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E.A.L Estate Record AND BUILDERS^ GUIDK Vol. XXX. NEW TOEK, OCTOBER 14, 1882. No. 761, Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE YEAR, In advance - - ■ • Commimications should be addressed to $6.00 C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T, LINDSEY, Busmess Manager, A liberal price will be paid at this office for the following copies of TheReai. Estate Record: vol. I—Nos. 1, 4. 5, 6,19. Subscribers will add, to Index to Volume 29, published in July last, the following references: 75th st, bet 2d and 3d avs, page 6 '0. 76th st, bet 1st aud 2d avs, page 600. bet Madison and 5th avs, page 600, 77th st. east of 1st av, page 600. n s, bet 2d and 8d avs, page 600. 7Sth st, n s, bet 3d and Lexington avs, page 600, 79th st, s s, bet 1st and 2d avs, page 600. SOth st, bet 3d and Lexington avs, page 600. SSd st, bet 4th and 5th avs, page 600. S4th st, s s, bet 2d and 3d avs, page 600. n s, bet Av A and 1st av, page 600. S6th st, n s, bet 1st and 2d avs, page 600. s s, bet 2d and 3d avs, page 600, 87th st, bet Av A and 1st av, page 600. SSth st, east of 1st av, page 600. 95th st, bet 3d and Lexington avs, page 600. s s, bet Bth and 9th avs, page 600. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending October 13: * Indicates thai the property described has beenbtd in for plaintiffs account: E. H. LUDLOW &, CO. , Greenwich st, Nos. 270 and 27^, w s, 35.4x61.rx 35.6x80.1, two three-story and one two¬ story and one one-story houses, &c. An¬ drew Bleakley.............................§40,000 61st st. No. 40a E.. n s, 50x97.6, three-story brick dwell'g. Wm. Bleakley............ 5,750 61st St. No. 411 E.,n s. 50x104.9, similar dwell- ■ ing. Wm. Bleakley....................... 5,850 New av, w s, 619.7 n 145th st, flve lots, to¬ gether 129. ItxlOO. Bernard Goodwin...... 4,.500 South Sth av, No. 199, w s, 25x100. five-story and two-sto/y brick front dwell'gs. Wm. Bleakley et al.............................. 14,800 9th av, e s, 25.2 n 95th st. 1 lot. , Smith Ely, Jr. 3,000 9th av, s e cor 96th st, 2.5x100.10, two two-story frame dwell'gs. Patrick Fox.............. 7,800 9th av, e s, adj., 25 2x98.3. F. Yoran ......... 3,950 9th av, e s, adj., 25.2x95.8. J. M. Lichtenauer. 3,b00 9th av, n w cor 102d st, 25.2x100, vacant, Wm. Lalor................................-...... 4,400 9th av, w 8, adj., 50.0x100. Wm. Lal-^r........ 6,000 9ih av, w s, adj., 25.3x100. V. K. Stevenson, Jr........................................ 2,950 llth av, n w cor 101st st, .25x100. Charles Blauvelt................................. 3,700 llth av, w s, adj., 2jx1i 0. Charles Blauvelt... 2,700 llth av, W s, adj , 2?>xl00. Wm. Bleakley...... 7,100 llthav, ws, adj., 25x100. Wm. Bleakley...... 5,200 llth av, n w cor 104th st, 25.11x100. Charles Schultz..................................... 3,800 R. V. HARNETT. 123d st, secor4th av, 20.1x100.10, four-story stone front dweU'g. John H. Lyon. (Sub. to morts. S12,380)........................... 15,480 123dst, ss, adj, 20x100.10. similar dwell'g. C. B. Keogh. (Sub to morts. $10,872)....... 12.072 123d st, s s, adj, 20x100.10, similar dweU'g. C, B. Keogh. (Sub. to morts. $10,875)........ 12,575 LOtnS MESIER. 4th st. No. 146 W., s w s, 2Ix 09, three-story brick dwell'g. Michael Coleman. (Am't due, abt $12,000)............................ 10,400 W. L. HAMERSLEY. 9th st. No. 427 E., n s, 16.7x85.2, four-story brick store and tenem't. Henry Wilson. (Sold Oct. 1,1866, for $7,000),............... 8,550 J. T. BOYD. Horatio st. No. 27, n s, 16.8x87.6. two-sto'-y brick dwell'g. P. W. Myer................ 5,600 Horatio st. No. 21, n s, 168x87.6, similar dwell'g, F. W. Myer...................... 5,450 100th st, n e cor Madison av, 25.4xl00.11x47.7x 103.4, vacant. Trustees New York Univer¬ salist Relief Fund.- (Am't, due, abt $7,925.) 