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July 3,1880 The Real Estate Record. 627 Deane, 120 Broadway; architects, D, & J, Jar- dine, • Plan 565—Mott av, s e cor 149th st, one three- story frame dwell'g, first-story to be of brick, 43 x60x32, shingle roof; cost, $8,000; owner, H. L. Morris; architect, James Renwick. . Plan 566—Seventh av, Nos. 86, 88 and 97, one two-story brick store and work rooms, 74x25, gravel roof, metal cornice; cost, $5,500; owners, Trustees of "Old Ladies Home;" architect, Wm. Jose; builder. R. Huson. ^ Plan 567—Seventh st, No. 96, one five story brick tenem't, 25x70, tin roof, metal cornice; cost, $13,000; owner, architect and builder, Peter Schaeffler, 96 2d av. - Plan 568—First av, n w cor 120th st, two lour- story brick stores and tenem'ts, corner house, 22x 56, next house, 28.6x59, with extension on rear, 20x15, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; cost, each, $12,000; owner, Henry Muhlker; architect, Fr. S. Barus. " Plan 569—One Hundred and Fifty-seventh st, s s, 300 w Elton av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 16x32, with one-story rear extension, 12x12, gravel roofs; cost, $700; owner, August Wiaht, 154th st, near Morris av; carpenter, Frederick Schwab. :Plan 57'^—^Washington st, No. 339, one six-story brick store and tenem't, 25x47, with one-story extension on rear, 25x13, tin roofs, metal cor¬ nices; cost, $12,000; owner, J. (Connolly, 30 Beach st; architects, O. P. & R. F. Hatfield; mason, Wm. McGrath. Plan 571—One Hundred and Thirty-second st, n s, 135 e Sth av. one four-story brick (brown stone front) apartment house, 25x50, tin roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $9,.500; owner and builder, A. A. Whitney, l50th st and Walton av; architect, J. H. Valentine. Plan 572—Seventy-second st, Nos. 247, 249 and 251 East., three three-story and basement brick (brown stone front) dwell'gs, each 16.8x5), tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; cost, each, $8,000; owner, C. H. Bliss, 6Ist st and East River; archi- ' tect, Wm. Graul; builder, John Bauner. Plan 573-Seventy-ninth st, n s, 80 e Lexington av, eight three-story and basement brick (brown stone front) dwell'gs, each, 15.6x50, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; cost, each, $7,500; own¬ ers, W. H. & R. Johnston, 84th st and Av A; aichitect, A. B. Ogden; builders. Cook & Hig- ■ gins. , Plan 574—Eighty-fourth st, n s, 100 e Av A, four three-story and kiasement brick (brown stone front) apartment houses, each 19.6x54, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; cost, each, $8,000; agents, Wm. H. & R. Johnston; architect, A. B. Ogden; builders. Cook & Higgins. Plan 57.5—One Hundred and Sixteenth st, s s, : 50 e Lexington av, three three-story and base¬ ment brick (brown stone front) dwell'gs, each, 16.8x.50, tin roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, each, $6,000; owner, architect and builder, John P. Hunt, 159 East 115th st. ■'■ Plan 576—Tenth av, n w cor 107th st, one four- story brick tenem't, 25.5x60, tin roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $10,000; owner, Fred, Kruse, 83d st and Boulevard; architect, R, Townsend; builder, J. H, Hooper, Plan 577—Madison av, n w cor 150th st, one four-story and basement brick (white marble front) dwell'g, 54.8x64.8, mansard, fire proof roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $70,000; owner. Cardinal McCloskey, No, 32 West 58th st; architect, James Renwick; builders, E. D, Con- oily & Son and James Elgar, Plan 578—One Hundred and Twenty-first st, s s, 75 w 1st av, two three-story and basement brick (brown stone front) apartment houses, 16.8 x50, with extensions, 10x11, tin roofs, galvanized iron cornices; cost, $9,000 each ; owner and builder, Joseph Murray, 315 East 116th st; archi¬ tect, J, H, Valentine. Plan 579—One Hundred and Thirty-third st, s s, 135 e 5th av, one four-story brick (brown stone front) apartment house, 25x50, tin roof; galvanized iron cornice; cost, $9,500; owner and builder. A, A, Whitney, 150th st and Walton av: architect, J, H, Valentine, Plan 580—Lexington av, w s, bet 67th and 68th sts, one four-story brick building (institution for the improved instruction of deaf mutes), 150x100, tin and slate roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $125,000; owners. Association