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January 28, 1882 The Real Estate Record 89 21 23 23 23 34 31 26 26 2S 25 26 25 21 31 31 86 36 20 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 25 20 25 26 31 28 25 26 26 33 25 25 26 26 26 26 Essig, William—Geo. Bechtel...... Foote, Charles T.—C, C. SewaU.... Fowler, William A.—W. N. De Grauw, Jr........................ Farley, Mary—A. A. Trinkhaiis.!!! Fuchs, John—Pauline Kopf........ Genner, John M.—A. Piesch........ Gillett, Webster—S. B.Washburn.. Gadsden, Henry A.—H. C. Moore.. Hughes, Frank M.—W. Biossfeld.,. Hawkins, Alice—The Equifcable Life Assur. So., U. S.................. Hall, Mrs.—J. C. Longbofcham..... Jones, Robert B. P.—J. B. Post___ Klinck, Frederick—E. T. Eddy..... Kinsey, William E.—M. Rosenberg. Kinney, Frederica M. and John P, —W. D. Nichols.................. Kimball, Frederick S. and Freder¬ ick J.—H. H. Swift.............. Low, Mary—E. E. Anderson....... Murray, PatrickH.—J. Gallagher,. Munoz, Antonio A.—Geo. Vander¬ bilt.............................. Mothner, Ralph—J. K. Weiner, aissignee........................... Molitor, Harry C—Annie Keating. Mead, Walter—B. S. Coats........ McSfcave, Thomas—H. Kearney___ Miller, John—E. E. Anderson ___ Martin, Archer N.—H. H. Swift... Niles, William J. and John O.—C. W. Barnes ..................... Oakley, Cornelius, Jr., impld. — Equifcable Life Assur. Soc, U.S.. Prodgers, William—Equitable Life Assur. Soc, U. S.............. Posfc, Henry .1. V.—H. H. Swift... Smith, William H.—Sarah A. Loo¬ ker .............................. Scott, David—A. Palmer........... Schuyler, Magdalena C—M. Dunn. Slocovich, George I t,^ y ..^^ , , Storey, Edward A. [^- J-Walsh. The City of Brooklyn—C. A. Ches- brogh............................ Vernon, Thomas and George R —A. Palmer.......................... Vaughan, John—D. M. Koehler___ Vooris, James N., impld.—C. Cow- enhoven ......................... Vanderburgh, Alexander — E. E. Anderson........................ Vessing, Clementina—E. J. Vessing Wessman, John P.—M. J. Walsh... WeUs, Heber—E. E. Anderson..... 150 31 127 71 16,836 58 77 57 267 57 27 75 291 48 1,293 04 114 30 764 72 96 36 1,797 34 87 28 150 40 74 97 5, .531 46 lO'i 70 345 69 643 93 224 09 2:^4 60 237 14 290 54 100 70 5,531 46 135 19 3,655 36 764 72 5,.531 46 366 93 338 18 1,499 53 377 44 819 44 838 18 73S 18 2,760 88 1C6 70 3,137 73 877 44 106 70 SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. NEW YORK. Jan. Slst to Jan. iiTth—inclusive. Baust, Cornelia—Sam. Myers. (1880)........ *Boiisli, George—People of State New York. (1875)..................................... *f)ame-----same. (1873)............... Byrne, George C—Knickerboclrer Ice Co. (1881).............................. JBrogan, Thomas—W. C. Conner, Sheriff. (1870)........................... .......... Casey, James—James Coarey. (1881)....... Campbell, Andrew J.—Horace IngersoU. (71) Clements, Emily—Jerome Yates. (1879) . tDe Puy, Wm. H.—Ninth National Bank. (1877)..................................... **Dimock, Anthony W.—National State Bank of Elizabeth. (1874)................ Dornin, Wm. E.—Jane A. Kingon. (1880)... Davids, George W.—First National Bank of Carthage. (1881)........................ Same——same, (1881)................. *Davis, Wm.—People of State New York, {'m Flostroy, Mary A. S.—First National Bank of Carthage. (1881)................... Same-----same. (1881)....................', Same——same. (ISSl)..................." Same-----Eliza M. Fisher. (1881)........... Same-----Wm. Roberts. (1881)........ *Graf, Frederick—Fifth Nat. Bank. (1877).. *Same-----same. (1877)................... *Same-—same. (1877)...."....... Gordon, Ebenezer—G. W. Millar. (1879) .'.. Gabriel, Andrew aud Catharine—Paul Vorn- baum. (1877)............................ Same——same.' (Auke Dooper, by assign¬ ment.) (1877)............................ Same-----John Vornbaum. (A. Dooper by- assignment.) (1877)........ *Graf, Frederick—C. S. Allaben. (1877)......' Hecker, George V —Wm. Miller. (1880)..... Hicks, H. M.