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398 The Real Estate Record. 2 Lexington av. s w- cor l-22d st, lOO.llxlOlf. Clemenz Hetz .igt Wm. O. & J. Barton and AV. O. & O. B. Kendall...................... LSO 3 I.^xington av, n w cor 74lli st, liiO.\100. John Hcffernan agt Michael Fowler and John Mc- (ilynn......................................... 27 30 One Himdred and Thirteenlh st n s. 08 c 411: av, ir2x . AVilliam Nolile agt Jlrs. Ellen wife 4—Seventj--uinth st, No. 171 East, one four-storj- Connecticut brown stoue tenement, tin roof aud iron cornices: cost, •*15,000; owner, Jno. Marks, Sag Harbor, L. I.; architect, Jno. Mc¬ lntire: builder, not selected. Plau -205—Thirtieth st. No. 40 East, two four¬ storj- brown stone dwellings, 12.0x05, tin roof and iron"cornices; cost, $11,000: owner, James G, AA'il¬ son, 15 Ea.st74th st: architect, J. Mclntyre; build¬ ers, Robinson & AA'allace. I'lau 2l)C—Seventj--third st, n s, SO e :3d av, three four-storj- browu stoue dwelling.s, 25 and 27.0x70, tin roof and iron cornices; cost, each xOiOOO; ow-uer and builder, Ferd Haine, lib E-st S-2d st, and AA'm. Picker; architect, Fi-. S. Barus. Plan -207—iladison av, Nos. 418, 4-20 and 4:22, three four-storj- brown stone/lwcUings, 17, 2L'2,8x 0:3 and .5:3, tin roof and iron cornices; cost, 5;I5,000, .^lO.lKHJ and $18,000; owners, architects and build ers, Duggin Sc Crossman, Ki East 41st st. Plan '20S—Fiftieth st, u s, 172 w Broadwaj-, one one storj- brick shop, *2:!x70, tiu roof and metal cornices; cost, §1,.S00; owuer and architect, J, G, Wendell, 5th av, n w- cor :3ilth st; builder.s, A. AA'o
re, -25x50, tin roof and wood cor¬ nices; owner, John Frees, Morrisania; ai-chitect aud builder, Louis Falk. Plau 27:3—Prospect av, u e cor AA'arren st, five two-storj- frame stores and tenements, 17.:3x:35, tin roof aud wood cornices; cost, §2,000; owner, architect and mason, Fraucis M'Namara; car- ixmter, M. Manning. Plan 274—Eleventh av. No. .820, bet oCth and 57ih sts, one two-storj- brick oflice, '20x14, gravel roof aud iron cornices; cost, -$500; ownei-s, A. H. Hart & Co., 90 AVhiee st; architect and builder, J. Cox. I'lan 27.5—Eightj-'first st, n s, 75 vr Madison av, one four-storj- brown stone dwelling, 20x40, tin roof and iron cornices: cost, $13,000; owners, R, Arnold and Henrietta Constable, 5th av and 19th st; architect, G. Thomas; builders, J. Rogers and J. Hardley. Plan 27t>—Ninetieth st, s s, 100 w 2d av, one two- stiirj- brick shop and dwelling, 25x40, tin roof lUid iron cornices; cost, §1,800; ow-ner, A. H aud 505. runs through to Mercer st, oue live-.storj- iroii.-iiul brick store, 50.1x200, metal roof and metal cornices: cost, .$75,00(1; owuer, Joseph F. Loubat, 212 5tli av; architect, Jiio. B. Snook; buildci-s, It. Deevcu aud A\'. A. A'anderhoof; iron bj- J. B. and J. M. Cornell. Plau 278—Granil st. No. 401, one live-storj- iron and brick store nud tenement, 25x.S0, metar roof, l'e-c.; cost, .$12,000; owi.er, G. G. Uallock, '2.5;! East Broadwav: architect, Jno, B. .Snook; buildei-s, J. FLsh and \V. H. Haiui: iron, Barnes & Hazen. Plau 270—AVashington st, Nos. 705, 707, 709 aud 709_i.^, f„m. fcur-sttirj- brick dwelliugs, I7.:;x50, tin roof and iron cornices; cost, each .