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February 5,1881 The Real Estate Regoro. 129 28 Spader, J. Van—D. D. Whitney 29 Schweickert, Frederick—W. Heinz- 4,511 74 mann........................... 3,095 20 2 Simons, Frederick A.—L. W. Bufcler. 2 Smith, Henry—G. V. Hecker....... 2 Sharp. Jane, and others, exrs. John L.-Sharpe. dec'd—Brooklyn Whifce Lead Co.......................... 2 The exrs., &c., John L. Sharpe, dec'd—Brooklyn Whifce Lead Co.. 2 The Brooklvn Cifcy Railroad Co.—J. Clare............. ........... 5,366 02 28 Wren, William C.—Goodyear Denfcal Vulcanifce Co................... 28 Williams, Jr., Sefch—A. Nelson..... 28 Wunder, Edward M.—J. Rueger... 31 Yafces, Henry—M. Acker........... --------• ■m^m «-------- 63 25 195 62 183 67 182 67 171 67 131 12 109 53 751 64 Si^TISFIED JUDGMENTS. HEW YOBK Jan. 29 to Feb. i—inclusive. Bogert, Henry S. J Booth. James A vS, A. Pearce. (Jan 8,'77) Bliven, Edward M. I Burns, Thomas—G. L. Schuyler. (1875)___ Boyce. James. Jr.—P. M. Wilson. (1879) ... JBoeae. Charles — Henrietta Bromberger. (l«77)..............................".... Barrett. Henry J.—Leopold Zimmerman. (1880)................................ Bordenocrger. Louis—A P; Hinihan. ('79). Bush. Balph I.—Charles Loughran. (IffTO).. Brown. James and J. Gratz-J. F. Bauer. (1881)................................... Brady, James—Alex. Henry. (1879)........ 1,225 76 Same-------same (1879)............... 6H 6 i ClarK. Sarah—F-ances G. Clark. (1880)..... Conner. Willam C, Sheriff, &c.—Henry Whitman. (1876)................... §=!ame-------Peter Gordon. (1877) ...;;... SSame-------H C. Snebly. (r876).......... Parae-------L B. Prince. tl876)........... Cudlipp, Beuhen H.—Kusswli Sage. (1881).. Clancey, Andrew—G. L. Schuyler. (1875)... Cozzens, Fre l*-ric S.—S F Gregory. (1680). Conner. William i'.. Sheriff, Ac—Anna C. H. Gerken. (1877)....................... llSarae-------Central Bank o,! Westchester Co. (11-76).......................... llSame-------Henrietta Bromberger. ('77). Hame-------C. C. Bingham. (1876)...... llConner, William C—H, J. Welch. (1878).. jSanie-------Win. Clark. (187.5^......... llSame-------L. M. Cohen. (18:6)......___ iDempsey, Patrick and Eliza J. — Henry Wilson. (1878).......................... Dempsey. Patrick—Hazard Powder Co. ('78) lIDunlap.''homas—L. M. Cohen. (1876) ... Davies, Thomas A.—Bussell Sage. (1881).. Erhurd. George P.—h. a. Pearce. (1877) ... Ebling, Philip and Wm.—Wm. Ulmer. ('81) Goddard, George H. — W. M. Newmaii. 087.1).......................... .-..... Geer. Edward Winslow—D. P. Eansom, exr &c. fl881)............................. Green. Mrs. Annie Mi—P. C. Devlin. (1881). Qatfnby, John V.—A. S. Jones, Jr. (1879).. Hoffman, George-Hugh McCuUoch. ('75). Hoopes, Evan T.—Elisha Bloomer. (1877)... Huriburt, Charles F —S. A. Pearce. (! 877)., Kingsbury. Herbert A.—S A i earcn. (77). Kimber, Alfred—J. S. Macaulay. (1879)___ iKennedy, Barbara, as exirx, &c —D H King. (1881)...........:............;. IIKaim, Abraham and Maurice — Leopold Haas. (1877).................. Manin. William *l,—Anna H. (3ordon. ('80) McManus, Patrick—A. G. Smith. 0875) Mullon. Joha-Thos. Eldridge. (1881)...,...' McEntyre, P. B.—J. A. Grenz'^haca (IHSi). Mosely. Nathaniel B.—Hy. Luyties. (1880).. Pictert. Boz-l F.—W. F. Ovens (1880) .... Pottle. Jonathan W—Eeuben Comins. ('79) Peyton. Cornwall N.-S. A. Pearce. (1877) Peiego. William H.—E. L. Merrifl»'ld. (1878) Ross, John H.—E. G. Byrnes. (1877)........ Reynold. Felix—J. B.' Warden (188U)...... Reynolds, James L.—Cyrus Currier. (1878) Schell. Edward P.-S A Pearce. (1877).... Sloane. Christian S.—J. H. Screven, trustee (1880) .......................... Same-------same. (1880)................. Same-------same. (1880)...............".'.'. 2 987 30 Schi.ener. William L -John Timmes. ('79) 140 24 Sturges, Daniel H.—E. L. Merrifield. ('78) Sullivau. Daniel J—Hv.Peetsch. (1881)...'. Steele, Theophilus—Ann Fash. (1874).... §The Bethlehem Iron Co.