—J. N. Marquez, exr. (1878)... Halstead, John—Emma Harding, admrx. (1880)......................... Ives, Brayton, as Pre.sident of" N. Y. Stock Exchange—A. L. Sewell. (1881).......... Johnson, Julia H.—J. J. Kelly. (1881)....... Kornarens, Louis—John Kornarens. (1875).. Low, Nathan—H, F. Weber. (1882).......... Lieber, Benjamin and Benjamin F.—A. H, Edinger. (1883)............. Same-----C. F. Schmidt. (1882)......... LefBer, Adolph—David Obermeyer. (1875). Lienau, Emil—Hy. Eppelsheimer. (1881).... Lehman, Otto A.—O. H. Schuttrlch. (1876) . Martin, George Robert—Bruno Kalbe. (1881) Same-----F. C. O. Meinhardt, (1881)....... Same-----same. (1881)........... Same-----C. H. Weyer. (1881)........".' McGuire, John W.—C. G. Tillou. (1875).... McEntyre, Patrick B.—Bradley & Currier. (1881)........................ Same-----H, A. Patterson. (1881)'..'.'.'.'..'.'. Same-----Hopkins & Dickinson M'fg Co, $444 10 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,590 93 4,065 33 73 47 1,019 03 716 12 640 72 14,799 09 276 25 989 65 631 83 1,000 00 989 65 631 83 494 70 918 85 488 55 2,103 02 2,318 2a 2,160 36 1,244 47 344 91 258 91 117 17 207 12 336 68 596 94 367 S3 5,226 27 452 40 1,501 00 139 30 177 19 531 36 349 30 101 59 433 33 904 83 1,431 68 1,832 74 1,200 77 272 40 380 56 73 87 343 14 Same-----A. T. Decker. (1881). .......... Same-----Michael Fitzsimons. (1881) ..... Merwin, Susan M.—P. M. Ising. (1879)...... Manchester Paper Co.—Chas. Robinson. (1876).................................... Ohnmacnt, Henry—Adam Stiehl. (1883)___ Same-----S. T. Valentine. (1882)..... ..... Pierson, Henry R., as recvr. of North Amer¬ ican Life Ins. Co. — Emma Harding, admrx. (1880)..........................7. Reese, Harry F.—Hy. Depkin. (1876)..... Heed, James—D M. Koehler. (187.3)______ iRichardson, Haynes L. I Ninth Nat. Bank. Rinehart, Egbert j (1877)............ Ranney, Olivia Griffith—J J. Kelly. (1881).. Riley, James—W. F. Long, Jr. (1882)........ Smith, James S.—People of State N. Y. (1872).................................... Sa ner, Emil -Christopher Meyer. (1875).... Slocum, Lewis M.—Chemical Nat. Bank of N. Y. (1881) ........................... Spitzer, Louis—C. D. Fredricks. (1877)..... Strahan, John H.—Michael Noonan. (1881). Scott, Archibald—P. M. Ising. (1879)........ Thorp, Jacob M. and Edmund A,—C. D. Fredricks. (1877)...................... Tread well, Henry R—M. F. Neville. (1881). Van Tassel, Wm. H. — Horace IngersoU. (1871)............................ ....... Wiley, Henriette-Ad. Tsheppe. (1881)...... 108 13 497 77 3,555 89 9,159 77 412 49 320 08 367 53 75 31 600 60 640 72 452 40 265 57 1,000 00 5,191 72 651 91 89 90 272 48 3,555 89 89 90 596 23 161 90 356 03 * Vacated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal t Released. § Reversed. 1 Satisfied by Execution **Discharged by going thrrugh bankruptcy. KINGS COUNTY. Jan. 21st to 27th—inclusive. Bailey, Edward—D. L. Stanley, assignee. (1877)..................................... g357 87 Dorwin, William E.—Jane A. Kingon. ('81).. 276 25 Engel, Henry—C. Loeffler. (1875)............ 57 25 Fuller. Waldo E. and John B.—A. Daggett. (1880).................................... 1.37 44 Same-----same. (1880)..................... 123 15 Same-----same. (1880).................... 233 73 Kelly, Elizabeth—P. Sullivan. (1881)...... 2.52 22 Keller, Ferdinand—K. Espenscheid, (1878). 603 23 Lease, ,Iohn S.—S. A. Wheeler. (1880)...... 2.52 82 Merwin, Susan M.—P. M. Ising. (1879)...... 3,555 89 Pratt, Edwin S.—E. Knight. (1880).......... 86 84 Same-----Morris & PearsaU, assignees. (1880) .................................. 977 15 Same-----E. H. Knight. (1880) ............ 837 22 Rich, Solomon—P. W. L. Herr. (1879)....... 159 39 Same-----same. (1880)..................... 97 14 Same-----same. (1881)...................... 116 27 Schmitt, Frederick—J. C. Wenzenbinger (1879)...............................°.. 4375 Scott, Archibald—P. M. Ising. (1879)........ 