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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVII. NEW YOEK, SATUEDAY, FEBEUAEY 5, 1876. No. 412. PubUshed Weekly by THE REAL ESTAFE RECORD ASSOCIATION, C. W. SWEET...............Pbesident and Tbeasukeb PRESTON L SWEET...........Seceetaby. L. ISRAELS............,............Business MAtfAGEK TERMS. ONE YEAR, ill advance___$10 00. Oommuaicatlons should be addressed to C. SV. S^WEET, Nos. 345 AND 3*7 Bboadwat. FEATJDULENT EECOEDS. The matter of frauds upon the records of real estate was brought into puLlic notice some time ago tlirougli tbe medium of our columns, and, although it was made the subject of special and excited comment by some of the daily papers, nothing was suggested to prevent the possibility of the evU. The truth is, that no¬ thing better than the careful publication made in this paper can be suggested, except additional security in the acknowledgment of all papers for record, and an official publication of the facts most important in disclosing the matters of record. There are frauds of various kinds which are con¬ stantly peipetrated, and for v?hich there is no legal remedy. Chief of this is the practice of inserting a fictitious valuation in deeds, or an unknown and untrue consideration in any in¬ strument for record. The greatest detriment, iu SQch cases, is done to real estate and the taxable interests of the city. The inequality of assess¬ ment, whereby the metropolitan district of the State is called upon to bear an undue share of the general taxation, is directly attributable to this system of forced and extravagant valuation, which, as a matter of record, is pointed to as authentic, and is claimed to constitute a fair basis for assessment. - We might mention other frauds boldly com¬ mitted or begotten of errors, the details of which the limits of this article do not permit. There are enough of them, however, to require a complete and official publication of aU matters of record, with such explanatory notes or memo¬ randa as will disclose errors and compel their remedy. By this means the safety of the rec¬ ords would become more assured, and the public and individuals would be better assured against imposition and loss. CONVEYANCES. NEW YORK. January 27, 28, 29, 31, February 1, 2. AifNst. (Nos; 75 and 77), n. s., 56.11 e. William St., 43.5x27.2x47.7x27.2. Joseph AmminEto John Valentine Koch.' "(Mort. $10,000.) Jan. 11.......................................$15,000 Barclay St. (No. 19), n. s., 48.8 e. Church st.,1 25.8x74.4................................. [ Park pl. (No. 24), s. s., 48.8 e. Chm-ch st., 25.8 *" ■X74.4......................................I Lyman W. Bates to Stephen V. R, Cruger.. .nom Bayard st. (No. 8), n. s., 100.7 e. Chrvstie st., 25 x75. L. Bradford Prince (Ref.) to Sophia Bfonner. Jan. 10..........................6,600 Beekman st. (Nos. 109 and 111), s. s., 53.10 e. Pearl St., runs s. w. 31 x south along rear of 109 Beekman st. 11.6 x southwest 10.2 to lot ol JohnT. Dolaii X southeast 29.1 x northeast 48.10 to Beekman si, x northwest 38,4. Wil¬ liam P. and Augustus Abendroth to "Aben- droth Brothers," a corporation. Jan. 29.. .50,000 Broadway (No. 733), w. s., 54 n. Waverly pl., 27x100. Thomas A. Pettifer to Susan Spofford and others (Trustees under the will of Paul Spofford^. (Mort. $67,500.) Jan. 20........nom Broadway, s. e. cor. 58th st., 27.5xll6x25.5x 12.6. Amey R. wife of Frederick Sheldon to Mary Ann wife of Wiliiam J. Fitzgerald, Litch¬ field, Conn. Jan. 25......................30,000 Boulevard, s. e. cor. lOlst st., 150x195. George W. Carleton to Nathaniel D. Higgins. (Mort. $40,000.) Jan. 27........................47,500 Greene st., w. s., 51 s. Spring st., 