for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, loll Broadway; arch¬ itect, Henry Fernbach; builders, Terrence Kier- nan and Grissler & Fausel, Plan ,581—Broadway, n e cor SOth st, extending through to 7th av, one two-story brick building (lorse exchange, sales ring, club rooms and offices, &c,), 159,5 front ou Broadway, 144.8 on 1th av, 153 deep, gravel roof, galvanized iron cornices; cost, $60,000; owners, American Horse Exchange (limited), 132 Nassau st; architects, D, & J. Jardine. Plan 582—Eighty-fifth st, n s, 78.6»^ e 3d av, one three-story and basement brick dwelling, 22x 25, tin roof, galvanized iron cornice; cost, $4..500; owner, IT. AV. Mevpr. n w cor 84 h st and 3d av; archii.pc , John lirandt; mason, M. Braender; carpenter, E. A. Lent. KINGS COUNTY. N. Y. Plan 421—Hart st, s s, 228 e Tompkins av, two ihree-story brown stone dwellings, 18x42, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $4,000; owner,: K. S, Baker, 270 Yates av; architect aud builder,. M, C, Baker, Plan 422—Spencer pl, e s, 74.4 n Fulton st, eight three and four-story brown stone dwellings, 18.x22 and 20x50, gravel roof, iron cornice; owner and builder, A. Whitehead. 717 Lafayette av, architects, D, T. Atwooi tod M, C. Merritt, Plan 423—College pl, w s, bet Henry and Hicks sts, two two-story brick stables and dwellings, 19,6x09, gravel and tin roof, brick and stone cor¬ nice; cost, each, $4,600; owner," D, Kimberly; architects, &c, M, Freeman & Son; masons. Burns & McCann, Plan 424—North 9th st, n e, 100 e 3d st, one two- story frame dwelling, 2.5x36, tin roof; owner, Peatie Clark, cor North Sth and 4th sts; architect, James Mulhaul; builders, G. J. Roberts aud John Fallon. Plan 425—Myrtle st, s e, 200 w Hamburgh av, one three-story brick ice house, 30x80, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $12,000; owners, MeltzerBros.; architect, John PlattlG;'builder8, B. Rauth & Bro. and John Rueger. ~^ P.-au 426—Water st, s b, 50 e Main st, one one- story building for storage -of oil. 27.x53, gravel roof, iron cornice; cost, $2,000; owners, Campbell & Tliaver, G5 Maiden lane, New York; builder John Guiifoyle, Plnn 42? -Meserole av, s e cor Leonard st, one three-story brick store and tenement, 30x55, felt, cement and gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $3,600; owner, John P, Wierk, 154 Eagle st; archi¬ tect, Frederick Weber; builders, Martin Vogel and John D. Eggers, Plan 428—Twenty-seventh st, n a, 200 6:3d av, one two-story frame id welling, 20x30, tin roof; cost, $750; owner, Thos. E. Curtis, 610 3d av; builders, Daniel Fitzgerald and Andrew Fogel. Plan 429—Diamond st, e s, 150 n Nassau av, three two-stcry frame dwellings, 16.8x46, felt and gravel roof; cost, each, $1,600; owner, &c, S. E. Self, 66 Newell st. Plan 430—Centre st. No. 205, n s, 100 from Smith st, one three-story brick store and tenement, 20x45, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, about $3,500; owner, Mrs, M, O'Hair. 203 Centre s'; architect, Geo, Damen; mason, M, Daley; carpenter, not selected. Plan 431 -Irving.pl, No. 52, w s, 160 from Put¬ nam av, two two-and-a-half-story brick dwellings, 16x40, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $4,000; owner, O, G, Walbridge; architects and builders, Jas, B. Smith, Prddgers & Co, ALTERATIONS, N. Y, Plan 809—Fifty-sixth st. No, 17 West, four- story brick dwell'g. two-story brick extension, 18.6x34, to be built on rear; cost. $3,000; owner, L. Ranger; architects, H. J. Schwarzmann & Co; mason, Alex'r Brown, Jr. Plan 810—Eighteenth st, No. 14 East, two-story brick fire engine house, one-story brick extension, 25.5x7.6, to be built on rear, and internal repairs; cost, $1,900; owners. Corporation City of New York; masons, W. A. & T. E. Conover; car¬ penter, Wm, H, Dobbs, Plan 811—Fifty-first st, No, 522 West, three- story brick tenem't, a fourth story to be added, a four-story brick extension, 25x14, to be built)on rear and interior alterations; cost, $4,000; owner, Alice G, Sears; architect and carpenter, J, Law- son; mason, Andrew Ewald, Plan 812—Thirty-sixth st. No, 115 E., four- story brick dwell'g, two-stWY brick extension, 18 x25, to be built on rear; cost, $4,000; owner. Col, Fitzgerald; architect, Theodore Weston; mason, J. P, Reilly; carpenter, M, L, Kenny, Plan 813—Fifth av. No, 153, six-story brick building, "Glenham Hotel," an