3,555 89 Schoonmaker. Catharine—Mary A. O'Shea. (1879)................................. 57 24 Same-----J. N. MiUer. (1879)............... 61 95 Same-----R. L. and C. Leggett. (1879)..... 50 00 Spitzer, Louis—R. Carnenter. (1877)........ 120 23 Stone, George H.—W, D. Lent. (1876.) (Cancelled)........................... i,221 15 Stone, George H.—C. P. and W. J damages... 961 86 Eatou. (1876.) Cancelled.. | costs...... 19 68 Valentine, Sarah E.—H. E. Valentine, assignee. (1881)....................... 10,158 02 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITT. Jan. 23 Boulevard, s w cor 60th st, 75x75. Francis J. Brennan agtThe Bankers'and Brokers' Riding Co., John H. WiUiamson and D. TaUman.................................. |87 27 23 Eightv-sixth st, Nos. 520 to 526 E., s s, abt 275 e Av A, abt 120 ft front. Stephen Ro- barge agt John S. Johnston and John Weiss..................................... 77 06 23 Forty-sixth st, Nos. 5, 7 and 9 E., n s, bet MadLson and 5th avs. Mayor, Lane & Co. agt The Manhattan Baths and Abel Eas- „„ „ ton................................ 693 39 36 Same property. James W. Reedy agt same and Geo. D. Clift, C. M. Smyth, C. D. Keep and F. M. Allen.........................1 600 00 S5 Forty-seventh st, Nos. 1 to 7 W.. n s, 93 w ' Sth av. Thomas Mickell agt Theodore Weston.................................. 756 80 27 First av, e s, 24.8 s 113th st, 23.1x95. Chanes Scofield agt Joseph Murray.............. 71 50 23 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, abt 70 w 6th av, 80 ft front, 5 buildings. Joseph A. Jackson agt Thomas Kiernan or Kee¬ nan and Samuel Weir..................... 697 16 23 One Hundred and Fourteenth st, s s, abt 100.w 3d av. 105 ft front. Louis Leyrer agt Robert J. Algie........................ 218 01 25 One Hundred and Twenty-ninth st. n s, .350 e 8th av, 75 ft front. Francis McNamara agt David Cockburn or Paul Hoffman___ 372 50 27 One Hundred and Fourteenth street, s s, 200 w 2d av, 100 ft front. James McGown agt Bobert J. Algie........................... 20 00 27 Same property. James A. Trimble agt same 39 45 27 Same property. Elbert D. Howes agt same 61 56 27 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 70 w 6th av, 80x100. C. Graham & Sons agt Sam¬ uel Weir and Thomas Kiernan............1,500 00 27 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, abt 70 w 6th av, 5 houses. Thomas H. Simonson & Sons agt Samuel Weir and Thomas Kee- „^ „.nan...................................2,908 89 21 Sixty-second st, s s, abt 199.6 e2d av, abt 100 ft front. John Cook agt James E. Redman 4,662 00 26 Sixtieth st, s s, 250 e 9th av, 50x100, Robert Dey agt David T, Kennedy................ 269 48 27 Seventy-second st, n s, 248 w 4th av, 25x102.2. Roux & Co. agt Robert B, Lynd.........2,620 00 KINGS COUNTY. Jan. 26 Gates av, s s, 100 w Lewis av, 180x100. R. Cummings et al. agt George Nichols and J. E, Vandewater, owners, &c............$1,302 00 27 Remsen st, s s, 23S w Hicks st, 25x100. Mi¬ chael Walsh agt Josiah O. Low, owner, and Wm. B. Martin, Patrick J. Lee and Edward F. Smith.......................... 27 Franklin av, n w cor Java st, 50x100. Fran¬ cis S. Haas agt J. K. Fairbanks, owner... 280 00 73 00 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Jan. NEW YORK CITT. 21 One Hundred and Nineteenth st, n s, 225 e 2d av, 100.6 ft. front. Patrick Allen agt John H. Babcock. (Lien filed Nov. 23, 1881) .....................................$316 67 21 Same property. Rody McLaughlin agt same. (Nov. 2.3. 1881)................... 450 00 21 Same property. J. E. BlUler & Co. agt same. (Dec. 1,1881).............................1,200 00 21 Same property. Dolan & Fichtel agt same. (Dec.23,188n........................ 112 00 21 Same property. Hugh O'NeiU agt same. (Dec. 29, 1881)............................. 11 84 21 Same property. Ed. Davy agt same. (Dec. 12,1881) ................................ 650 00 21 Same propertv, Henry Leinwebber agt same. (Jan. 11, 1883) ..................'.. 