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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 20, no. 495: September 8, 1877

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. XX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1877/ No.. 495. Published Weekly by %\^t %mi Estate %uaxti ^sso.cmiiotx. TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance.. ..$10.00. Communications should be addressed fco C. W. SWEET, Nos. 345 AND 347 Broadway. mai?.k:et k,eview^. REAL ESTATE MARKET. Bufc few sales were effecfced afc fche Exchange dur¬ ing fche week, and fchere is lifcfcle fco say concerning fche markefc, which presents no new features. Prepai-a- tions are being made for the fall campaign, and we hope fco soon record fche facfc fchafc fche long period of dullness and inactivifcy characfcerizing fche markefc during the summer months has reached an end. The most importanfc sale under foreclosure during fche week was the " Orleans Flat," comprising three six- story stores and dwellings, on Eighfch avenue near Fifty-seventh street, which was bought by fche plainfcUf n fche action for $99,200. The four-story and basemenfc brown sfcone house, wifch lofc, known as No. 117 Ea-sfc Sixty-ninfch sfcreefc, was bid in by fche New York Life Insurance Company (plaintiff) for $17,000. The recorded fcransacfcions for the week have been unusually lighfc, if ive fcake infco consideration fche facfc fchat afc or aboufc the first of the month it is always ex¬ pected fchafc fche number of deeds filed for record will how a large increase. We n ^fce among the transfers the conveyance of ten four-sfcory brown sfcone fronfc dweU¬ ings, wifch lofcs, on fche soufchwesfc corner of Seventh avenue and Fiffcy-fchird sfcreefc, in considerafcion of fche sum of $125,000. Afc privafce bargain Messrs. Lamson & Son reporfc fchat the four-sfcory browu stone dweUing, wifch lofc, 20x56x100, known as No. 108 Easfc Thirfcy- eighfch sfcreefc, has been sold by fchem for S18,000 cash. For fche week, ending Sepfcember 6, only eighfc plans for fche consfcrucfcion of buildings were filed with fche Su¬ perintendent of the Deparfcment,afc an esfcimafced cosfc of S 18,600. Afc JSo. 38 Wesfc Fourfceenfch sfcreefc, befcween Fifth and Sixth avenues, fche owner purposes erecfcing a flve-story sfcore, at a cosfc of $9,000. The subjoined fcable shows fche number of deeds and mortgages Sled for record with fche Regisfcer of fche Cifcy and Counfcy of New York, during fche six days ending September 6,1877, aud the amounts involved : Amount. 96 Deeds, m aU...............................$1,251,630 18 Nominal deeds........................... nom 16 Referee' deeds............................ 326,835 11 Deeds, in 23d and 24th wards............ 10,955 MORTGAGES. 83 Mortgages............................... 802,304 2-3 Mortgages, afc 6 per cent................. 296,570 17 Morfcgages to Trust and Insurance Co.'s. 139,000 The foUowing are fche sales afc fche Exchange Sales¬ room for the week ending Sept. 6: Broadway or Kingsbridge road, e s, 180.1 n Sherman av, 50x183.8x53.3x203, fco Sarah L. Smifch (plainfciff)............................ $3,000 University pi, Nos. 68 and 70, w s, 125 n 12th sfc, 1 four-story brick factory, 39.9x51.3x43.6x 51.3. All righfc, title and interest of John H. Muiler fco Christian MoUer (plaintiff)___ 5,000 Wafcts st, Nos 50 and 53, n s, 114.4 e Hudson st, 1 two-story brick facfcory, 43x80, fco WiUiam R. Tice (plaintiff)............................ 15,000 22d sfc, No. 117, n s, 191.8 w 6fch av, 1 three-sfcory brick dweUing, 16.8x98.9, to Amos Cotfcing. 8,727 4l3fc st. No. 7, ns, 144 e Sthav, 1 four-sfcory stone frontdweUing, 32x98.9, too. Amory Stev¬ ens (exr. and plaintiff).;................... SS.OOO 49th st. No. 343, s s, 150 w Isfc av, 1 fire-story stone front store and tenement, 25x100.5, to R. Guggenheimer (plaintiff's atfc'y)...... 10,520 SSfch sfc, n s, 3.56 e 2d ar, 94x100.5, to James Mc¬ Govern ..................................... 16,000 41sfc st, No. 533 Wesfc, n s, 315 e llfch av, 1 fcwo- storv brick and one-sfcoi-y frame buildings, 2ox!'00, to W. C. 1.900 69th st. No. 117 East, n s. 185 e 4th av, 1 four- sfcory sfcone fronfc dwelling,20x100.5, fco New York Life Ins. Co. (plaintiff)..„..^.......... 17,000 Morse av, lot 1 on map of land adj. Morrisa- j nia, 13-2.4x100x75x143.3...................[ Oak av, lofc 2 on same map...................) fco E. P. Brown (plaintiff)................... 