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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1876. No. 417. IhibUshed Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION.* 0. W. SWEET...............Peesident and Teeasueer PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seceetaey. L. ISRAELS.........................Business Ma.nagee TERMS. ONE YEAR, ill advance....$10 00. Communications should be addressed to C. SV. STV13ET, Nos. 345 AND 347 Beoadwav CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows: 1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor ia conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. 2d—0. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant againat Grantor only, in which he covenanta that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. NEIV YORK. March 2. 3, 4, 6, 7,8. Beoadway,s. e. cor. 53d st., 50.8x55.5x52.1x47.7.1 (All right of.) 53d St., s. s., 47.7 e. Broadway, runs e. 147.7 to ! 1th av., w. s., X thence south 50.5 to a point \ on 7th av. 150.5 w. 52dst. x thence west 134.8 I Xthence north 52.1 to beginning........... \ Edward Livermore to George H. Livermore, Clarkstown, Eockland Co., N. Y. (Subj. to all incumbrances.) Eeb. 14.................$32,500 Same property. George H. Livermore to Anne ■wife of Edward Livermore. (Subj. to all in¬ cumbrances.) Feb. 14.....................32,500 Canal St., s.w. cor. Elizabeth st., 47x50. Mary C. wife of John Happe, Brooklyn, Gesche A. wife of J. N: Crusins, Hoboken, N. J., and GefertH. and John Wetjen to Martin Schren- keisen. (Subj. Morts. $8,000.) March 1.. .32,000 Same property. Joseph H. Beams to Martin Schrenkeisen. (Q.C.) March 1........... nom Chrystie st., w. s. (Nos. 23 and 25), 27.8x100. August Schaffer to Fritz A. Halbe. (O. C.) ^Marche................................_...900 Same property. Fritz A. Halbe to Louis Knelbel. (B.&S.) March 6................... .. 27 700 Delancey st., n. s., 50 e. .Essex st., 25x70.2. (Foreclos.) Edward Patterson (Ref.) to Wm. L. Loew. (Subj. to Morts. $7,620.) March T^l.........••'..............................1^00 Delancey st., n. s., 25 w. Pitt st., 25x75. Fanny wifeof Jacob Cohen to Joel E. Hvams. (Subi Morts. $13,000.) March 1........:...... 28 000 Eldbidgb St., e. s., 75 n. Stanton st., 25x76.2. John Felten to Mary Cavermann. (Subj. to Morts. $18,000.) Feb. 29................. 30 000 Meecek St., w. s.°, 150 s. Houston st., 50x108.. ( Greene St., e. s., 175 s. Houston St., 50x100.. ( (Foreclos.) Edward Patterson (Ref.) to J. Aii¬ gustus Page. .(Subj. to all incumbrances.) Maicb 3...................................6 000 Oup]R St., e. s., 27.8 s. Madison St., 31x75. Charles E. and Albert J. Milbank to Jamea E. Slevin. March 1......... 7 50o Pea^l St. (No. 409), w. s., 24.9xli8.'5x26'.5xii8..5. William W. Selleck to American Ratan Co. (Subj. to aU Moris., &c.) Jan. 29..........22,000 ^^.^**.^„^-, (^^- ^^'^)' s- S-, 93.11 w. Sullivan St., 18.6x104x8x101.2, irreg. Christina wife of Peter Aiken to Peter MuUer. (Subj. Morts. $5,400.) Feb. 28................................... .10,600 Stanton St., s. s., 80 e. Norfolk st., 20x60. George Wieman to Frederick W. Eepper. March Sullivan St. (No.' '64/,w! s.,' ilxiox—xil ^i'Anu^ Marshall (widow) to Thomas W. Marshall, Jr. March 3................. .'.natural love-and nom ^^f^?P^ ^'^•' n-e. cor. Cedar St., 55.5x51.4x 53.9x40.5. Ann O'Donoghue (widow) to John H. Schutte. (Subj. Morts. $15,000.) March l----------...........:.., V,,.,,...,, ...:24,450 Willett st., e. s., 112.6 n. Broome st., 25x100. Frederick Heppenheimer (Exr. of Geo. Wicke) to Frederick Hoch. March 1...............6,850 Willett St., e. s., 193.9 n. Broome St., 25x100. Hannah M. wife of Thomas Hughes to Mary J. wife of Michael Gavin. (Subj. Morts. $10,000.) Feb. 17.................................. 