2.5x100. David S. Draper to George Draper, Nahant, Mass. {Y^part.) Jan, 3..........................5,000 Mulberry st, (No, 130 and 130^^), n, e. cor. Hester st., 75x25. Thomas H. Landon (Ref.) to Thomas A. Jourdan. (^part.) Jan. 31..5,,525 Houston st,, s, s., 92.10 e. Sheriff st,, 21.5x76, C. C. Higgins (Ref.) to John Schlag. Jan. 28, .5,500 Leonard st. (Nos. 62 and 64), s. w. cor. Church St., runs s, 74 x west 75 x south 25 x west 25 x north 100 to Leonard st, x east 100 to beginning. John W. C. Leveridge (Ref.) to Caroline A. Brewer (Extrx. of Gardner Brewer). Feb. 1........................................263,000 Mercer st., w. s., 63 s, Houston st,, 37x25, Ed¬ ward D. Gale (Ref.) to Edward A. Ham¬ mond......................................9,700 Mott st., e. s., 90 s. Bleecker st., 91.3x63.6. Abra¬ ham Birnbaum, Union Hill, N. J., to Benjamin Baker. (Mort. $32,000.) Jan. 31..........42,000 Nichols pl., Lot 516 on Map estate Isaac Dyckman, beginning at point formed by in- Jersection of n. w, s. Nichols pl. with s. w, s. of Lot 515, runs n. 190 to land formerly of Samuel Thompson x southwest 254,1 to Lot 517 X southeast 161.8 x northeast 208.6 to Nichols pl., thence receding in a general northerly direction along Nichols pl. as it curves 62.10................................ Nichols pl., boginning at northerly cor. Lot 520 on said Map, running n. e. 150.3 x north¬ west along Lot 508 163.8 to Nichols pl. x west 62,10 to s. s. Lot 516xwest208,6 to land J, P, Cummings x south 150 x east 119 to he- ginning.....................................J WiUiam Bumard to Alfred I. McCollough. (Mort. $6,240.) Jan. 29...................16,000 Reade st. (No. 92), n. s., 100 w. Church st., 25x 61. James P. Ledwith (Ref.) to Mary B. Earle. Feb.l.................................... 4,600 Renwick st„ w. s., 177.8 s. Spring St., 25x70... Renwick st., w. s., 169,1 s. Spring st., runs s. 8.7 X west 75 x north 69.9 x southeast 84.8 to beginning.................................. Renwick st., w. s., 131.1 s. Spring st., 38 x ir¬ reg...........................;............ 107th St., n. s., 133 e. 10th av. x north to 108th St., distant 75.3 e. 10th av. x east 49.9 x south [ to centre block x east 75 x south to 107th st. . X west 67................................... 107th St., n.s.,. 100 s.e. 10th av. x northeast 100.11 x southeast 4.1 x south 105 to 107th st. X northwest 33.............................. Joseph Meeks and others (Exrs. of John Meeks) to Joseph W. Meeks, Islip. (3^ part.) Feb. 1......................................nom Rutgers pl., Monroe st., s. s., 103.2 e. Jefferson) St., "180x102.2...............................V Cherry st., n. s., 83 e. Jefferson st., 200x103.8. \ Richard M. Harrison (Ref.) to John V. Hecker. (Mort. $64,000.) Jan. 31.................. .26,000 Spring st. (No. 210), s. s., 93.11 w. Sidlivan St., 18.6x90.2x22x101.2. Margaret Mullen to Chris¬ tina Aitken. Jan. 24......................10,600 Washington pl. (No. 66), e. s., 121.2 e. s. east¬ erly from cor. Grove st., runs n. w. by n. 2.4 x northeast by e. 23 x southeast by s. 36.7 x west by n. w. 41.4. William W. Parsells to Minard M. Mildeberger. Jan. 24...........,........2,500 Willet st., n. s. (No. 67), 100 w. Rivington st., 25x100. Joseph Bhehalt to Fanny Wendel. (Mort. $12,000.) Jan. 29..................25,500 Wooster st., e. s., 175 n. Grand st,, 73x100. Charles A. Gunst to Henry Barnard, (Mort. $60,000.) Aug. 31.........................10,000 4th st,, n. s., 100.6 w. 2d av., 24.6x96.2x25x96.2. Amherst Wight, Jr. (Ref.), to Agnes Ryan. (Mort. $9,000.) Jan. 27....................14.000 5th St., s. B,, 204 w. 2d av,, 21x96.2. John P. O'Neill (Ref.) to Jean de Krom. Jan. 31.. .12,850 7th St., n. s.,.125 e. Av. D., 20x97.6. William