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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1877. No. 490. Published Weekly by TEEMS. ONE YEAR, m advance....$10.00. Communications should be addressed to C. "W. SWEET, Nos. 345 and 347 Broadway. MARKET REVIEW. REAL ESTATE MARKET. During the week the market exhibited fair activifcy, and several notable transactions took place both at the Exchange and under private confcracfc. The plot of land on the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Seventy-fourth street, which was sold pursuant to a decree of foreclosure, was bid in by James Lenox, the mortgagee, for $112,000, and the two four-stoiy brown stone front dweUings, with lot, known as Nos. 17 and 19 East 74fch sfc., were sfcruck ofE to the plaintiff in fche action for $33,435. Referring to fche published list of conveyances, it wUl be noticed thafc the aggregate amount of fche con¬ siderations expressed in fche several deeds filed for record is $2,427,231, and that the transactions by privafce bargains are of considerable magnitude. Five houses and lofcs on Fiffcy-sevenfch street, between Lexington and Fourth avenues, have been transferred to Mr. Solomon Loeb for $138,000. The Globe Life In¬ surance Companvhave become vested with the fcitle to property on Madison avenue, transferred by ifcs Presi¬ dent, in considerafcion of the sum of $74,000, and Mr. William J. Byrnes has taken title to property on Fifth avenue, Madison avenue and Lexington avenue, Forty-flfth and other streets, for which he ostensibly paid $226,055. The Universal Life Insurance Company have caused to be recorded a deed, by which valuable real estate situated on Madison avenue in the vicinity of Sixtieth and Sixty-flrst streets, has been conveyed to them in consideration of fche sum of $631,000, and Mr. A. Hirschfield has bought fche one-half part of fche eight fchree-story brick dweUings, stores and factories, known as Nos. 95 to 109 Greene street, for $90,000. In the mortgage loan markefc twenty-nine mortgages, bearing interest at the rate of six percent., have been recorded, seven of which, amounting in the aggregate to $91,500, are held by the Mutual Life Insurance Company, and one, securing a loan for $100,000, run¬ ning five years from date, made to-the Germania Life Insurance Company. Nothvrithstanding few plans for new buUdings were filed with the Superintendent of the Department of Buildings for the week ending Augugt 2d, the total es¬ timated cost amounts to $369,800. Mr. S. BeUman has filed his plan for fche erection of fourteen brown stone dweUings on Madison avenue, between Forfcy-fif fch and Forfcy-sixth streets, the estimated cost of which is $14,500 each. At Nos. 536, 638 and 540 Pearl street a flve-story iron warehouse wiU be erected, at a cosfc of $32,000. A plan for fche alfceration of the building on the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street Qate Delmonico's) has been filed, at a cost of $5,000. It is reported that Mr. Edward Mathews has pur¬ chased the plot of land on the northeast corner of Fourth avenue and Eighteenfch street (50x150), for $48,500, and wUl immediately erect thereon a seven- story apartment house. Since the rapid transit meeting at the Exchange Salesrooms, where aUproperty holders alongthe aven¬ ues were charged with opposing rapid transit, there has been some talk among those owning real estate along fche lineof fche proposed Gilberfc Elevated RaU¬ road, the result of which may be a united action among property owners. Ifc is for fche purpose of denying fchafc fchey are obsfcrucfcionists, and to show fchafc fchey do favor rapid fcransit, bufc nofc along fche great arteries and narrow lanes of the city, that they are now combining, and it is proposed to hold a series of meetings in September, when fcheir posifcion in re¬ gard to rapid transit wUl be made satisfactorily clear. The mosfc practical men among them state, that the building of an elevated road, both