1.000 Isfc av. No. 228S, e s, 56.9 s 118th sfc. 1 four-st ory brick dweUing and sfcore, 18.10x75, to New York Life Ins. Co. (plaintiff).............. 6,000 8fch av, w s, 25.5 n 57th st, 3 six-story sfcone front flats and stores (Orleans Flat), 75x100, to Charles E. Appleby (plainfcUf).............. 99.3 Tofcal...................................1210,347 BROOKLYN, N. Y. In the City of Brooklyn, Mr. I. F. BisseU has made fche following sales for the week ending Sepfc. 5: Bufcler st, n s, 200 w Franklin av, 100x131, to fche Booklyn Life Ins. Co. (plainfciff)........ $3,000 Heyward sfc, n s. 176 e Lee av. 19.0x100, fco the Amity Ins. Co. (plaintiff)................... 4,000 Madison st, s s, 250 w Howard av, 50x100, to B. M. Farnham............................... 25 Morfcon st, s e cor Kent av, 35x66.3x93.5. fco Ste¬ phen and Catharine H. Taber (exrs. and plauitiffs)................................... 5,000 Sands st, n s, 60 w Hudson a''. 9.-2x20x10.10x100, fco Charles Smith (plaintiff).............. 3,000 16th sfc, s w s, 109.10 n w 10th av, 16x100, to Exrs. of S. W. Thurslow.................... 2,000 17th st, s s, 375 e 6th av, 37.6x100.2. to Daniel B. Miller fplainfcitl)............................ 2,000 18th st, n s, 440 e lOfch av, 20x100.2, fco Jenny Messe (plaintiff)........................... 1,200 Myrtle av. n w cor Prince st, 24.3x100, to P. P. O'Brien..................................... 12,125 7th av. e s, extdg. from 13th to 14fch sfc, 200x 147.10, to Anna T. E. Kirtland (plaintiff)... 4,000 Total........................................ $35,350 -----------< «>. BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. BRICKS.—-On common hards fche markefc has been somewhafc disappointing in many respects and the selling interest has scarcely gained the advantage hoped for. Business on fche whole was very good, rafcher beyond expecfcafcions, insomuch as fche offering kepfc closely sold up, bufc prices did nofc gain sfcrengfch, indeed if anything losfc tone, and fche average sales have been at figures lower than our lasfc. This ap¬ pears to be due mainly to fche pressure of suppUes from firsfc hands and a defcermination fco realize among manufacfcurers and their agents, and this jusfc afc a time when they had been predicting shorfc sfcock and a sfcand off for an advance. Exacfcly why such a plan was not carried out appears something of a puzzle too, in view of fche vaunfced sfcrengfch and power of the combination. EspeciaUy, as a week or ten days ago the accumulations afioat and on pier had disappeared and a shut off on arrivals f ollo\\'lng, this could scarce¬ ly have faUed to form basis for an advance. From whafc we can learn, however, there is reason fco be¬ lieve thafc " trouble in the camp " of the combination hasprevenfced a unanimous acfcion, and while many producers would, no doubt, have quit work and ceased shipmenfcs, others have confcinued fco turn oufc stock and ship freely, out of which has grown first a gene¬ ral sort of competition, and finally, a pressure from some quarter, through which it was hoped to bring rates so low as fco absolufcely force a sfcoppage of pro¬ duction. This lafcfcer plan has succeeded to the extenfc of bringing many makers to half fcime, and others fco announcing that they wUl cease shipments, fiU up and quit for the season. It comes a little late, however, audit is doubtful if sellers can gain suflicient advan¬ tage to offset fche low figures of late ruling. That bricks were cheap has been too plain fco be overlook¬ ed by dealers, and they have in many cases improved fche opportunity to pile away cargoes pretty freely, some we understand now controlling a liberal accu¬ mulation, and are fchus in a measure in an independ¬ ent position. Future f aU demand will in consequence depend somewhat upon the imiriediate consumption from weiek to week, out if this keeps up to present fair pronUses, and the offerings fall off as might now be expected wifchoufc fche aid of a combination, it is reasonable to hope for some recovery over present values. Pala brick have nofc been plenty, but were seldom called for and sold low. Fronts dull. Dealers complain thac consumers are fcoo economical to handle really fine grades, such as Baltimore, &c., but prefer sacrificing beauty and flnish, if nofc durability for fche difference of a few doUaTS per M. We quote: Pale, per M. .