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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 30, no. 763: October 28, 1882: Supplement

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©tJ£=^E^ii.EinN^Eisri* AL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, Vjl. XXX. NEW YOEK, OCTOBER 28, ls82. No 763, Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAR, In advance - $6.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T. LINDSEY. Busmess Manager. SALES OP THE WEEK, The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending October 27: * Indicates that theproperty described has been bid in for plaintiff" s account : B. V. HARNETT. Broadway, No. 239, n w cnr Park pl. 27x98 3, seven-story iron front ofBce buildi.ig. H. M. Needham. (Ltaspd May 1,1870, terms 21 years, ground rent J24.100, per annum )$124.600 Canal st. No. 381 and Nos. 238, 240 end 242 Souih 5ih av, being Canal st,n w cor South Sth av, 2-2x82.7x6.5x80.1. H. Lipziger. (Rent S;-i,900)............................... 21,050 Rivington st. No. 272, n s, 17.6x70, three-story b ick bouse. Henry Moss.................. 6,025 6th st. No. 740 E., s s. 22x97, three-story brick dwell'g. Bertha M. Kreuzer.............. 9,750 18th st. No. 630 E.. s s, 16x103.3, five-story brick store and house. Adolph Green .......... 5,750 45th st. No. 554 W,, s s. 30x(-0.11. four-story brick tenem't. Mrs. M. A. Finck ......... 9,100 123d st. No. 417 E., n s. 19x100.11, three-story frame dwell'g. William Mulry. (Amount due, abt $2,4;5).......................... 3,346 167th st, s s, 75 w Kelly st, 50x90. A. B. Car¬ rington.................................. 260 Intervale av, n e cor l65th st, 34x97x27x100 on 165th St. J. Hermann...................... 170 intervale av, e s, adj, 35x95x35x97. A. B. Car¬ rington.................................. 170 Intervale av, n s, adj, 2.5x95, H, W. Beigh___ 105 Intervale av. n s, adj. 25x100. H. W. Beigh... 85 Intervale av, n s, adj, 50x100. A. B. Carring¬ ton.................................... 185 Intervale av, s e cor 167th st, 30x75. R. I. Brown.................................... 170 ♦Madison av, s e cor 131st st, 99.11x80, flve four- storv stone front dwell'gs. Manchester & Philbrick................................... 67,815 llth av. No. 608, s e cor 45th st, 23.1x70, four story bricx store and tenem'tand one-story frame extension. W. H. Finck............"l18,350 llth av, No. eOG, e s, adj. 19.1x70, four-story " brick stoe and lenem't, H. M. Pollock..,. 6,000 llthav. No. 604, e s, 19.7x70, similar building. Peter Murphv.............................. 8,950 llth av, No. 6i-2. e s, 19.2x70, similar building. J. L West................................... 5,600 A. H. MULLER & SON. Broadway, vr s. 54.3 s 57th st, 53.9x80.11x50x70. F. H. Cossitt......................... Dry Dock st, Nos. 15 and 17, w s, 46x84, two four story brick stores and tenem'ts. D. Buhler............................ Stanton st. No. 3-28. n s, 20y'ro. H^rpetory brick dweU'g and one-stcry ext«aision, Fred. Hoch............ .... ...... 18th st, Nos. 134 and 136 E., s s. 50x92. two flve-story brick buidings, Anthony Dugro, S3d t-t. No. '252 W., s s, 25x93.9. S. McMillan... 48lh st, n P, 350 w llth av, Iu0x72.6x—x74.6. J. H. V. Cockroft ............................ 56th st, n s, 110 e 8th av, lOOxlOO.5. F. H. Cos- silt........... . ....... ................. 58th St. s s, 100 e llth av, 75x100. M. C. Gross. 3d av, n e cor 104th st, 100.2x100. N. Cowen... 8lh av, s e cor 57th st, 50.5x59x34x4-2.10x90. A. F.HoUy................................. llth av, s e cor 58th st. 100x100. Jacob New... h. ir. & I. PHILLIPS. 19th St, No. 126 W.. s s, 25x100. D. Ruter. ... Sth av, n e cor 19th st. 51.8x88.3, frame and brick building. Henry C. Freeman....... p. F. MEYER. "■Tract of land and land under wa'erin24th Ward, bc.unded easterly by centre line of Sedgwick av. as recently laid out, north¬ erly by land ot R. W. Montgomery, southerly by land of Wm. B. Ogden, and westerly by Harlem River................ Also all right, title, &c.. of Benjamin F. Beekman in and to the land and land under water, together with all riparian : and other rights in Harl. m River, of said premises, except land taken for Sedg¬ wick av, and for railroad purposes __• SusannaP, Lees. (Amountdue, abt $23,150) C. P. WALTERS. 50,000 9,300 3,900 37.000 19,200 10,700 60,000 17,625 31,000 50,200 18,800 19,000 48,100 D. M. SEAMAN. 42d sr, No. 557 W.; n s, 2.5x100.5, flve-story brick tenem't. Patrick Egan.'___............... 13,000 1st av, s B cor 43d st, 100.5x100. M. & P. Dono¬ hue........................................ 26,( 50 1st av, e s, adj, 25x100. F.Sulzberger......... 4,6.50 1st av, e s, adj, 25xl0J. F.Sulzberger.........• 4,975 J. F. B. SMYTH. 116th st. No. 350 E., s. s, 16.Sx:00.10. three-story stone front dwell'g. Geo. E. Daniels...... 9,400 A J. BLEECKER & SON. 9?th st, n s, 1.50 w Sth av, 25xlU(. 11, vacant. N. Cortwright ................................. 5,425 *Lots 1,WI to 1,006, inclusive, and 1.017 to 1,019, inclusive, on map of Central Molt Haven, made bv Rider & Conkling. Knickerbock¬ er Life ins. Co. (Am't due. abt $3->,400)... 30.000 *Lots shown by letters B, C, D 1, D 2, D -3, and E. on a diagram aimexed to deed, flled in Westchester County RegKter's oflHce, in liber 582 of deeds, page 83, except parts conveyed or released; for further descrip¬ tion see Johnson & Cantine, attorneys for mortgagees, Knickerbocker Life Ins, Co, (Amountdue, abt li3,2iJ0).................. 100,000 Tolal...................................... $878,256 8R001LLYH, N. ¥. In the city of Brooklyn, Messrs. R. V. Harnett, L. J. & I. Phillips, Cole & Murphy and T. A. Kerrigan have made the foUowing sales for the week ending October 27: Bridge st, w s, 125 s Johnson st, 25xl0i\ Wil¬ liam H. Davis............................. $4,550 ♦Crown st, s e cor Schenectady av, 179,9x212,5 XllO. gore. Chas. E. Glover............... 500 *Dean st, n w cor Botd st, 20x70. Howard J. Forker................................ ... 5,400 Fulton st, Nos. 154 and 156. w s, 25x70, four- story brick store and dvvell'g, and one-story brick ex.ension. Wm. Kraft.............. 15,250 *Fulton st. No. -223, e s, 2.5x113.1 to Liberty st, 2oxll5.4, four-story brick store and build¬ ing. Justis L Bulkley, et al., exrs., &c___ 37,000 Navy st, e s, abt 60 n De Kalb av, 25x100. John J. WiUiams............................... 3,000 ♦Prospect tit, n w s, 150 n e Central av, 2,5x100. Fredtric A. Ward.......................... 150 Union st, s s, 80 e Van Brunt st, 42x100. John Crane.................................... 5,800 Bedford av, No. 34, 20x100, three-story brick dwell'g. Floyd Nevins.................... 8,450 Clason av, w s, 46 n Lexington av, 54x100. William H. Waring........................ 7.275 Totftl........................................ $87,375 CONVEYANCES Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of. ihe grantee they mean as follows 1st— an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which nil the right, title aiid interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. •id—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not douf any act lohereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, cliarued or incumbered. Eldridge st. No. 65, w a, 20.11x100, three-story brick front dwell'g. Nathan Manne....... 15,150 10,300 NEW TORR CITY. October 20, 21, 23,24, 23. 