in the avenues and in narrow streets, Uke Pearl street for instance, im¬ pedes ordinary traflBc of carts, carriages and wagons, interferes with the operations of the fire department in time of conflagration, and the strucfcure itself will be an eye-sore fco all pedesfcrians; afc the same time fchey see no reason why fche idea of Hon. AUen Camp¬ bell, Commissioner of Public Works, should nofc be adopted. He favors the continuance of the depressed Fom-th avenue improvement to fche Cifcy HaU and Posfc Office, which could be builfc for seven miUion dol¬ lars : Right of way...............................$3,500,000 Construction................................. 2,500,000 RoUlng stock................................ 1,000,000 Total cosfc..............................$7,000,000 As fchere is a disposifcion among fche pubUc generaUy to favor an increase of prominent works at this crisis of labor's disconfcenfc, an efforfc wUl shorfcly be made, simultaneously by various up and down town properfcy owners, fco urge upon fche aufchorities the necessity of taking speedy action in regard to the simple plan as confcained in Mr. Campbell's report fco fche Mayor, and transmitted by the latter to the Board of Aldermen. Property owners say they wiU then demonstrate to the people that they favor rapid tran¬ sit, but not in a manner to disflgm-e the best and lead¬ ing streets of the metropolis. The subjoined table shows the number of deeds and mortgages filed for record with the Register of the City and County of New York, during the six days ending August 1,1877, and the amounts involved : Amount. 116 Deeds, in aU.............................. $2,427,231 18 Nominal deeds.......................... nom. 26 Referee'sales........................... 170,300 20 Deeds, in 23d and 24th wards........... 43,090 MOETGAGES. 103 Mortgages............................... 884,350 29 Mortgages, at 6 per cent................ 356,300 20 Mortgages to Trust and Insurance Co.'s 345,750 The foUowing are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬ room for the week ending Aug. 2: Forsyth sfc. No. 155, w s, 1 fchree-sfcory frame (brick fronfc) dwelUng and sfcore (fronfc), and 1 three-sfcory brick dweUing (rear), 25x100, fcoL. M. Hirsch............................ $9,760 Gerard st, n e s, 154 s e Retreat av, 25x100, to Sarah A. KeUer............................ 500 22d sfc. No. 440, s s, 350 w 9th av, 1 three-sfcory brick dweUing, 25x98.9, to Michael Silver- stem........... ........................ ... 9,830 SOfch st, No. 336, s s, 192.6 w Isfc av, 1 four-sfcory brick (stone front) dweUmg, 22.6x98.9, to JosephLevi....................... .'....... 7,000 Slsfc sfc, n s, 230 w Isfc av, 1 four-sfcory. brick ten¬ ement house, 20x98.9, to F. Roesler........ 5,675 32d st. No. 553, n s, 200 e llth av. 1 five-sfcory brick tenement and store, 25x98.9, to P. Huron....................................... 7,100 50fch st. No. 59 Wesfc, n s, 691 w 5fch av, 1 four- sfcory brick (stone front) dweUing, with lot, 20x100.5; leased Sept. 22, 1868; term, 20 years; ground rent, $320 per annum, to SarahE. BusseU(plaintiff)................. 11,640 55fch st, s s, 200 e 10th av, 25x90, to Elizabeth P. -Noble (plaintiff)........................... 1,225 58fch st, No. 243, h s, 85 w 2d av, 1 thriee-sfcory brick (stone front) dwelUng, 20x100.5, to E. O. Jenkins rplamfcUE)....................... 9,050 63d st. No. 344 East, s s, 80 w Isfc av, 1 flve-story brick tenemenfc, 20x100.5, fco Joseph L. R. Wood (plainfcUf)............................ $7,100 71st st, s s, 450 w 9th av, 25x100.5, to Isabella Cameron et al. (exrs. and plaintiffs)....... 3,000 74th st, s s, 100 e 5fch av, 50x102.2, fco James Lenox (plaintiff)............................ 20,000 74fch sfc, Nos. 17 and 19, n s, 260 e 5fch av, 2 four- sfcory brick (stone f ront)dweUings, 40x102.2, fco Jacob F. Wyckoff (plainfciff)............. 33,435 101st sfc, n s, 193.4 w 9th av, 3 three-story brick dweUings, 48.8x100.11, to Universallns. Co. (plamtiff)................................... 