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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 21, no. 526: April 13, 1878

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The Real Estate Record. 329 stanhope st, s s, bet. Central aud Evergi-een avs, one two-story frame dweUing, 22x30; tiu roof; owner, Johu Eisig, 8 Scholes st; builder, Jno. Ruegei-. Sumpter st. No. 93. u s, 125 w Ralph av, one two story frame tenement, 28x.50; tiu roof; own¬ er, B. Ivramer, 95 Sumpter st; architect, L. Stortz: builder, D. Hes.s. A'au Brunt st, cor. Dikeman st, one three-storj' brick store and tenement, 24x40; tiu roof aud wood cornice; owner, Mr. Bi-adlej-, 367 A^au Brunt st; architect Sec, Geo. Dameu. AValcot st No. 13, u s, SO w Dwight sfc, one two- aiid-oue-half storj' frame dwelliug, 20x30; tiu roof; owner, B. Burklege, on premises. North 10th st, u s, 75 e 4th sfc, one one-story brick factorj", 25x40, owner, AA'. H. K. Cbilds; architect, Roberfc Orr; builder, P. J. Carliu. Fifteenth st, u s, 100 w 3d av, one one-.storj- franie dwelling, 20x-24; gravel roof; owner, Thomas Leonard, 5(54 3d av; builder, P. Meegeii. Sixteenth st, u s, 8(5.11 e llth av, one two-ztorj- fraiiie dwelling, 12x18; tiu roof; owuer, Martiu A'ollastcr, No. .597 IGth st Nineteenth st. No. 18.5, near 4th av, one two¬ storj- frame dwelliug, 18.9x:i(5.3; tin roof; owner. P. Shauuessj', 1.8;i 13th st; architects, Parbitt Bros. Atlantic av, No. 09 8, one three-storj- brick store aud dwelling, 17.lOx.50; tin roof and wood cor¬ nice: owner, i^Iathias Gavan, Pacific st; architect, Aiiizi Hill; builders, M. J. Rej-nolds and T. Donnellj'. Bedford av, s e cor. Penn st, one fcliree-aiul-one- half story brown stoue store aud dwelling, -20.X.56; gravel roof aud w-ood cornice; ow-ner, &c., \V. E. Chapman. Cla.sson av, e s, 150 n Suj'dam st. one three-storj' brick factorj-; 18x53 ; tui roof aud brick cornice ; owners, Geo. M. Eddj- & Co., Classon av, near l..afaj-ette av; builders, P. Kernan aud E. A^uu A'oorbis. Cla.sson av, s w cor. Lafaj-ette av, one three- story brick store and dw-elling, 25x,50: tin roof and wood cornice; owners, Priggie Sc Tietjen, Ryerson st cor. Parkav; builders, T. Baker and Morris & Selover. Same location, rear, one two-storj- brick stable, 12x18; tiu or gravel roof aud wood cornice; owner, &c., same as last. Clinton av, e s, 287.8 s Greene av, two four¬ storj- brown stone dwellings, 22x72; tin roof aud wood cornice; owner, J. AV. Sedgwick, 188 Gates av; architect, J. S. McRea; builders, C. Jameson and AA''right Sc Brook. Grand av, w s, (58 s St. Marks av, tw-o two aud three storj- brick dwellings, 20 aud 22x:52; tin or gravel roof aud wood cornice; owner, Johu Harrison, AA'ashington and Pacific sts; architect, I\lr. Iilui-phj-; builder, F. Burus. Irving av, near Stanhope st, one one-storj' frame stable, -25x12, gravel roof; owner and builder, Johu Rueger, 498 Broadwaj'. Same localitj-, one tw-o story frame dw-elling, 17x:30; tiu i-oof; owner &c., Johu Rueger, 498 Broadwaj'. Johnson av, u w- cor. Division st, one one-storj- frame stable, 25x50; gravel roof; owner, A. Puilier, 95 Montrose av; builder-s, Bernard Gi'im- felder & Co. Lee av, u w-cor. Lj'uch st, two three-story brick stores aud flats. 