15,500 Wooster st., e. s., 175 n. Grand st., 73x100. Henry Barnard to Abraham Wolff. (Subj. Morts. $60,000.) March 1...................nom 7th St., n. s., 375 e. 2d av., 25x93.6. Mary E. wife of John L. HerbeU to WiUiam H. HerbeU. (Subj. Morts. $22,000.) March 3............3,500 8th St., s. s., 133 w. Av. C, 21.9x97.6. Phillippina wife of Joseph Stotzenbeyer to Wolf & Joseph Maier. (Subj. Morts. $8,350.) March 2... .13,950 9th St., s. s., 181.5 w. 2d av., 21x75........... | Also rear lot adj. on s. w. s., 21x10. (Foreclos.) \ Delano C. Calvin (Ref.) to John KonvaUuka. Feb. 24...................................11,400 IOth. St., n. s., 120.6 e. Av. A, 25x94.8. John Flanley to Bridget FlanneUy. (Subj. Morts. $7,000.) Feb. 28.....................!.. .26,000 Same property. WiUiam FlanneUy to John Flan¬ ley. (Subj. Morts. $7,000.) Dec. 15, 1875. .25,000 12th St., n. s., 220 w. 3d av., 20x103.3. John L. Watkins to Joseph F. Sanxay, Bloomfield, N. J. March 6..............................18,000 19TH St., n. s., 350 w. 7lh av., 75x93.8x75x95.8. John Post to Christopher Mooney. (Subj. Morts. $18,000.) March 4................24,760 25th St., n. s^., 100 w. 1st av., 25x98.9. George Horn to Andrew Horn. (Subj. Moris. $8,000.) Nov. 11, 1874..............................18,000 27th St., 8. s., 85 e. 3d av., 75x98.8. (Foreclos.) John L. Logan (Ref.) to Peter M. pingee. (Subj. Morts. $50,000 and interest, taxes and as¬ sessments.) March 8........................lOO 31STst., n. s., 280 e. 2d av., 20x98.9. Patrick Morrison to- Harriet Palmer et al. (Exrs. of John Palmer.) (Subj. Morts. $7,000, and Judg¬ ments $250.) March 6.....................no 31ST St., s. s., 265 w. 6th av., 20x123.0x20.5x119.5. WUliam H. GuUd, Boston, Mass.. to Margaret A. Cronkite. Feb. 28............'.........13,000 31ST St., s. s., 338 e. 10th av., 22x89x22x91. Anne wife of John Doyle to Mary Doyle. Feb. 26. .8,000 31ST St., s. s.,. 338 e. 10th av., 22x89x22x91. Mary Doyle to John Doyle. Feb. 26___..........8,000 32d St., s. s., 141.8 w. 6th av., 20.10x98.9. Eeu- hama E. wife of WUliam T. Stoutenburgh to James G. Lynd. (Subj. Morts. $10,000.) March 1..................■......................2L375 33d St., n. s;, 350 e. 2d av., 25x98.9. (Foreclos!) John M. Barbour (Ref.) to Walson H. Brown. Feb. 25.....................................3 100 33d St., n. s., 360 e. 3d av., 26x98.9. Walson H. Brown to Patrick W. King. March 1......7,000 36th St., n. s., 104.10 w. 8th av., 23x53.4x23.1x 54.11. Helen E. wife of Martin M. Drohan, Jersey City, N. J., to John HaUiard, Jersey City. Subj. Morts. $6.000.) Feb. 1..............10,000 39th St., s. s., 380.2 e. 8lh aV., 17.1x98.9. August Eisig to Bernhard Elsig. (Subj. Morts. $12,000.) Feb. 29................................12,000 39th St., s. s., 375 w. 10th av., 25x98.9. Germania Life Insurance Co. to Andrew J. Kerwin. March 2..................................12,250 40th St. (No. 16 West), s. s., 260 w. 5th av., 23.6x 98.9. Michael J. and Thomas J. O'ReiUy to WUUam H. De Forest. (Subj. Morts. $33,600.)' Feb. 26....................................52,500 40rH St. (No. 22 West), s. s., 319.6 w. Sth av., 18x 98.9. Thomas J., Michael J., and CorneUus O'ReUly to WilUam H. I>e Forest. (Subj. to Morts. $20,000.) Feb. 26.................38,000 40th St. (No. 24 West), s. p., 337.6 w. 5th av., 22.6 X98.9. Same to same. (Subj. Morts. $27,500.) Feb. 26....................................47,500 40th St., n. s., 400 w. 7th av., 16.8x98.9. Annie wife of John Doyle to Mary Doyle. (Subj. to aU Liens, &c.) Feb. 26...................6,000 Same property. Mary Doyle to John Doyle. (Subj. to aU Liens, &c.) Feb. 26..........6,000 43d St., s. s., 350 e. 10th av., 25x100.4. Eleanor J. Betts, Newark, to Lot Betts. (AU right.) March 1......................................nom 44th St., s. s., 82 e. 2d av., 18x50.5. CarUstes K^rdiman to Alexander Fields. (Subj. Morts. $2,000.) Feb. 24.......................... nom 44th St., s. s., 82 e. 2d av., 18x50.5. Alexander Fields to Carl Peter. (Subj. to unpaid taxes and assts.) March 1........."..................2,300 44th St., n. s., 225 W. Sth av., 50x100.4....... 