Brandis to Sarah A. wife of Samuel Gaodwin. (Mort. $6,000.) Jan. 25..................14,000 7th St., n. s., 125 w. 1st av., 25x97.6. Emma Y. Gardiner (widow), Charles F., John H., and Robert Wood and Maria E. wife of James Kain to Charles Bernhard. Jan. 14............13,450 7th St. (No. 40), s. s., 144.5 w. 2d av., 24.5x90.10. Samuel T. Wilson, Adeline H. Devotion, and De Witt Bnish to John Harper. Oct. 30.. .13,500 IOth St., n. e. cor. Waverly pl., 22x73. Truman H. Baldwin (Ref.) to Lottie S. Ogden, Willow- brook. (Mort. $12,000.) Jan. 27......... .16,500 llTH St. (No. 84), s. 8., 299.10 w. 5th av., 24.1x 94.9. Richard E., Henry R., Maria B., Char¬ lotte A., Jane E., and Susan Mount to George A. Baker. Feb. 1........................22,000 14th St., n. s., 100 w. 6th av., 75x103.3; also lot) in rear, 20x80..............................> 15th St., s. s., 120 w. 0th av., 20x83.3..........) Alexander Duncan to William D. Shipman (Assignee). Dec. 1.......................nom 14th St., n. s., 175 w. 9th av., 50x103.3.........{ 15th St., s. s., 175 w^ 9th av., 50x103.3..........\ Hugh O'ReiUy to Patrick Skelly and Patrick A. Pogarty. (2-3 part.) Jan. 20............20,000 17th St., s. s., 375 e. 10th av., 25x92. John and Joseph Doyle to Robert Hopkins. (Mort. $15,794, taxes and assessments for 1875.) Feb. 1......................................22,000 25th St., n. s., 95 e. 7th av., 20.2x78.9x18.8x78.9. AmeUa wife of Edward Fetzer to John M. Fet- zer. (impart.) Jan. 27.........'...........nom 26th St., s, s,, 475 e. 9th av., 25x98.9. Chris¬ topher Mooney to Wilhelm and Dori-is Schwartz. Feb. 1....................................22,250 30th St., n. s., 100 e. Sth av., 50x98.9. Jacob David to Ralph Moss. Jan. 26..............2,000 33d St., s. s., 120 w. 1st av., 20x98.9. Charles S. McCormick to Maggie wife of Joseph Kehoe. (Mort. $3,000.) Jan. 29....................nom 36th St., n. s., 128 w. Lexington av., 16.2x98.9. Samuel S. Moon to Susan B. Spring. (Mort. $9,000.) Jafl. 24.........................18.000 38th St., s. s., 275 e. Sth av., 25x98.9. Charles E. Vredenburgi to Ebenezer B. Woodward. (Mort. $2,000.) Feb. 2....................14,000 39th St., s. s.. 200 e. 2d av., 25x75. Frederick MuUer to Henry Hopper. (Mort. $16,000.) Jan. 27.................................. -17,000 40th-St., s. s., 138.4 w. 9th av., 18.4x98.9. Daniel N. Smith to Margaret Housman. Jan. 26 .10,000 Same property. Margaret Housman to Anna M. Smith. Jan. 26..........................10,000 40th St., n. s., 325 w. 9thav., 25x98.9. PhUlipp Wiener to Caroline wife of Henry Westheimer. Feb. 1...................................18,500 41st St., s. s., 300 w. 7th av., 20x98.9. John H. Hobart, Jr. (Ref.), to George Lauer. Jan. 28........................................11,850 41st St., s. s., 320 w. 7th av., 59.6x98.9. Jacob David to WilUam H. Brown. (Mort. $34,500.) Feb. 1....................................46,500 42d St., s. s., 118.6'e. Madison av., 16.9x130.5x40.6 xl57. Anne wife of Edward Livermore to Sarah A. Livermore. Jime 24...................10,000 Same property. Sarah A. Livermore to Edward Livermore. June 25...........;..........10,000 49th St., s. s., 143.6 e. 10th av., 21.6x100.5. Mat¬ thew Fanning to Frank Hoffman. (3^ part.) {Y^ Mort. $9,000.) Jan. 27..................nom 49th St., n. s.. 150 e. llth av., 25x67x25x80. Mar¬ garet M. JoUey to Jereiniah Buckley. Jan. 24....................................... .4,000 51ST St., n. s,, 250 e. 7th av., 25x100. Peter La- lour to Joseph S. Case. Nov. 23...........nom 51ST St., n. s,, 275 e. 7th av., 25x100. Jacob Sim- mermeyer to Joseph S. Case. Nov. 23......nom Same property. John Loehr to Joseph S. Case. .(Q, C.) Nov. 23,..,..,.,,.,.,................ .nom