$5,000; owuer, D. Ramsaj-, i:37 Pei-rj- st; architect, AV. E. Bishop. .. Pliui 281)—Third av. No. 105, one four-storj- brick store and teuomcnt, 39x100, tui roof and iron cornices; cost, $:30,000; owner. R. Stuyve.sjint, 104 Ea.st IOth st; architect, M. Fbruachen; build¬ ers, P. T. O'Brieu & Sou. Plan 281—Seventh av, cor I2Cth st, eight thrcc- story browu stone dwelliugs, Ki.lixoO, tin roof and iron cornices; cost, each $0,500; ow-uer, F. P. Furnald, 192 Broadw-aj-, cor Dej- st; tu-chitect, Juo. Keir. Plan 2.S2—Twentj'-sixth st. No. ;334 AVest, tw o live and two-storj- brick lofts, 25x55 and 30, tiu roof and brick cornices; cost, all $4,000; owner, E. Crawford, 220 AVest 28th st: architect, J. M. Dunn; builders, N. &H. Andrews and J. Mitchell. Plan 28:3—Heurj' st, No. TO, one live-storj' brick store and tenement, '2,5x.57; cost, §8,200; ow-iiers, P, AA'hite & Sou.s,41 Peck slip; architect, J. Dunn; builders, Gris.slei- & Fausel. Plan 284—Fifty-sixth st. No. 408 AA'est, one live¬ storj' brick store and tenement, 25x72, tiu roof and iron cornices; cost, §10,000; owner, J. Broseii, 9ih av, u w cor 5()th st; architect, J. M. Dunn; builder, uot selected. Plau 2.^5—AA'averij- pl, s e cor 10th st, one live¬ storj- brick and brown stone tenement, 2.5x00, tin roof aud iron cornices; cost, §14,000; owners, J. Ohmeis aud H. Zahn, 114 7th st; ai-chilect, AA'. Jose. Plau 2S(>—Tenth st. No. 2.52 AA'est, being 25 e AA'averly pl, one live-storj- brown stoue tenement, 2,5x75, tiu roof and iron cornices; cost, §10,000; owuer, &c,, same as last. Plan 287—AA^iverlj- pl, e s. liO s IOth st, oue five- story brick tenement, :3.5x'25, tiu roof aud iron cornices; cost, §7,.500; owuer, Sec, same as last. Plan 288—(Greenwich st, u w cor Harrison st, two five-storj- stores and tenements, 37,9x77,2; metal roof, &c,; cost, §18,000; owner, S, A'. Hoff¬ man, 2!05tliav; architect, Juo, B, Snook; builders, A, AV, Andrews & Sou: cariieiiter, uot ,selected; iron bj- J. B, & J, M, Cornell. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Bancroft jil, e s, 100 from Herkimer st, one two storj- frame dw-elling 10x20; owner, Timotlij- (J'Couiior, Brownville; architect, &c., --------- Buriniug; mason, C. Horn. Bergeu st, s s, 212 e Class^m av, one ouc-storj- fnune sliop 18.x25; owner, Fraucis Dillon, Atlan¬ tic and Classou avs. Cambridge pl, e s, 2-20 s, Greene av, two three- story brown stone dwellings, '20x45, tin roof aud wooden cornice; owner, architect aud build¬ er, Benjamin Linikin, 21(5 Greeue av. Cumberland st (Nos. 245 and 24.5^). two three- .storj- browu stoue dwellings, l-2.(ix.50; owuer, D. K, Baker; architect, J, S. McRea; builders, AA'right & Brooks. Madison st, s s, .530 w Nostrand av, one tw-o- storj' brown stone dwelling, 20x40; gravel roof and wooden cornice; owner, Emma Isbell, 451 A^an Bureu, st; architect, J. Rej-nolds; builder, C. Isbell. McDougal st, n s, bet. Ralph aud Howard avs, one two-story frame dwelling, 20x:32; tin roof: owner, Jno H. Boj-ce, 104 Utica av; architect and builder, John Dhuy. Oakland st (No. ;38), e s, 220 s Nassau ax, one two-stoi-y brick stable, 1:3.8x25; gravel roof and brick cornice; owner,Eliza A. Stiles, 38 Oakland st; architect, F. Weber; builders, J. Cashman & S. F. Bai-tlett. Quincy st, n s, 200 w Yates av, five two-story brown stone dwellings, '20x40; gravel roof and wooden cornice: owner, architect and builder, S. Y. R. Alyea, 4 Red Hook lane. Ross st, n s, 85 from Kent av, one one-story brick stable, 22,Gx20: gi-avel roof and wooden cornice: owuer, Jas, F, Scholes, 85Lee av; build¬ er not selected. Ninth st, n s, 20 w 2d st, one two-story frame shop, 20x50; gravel roof; architect, H, G. Bongorge, 188 8d st; carpenter, C. A, Gilder¬ sleeve, Nineteenth st (No, 185), one two-story frame dwelling, I8.