7,000 Total......................... ... $204,197 fiROOKLW, IV. T. In the city of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan, Cole & Murphy, and J.^Cole have made the following sales for the week ending October 14: Bergen st, n s, 78.3 e Court st, 45xl00.4x irreg. Edward F. Flynn and Owen McGreevy, (Morts. and assigns., $8,375)................ $12,950 ♦Herkimer st, n s, 90 w Utica av, 17.6x100. J. Nelson Tappan............................. 3,600 Jefferson st, n s, 110 w Bedford av, 20x100. Seymour Halt......................;....... 4,553 Macon st, n w cor Sumner av, 33.4x100. P. J. Kenedy................................... 2,335 Monroe st, n s, 100 w Throop av, 25x100. J. W Keveney................................ 2,650 *Van Buren st, n s, 200 w Patchen av, 25x100. Richard L. Ho .ell..................... 1,500 South 5th st, n e s, 45 n w 2d st, 80x91.4x80x 95.6. JuliaAUers......................... 9,000 *8th st, s s, lOu e 4th av, 19.6x80. Calvin Burr.. 2,032 Atlantic av, s s, 100 w Hopkinson av, 100x100. Henry Grasman, defendent............... 1,100 ShefHeld av, e s, 100 n South Carolina av, 40x 100, East New York. Morton Schmitt..... 935 Clarkson st, n s, adj land L. W. Lloyd, 75x34a, Flatbush. Wm. H. McCord................ 3,460 Total........................................ ¥43,007 CONVEYANCES.; Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows 1st—Q. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e,, a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants ihat he hath not donii any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached. Charged or incumbered. NEW TORR CITY. October 6, 7, 9,10, 11, 12. Ann st. No. 61, n s, 118.8 w William st, 25.2x 118x24.8x113.3, five-story brick factory build- Ying and one-story brick (frame front) shop on rear. Lemuel L. Fountaine to William H. Streeter. Mort. $18,000. Sept. 23. $34,500 Broadway, s ^ cor Prince st, 26x100; portion of five-story brick (stone front) store. John A. M, Althof to Frederick Althof. Q. C. July 24. nom Broadway, s w cor Bleecker st, 25x200 to Mer¬ cer st, six three-story frame stores aud dwell¬ ings. Vernon K. Stevenson to Samuel Glover, Fairfield, Conn. Oct. 10. 180,000 Bayard st, No. 51, s s, 150 w Bowery, 25x85, five-story brick store and tenem't. Foreclos. Henry J. Scudder to Anna Rugen, widow. Oct 4. 17,000 Bond st, No. 49, s-s, 776 e Broadway, 2.5x74.10 x25.6xT9.9, three story brick store and dwell¬ ing. William F, Ruxton, exr.-^Sarah M. Grinnell. Sylvia H. wife of William P. Rux¬ ton, London, and Sarah M. wife of Ridley Watts to The New York Free Circulating Library, June 9, 1882, 15..500 Canal st, No, 312, s s, 258.5 w Broadway, 2(5 x abt 37.7, irreg. Jane A, Wallace, widow, to Henry Harrison. Q, C, All title. Aug. 15. hom Sanie property, Eliza wife of Henry Harrison to Jane A. Wallace. Q. C. All title. Aug. 15 nom Canal st. No. S81, and Nos. 238, 240 and 242, South Sth av, beginning Canal st, n w cor South Sthav, 22.1x80x6.7x82.3. William J. Kane to Richard O'Gorman. Q. C. Cor¬ rection deed. July 16, 1881. nom Centre st, No. 63, e s, 62.7 s Worth st, 17,10x92 xl8x87.9, three-story brick factory building, and three-story brick shop in rear. Release of dower, Annie F. Livesey. widow, to Jas. aud John Livesey, Hohoken, N. J. Sept. 14. nom Delancey st. No. 172, n s, 75 w Attorney st, 25x 100, three-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g and five-story brick tenem'b in rear. Isabel R. wife of Wm. H. McCord, Benjamin F,, James A,, Archibald, Walter R. and Jes¬ sie Park, New York, Henry Park, Westport, Conn., Margaret J. wife of John H. Totten, Fairfield, Conn., and-Charles Park, Audubon, Iowa, to Nicholas M. Merigot, Prance. Sept. 30, taxes, 1882. 