additional story to be built on front; cost, $3,500; owner. Execu¬ tor W. L, Cutting; architects, D, & J, Jardine. Plan 814—West st, n e cor Hubert st, flve-story brick warehouse, two-story and basement brick extension, 53x148, to be built: cost, $50,000; own- er| Executor, Paul M, Spofford; builder, J. H. Masterton. Plan 815--Twenty-third st, Nos. 32, 34 and 36 W., five-story brick store, five story brick exten¬ sion, 75x104.6, to be built ou rear, on line of 22d st; cost, not estimated; owners. Stern Bros.; architect, Henry Feinbach. Plan 816—One Hundred and Twenty-fifth st, s s, 350 w 6th av, four-story brick dwelling, new weather boarding to be put on easterly side and window openings made on same side; cost, $100; owner, Mrs. E. S. Hart; builder, Bart. Walther. Plan 817—Thirty-seventh st, No, 17 E., four- story brick dwelling, front wall to be taken down and rebuilt, new galvanized iron cornice put up, also a two-story brick extension, 10x14, built on rear ; cost, $8,650; owner, Marcellus Hartley; builder, John M, Dodd, Jr, Plan 813—Bettners lane, w s, ^^ mile n River¬ dale station, five-story and attic frame dwelling, three-story and basement addition, 23x9, to be built, slate roof; cost, not given; owner, R, C, Martin; architect, James Stroud, Plan 819—Twenty-fourth st. No. 6, two-story brick building used for scene dock and dressing rooms for Madison Square Theatre, rear and gable walls to be taken down and rebuilt, and heights of stories altered; cost, $1,200; le.ssee, M. H, Mallory; architects, Kimball & Weisdell; builder, Richard Deeves. Plan 820—Sixth av, No. 805, four-story brick store and dwell'g, two-story brick extension, 20x 26, to be built on rear, new store front put in first story; cost, $4,000; owner, G. M. Hoffmann; architect. A, H, Blankenstein, Plan 831—Park av. No, II, five-story brick dwell'g, two-story brick extension, 9x12 to be built on rear, and internal alterations; co.^^t, $1,200; owner, Mr, Lane; builder, Thomas H, Houston. Plan 822—South st. No, 251, five-story brick storage store, extending through to Water st, large chimney in centre to be taken down, new floor beams and floor plank laid where neces.«iary; cost, $1,.500; owner, Mr. Roberts; builder, David Hepburn, Plan 823—Gold st. No. 60, four-story brick fac¬ to-y, damage by fire to be repaired; cost. $3,1.50; owner, A, H, Herbert: builder, Henry Wallace. Plan 824—Thirty-fifth st. No. 61, four-story brick dwell'g, a fifth story to be added: cost, $3,000; owne-, Charles E. Whitehetd; architect, John Sexton; builder, James H. Studley. Plan 825—Varick st, No. 50, four-stoiy brick hos¬ pital, three-story ani basement extension, ; 8x24x53, to be built on rear; cost, not given; owner. Trinity Corporation; architect, Charles C, Haight; builder, Richard Deeves. Plan 826-Third av, w s, 25 s 143d st. three-storv brick store and dwelling, first story to beextf-nded three feet toward front, new store front put in and internal alterations; cost, $1,000; owner, (Jeorge B. Whitfield; architect, John Rogers; builder, Edward Gustaveson. Plan 827—Broadway, n e cor Prince st, five-story brick and brown stone building (Metropolitan Hotel), roof to be raised about seven feet, and walls to be carried lip to corresponding heiglxt, also, new joof cornice of galvanized iron put up; cost, $20,000; owner, estate of A.. T. Stewart; architect, E. D. Harris; builder, Richard Deeves. Plan 828—Fourth av. No. 149, three-story brick dwelling and offices, new store front on first story, new stairs, &c.; cost, $1,000; owner, Matilde E. Coddington; architect, Thos, H. Mclvov; builder, John E, O'Brien, KINGS COUNTY. N. "Y. Plan 437—Franklin av. No. 126, raised one story, tin roof; cost, $600; owner, S. M, White; architects and builders, Hart & Boyd, Plan. 438—Nassau st. No. 207, brick foundation; cost, $250; owner, Jas, Burns, 27 Navy st. Plan 439—Skillman st, n w cor Willoughby av, one-story brick extension, 18x10, tin roof ;"c"8t, $200; lessee, Chas, Spikins; builders, Robt. Payne. Plan 440—Adelphi st. No. 13, front alteration; cost, $120; owner, Wm. Hunter, 180 State st; builder, J, C, Bustin. Plan 441—Waverly av, Nos, 510, 512 and 514, one-story brick extension, 15.8x15, gravel roof, cost, each. $400; owner, D, A, Sanburn, 528 Clinton av; builders, Mr, Cameron and H, J. Smith. Plan 442—Eighth st, No, 208, near Hope st, flat