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NDEX TO REAL ESTATE RECORD. Vol. XXL JANUARY TO JUNE, INCLUSIVE. CONVEYANCES- 1878. Academy st___246. Albany St....93. Allen St....47, 13(5. Amos .St (see lOth st. west of Broadway). Ann St,...94, 4.50. Attorney st.... 158, 181, 203, 225, 2(59, 294, -KM. Bank St....III, 408,539. Barrow st___408. Baxter st... .209, 293, 519, .539, .5.59. Bayard st.... 13(), 182, 293, 3(5-1. Beach St....48. 434. Beaver St... 158.340. Bedfonl st... .27, 130, 293, 310, lOS. Beekman st___:38.5, 408, 539. Bethuuest.....539. BloM,rker st....72, 93, 114, 181, 182, 20:;, 225, 24r, 310, 340, 385, 519, 539. Bloom ingdale road, 182,205. 247, 340, 385, 519, 5:'.9. Bonkn-ard, from .59th to 09th st:.. .49, 72. 450. Boalevard, from (59th to 80th st___27, 2(5'.i. •.•:">, 3()4, 559. Boulevard, from 80th to 9;M st... .27, 182. Boulevard, from 92d to li.8th st___10, is-j, |.s;;, 225. 4.50. Boulevard, from lOSth to 125th .st... .181, 182,539. Boulevard, from 12.5th to lioth st... .27, 18, {si, 246, 270, 408, 519, .559. Boulevard, from M.5thst to termination___9, 2(5, 270. Bowery....48, 72, 93, 181, 182. 22.5. 270, 29:;, :u(), 364, 385, 408, 539, Bridge St....209, 499. Broad .St....269, 498. Broadway, soutli of Canal st___181, 182, 24(5, :M7, 408, 478. Broadway, from Canal to 14th st___114, 182, 2;i5, 24(5, 270, 293, 408, 539. Broadway, from 14th to 34th st___93, 04, :i93, 385, 408. Broadway, from 34th to 59th st....y, 48, 137, 270, 293, 385, 408, 434, 478, 498, 520. Broome st, east of Broadwaj'___47, 48, 13(5, 1.5^ 293, 316, 340, 434, 456, 499. Broome st, west of Broadway___1.58, 450, 17S, 498. Burling slip___240. Canal st, east of Broadway___203, 247, 408. Canal st, west of Broadway___iM, 226, 340, 3(54, 408, 478, 519. Cannon st-----9, 48, 365. * Catharine st___48, 408. Cedar st... .27, 203, 347, 270, 364.. " Centre st___.521. Chambers st___27. Charles St....72. 113, 270, 316, 408. Charlt n st___182. * Chatham st.... 1.58, 457. Cherry st... .27, 48, 182, 247,270, 340, 341,364,408. .559. ....,,,, Christopher st___72, 93, U4, 498. Chrystie st... .203, 293, 340," 364, 385. Church st___158. CUnton St... .9, 20-3, 226, 293, 4.57, 498, 539. Columbia st... .203, 434, .539. Cooper st___130. Cornelia .'t.... 182, 498. Cortlandt alley.... 182. Crosby St....9, 408. Delaucey st....48, 114, 270, 340, 3a5, 450, 478, 519. 539,560. ...,,, Devst....9, 182,539. Division st-----9, 72, 247, 364, 408, 4.5(5, 4{»9, 519 Downing st.... 316, 560. Doyerst....93, 182. Duane st___204, 293, 364. Dyckmanst___73. East Broadway....5)4, 136, 181, 204, 220, 347, 270. ^, 293,340, 385,408, 434, 49S,;ol9, ' ' Eldndgest....9, 94, 158, 208, 293, 340, 864, 539, 5(50. ElizabetEist....lO, 158,181, 183, 293, 886, 450, 539. Elmst___466,478. > i > i . Essex St... .48, 114, 347, 8©4, 434, 456, 478, 498, 519. NEW^ YORK CITY. For.svth st___31(5. Frankfort st....ll4, 1.3(5. 22(5. 310. 40S. 4.5(5. 457. 498, mo. Franklin st___9, 24 7. Front St....27, 1.30. 519. Fulton st___:l-10, 5(50. Gansevoort st___72. 181, 182. Goerck st.... 158, 22\j, 247, 340. 385, 519. Gold St....408. Gouverneurst___203, 316, 434, 498. Gouverneur slip. 203. Grand st, from East River to Clinton st___114, 130, 457, 500. Grand st, from Clinton .st to Bowery___56(t. Grand st. west of Bowerv___181, 5-39. Greene st.. ..2-17, 310, VAO, 304, 434, 519. Greetuvich st, south of (Janal .st___27, 93, 114, 182. 293, 3ftt, 478. 539. (Ti-euMwifh st, north i>f (,'annl st___114, 'il*:^, .'MM. Hague st___293. Hester st... .226, 217. r?,'.s, 43-1, 530. Hamilton st___40^. Hanover st___247. Henry st....y. 27, 182, 201, 247, 270. 310, 408, 519.- Horatio St....293, 3-iO. Houston st. East...:9, 91, 114, 15S, 203,270, 2<.)3, 364, 408, 4:j4, 499. Houston St. West....91, 114, 15^ 1^2, 201, '>*i6. 519. Hillside st___4:i5. Hudson st, south of Houston st___48, 47s. Hnd.son st, north of Houston st___72. 