$2.00@2.50; Hards, Up-Rivei-s, $3.50@4.00 ; Haverstraw bay, $4.00@4.75 ; Favorite brands, $5@5.50 ; Fro-nfcs, Crofcon—brown, $8; dark, $9; red, $10; Philadelphia, $2-3@27; Balfcimore, «34@i .38. Yard prices, deUvery included, $2@3 higher on ordinary and $5@0 on fronfcs. GLASS.—Trade generaUy has a somewhat uncer¬ tain fcone, bufc rafcher tends to improvemenfc. Some dealers commence fco find sfcocks receiving greater at¬ tention, enquiries from the country are more frequent and various symptoms all go to show, ifc ts thought, that an increase in fche distribution may be caleulafced upon. Sthl previous disappointments have not been withoufc a lesson, and feelings are seldom aUowed to assume a too sanguine form. The stocks are fuU in quantity and well assorted, ifc is said, and buyers who do conclude fco fcake hokl, wUl experience no difftcuKy m making selecfcions. The domestic product is ni very good favor and no desirable sizes and styles are allowed to accumulate, the make being fairly adjust¬ ed fco fche oufclefc. On prices there is generally greater firmness with an addition to power among sellers by the formation of a combination*, the importers of French window having come fco an agreemenfc to fchis eft'eefc. They have also decided upon a discount of 60 and 5 per cent, for single thick, and 60 and 10 per cenfc. for double thick. It is expected thafc domestic manufac¬ turers will take similar action afc an early dafce. Afc presenfc values on the honie producfc are quite uncer¬ tain. HARDWARE.—The demand is now pretty fair and general, and dealers are batter pleased with the position. As the number of buyers is greater the hand-fco-mouth policy with which the majority make up their invoices, is not so much complained of in view of the comparatively full aggregate of business reached when all cusfcomers accounfcs are foot«d to¬ gether, and fche reduced risk on individual charges. The selecfcions still show a smaU proportion of any, but the most useful ai-ticles and standard goods. On Butts, Locks, etc., prices continue too irregular for a quotation. The following list was recenfcly issued on Slaters" Tools, and is subject to a discount of 20per cenfc.-. Slaters' hammer, $3.75 each; Slaters' knife, $3; Slaters' Ripper, $1.75; Slaters' dressing stake, $1; Slaters' Roofing Stake, 50c., and Slaters' SpUfcfcing Chisel, $1.50. Assorted sizes, 12i^ fco 14J4 ■ inches long by 2% fco 3 inche.s wide. LATH.—There has again been an unsefcfcled marke alfchough fche flucfcafcions of price were nofc very exten¬ sive, and generaUy. covered fche nafcural differences growing out of quantity, deUvery and credit. About $1.40@$1.45 may be named as covering fche rafces cur¬ renfc during the period under re-idew, with probably fche buUc of fche business afc the inside figure, though late sales of some magnitude were made at fche latter price. As a rule receivei-s have let their stock go after making f uU effort for the best bids, bufc there appears to be a considerable amounfc of dissafcisfaction with tne price which is considered unusuaUy and un¬ reasonably low for the season, and especially so as the amounfcs offered have not been what could be con¬ sidered excessive, and the accumiUation in second hands is thought to be moderafce. Experience, how¬ ever, has shown fche faUacy of incurring expenses by carrying cargoes afloafc, and the policy of seUing along steadily was no doubt the best. A goodly por¬ tion of the distribution has been fco city buyers, but an oufclefc has also been found on orders from Newark and from two or three leading points on the Hudson. Most markets dependent upon New York, are under¬ stood fco be shorfc of lath. LIJIE.—The turn of the markefc is upward, but in a somewhat irregular manner. Especially are "things mixed" on Easfcern, and afc the present writing we have the price reporfced to us afc $1.00 per bbl. aU around for bofch common and finishing, fche first named grade showing an advance and fche lafcfcer a shading. In some instances 90c. on common is named "nominally," bufc ifc is hardly believed fchafc fchis rafce wUl be accepted when supplies are actuaUy offered. The condition of the markefc injlicafces fchat fchere is a •' colored individual in the fence " again, with some doubfc as to which side he will come out, the irregular- condition of affairs being due mainly to competition among sellers. The natural course' of prices, how¬ ever, would seem to be upward ih view of the season