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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXIV. NEW YUKK, 8ATUJ:IDAY, OCTOJJEJl 18, 187U. iNti. (Hl.'i Puhli.^hed Weekly by Cljc Seal €'Sink%HQx'b |csso nation. TERMS. ONE YKAU, in advance.. ..SIO.OO. Ooiuinunications slioutcl be addres.sed to C. W. SWEET, Nos. 345 ANU ii47 Buoadway RICVIEVV OF THE MARKET. It eau hardly be said that there has been auj- decided advance iu the price of all real estate since the date of our last general review, (lub- lished in Thk Rkal Estate REconn on May Mist, last. It is true there i.s a much Iiettcr fcoliug and iiiauj- who tlidught of selling are now holding on for higher figures. There are places here and there where a veri* decided advance has been established. Lots near the southea.st of the Ceniral Park have advanced very Iargel\-. >Sonie that were formerly .sold as l
'aiis that monej- will be worth more and that smaller wages will purchase as much of the nece.s.saries and comforts of life as formerlj-. Rent.s this fall have risen in everj- direction. Stores, oflices and tenements are all firmlj- held. Landlords could Justlj- complain for some years past that the.v were at a dissid vantage. Tbe tenants had the best of tho bargain. There were manj- empty hou.ses; there was little competition except for well locateil dwellings. The landlord interest on the whole received far less than its just dues, and this at a time when taxes and assess¬ ments were l.eavj', and a great deal had been dono lo keep the houses in repair. We maj' now expect to see a steadj' enhancement in rentals. In Brooklyn we notice a great inanj- verj' nice houses are being erected. But it should be borne iu mind that anj- verv great ad¬ vance on this island will be checked bj- the cheap rents of Brooklyn, Jei-sej' Citj', and the surround¬ ing countrj-. True, the elevated roads are attract¬ ing people here from everj- quarter of the countrj', and there is less an actual deinand for residences on the other si