(ix:3(); tiu roof; owner, P. Shauuessy, 100 19th st; architects aud builders, George Her¬ man Sc Co. Tw-eiitj--first st, 100 e :id av, oue two-storj- frauic storo house; '2.5X.50: board roof; owner, T. C. Godfrej-, 21st st and 3d av; builders, Rj-au iS; Lorensou. Central av, e s, 50 u Mj-rtle av, two three- storj- frame stores and dwellings, '25x50; owuer, S. iSedlincr, 143 Oth av; architect, J. Platte; builder, P. Schcu. Graliam av, n. w cor. Skiiliiiau av, oue one- storj- frame hall, 25x.50; owuer, AA'illiam Hog- rcfcs, :J77 (h-idmm av; builder, D. Kreuder. Loxingioii .IV, u .s, 2:;o w Throop av, live three- storj- browu stoue dwellings, 20x40; gravel roof and Wiiodcu cornice; owner and builder, L. Burrows, (WO Greene av. i\Liiibattau av, w s. 25 s Noble st, tw-o tw-o- storj- frame dwellings, 10.11x45; gravel roof; owner, Charles Kciiiiedj-, Jr.; architect, F. AA^eber; buildei-s, B; Berrj- and C. AA'right Prospect av (No. 1:37), u s, 1.50 e .Sd av, oue one- aud-a-half-story friime stable, 23x:J0; owuer, Thos. J. Brown, G82:3d av;arcliitect, C. Thompson. A'anderbilt av, u e cor. Bergen st, three three- storj' brick stores ami dwelliugs, 20 nud 21x45; gravel roof aud wooden cornice; owner, &c., J. Doherty, 401 3d st Fifth uv, s w cor. Dougla.ss st, one one-storv brick stiue uud dwelling, 20x40; gravel roof and w-oodeu cornice; owner, Mr. Thompson, Butler st cor. 5th av; builders, Jno. Maboiiej' & 11. Mc¬ Kenna. ALTERATIONS. N. Y. Av B, No. 87, extensions, •20x-2'2.(;, c^c.: ccst, §1,000; owuer, G. Rheiiuiuer; architect, Chas. Sturtzkober. Av C, No. .37, front alterutiou; co-st, i^250; ow-ner aud architect, Sam'l Mjer; builder, J. Kraft. Bowerj-, No. 137, frout alterations; cost, $000; lessee, F. AA'aldschmitt; arcbitect, A. H. Blank¬ enstein. Broadwaj', No. 508, reuiove sidewalk covering, Sec; cost, $1,:300; owuer, J. H. Mahonej-; archi¬ tect, R. G. Hatfield; builder.s, Robeusoir& W'^al- lace aud AA'. A. A^auderhoof- Carmiiio st, No. 25, extension 11x15; cost, $:3.50: owner, A\'. Demmler; builder, H, Brockmej-er, Chrj'stio st. No. UO, reduced one-story, exten¬ sion 25x14, front alterations; cost, §15,000; owuer, A\'. H. Silberhorn & Bros.; architect, AV. Graul. Division .st. No. (5,5, front alterations; cost, .$(JO0; owner, B. Straebel; architect, Chs. Sturtzkober.' Eleventh st. No. 1154 AV^est, extension 25x17; co.st, ?l,400; owner, W. C. Rhinelander: architect, Hy. S, ier; buildei-s, H. M. Reynolds and H, Siiier. Eighteenth and Nineteenth .sts bet llth and 13th .-.vs, raised one-stoi-y, remove jiiers; cost, §1,200; owuer, D. C. Newell; builder, M. AVright. Eiglitj--tbird st. No. 101 East, front alteration; cost, .$:30(/; owner, Mrs, Smythe; builder, T, K, Schermerliorn, Eighth av, n e cor 25th st, front alteration, &c,; ccst, §1.(MH); owner, H. H, AVaters; buildei-s, P. Canfield and J. H, Smith. Fordham and Kingsbridge road, s s, 90 w R. R. av, extension 13x1(5; cost. §250; ow-ner, Jno, B. Haskin; architect, AA'^, AV, Gardner; builder, not selected, Fultou st, No, 15, n w- corFi-ont st, cutout cor¬ ner; cost, §75; owners, Jacobj'& Boehm; build¬ ers, J. T. Porter and H. Sidder. Fulton st. No. 170, Hues, Sec, alteration; cost, $:!00; ow-ner, Rosevelt estate; architects and car¬ penters, F. O. Pierce & Co.; masons, Trowbridge & Cram. Fourth st. No. 1372 East, raised two feet; tin roof aud iron cornice: cost, §250; owner, Mrs. Ludwig; builders, R. Shapter anrl G. Culgin. Fifteenth st. No. 127 East, extension 12.(5x13; cost, §7.50; ow-ner J, T, Davis; architect, Julius Boekell: builder, J, Fish, Fortieth st. No. 1535 East, extension, IC and 14x 4; cost, §285; owner, Mun-ay Hill Presbyterian Church; architect, J. B, Cady; builders, J. M. Jaques aud D, Mitchell, Fifty-third st. No. 53 AVest, extension, 9.5x21.6; cost, §2,.500; owner, Mr. AVoodleaf; architects, Thom & AVilson. Fifty-fifth st. No. 024. raised 3 feet; cost, §400; arcliitect, S. A. Ludin; builder, J. Armould. Fifty-sixth st. No. 435, front alteration; cost, §.500; owner, J. H. Haulenbeck; builder, C. Mc¬ Closkej'. Greenwich st. No. 69, frout alteration; cost, §1,000: owner, Gilbert Elevated R. R,; archi¬ tect, E, H, KeudalL Hoffman st, w s, 150 s Jacob st, -walls rebuilt; cost, §315; owner and ai-chitect, Geo. Crawford; builder, R. Cassidy.