14,000 Pranklin st, No. 144, 18.9x87.6 vacant. Release dower. Emilie wife of Ivan Von Auw to Charles H, Locke. Aug. 15. nom Gramercy park, e s, 121.6 s 21st st, 1.4x82.11, vacant. Marcos and Emilio del Pino, individ. and exrs. Luis del Pino and James Campbell, "to M&ry F, King, Q; C, Sept, 29. nom 6 Henry st, No. 201, n [s, 71.4 w Clinton st,24x 87.6, three-story brick dwell'g. William C. Clopton and Mary G, his wife to Therese P. de Ferriere. Sept. 30. nom Houston st, Nos. 313 and 315, s s, 20 w Attor-~l ney st, 40x54, two four-story brick stores j and dwell'gs. [ Houston st, Nos. 257 and 259, s s, 50 w Suf- | folk st, 28x80, four-story brick store and | tenem't. J Moses aud Bernard Toch, individ. and exrs. L. Toch, to Moses and Bernard Toch. In trust. Oct. 11. nom Same property. Release of dower, Mary Toch, widow, to Moses and Bemard Toch. Ocfc. 11. nom Morton st, No. 32, s s, 255 e Hudson st, 18.2x 100, four-story brick dweU'g. Julius Wil¬ zin to Francis Caragher. Mort. $8,000. April 24. 11,000 Mulberry st. No. 113, w s, 131,1 n Canal st, 25x 100, five-story brick store and. tenem't and five-story brick tenem't in rear. Catharine wife of and John Ward to Sfcephen B. Ward. Mort. $16,000. October 9. nom Oliver st. No. 31, w s, 23.4 n Madison st, 22x77 x9.2x1.3.k12. 10x75.10, two-story brick dwell'g. Hanford Lockwood, Greenwich, Conn., to Aaron Hershfield. C. a.G, Sept. 29. 8,500 Same property. Lydia A. Stillwell, widow, Lydia A. the younger and Sarah A. Still¬ well and Charles F. Willis to Aaron Hersh¬ field. Q. C. Ocfc. 4. nom Pearl st, No. 59, and No: 24 Stone st, 23.5 on Pearl st, xU2.1 to Stone st, xl7.9xll2.2, three-story brick store. Williani F. Shaffer to James C. Varney, Brooklyn, Sect. 18. 60,000 Pearl st, No. 109>^, and No. 62 Beaver st, be¬ gins Pearl st, n s, abt 45.8 e WiUiam st, 19x 117.8 to Beaver st, x 19.2x119.1, four-story brick store. Release dower. Helen Brinck¬ erhoff, widow, to The New York Cotton Ex¬ change. )4 part. Sept. 27. nom Pearl st, No. 146, s s, 21x63, four-story brick store. James P. Wenman to Janies D. Pish. Sept. 26. 8,000 Pike st, No. 66, w s, abt 75 s Monroe st, 25x 61.10, three-story brick dwell'g. Howard Saunders to WiUiam C. Clopton. Sept. 30, 8,500 Pike st, No. 66, w s, abt 75 s Monroe st 25x 61.10, three-story brick dwell'g. Therese P, de Ferriere to Howard Saunders, Septem¬ ber 30. other consid. and 15,000 Washington st, No. 706, w s, 41 n Perry st, 23x 88x24x82.3, contract, three-story brick dwell¬ ing and one-story frame stable on rear. Watson Cranford, Saugerties, N, Y., to WiUiani Fearis, Hoboken, N. J. Oct. 6. 6,250 Same property. Mary J. Fearis, Hoboken, to Watson Cranford, Saugerties. Mort. $7,000. Oct. 6. 2,750 Washingfcon'pl, No. 20, s s, 28 w Greene st, 27.6 x96, four-story brick dwell'g. Daniel D. Lord to Lucius Tuckerraan. Oct. 5. 30,000 Worth st. No. 164, n s, 41.9 e Mulberry st, 23.11 x38.lxl4.4x57.10, new No. 195, five-story brick store and teneci't. Minnie Mahany to Mary E, and Ellen A, Mahany. Nov. 18, 1881. nom 10th st, No. 232, s s, 175 w 1st av, 25x92,4," four-story brick dweU'g. 10th st, No. 293, n e cor Av A, 24x109.4, five- story brick store and tenem't, and Ncis. 160 to 164 Av A, two three-story brick stores and dwell'gs. 10th st. No. 295, n s, 24 e Av A, 23.10x109,4, four-story brick dwell'g. Bowery, Nos, 91 and ^1)4, e s, 25 s Hester st, 2i 2x69.9x2S.8x68.ll, three-stbiy brick store and dwell'g. Bowery, No. 35, e s, 50 n Bayard sfc, 25x174.2 x25xl77, six-story brick (stone front) fac¬ tory building. Bayard st, No, 34, n s, 86.2 e Bowery, ir.9x 49.11, six story brick store. j Release dower, Mary Toch, widow, to Moses and Bernard Toch, Oct. 11. nom llth st, No, 638, s s, 193 w Av C, 25x94.9, five- story brick store and tenem't, and two-story brick dwell'g in rear. Peter Bowe, Sheriff, to Anna.Gerber, All title of Simon and Sophia Pragenser. Certificate of sale on execution. May 6. "100 Same property. As.sign. of above. Anna or Ana Gerber to Peter Borst. May 15. value consid, and 100 18th st, No. 33, n s, 88.4 e Broadway, 22.7x92, portion of six-story brick store. Francis W. Stone to WiUiam D, Sloane, X part, Mort. $10,000, Oct, 9, - 20,000