20x50; gravel roof and wood cornice; owner, Margt Healj-; architect aud builder, R. HeiUy. Lee av, w s, 20 u Lj-uch st, one tw-o-and-one- lialf storj-brick dwelling, 20x4(1: gravel roof and wood cornice; owner, Margt Healy; architect and builder, R. Healj-. Park av, u w cor. Hall st, one one-story frame shed, 30x25; gravel roof; owuer, A\''m. Heath, Fnlton st; builder, A. Coouey. Patchen av, e s, 120 s Greeue av, one two-story brick stable, 40x30; gravel roof and brick coniice; owuer, A. Cox, 12 Aiuslie st; builder, R. Ferguson. South Portland av. No. 179, one two-sfcorj' brick stable, 3-2x42; gi-avel roof and wood cornice; owner, A. J.Dotger, 278 South Oxford st; architect, J. S. McRea; buildei-s, C. Cameron aud Wright & Brook. Second av, w s, 50 s 13th st, oue one-story fi-ame dwelling, 15x23; shingle roof; owner, Frederick Mertens. ALTERATIONS. N. Y. Av B. No. 207, front altemtion; cost, $900; owner, Mr. Schlaiuph; builder, Peter Scheffler. Av C, n vr cor 2d st, front, &c., alterations; cost, §1,000; owner, S. Barkley; architect, Chs. Sturtzkober; builder, Shaaf & Sou and C. Leh¬ man. Av C, No. 20, alteration, &c.; cost, §1,200; owuer, Sec, same as Bank st, No. 79, fitted up for public hall: cost, §1,000; owner, C. Eniier; architect, J. M. Dunn; builder., J. Doyle. > Broadwaj', No. 310, repair damage bj- fire; cosfc, §1,500; owner, AV. H. Holmes; architects, F. ■ & J. Vau Riper; builder. Holmes Bros. I Broadwaj', No. 7.59, front and interior altera- | tions; cost," §3,000: owners, J. Daniell Sc Son; | architect,------Tribifc; builders, Ogden & Mount Broadwaj", No. 13'22, extension. 20x10, front alteration;"cost, §1,400; owner, Liverpool, Lon¬ don Sc Globe Ins. Co.; architects, D. & J. Jardine; buildei-s, A. J. Felter and J. Greagau. Broome st. No. .508, to be three-storys: cost, §4vO; owner, F. R. Thies; architect, T. S. God- w-in; builders, Harrold & Co. Caual st. No. ;W0, extension, 15.C.k24: cost, §000; agent, AA'm. Hughes; builder, AV. C. Hanna. Eighth av. No. :131, extension, 10x50x11; cost, §-3,.50O; owner, A. Brodeck; architect, Geo. Hobzeit; builder, not selected. Eleventh st, No. 8 AVest, front alteration; cost, §1500; owner, E. L. Renwick; architect, AA''. N. Griswold; builder, T. Hj-laud. Eleventh st, Nos. 27 and '29 AA'est, raised tw-o feet: cost, §:500; owner, J. H. Benuctt; buildei-s, AVm. Thouias aud S. Joyce. Fourteenth st, s e cor Flth av, extension, 13x 22.5; cost, §-500; owuer, AV. H. Decker; archi¬ tect, S. E. Gaiduer; bniiders, J. Devlin aud J. Forej-th. Fortieth st, No. frout alteration; cost, 'i;200; owner, J. G. AA^'eiseusee; architects, Pfund, Jr., & Reisterer; builder, J. A^ix. Forty-fourth st, No. 4.55 AA'est, front and iu¬ terior alterations; cost, §l,.500; owner, J. Braun; architect, Geo. Holzeit; builder, A. Ew-ald aud AV. Grolz. Forty-lifth st. No. :150 AVest, laised oue-storj-, extension, -22x8: cost §1,000; owuer, J. AVagner; architect, Geo. Holzeit Forty-sixth st. No. 404, Mansard roof, &c.; cost §.500; owner, Juo. Galbraith; builder, R. L. Darragh. Fifty-lirsfc sfc. No. 1-23 AVest, extension, 25x18; cost, §300: owner, C. J. Osborne. Graud st. No. 180, front alteration; cost, §2.50; owner, S. A^. R. Cruger; architect, AA''. T. Roj'- laiice: builder, J. C. AVhitlock. Greenwich av, No. 35)^, frout alteration; cost, §1.50; owuer, Henrj'Olt; builders, D. Stewart and J. A. Hume. Greenw-ich st, No. 840, frout alteration; cost, §1.50; owuer, H. G. Mohlinan: builders, J. C. Hoe &Co. Henry st, No. 291, raised one-storj"; cost. §2,,500; owuer, Maurice AAMiite; architect, AA'. Repper; builders, Barr & McEutee. Howard st, Nos. 21 and 23, repair damage bj- fire; cost, §7;]0; owner, E. S. Higgins; architect aud builder, H. AA'allace. Lexington av. No. 3.52, extension 12.x15; cost, §1,900; ow-uer. Charles AA''atrous; ai-chitects, D. & J. Jardiue; Johu Murphj'. Lexington av. No. 041, extensions, 19.G and -20.(5 x40.G;cost, §3,'2O0; owner, German Lese A'erein; architects, D. & J. Jardiue. Madisou av, s o cor. Tw-eufcy-fifth st, extension 20x92, building strengthened. Sec; cost,-$20,000; owuer, J. P. Kernochan: architects, AVest & An¬ derson; builders, Robinson & AA'allace, and Maguire & Sloan. Ninth av. No. 721, extension, 7x8; cost, §.300; owner, J. L. Hull; architect, G. Hobzeit; buildei-.