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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 21, no. 533: June 1, 1878

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The Real Estate Record. 489 Plan 3(30—Fifty-seventh st, ii s, 190 e Park av, two four-.storj- brovvn stone dwellings, '20x(55, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, >;l-5,(!l)0; owner, AA'. F. Croft, I02();^d av: architect, James K. Ware: builder, AA'. F. Croft. Plan 3j'51—Greene st. No. 77, one live-.story iron store, 2.5x8-5, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, -^17,000; owners, H. & J. jroiuhard, :3'.IS Broadway; archi¬ tect. Henry Foruback; Iniildcus, A. Woodnilf's Sons and McGuire & Sloane. Plan :^fi2—riiompson st, Nos. 34, .'3(5 aud 33, one Iive-story brick factor}-, 57x80, tin roof and brick cornice; cost, §:5-5,0()O: owuere, M. i'v: -S. Stern¬ berger: .50 Exchange pl: arcbitect, H. Firrnbnch: builders, A'a'i Dolsen & Arno t and J. Jemiiug,«. Plan :!():5—Twentj--lifth st, Nos. .507 and bO'J AA'est, rear, one two-story lirick stable, .50.\oO. !,'ravel roof and brick cornice: owner and archi te; t, Heury Ferris, 240 loth av; builder, not se¬ lected. Plan :5(5t—Sxty-thirdst, ns, 00 c IOlh, six three¬ story brick .stoiie dwellings, l(5.Sx.50, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, .^«,(l()0: owner. Heurj- P. Niebuhr, 3'3l l'25th st: architect, J. Brandt; builder, A\'. F. Niebuhr. Plan :i0-5—Second av, ii e cor 78tli st, one five- story browii stoue store and tenement, 25 and ~->x 72, till roof and iron cornice: cost, >;0,000; owner, Henry Berfthoru, 2dav and 5(5tli st; architect, A. B. Ogden; builder, not selected. Plan ;!(j(j—Greenwich st. No. 100, oue five-storj- brown stone store and tenement. 2(5 and 25x70, till roof and iron cornice; cost. ?;0,0-50; owner?, E. &: C. Sobel; architect, Henr\-Dudlej-; builders. J. Scliaelller & Son aud Mullhollaiul & Connollj'. Plan 807—(Jno Hundred and Seventeenth .st, Nos. 21-5, 215.1;; and 217 East, three two-story brovvn stone dCvellings, 10.8x45, tin roof and iron cornice; cost, S;i,400; owner, George .Strecker, Lexuigtou av, n w cor llStli st; arcbitect. B. Walther: builders, J. C. Heuej* and Thoo. Diet- crleiii. Plan S(5'>—First av, n e cor I•24th st, one oue- storj- brick factorj-, 87x27, gravel roof and coping;, §1,200; owner.s, AA'illiam ■Maas & Co,, 04 antl ('i(i Lispenard .st; aYchitecfc. M. Steriiheimer: build¬ er. M. Rider. Plan :!U0—Eightj-~fourtli st, s w cor Madi.son av, four four-.storj- brovvn stoue dwellings, 17.7x -52, tin roof and iron cornice; cost, .^-50,0(1(1; owner, Richard Arnold, 5tli av and IOth st; architect, (4. Tliomas; builders, Moran Sc Armstrong. Plau -'wO—Jladisou av, w s, (57.2 s .S4tli st, ono two-storj- brovvn stoue dwelling, o5x7(). tin roof and iron cornice; cost, ?! 15,000; owner, Richard Arnold, 5th av and IOth st; architect, G.Thomas; builders. James AA''ebb & Son. Plan :S7l—Unioii Square, No. :10, s w cor IGth st. one iive-story iron store, :J2.