125 00 21 One Hundred and Twenty-seventh st, n s, 375 w 7th av. 50 ft. front. John H. Lyon agt Louisa and Margaret E. Niebuhr. (Dec. 30, 1881)............................ 37 00 23 One Hundred and Fifth st, s s, 175 w 3d av, 100 ft. front. Royemann & Neshel agt Ann E, and John B. Davis (Jan. 5, 1881). 400 00 25 One Hundred and Twenty-fifth st, s s, 75 w 1st av. 80x100.11 John O'Brien agt Mar- T^ tha and Charles White. (March 7, 1881).. 63 73 25 Twenty-eighth st, Nos. 138, 140 and 142 E.. s s. Haden & Winans agt Michael Cole¬ man. (March 31, 1873)....................7,374 97 KINGS COUNTY. January 21 to 27—inclusive. Main st, Nos. 24, 26, 33. 34 and 36, s s. Robert Montgomery agt Thomas Quinn and Rem¬ ington Vernam, owners, &c. ''Aug. 12, 1881)...................................$254 99 23d st, s s, 245 5 w 6th av, 84.4x— to 24th st. Patrick Fox agt Atlantic Avenue Railroad Co., owner &e. (Jan. 7, 1882)............. 20 00 Yates av, s s, abt 100 w Lewis av, 180x100, , Richard G. Phelps agt George Nichols and J. E. Vandewater. (Jan. 16, 1882) ........ 38" 18 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. NEW YORR CITY. Plan 37—Thirty-third st. No. 431 W., one five- story Connecticut brown stone flat, 25x83, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §17,.500; owner, Fred'k Pfletschinger, 165 West 85th st; architects. Thorn & WUson. Plan 38—Greenwich .st, Nos. 387 and 389, one two-story brick storehouse, 50x50, gravel roof, stono and brick cornice; cost, §12,500; owner and architect, W. S. Livingston, 3 Broadway; buUd¬ er, PhUip Herrman. Plan 39—Fifty-second st, No. 604 W., one two- story brick stable, 15x30, gravel roof, iron cornice; cost, §700; owner, D. F. Deike, on prem¬ ises ; architect, C. F. Ridder, Jr.; buUder, not selected. Plan 40—University pl. No. 52, rear, one one* story brick exercising room, 30x16, plastic slate roof; cost, $750; owner, W. F. Van Zandt, exr. The Van Zandt Estate, on premises; buUder, J. H. Decker. Plan 41—Fifty-second st, No 416 W., one five- story brick and brown stone tenem't, 26x80, tin I'oof, iron cornice: cost, §14,000; owner, archi¬ tect, and buUder, Wm. Rankin, 533 West 29th st. Plan 43—Broadway, No. 654, one six-story iron and brick store, 29x130, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §.50,000; agents, Daniel Birdsall & Co., 319 Broadway; architect, J. M. Slade. Plan 43— iVashington st, No 339, one four-story brick store, 25.5 and 25.4x52.8, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §13,.500; owner, Wm. H. Duck¬ worth, 319 Washington st; architect, J. I. Howard. Plan 44—One Hundred and Twenty-eighth st, n s, 350 e 3d av, nine four-story brick and Ohio stone apartment houses, 19.5x63, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each. §13,000; owner, Enoch BeU, 11 Sth st and Hai'lem River; architect, Chas. Baxter. Plan 45—One Hundred and Twenty-eighth st, s s, 135 e Sth av, six four-story brick and Ohio stone apartment houses, 30.10x63, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each, §13,000; ovi'ner, Jame.s Mc¬ Hugh, 323 East 120th st; architect, Chas. Baxter. Plan 46—Madison av, s w cor Slst st, one four- story Tuckahoe marble rectory, 54x47, slate and tin roof, marble cornice; cost, §75,000; owner. Father Quinn, 26 East SOth st; architect, Jas. Renwick; buUders, E. D. ConoUy & Son and P. Walsh, Plan 47—Division st, Nos. 188 and 190, one four- story brick feed store, stable, &c., .50.4 and 40x 71.6 and 94.6, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, §10,000; owner, Chas. Laue, 34 Hesierst; architect, Fred'k Jenth, Plan 48—Fifty-ninth st, Nos. 430 and 433 E., one six-story brick factory, 43x100.5, basement and first story, and 94.5 above, metal roof, brick and iron cornice; cost, §15,000; owners, Heyman Bros. & Lowenstein, 183 (Chatham st; architect, J, B, Snook; builder, not selected. Plan 49—Cedar st, s s, 100 w Concord av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 18x38, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, §2,500; owner, Barbara Decker,