1^1, 5(5(). Harrison st___93, 408. Hawthorn St....410, U«». • Ishani st___500. Jackson st___27, .539. Jacob St.... lOS. James st___270. James slip....408. Jane St.... 340, 3W. Jay .xt..., 293. Jefferson st___72. John St. ..270, 3(54, Jones st___94. King St.... 181, 182. Kingsbridge road... .349, 436, 4.5T, 480. Laightst....94. Lawrence st....310, 411, 499. Leroy st....94, 114. Liberty St.... 270, 499. Lewis St... .9, 203, 247, 293, 364, 408, 478, 5-39. Lispeuard st___93, 408. Ludlow St... .48, 182, 320, 247, 293, 478. Macdougal st... .9, 203, 364, 40S, 500. Madison st... .94, 181, 303, 204, 226, 247, 293, 316, 340, 408, 519, 560. Maiden lone___5:39. Market st.... 158, 182, 304,247, 393, 408, 499. Market slip___560. Mangin st.., 10, 203, 408. Marion st... ,1.58, 183, 184. Marketfieldst.. .478. Mercer St.... 114, 182. Minnettast..,.370. Monroe st... .73, 94,114,182,326, 347. 29:!, 3(54,385, 408, 434,457, 478, .539. Montgomery st___408. Morton St..'..370. Mott St... .48, 94, 158, 183, 203, 364, 385, 499, .539. Mulberry St.... 114, 1.36, 1.58, 236, 393, 316,499, 519. Murray st___114, 408. Nassaust....37,408, 499. New Church st... .27, 408, 539. Norfolk St.-. .94, 226, 340, 385,519. North Moore st___434, 560. Oak St... .12,94, 226, 247, 316, 340. OUverst..,.247, 478. Orchard st....27, 73, 94, 158, 204, 320, 364, .519. j Parkst....:5(}4. I Park row___182. 1 Pearl st.... 72, 94, 114, 1S1. ls->. •>•>(;, .304. :!.h5. 478, 499, .539, 5(50. Peck slip....22(5. Pelhamst....519. Perry st... .204, 225. :541, 01*^. Pike St....247, 40«. Pine St....27, 247. Pitt St....20-1, 270. Prince St.... 72. 94. IS-.'. Keadest....2r. Ridge st___:510, .539. Rivmgton st... .27, 48, 114, 182, :i70, 29:j. 3M5. :m, 3(V1, 385, i:>-i, 539. Rose st... .204, 225, 408, 478, 519. Roosevelt st.... 434,539. Kutgei-s St.... 72, 247, 293, 4:^1, 519. Sheriff St.... Ill, 182, .304. South sfc.... ?2, 1.58, 22(5, 247. 270, 293, 408. South VYilliam st... .201. 408. Spring St.. ..27, 72, 1.3(5, 310, :!(5.1, 15(5, 478. 5(5(i. Staple at___93. State St.... 11-1,499. Stanton St....114, 181, 20:5, 201. 2rtt. 294, 351. 4(ik. 457, 499. St. John's lane....27, 13(5. Stone St... .94, 114, 408, 539, .500. Suffolk St... .94, 310, 408, 4.57, 478. .Sullivan st.».. 13(5,201. '?JM, 3(U. :;S5, 4()S. 4.57. -199, Thames St... 479. Thomas St....560. Thompson St....27, 48, r:>, 94, 182, 204, :i41, :!(54. 408, 457, 499, 519- Theatre alley.... 182. Tompkins st___247. Troy St....114. Union sq___457. Vandewater st___341, 4:^4, 479. Vaudamst....ll4, 182. Vesey st.....560. Walker St....94. Wall st ...114,294. Warren st.... 183, 270, :«1. i Washington st, south of Canal st.... 181, 294. 408. j Washington st, north of Canal st....27, 72, 182, i 220,408. Waterst....9, 48, 72, 114, 137, 158,182, 204,220, 247, 270, 294, 479,519, .539. Watts St.... 182, 204. 226, 408. Weehawken st___479. West St... .181, 25)4, 479, 539. White St....9, William st... .94, 1.58, 204, 247, 479, 499. WiUett St... .341, 304, 519. Wooster st....27, 114, 158, 320, 499, 519, .539. Worth St.... \m, 456, 457. 499. 1st St.... 48, 181,434,560. 3d St....94, 181, 182, 294, 408, 499, 539. 3d St, East.... 114, 181, 294, .310, 385, 499. 3d st, West, late Amity st___9. 130, 340, :J04, 5H0. 4th st, east of Broadway... .9,48.114,158,181,182. 247, 270 3C4, 408, 5(50. 4th st, west of Broadway... .73, 22(3, 408, 409, 4:i4. 5th St... .48, 72, 130, 182, 226, .364,457,479,539, aW. 0th St... .9, 72, 114, 181, 183, 220, 409, 499, .5.39. 7th St.... 114, 181, 182, 320, 270, 294, 409, 434, 479, I 499, 539. .560. ! 8th st, east of Broadway. ! 434, 539, 560. ; Sth st, west of Broadway. I 9th st, east of Broadway. 480, 499, .539. j 9th st, west of Broadway j 10th st, east t f 1st av... .73,183, 394, 385. 10th st, bet 1st av and Broadway... .317. .3fM, .385 ' 409, 434, 499. .9, 114, 182, 247, .385, .499. .158,318, 340,38.5,409, .317.