(5xl4l.lO, metal roof aud iron cornice: cost, S7o,00(): owner, Es- t.ite Margt. Smith; architect, J. B. Snook; build¬ ers, R. Deeves tind J. Downej-. Plan 37'2—Twentj--sixth st, No. 324 AA'est, ore live-storv bri^k tenement, "25x55, tiu roof ami iron cornice; cost, $8,000: owner. E. Crawford, 2-2(1 AVest 2Sth .vt: architect, J. M. Dunn; builders, N. and H. Andruss and AA^m. Mitchell. Plan :373—Third av, n w cor lOSih st, oue four¬ storj- briek store aud tenement, 2-">.5x50, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, -^8,(100: owner, I). AA'ehreii- berg, 421 2d av. Plan 374—Tweutj'-third st, Nos. 23s and 240 AA'est, one one-story brown stiiie church. 50x-S.5, tiu roof and stone cornice; cost, $12,000; o\vners. Third Reformed Presbj-teriau Church; architect, J. Correja: buildei-s, M. M. Henrj^ aud Jno. Jen¬ uings. Plan iilb—Fortieth st, n s, 125 vr 7tli av. three live-storj' brick tenements, lO.Sx()2 and 50, tin roof and iron cornice: cost, .$5,200, each; owner, Hen¬ rj-C. Niedensteiu, 221 Greenwich st: architect, AV. R. Smith; builders, Lyons & Biinu. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Bereen st, bet Franklj'ii and Classou avs, one one-story frame shed, 14x30; owner, Mr. Seiter. Broadway, No. 14.57, one two slorj- frame dwelling, 20x30, shingle roof; owner, Charles A. Briggs; builders, C. Baur and Jno. Dankert. Columbia st, No. 190, one three-storj' brick store and dwelling, 2l.Gx.55, tin roof and wood antl iron cornices; owner, Henrj- Immerchitt; architect, Chas. AA'erner; builders, Thos. B. Rutan and John Lee. Degraw st, s e cor Hoyt sfc, one oue-storj' frame church, 35x93, gravel roof; owners. Father Dully and Jno. King. Downing st, e s, abt 300 n Putnam av, two three-storj' brown stone dwellings, 10x42, tin roof and -wooden cornices; owner, &c., Lambert & Mason. Flood's alley, e s, 70 from Johnson st, one four¬ story brick stable and cai^riage house, 30x44, tin roof and wooden cornices; owner, AA'illiam Gor¬ den; architect, F. B. Strvker, Jr.; builder, George Phillips. Lorimer st, 242 s Norman av, one two-storj* | frame storage, 10.1x38, gravel roof: owuer. Ceo. j H. Gerard, .50(5 Lorimer st; architect, F. AA'eber. Pacitic st, 11 s, east of A''anderbilt av, one two- storv browii stone dwelling., tin roof and wooden cornice: owner, John J. Ladlej': archi¬ tect, AV. A. Mundell. Poiiu st, n .s, 150 w- Marcj- av, one three-.storj- browii stone dwelliug, 20x42, tin roof and wooden cornice: owner, John Denithorne; architect, Robt. Dixon. Pre ideiit st, ii s, 171 w Sth av, one two-storj- brick dwelling, 23 and 30x43, tin roof and wooileu ooniiccs; owner, F. O. Apfeld: builder, Thos. B. Rutan. State st, cor Nevius st, one two-sto j- brick stable. -57x25, gravel roof and brick cornice: owner. A- F. AA'ood, 140 Ijiviiigstoust; buihler, M. I'liderhill. Witherspoon st, s s, 150 u Marcj- av, six two¬ storj- frame dwelliugs, 1(5.8x40, "gravel roof; owner, J. AA'alter Phelps; architect, AA'. II. Col- son; builders, E. G. Sturges and AA'. H. Colson. Nortii First st, No. 03. one three-storj- lirick tenement, '20x40, tui roof and wooden cornice: owner, A. Graham: builder, Joseph Mead. Second st, cor Hoyt st, live two-storv brown stoue dwellings, 10x45, felt and gravel roof and wooden cornice: owner and builder, Chester Be¬ dell. Second