—J.. G. Sibbold (1878).......................... Tavlor. John D —G. L. Schuyler. "('l875)..* Same-------1.A Isaacs. (1875)......... The Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New Yofk— Russell Sage (1881) .......... The Twenty Third Street Railway Co.—Eliza J Groves. (1881)............. The Mayor, &c.-t-M. J. Bannon. (isSO)'.'.*..' Same-------Ed Hilton. (7880)..... ; Pame--------Wm. Edelsten. (1880) . Sdrae-------Geo. Dowdell. (I8811) Watson James H—Elisha Bloomer." ('77) Wiley. Henrietta-T-Ferd. Maver. (1877)..... Young. James T —Stephen Cromwell. ('81). $75 12 18t 42 123 54 261 80 97 37 3.'J4 50 33» 68 96 .35 126 61 2.708 15 265 35 3,139 22 118 18 421 58 184 42 159 97 306 10 1,837 18 261 80 603 90 318 05 121 87 5t.9 i3 3.=i4 40 124 8.1 5'-9 13 . 421 58 75 12 113 57 33.521 73 47 66 189 30 381 49 4,240 05 293 31 75 12 75 12 3,650 80 83 12 622 91 414 12 114 -.'2 446 64 446 94 109 46 359 20 17,320 13 75 12 543 6:^. 241 09 22r.50 133 26 75-12 3.375 83 3.575 83 543 6H 367 92 l,9u8 73 1,582 28 184 42 .; 70 53 "-' 421 58 668 2.5 7,108 88 695 4fi 4.057 fS l,Oi 2 41 298 31 196 11 2.452 93 ♦Vacated by order of Court tSecured oh Appeal. ;Keleased. § Reversed. I Satisfied by Execution. SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. KINGS CO, Jan. 28 to Feb. S-inclusive. Bennett, James—L.A^Sprague (1878)..... $1.997 22 Boecber^ Henry L.-T. J. Morrell. (1873).... 606 75 Colver. Joseoh H ) , . McDermott, John' f ■^-<^^"e°- (1881).... 178 22 '-!oyle, Mary and Sarah, individ. and admrx. r..„ ,. ^°^®~'''-H^urley. (1880)........... 156 14 <^rooke. Prank-rF. Anderson. (1880) Be- versed ......... ... 7804 Eastman. Timothy C.-P; a Bate."(isso).',' 5,299 74 ar^^^-------same,,.;-a®0).tii.... .Z......... 6,45orBi «rac, Cornehus-^P. H. Konig. (1877J. ....... 80 64 J Griffin, Azariah—Isaac Hall. (1880)......... 393 79 Vlouch. Jacobine—J. J. Smith. (1880)...... 116 54 Mollenhauer, John—Mary A. Wilson. (1881) 313 02 Mc^'^wZ. H. I »-W-CampbeU. (1881). 39109 Boche, Edward and Mary C—H. J. Baker. (1874)................................ 17705 Boss, John H.—E. G, Byrnes. (1880)........ 99 40 Same-------same. (1877)................... 241 09 Pe"re|o!'Wm'H. [ ^- ^- Mirnfleld. (1878).. 543 63 The Brooklyn City B. R. Co.-Margt. Lieber¬ with. (1881)............................. 1,155 02 Van Aulen, William C—J. E. De Laney. (880) Renewed....................;... 79 77 White, Bebecca—J. T Daly. (1873)........ 1,152 87 Wiarda, John—F. Herterich. (1880) ....... 328 71 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITY. Jan ;and Feb. ; 7 One Hundred and Twenty-flfth st, s s, 60 w Ist av. 75 ft front, 4 buildings. James Crowley agt Margaret and Martba White ... .............................. $380 29 Seventy-third st, s s, 160 e 3d av, 150 ft front. Stephen A. Bannon agt William Noble and James H. Darrow and others.. 1.000 4 Third av, s w cor 108th st, 75x100. 4 lots. Patrick Dempsey agt Edward Oppen¬ heimer Joseph Meyer and George W. Walgrove................................ 950 KINGS COUNTY. N. Y, Jan. 31 Stuyvesant av, n w cor Pulaski st, 100x175. Johu Bueger agt John Firmbach...... $300 *31 St. Marks av. s s, 170 e Carlton av. 80x100. The Simond Manuf'g Co. agt John E. Syles..................___ ............ 80 27 Kent av. Nos. 368 and 370, w s. 69 8 s Park av. 50x100. Michael J. J. Reynolds ngt Kobert Ford and The Father Matthew Temperance Lodge and Association No. 7 620 OJ Fifih St. ns, 9)9 w 6th av, lOuxloO.......; ( "" Fif 1 h st, n 8, 3U0 e 5ih av, 100x100 .....f James Harley agt George W. Brown, and Edward Kenna--------- ..;............... 653 31 Bergen st, s s. 88.4 e 4th av, 40x100. C B. Sheldon agt George W. Brown and Ed¬ ward Kenna ............ ............... 175 o, Fifth st, n 8, 300 e 5th av, 100x100.......I Fifthst, ns, 500e5thav, lOOxUO.........( C. B. >-heldon agt George W. Brown and Edward Kenna___...................... 525 ♦Discharged by depositing amount of T