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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXVI. NEW TOEE:, SATUEDAY, SEPTEMBEE 4 1880. No. 651 Published Weekly by C^c Mmi €stnU %itaxti %matmiian. TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance....SIO.OO. Communications should be addressed to C. W, SWEET, No. 137 Broadway We publish to-day, for the information of owners and landlords, those sections of Part Second of the new Gode of Procedure rela¬ ting to summary proceedings to recover the possession of real property. This part of the new Code went into effect on the first of September. GENERAL GRANT FOR PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD'S FAIR. With all due respect for the World's Fair Commission as now organized, we neverthe¬ less take the liberty to suggest that a leader is wanted at the head of an enterprise like this which, for the sake of our own metrop- ohs, must necessarly eclipse in grandeur all previous international exhibitions. Such a leader must be an American of world-wide reputation, to whom all sections of our country will look as the organizer of success, and whom the entire civilized world will be anxious to support in his arduous labors. Such a man is General Ulysses S. Grant, and we therefore nominate him as the Presi¬ dent of the Commission of the International World's Fair to be held in this city of New York in the year 1883. The ex-president is now out of politics, he carries more weight with him among the masses than any other living Aanerican. He is, indeed, aside of the President, the first citizen of the Republic. We could weU afford to pay him a salary of |50,000 per an¬ num, pending his occupancy of said office, and New York, as weU as the entire country, would be benefited by his appointment. Capitalists of all shades of politics would liberally subscribe toward an international exhibition of which General Grant is not only the nominal but active president. Our own manufacturers would vie with each other to place the products of their labor on the most progressive grounds, and nations from aU sections of the globe would hail with delight an opportunity to compete for the crown of industry in a contest presided over by an illustrious American whom they know and whom they themselves have honored. Place General Grant at the head of the World's Fair, and its success is assured be¬ yond a doubt. WATCH THE RECORDS. The importance of carefully watching the. columns of The Real Estate Record was demonstrated during the past week inti.e most thorough manner. In The Record of August 38, there appeared three liens against property on Seventh street, as follows: Aug. 21.—7th st, s s, 256 e 3d av, 52 ft front. Wm. H. Jenkins & Son agt John W. Miller and Adam Klem. . $2,000 Aug. 23.—7th st, Nos. 25 and 27, n s, bet 2d and 3d avs. Wm. MoUer agt John W. Miller and Adam Klein. ... 300 Aug. 23.-^Same property. Wm. HaU & Sons' agt same. ........ 897 A subscriber, who also had a claim against the property, noticed that the Jenkins lien read Seventh street, south side, whUe the property is On the north side. He at once went to the County Clerk's Office and found that the transcript of said lien as printed in The Record , was correct—and saw his way clear to have his claims take precedence of Jenkins, which he did without delay. Again, a letter having been received at this office complaining of an inaccurate re¬ port of a transfer of property on the north¬ west corner of One Hundred and Four¬ teenth street and New avenue, our experts readUy ascertained that again The Record was right, but the deed wrong, as the pro¬ perty so transferred is located on the north¬ west comer of Eight avenue and One Hun¬ dred and Fourteenth street, instead of New avenue. As usual, the Park Commission devoted most of its regular meeting to wrangling over a very small mat¬ ter. When are the Commissioners going to begin to earn their salaries.—.V. Y Herald. Two mistakes in four lines. The wrang- hng as to who should be entrusted with lay¬ ing out Morningside Park is certainly not " a very small matter." Next, the Herald ought to know that the Park Commissioners do not get any salaries at all, only the President of the Board does. While on this subject, however, let us advise the two Commissioners who desire to have Mr. Calvert Vaux take charge of the Morn¬ ingside Park improvement to compromise with the other two Commissioners who de¬ sire the appointment of Mr. J. Wrey Mould by "pooKng their issues," and request these two gentlemen to co-operate. They are both excellent landscape architects, and will not "wrangle" in regard to an improvement that wiU tend so much to beautify a most eligible section of our city. As frequently there is " wisdom in the multiplicity of coun¬ cil," perhaps the two gentlemen named might go further, and consult the views of Mr. Frederick Law Olmstead, who, if we are correctly informed, designed some time ago an excellent plan as to the manner in which Morningside should be laid out. There need be no hesitation on the part of the Improved DweUing Association in pro¬ ceeding with the laudable work they have un¬ dertaken. Though they may regard the con¬ struction of thirteen dweUing houses as a mere experiment, it wUl not be long before they wUl regret having caUed a halt at this number. Not only First avenue. Seventy- first and Seventy-second streets, where the new buUdings belonging to this association are now being erected, but the entire district in the immediate vicinity is destined to be flUed with just such edifices. The associa¬ tion is not only doing a good, benevolent work, but it has entered upon a paying enterprise, as the constantly increasing population of the Nineteenth Ward wiU soon demonstrate. Only let the rents be kept at a moderate figure, and the two hundred and eighteen suites at the disposal of the as¬ sociation wiU soon be occupied by as many famiUes. In fact, capitaUsts generaUy now employing their money in the improvement of the upper East Side, find it to their advan¬ tage to construct principaUy what are caUed modern flat houses, and the time wiU not be long before New York City, in that section at least, yyUl be covered with apartment houses to a far greater extent than Paris is to day. Lots even on the extreme East Side are too ex¬ pensive for investors to indidge in the luxury of building smaU private houses on specu¬ lation. It pays them better to build apart¬ ment houses for the purposes of resale, as the purchaser knows by intuition that he wUl get a handsome return for his investment. The DweUing Association as landlord, there¬ fore, if its property is honestly managed, would get good retm'ns for its enterprise, even if its purposes were not based simply upon benevolence and pubUc spirit. There are some capitaUsts who think that, owing to the avalanche of apartment houses in the upper eastern part of the city, private residences at moderate figures wiU be eagerly sought after by those belonging to the middle classes. Others claim that a district once occupied by apartment houses becomes known as such, and the family looking for a smaU house wUl either gj further north, say to Harlem, or pay more and cross the Fourth avenue Une to the Park. It is now evident that ere long the majority of residences to be erected east of the Fourth avenue, in the Seventies and Eighties, wUl be apartment.houses, and it remains to be proven yet whether the isola¬ ted, smaU house in that section wiU com