pl, s w cor Clintoii st, six three-storj- brown stoue dwelliugs, Il5.x47, tin roof and wooden cornice: owner, J. Av. Peckett: builder, Moore S. Thompson. .Second pl. s s, bet Court and Clinton .sLs; four three-storj- brown stoue dwellings, I5x.50,tin roof and wooden cornice; ovvner, James H. Magill; architect, AA'". A. Mundell; builders, John Guil¬ foyle Sc Sou and AA'right & Brook. Soutii Niutli Pt, s e cor 7th st, one tbree-storj- brown stone dwelling,'23x.50; owner, C. G. Moller, 202 South Oth st: architect, AA'. H. Gaylor; builder, J. Rodwell. Sixteenth st. No. 32, s s, 100 from 3d av, one three-storj' frame dwelling, ^20x33; owner, Patrick Woods. Fortieth st, u s, 200 w 4th av, one two-storj- frame store aiid dwelling, 20x3(5, tin roof; .-iwner, Mrs. J. Barrett: builder. J. Bartlej". Clinton av, e s, 471 s Greene av, one three-storj- brick dwelling. -25x44, tin roof and wooden cor¬ nice; owner, Mrs. Barrj-, 431 Clinton av; archi¬ tect and builder, T. B. Jackson. De Kalb av, n s, 50 w Yates av, one four-storj- brick store and tenement, 25x50, soapstone roof and iron cornice: owner, Robert Yates, Fulton market: architect, AA'. H. Gaylor: builders. AA'. H. Terrj- and S. AA'. Weeks. Johnson ax, n s, 130 e Ewen sfc. one four-story brick school. '50x28, tiu roof and iron cornice; owner, Trinitj- Church: architect, AA'^. Schiekle; mason, U. Maurer. Marcj- av, cor Pulaski st, twelve two storj' franie dwellings, l8.0x-'>8, tin or gravel roof; owner aud buikler, Thos. E. Greenland, '2515 Kos- cuisko st; architect, L D. Rej-iiolds. Mj-rtle av, s s, near Harmaii st, one one-storj- franie car house. 50x100, gravel roof; builder, P. Brady. Mj-rtle av, s s, 30 e Broadway, one one-storj- franie stable, 25x18, gravel roof; owner, &c., E. Bunce. Putnam av, n s, ^20 e Patchen av, one one-storj- franie dwelling, 13.x20, tin roof; owner, Thos. G. Rodwell. Troj- av, e s, (50 s Bergen st. one two-story fi-aine dwelling, 10x3(5, tin roof; owner, Mary J. Buck¬ lej', Tnij- av, eor Pacitic: architect, G. H. Prj-or. ALTERATIONS, N. Y. Avenue A. s w cor ll7th st, extensions, 34x17, Sec; cost, $t),000; owner, Jno. Fox; architect, S. B. Isaacs: builders, T. Kiernan and Doyle & Ctdlen. Avenue B, "No. 12, front alteration; cost, §'290: owner, F. Baldauf; builder, A. Kiesel. Broadway (Nos. 021 end 923), n w cor 21st st, extensions, raised to three stories; cost. $8,000; owner, B. Johnson: architects, D. & J. Jardine; biulders, D. E. Herbert and P. Herrmau. Broadwaj- (Nos. 1520 and 15^2^2), e s, 40 n 40tli st, raised one story, extensions, 1.5x30;, $1.5,000; owner, E. AV. Cole; architects. D. & J. jardine; builders, A. Brown, Jr., and VV. Bedell. Carmine st, No. 74, raise extension: cost, $200; owner, B. Revis. Chathani st. No. 1,35, and No. 1 Roosevelt st, interior and front alterations; cost, $000: owner, A. Rich; builder, J. Walsh. Eleventh st, s s, 115 w Av D, raised three feet:, $',*5(i: ownei-s, N. F. Palmer, Jr., Sc Co.: liuilder, R. Shapter. Forsyth st. No. 34, front alteration; cost, S150: owner, C. AA'eber; architect, W. Graui. Goerck st, No.s. 1.57, 1-50 and ICl, raided one storj-; $2,000: owner. Estate Julius Ragner; architect, W. E. AVaring. Greenwich av, s w cor Horatio st, front altera¬ tion; cost,-$-5-50; ow-ner, Mrs. Taylor; architect, E. Schultz: builders. Stone Sc Healing. John st, No. 11, repair damage by fire; cost, .