46th St., s. s., 138 w. Broadway, 20x100.5___ Lots Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8,10,12 and south half of Lot No. 14 on Map recorded in Register's office - in Lib. 1,260 of Cons., p. 512.............. Also Plot No. 3 on Map of lands at Fort Wash¬ ington, property of Elizabeth WiUard........ Bernard L. Ackermann to Alexis Godillo't. (Subj. Morts. $106,516.) Sept. 20,1874......nom Same property. Alexis GodUlot to Nanette wife of Bernard L. Ackermann. Oct. 15,1875___nom 45th St., n. s., 220.4 e. 7th av., 17.2x100.4. Ade¬ laide G. wife of Charles F. Allen to FrankUn E. Woodford, Brooklyn. (Subj. Morts. $2,750.) March 2....................................nom Same property. Franklin E. Woodford to Charles F. Allen. (Subj. Morts. $2,750).............nom 45th St., n. s., 260 w. 8th av., 20x100.5. (Fore¬ clos.) Edward D. Gale (Ref) to Charlotte A. Banks. March 4..........................7,100 46th St., s. s., 138 w. Broadway, 20x100.5. Nan¬ ette wife of Bernard L. Ackermanu to Alexis GodUlot. (Subj. Morts. $12,000.) Feb. 15.19,500 47th St., n. s., 3B0 w. 2d av., 25x100. John Ban¬ nen to WUUam Bannen. (Subj. Morts. $10,000.) March 2...................................2^,000 47th St., s. s., 425 w. 10th av., 25x100.5. Mathias Spohr to Catharina Ebel. Jan. 27,1876___13,000 48th St., s. s., 100 e. llth av., 50x22.5x50.6x9 Also centre line of block bet. 47th and 48th sts.,' 100 e. llth av., 50x78x52.6x91.5..............' WilUam R. Dick to Robert Dick. (Subj. Morts. $4,000.) March2.........................19,500 49th St., n. 8., 400 w. 10th av., 25x100.5. Thomas E. Foran to George Delany. (Subj. Morts. ~ $12,000.) • March 2........................17,000 49th St., s. s.. 125 e. llth av., 25x100.5. Eliza Strong to John Petrie, Brooklyn, E. D. (Subj. Morts. $11,168.) Sept. 6, 1875..............nom Same property. John Petrie, Brooklyn, to Geo. B. -Griffith (as Trustee for John G. Griffith). March 7...............................14,000 51ST St., s. s._, 295.4 e. 3d av., 17.8x81.10x19.4x90.4. Bertha wife of Alexander Eppler and EmUy wife of Kaufman Baer, Newbern, N. C, to Louis N. Baer. (Subj. Morts. $600.) Feb. 4. .8,000 51ST St., n. s., 300 w. llth av., 25x100.5. John H. Hull, Brooklyn, to Martha Bull, Orange Co., N. Y. March 3...............................9,000 53d St., n. s., 209.6 e. 9th av., 15.6x52.2. EU Watts, Mount Vernon. N. Y., to Erastts H. Munson. (Subj. Morts. $2,350, and aU taxes and assessments.) Feb. 15......................250 53d St., s. s., 250 e. 10th av., 25x100.5. Anna D. Tremer to Jacob Kalb. (Subj. Morts. $9,000.) March 7..................................10,000 54th St., n. s., 120 e. Oth av., 16.8x100.5. James G. Lind to Reuhama E. Stoutenburgh. (Subj. to Morts. $18,000.) March 1...............36,000 55th St., n. s., 140 e. Madison av., 16.6x100.5. Richard K. Styles to Charlotte A. wife of Wm. W. Wakeman. (Subj. to Morts. $13,000.) March 6...................................33,000 57th St., n. s., 360 w. Oth av., 26x100.6. (Foreclos.) John P. O'NeUl (Ref.) to WiUiam A. CauldweU and Nathan Bishop (Exrs. of Ebenezer A. CaiddweU). Feb. 29...................... 6,900 60th St., s. s., 352.7 w. 2d av., 19.2x100.5. Andres Dold to Rosa Denzer. (Subj. to Morts. $11,000.) March2.................................15,250 61ST St., n. 8., 121 w. 2d av., 16.10x100.5. Edwaid Fitch to James H.Titus. (Subj. to 2 Morts.) Feb. 24.....................................nom 61ST St., n. w. cor. 4th av., 39x100.5. John Sher¬ man and Eder V. Haughwout to Henry J. Furber. (Subj. Morts. $39,000.) Feb. 19..43,000 62D St., s. s., 100 e. Lexington av., 20x100.5. John Jennings and James Brown to John Frank. (Subj. Moris. $10,500.) March 3..........17,600 65th St., s. s., 256.3 e. 2d av., 18.9x100. Samuel Schulhaferto Lewis Sternbach. (Subj. Morts. $2,500.) March 1......................... .nom Same property. Lewis Sternbach to Jeannette Schulhater. March 1....................rnom 70th St., n. s., 270 w. 3d av., 55x100.5. James D. Wallace to EUen wife of James WaUace. (Subj. Morts. $11,500.) Feb. 17, natui"al love and nom