7,000 118th st, n s, 315 e 4th av, 1 fcwo-sfcory frame house, 25x100.11, to Marv J. Munson et al. (exrs. and plaintiffs)........................ 2,600 128fch sfc, Nos. 151,153 and 155, n s, 285 w 3d av, 1 four-story brick planing mUl, with out¬ buildings, 75x99.11. to. David Wakeman (plamtiff)................................... 10,370 129th st, No. 28 West, s s, .399.6 w 5th av, 1 three- story brick (stone fronfc) dwelUng, 17.6x 99.11, to Equitable Life Assurance Soc. (plainfciff)................................... 10,000 133d sfc, n s, 315 w 4fch av, 1 fchree-sfcory frame dwelling and store, 25x99.11, to Washington Life Ins. Co. (plaintiff)..................... 4,000 2d av, No. 1050, e s, 60.5 n 55th sfc, 1 two-story brick (stone front) dweUing, 20x63, to Jane Jo-eph (plaintiff).......................... 8,815 4th av, e s, 51.2 n 77th st, 51x100.............* 77fchsfc, ns, 100e4thav, 50x102.2.............j" fco James J. WUlett........................ 23,400 Sth av, e s, 103 n 73d st, 101.4x100, to James Lenox (plaintiff)........................... 92,000 Total.......................................$283,500 ----------«-,->---------- BROOKLYN, N. Y. In the Cifcy of Brooklyn, Mr. I. F. BisseU has made fche following sales for the week ending Aug. 1: Adams st, w s, abt. 267 s Concord st, 20xl'00, fco Edward Colgafce and Wm. A. CauldweU (exrs. and plainfciffs)...................... $4,500 Bergen sfc, s s, 138 e Bond st, 18x100, fco Chris¬ fcopher Druve............................... 2.000 Cheever pi. e s, 370 n Degraw sfc, 20x88.6, to DeUa A. Moore (plaintiff).................. 1,000 Devoe st, s w cor Catherine sfc, 25x90, to Chas. H. Blyndenburgh.......................... 1,825 Duryea sfc, n w s, 130 s w Bushwick av, 30x100, toAlfredC. Cooper........................ 2,000 Kosciusko st, s s, 350 w Marcy av. 25x100, to Mary Pettit (plaintiff)...................... 2,000 Seigel st, n s, 100 e Graham av, 25x100, to John Schriefer (plaintiff)...................... 50 Steuben sfc, e s, 575 n Myrfcle av, 25x100, to J. C. Merschlich (plaintiff)....................... 1,500 Summit st, n s, 400 w Columbia st, 28.1x69. to James and E. S. Calverfc (plaintiffs). (Morts. and taxes $5,602).................... 5,902 Isfc pi, n s, 21.6 e Henry st, 21.6x133.5, to Octa- vius J. Norris (plaintiff). (Morfcs. $7,500)... 7,600 83d sfc, n s, 135 w 4fch av, 20x100, to Alexander M. White (plahitiff)......................... 2,600 Gates av, s s, 16 w Vanderbilt av, 16x43.6 to Fulton av, to John G. L. Boettcher (plain¬ tiff)........................................ 1,000 Greene av, n s, 180 e Hall sfc, 20x100, to James L. Mitchell (admr. and plainfciff). (Morts. $6,000)...................................... 8,200 Hudson av, n e cor Concord sfc, 21x75, to Ar¬ nold Geisseman (plaintiff).................. 4,300 Van Cofcfc av, n s, 75 e Humboldfc sfc, 42.2xl06.6x 4.7x95, to Mary E. Davis (plainfciff)......... 2,500 WUloughby av, n s, 393.9 w Marcy av, 18.9x100, fco John McDermofcfc (plaintiff). (Morfcs. $5,000).......;.............................. 5,200 5th av, easterly cor 8fch sfc, 40x80.10, to Benja¬ min Floyd (plaintiff)........................ 2,000 Total....................................... $64,077 BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. BRICKS.—There does not appear to have been much change on the general market since our last, but the tone has rather lacked strength a;il around. The combination of manufacturers made no alter¬ ation on fche scale of prices, and quofcafcions remained nominally as before, but quite Uttle shadings have taken place where a good customer could be secured thereby, as fche accumulation of stock proved rather full, and ifc was not deemed judicious to pass too many chances for a sale. The imion of fche producers in the efforfc to confcrol and regulate the cost, has not as yet had a reaUyfair trial, and it is doubtful how much