$410: owner, S. Crowell; architect imd builder, Heurj- AVallace. King st, Nos. 8(5 and -SS, rear; studding po.sts aud w-eather boarding; cost, $100: ow-ner, Edwin Bellman. Perry st, No. 122, new windows, &c.; cost, -500; owner. Perrj-street M. E. Church; builders, A. G. Bogert &; Bro. PierO. N. R., extensions, .■58x4'20, gravel roof: cost, $2,(;00; owners, Mangam & Bonell; archi¬ tect and builder, P. H. Cxill. Spring st. No. 341, front alterations; cost, $2,5(>(); owner. Mr^. A. L. Brown: architect, &c., AA'. AA''. Jacobus; mason, A. D. Cailock. Sulfolk st, No. 135, interior alterations: cost, -$'25(1; owner, P. T. Uihleim; architect, A. H. Bluiikensteiu. Second .st, No. 2S(», raised one-half storj-; cost, 800: ownei-s, Trustees .Seconil M. E. Church: architect, A. Graham. Sixth st, No. 321 East, raised extensions; cost, $50(;; owner, Mr. Sturtzeueeker; architect, Chas. Sturtzkober; builder, J. Ki.ssel. . Second av, w s, 75 s OOth st, rai.sed one storv: cost, $-200; owner and builder, Robert Collins. ' Twenty-eighth st, No. 408 AA'est, interior altera¬ tions: cost, $1,500; owner, Thos. J. Smith: archi¬ tect and builder, Robert McAvenej-. Thir:j--eighth st. No. '37,3 AA'est, raised five feet: cost, $200; lessee, Pat Crowe: builder, A. AVard. Third a^, n e cor 100th st, csxtensions, "25x8, front alterations: cost, about $1.50; owner, E. C. Marshall; architect. J. Cairns; builders, J. & AA"". Spears. Third av, n e cor 122d st, rebuild part founda¬ tion:, $100; owner, George Jaus; architect, Bart AValther; builder, not selected. MISCELliANEOUS. LOCAL ITE JIS. The Conmiissioners of Estimate and Asse.ssnient in the matter of the aiiplication of the Department of Public Works, relative to the opening of One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, from I>avvrence street to the westerlj- side of a certain avenue, closed hy act of the l^egislature, chapter 290, section 10, passed April 5ih. 1871, give notice lo all parties who are in¬ terested iu the awards heretofore made by them for land to be taken in the jiroceeding, lo appear before them at 151 Nassau street, on the -'Id day of June, at 3 o'clock, and show cau-se why said awards should not be reduced, the lands for which same were made, having been dedicated lo public use. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP AL¬ DERMEN. AFFECTING REAL ESTATE. * Under the different headings indicates that a res¬ olution has been introduced, and referred to the ap¬ propriate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has passed, and been sent to the Mayor for approval. New York. Jlay 28, 1878. M.VIXS. 43d St, bet -2d and 3d avs.* Southern Boulevard, bet Berrian av and Tomkins st.t PAVIXG. 108th St. het 4th and JIadison avs.t BUSINESS CHANGES. Schedule of Assets and Liabilities llled by Assignees for the week ending Jlay W : Nominal Real Liabilties. Assets. Assets. Colt, Jaines P., 44th street and Sth avenue......... -.25,919 28,557 17,074