 w. 9th av., 15x62.6 Charlotte Stafford to AmeUa Barlow. Nov. 1......18,0C0 60th St., n. s. 100 e. 11th av., 125x100.5. WUliam T. Blodgett to John Livingiston. Oct. 8.... 25,000 71ST St., n. s., 240 e. 4th av., 20x102.2, h, & 1. Margaret and Richard M. Henry to Stephen H. OUn. Oct. 27..............................nom Same property. Stephen H. OUn to Louise B. wife of Eichard M. Henry. (B. & S.) Oct. 28 —..................................___nom 73d St., n. w. cor. Madison av., 18x80. John Roth to Charles and Frank A. Seitz. Nov. 1.........................................45,000 74th St., s. s., 100 w.Av. A, 50x102.2. Samuel Zeimer to Louis Zeimer. Oct. 22..........48,000 74th St., n. 8.., 275 e. 2d av., 25x102.2. Mary Sher¬ ry to Catherine Croswell, Blnghamton, N. Y. July 21....................................23,500 74th St., n. s., 275 e. 2d av., 25x102.2. Catherine CrosweU to Augustus W. Mead, Orange, N. J..............................:...........20,800 76th St., n. s., 250 vr. 1st av., 75x102.2. Samuel Zeimer to August L. Mosser. Nov. 1......40,000 78th St., n. s., 255 e. 3d av., 25x102.2. Eandolph B. Martine to WilUam S. O'Brien. Nov. 1.. 21.500 81ST St., s. s., 100 w. 1st av., 25x102.2. WiUiain H. and Bichard B. Johnson to John G. Land¬ wehr. Oct; 28...........___............ .11,000 82d St., s. s., 64 e. 2d av., 36x51.2. Martin Mc¬ MuUin to Benjamin C. Wetmore. Oct. 15. .24,000 83d St., n. s., 64.7 e. Boulevard (10th av.), 50x 102.2. Joseph Snuth to Francis J. Dominick. Oct. 20................;....................9,500 87th St., s. s., 200 vr. 1st av., 45x100.8, h. & 1. WUliam W. Downs to Daniel McL. Quacken¬ bush. Oct. 27............................16,000 93d St., s. s., 283.8 w. 3d av., 16.8x100. (Foreclos.) Randolph B. Martine (Ret.) to David SoUnger. Nov. 1.....................................7,010 97th St., n. 8., 125 e. 11th av., 75x100.11. George B. Pentz (Ref.) to Joseph A. Haynes. Oct. 28 ........«..' .: 1 7C0 102D St.* 8Vs.Vll6 e. ii' av.,"20o'xibo.ii.'' Cephas Brainerd (Eef.) to WiUiam A. CauldweU and Nathan Bishop (Exra. of Ebenezer CauldweU). Oct. 29...................-...................12,000 102D St., n. s., 130.e. 3d av., 200x100.11........) 2d av., w. 8., 25,2 s. 103d St., 126.3x105........V 103d St., s. 8., 105 w. 2d av., 100x100.11..;.....) Samuel Cohen to John D. PhilUps. Oct. 12, no consideration named 103D St., s. s., 278.6 vr. 9th av., 21.6x100. David • TomUnson to Wm. D. Woods. Oct. 26......3.500 104th St., s. s., 80 e. 4th av., 100 X y^ block. Wil¬ liam H. Gebhard to ComeUus M. Ederson, Jr........................................17,500 lllTH St., n. s., 298.7 w. Av. A, 19.5x100.11, h. & 1. (Subj. to Morts. $8,250 with interest, and subj. to taxes for and since 1874 and aU other liens.) Louisa S. wife of WUUam H. Hoover, EUzabeth, N. J., to Lucas Koenig, Sept. 8, other cons, and nom 112th St., n. s., 283.4 e. 3d av., 16.8x100.11. Clara A. Molan to WilUam Laimbeer. Sept. 30-. .4,500 116TH St., 8. 8., 462.1 w. Av. A, 18.7x100.11. Jane T. Hartt to WUUam S. Hartt. Oct.l5..... 13,000 124TH St., s. s., 192.6 e. 2d av., 16.6x100.11. Gar¬ rett J. Byme to David W. Kenyon. Nov. 1. .nom 125TH St., n. s., 100 e. 10th av., 79x16.2x59.1x79.3. Lewis J. PhilUps to PrisciUa Cohen. May 25..........................................3,000 126TH St., n. s., 105 w. 2d av., 20 x half block. George Brettel to Elizabeth Brettel. (Subj. to Mort. $6,000.) Nov. 1............ —...,. .nom