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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. XXIV. NEW YOUK, SATUKDxVY, DECEMBER '20, 1879. No. GU Published Weekly by Cbe Seal €state Eccortr |lssocmtton. TERMS. OiVK YEAR, in advance.. ..SIO.OO. Communications .sliould be addri^ssed to C. \V. S"lVKK'i\ Nos, I'ib AND 1J7 Broadwav ■ IIEATINC BY STEAM, The 11'oyositiou to hcai the public aud privnte houses of this city by steani is very naturally exciting considerable di^cus.sioii. It i.s quite .1 possible thins *u
liio, Kansas Se Nebraska, Midland of New York und New Jer,sej-, indeed, aiij- and all of the com¬ panies which went iuto the hands of receivers. We are quite sure il would be found that the obli¬ gations of the roads have been swollen enormously. Take the Erie road, f«r instance. It is only a few years since when its total mortgage indebtedne.ss was oulj- eleven million dollars. This was during the daj's of Jaj' Gould and Jim Fisk. The fixed charges of the Erie will hercalter amount to more than sixtj-six million. In other words, w-e start upou u new era of prosjieritj', with a far heavier load to