-, G. A. Zimmermann & Hinrichs & Bro. One Hundred aud Tw-entieth st. No. 339 East, raised oue story; cost, §1,000; owuer, Mrs. A'au Riper; builder, N. B. Stevens. One Hundred and Fortieth st, n s, Easfc of Alex¬ ander av, extensions, 17x13; cost, §700; owner, T. C. Cheguidden; architect, R. H. S. Baker; builder. J. Brooks. One Hundred aud Forfcy-firsfc sfc, s w cor. Ryder .av, extension, 22x13: cost, §1.50; owner, E. A. Ga- liudo. Palisade av, w s, 600 n River av, two oriel win¬ dows; cost, §350: owuer, S. D. Babcock; architect, G. Thomas; builder, J. & G. Stout aud S. F. Quu-k. Pearl st. No. 300, front and interior alterations; cost, §1,200; owner, AV. .R. Foster; architects, Christie & Walker; builder, W. Fettretch. Second av, s e cor. SOfch st, extension, 20x2G &c.; cost, §7,000; o^vner, R. Caccia; architect, W. Graul; builder, not settlecL Second av, u w cor. .5-2d st, extension, 20x10; cost, §l,.500;'ow-ner. A. Keeji; architect, AV. Jose: builder. Johu Goerlitz. Sixth av. No. -10(5, front alteration, Sec: cost, §l,.800; owuer, A. Ruths; ai-chitects, Thom (.1" AA'ilson. Seventh av. No. 2-28, entension, 1.5x17; cost, §500: owner, A. Levj-; architect aud builder, P. Burns; carpenter, L. Flemming. Tiebout av, e .s, 50i> s, Btrrien's Lauding, Fonl- liaui, extensions, 10.0x15; cost, §-250; owner, Marj- A. Horridge; architect and carjJenter, S. Pierce; buikler, AV^. Coogan. Twelfth st, s w cor 4th st, raised one-storv; cost, §1.000; ow-ner, — AVelcUer; architect, J. X. How¬ ard; builder, J. A'an DoLsen. Twentieth st. No. 243 AA^est, extension, raised six feet; cost, §:')0(): owner. City New York; builder, Linus Scudder. Tw-enty-third st, Nos. 204 and 200, raised two feet; cost, §400; owuer, A. J. Richardson; build¬ ers, Jackson Sc Johnsou. Tw-eutj"-third st, s s, 100 w- 7th av, repair dam¬ age bj' tire; cost, §20,000; owner, H. Dudley; builder, J. Conover aud Smith & Crane. Tw-entj--eiglith st. No. 227 AA'est, front and in¬ terior alterations; cost, §300; owner, C. Dowo; buildei-s, Fow-k-rand L. Dalj'. Thirtj-'fifth st. No. 147 AA'est, front alteration; cost, §200; lessee, Mr. Dunham; builders, J. & AA'. C. Spears. Third av", s e cor .55th sfc, front alteration; cost, §1,100; owner, J. Blank;" architect, Fr. S. Barus; buildi r, Heui-j' AVilkens. A'arick sfc, Nos. 28 and :iO, raised two-stoi-js; cost, §:L2(X): owner, Michael O'Connor; architt'ct, H. Dudlej-; builders, M. Sc D. Coogan. AVall st, s e cor Broad sfc, iuterior alterations, new w-indows;, §8,000; owners, Drexel, Mor¬ gan & Co.; architect G. E. Harnej-; builders, J. J. Tucker and J. B. & J. M. Coniell. AVest st, s e cor Beach st, iuterior alterations: cost, §2,000; owner and architect, J. G.Harri.son: builder, J. H. I^Iacdonald. AVest st. No. 398, front alteration;, §(50; owner, P. Shanahan; architect, G. J. Carej-; builder, 0. P. Shanahan. MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES. Insure your Plate at the "Lloyd's," No. IPI Broadway. The underwriters have combined assets of over §750.000. They insure Plate Class Windows and Doors breakage by accident. Good se¬ curitj-. Prompt paj-meiit of losses. Low rates. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF AL¬ DERMEN. AFFECTING REAL ESTATE. * Under the different headings indicates that a res¬ olution has been introduced, und referred to the ap¬ propriate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has passed, aud been sent to the Alayor for approval. New Y'ork, April 9, 1878. RECEIVING BASIS. JIadison and Birniingham sis. u w cor.* SIDEWAI.KS FI..1G0ED. 84th st, both sides bet :ld and 4th avs.* 44lli st, bet Madison and Vanderbilt avs.* 57th st bet .-Jd and Le.'cingtan avs.t lid ftv. e 8, bet (54th and 0.'