26. Allen st, No. 98, e s, 12L6 n Broome st, 24.9x 87.6, five-story brick store and teHem't. Fore¬ clos. Fordham Morris to Philip Lahr. Oct. 25. $19,000 Bowery, No. 220, -w s, 2.5x100, two story brick factory and two-story brick factory in rear. Partition. Stephen A. Walker to Jobn Calla¬ han. Oct. 14. • 25,050 Bleecker st. No. 309, new No. 325, e s, 20.11 s Christopher st, 19.10x76.3x13.6x25.5x.54.9, two-story brick store and dwell'g. Harriet A. Lee to William H. Streeter. Oct. 24, 12,000 Baxter st, No. 147, e s, 147.1 s Grand st, 25.8x 100, five-story brick factory building. Ben¬ jamin Sire, Hanover, N, J., to Henry M. Johnson. Mort. $12,000. Oct. 19. ' 30,000 Boulevard, w s, 695 n I22d st, runs south 70.5 X west 142.7 to centre Bloomingdaie road, x north along old road 72.10 x east 161, with )4 of Bloomingdaie road. Emma J. wife of Edward A. Storey, Brooklyn, to Martha J. Deraismes, Jamaica, L. I. nom Boulevard, w s, 765 6 n l"22d .st, runs south 70.5 X west 161 to centre old Bloomingdaie road, X north along old road 17.11 x north still along old road 9.7 x northeast still along centre of old road 50; 4 x east 140.1 to begin¬ ning. Emma J. wife of Edward A.Storey, Brooklyn, to Prancis J. J. Deraismes, Jamai¬ ca,^ Oct. 20, • nom Courtlandt st. No, 10, n s, abt 97 w Broadway, abt 25xl-.'5, five-story brick (stone front) store. Contract. Henry Naylor to Ernest HaU. Mort. $45,000. Oct. i2. 100.000 Cannon st, Nos. 27 and 29, w s, 75 n Broome st, 50x100, tLree-.story and. two-story frame store and dwell'gs and two four-story brick tenem't in rear. Herman B. Lanfer tb Eliza- bfth wife of Joseph Hillenbrand. Mort. $7,000, taxes, &c. March 1.5, 1881. 20,000 Chatham sq. No. 4, and No. 6 Catharine st, on e s Chatham sq, 43x30 to Catharine sL x34 5x 60, four-story briok store. Charles W. Sey¬ mour, exr. W. N. Seymour, to James H, White. Oct. 2. nom Delancey st. No. 137, s s, 50 e Norfolk st, 25x 7.5, five-story brick store and tenem't. Miena wife of and Frank Windholz to Adolph Pawel. Mort. $7.(i00. Occ. 23. 21,000 Dey St. No. 43, s s, 107 6 w Cburch st, 24.11x1 74.7x24.11x74.8, five-story stone front store. I Dey st. No. 45, s s, i3-J.5 w Cburch st. 25x74.6 ( x2.5x74.7, five-story stone front stoi-e. ( Wiliiam st, No. 163, w s, 60.7 n Ann st. 22.3x 86.2x23 6x88.1, four-story stone fr«.int store. J Laura Reimers, widow, Hamburg, Germany, to Alexander M. Ross. July 6. nom Grand st, No. 382, n s, 75 w Suffolk st, 25x100. tbree-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g and three-story brick dwell'g in rear. Heinrich Petri to Carlton C. Randall. Oct. 25. nom Same property. Carlton C- Randall to Katha¬ rina wife of Heinrich Petri. Oct. -25. nom Lawrence st, s s, abt 227 w 9i h av. Release mort. John Eichhorn to Wilham McRey¬ nolds. June 27. nom Stanton st. No. 18, n s, 2.5x100, five-story brick store and tenem't. Franz Hassler, Mann¬ heim, Germany, to Christian Schulz. All liens. Sept. 27. nom Spring st. Nos. 96 to 104)4, s e cor Mercer st, 100x61.1, three five-story stone front stores. Isaac L. Kip to Meyer and Simon Sternber- ger. All title. Ca. G. May 15. nom Varick st. No. 98, e s, bet Watts and Broome sts, 21.7x70, three-story frame (brick front) dwell'g. Joseph I. West to John Needham. Oct. 25. 10.000 Wooster st, No. 42, e s, 125 n Grand st, 25x 1 100, three-story brickstore and tenem't and three-story brick tenein't in rear. y Wooster st. No. 44, e s, 150 n Grand st, 25x I mo, one-story brick stable. J Charles F. Hunter, and ano., exrs. and trustees Andrew Bleakley, to Edward N. Tailer. Morts. $12,954. Aug. 19. 32,000 Wooster st, No. 46 and 48, e s, 100.2 s Broome st, 71.7x100.0x70.10x100,2, three and four- story brick factory buildings. Andres Dold to Andrew McLean, Jersey City, N. J, Morfc. $30,000, Oct. 7. 45,000 12tb st, n s, 148.8 e 1st av, 24 4xS1.2x—x70 1. l Stuyvesant st, ses, 133.6 n e 1st av, 25x66.6x >• X—X62.7. ) Catbarine F. Reardon to John H. Brady. Confirmation deed. Q. C. Oct. 19. nom 12th st. No. 223, n s, 260 w 2d av, 25x103.3, four-story brick dwell'g. Edward D. Bas.s- ford, exr. Alice Bassford, dec'd, Alice E. A. Benedict and Mary C. Ba«sford, heirs Alice Bassford, to Ellen wife of Johii H. Brady. Mort. $10,000. Oct. 21. 20,000 13th sfc, No 434, s s, 221.3 w Av A, 24.3x103.3, four-story brick store and tenem't and four- story brick tenem't in rear. James O'Neill to Mary Barnes. Morfc. $6,250. Oct. 21. 13,500 16th st. No. 4, s s, 128 4 e 5th av, 30.8x1 3,3, four-story stone front dwell'g.. Richard L. Campbell, exr. John Campbell, dec'd, to Richard A. Smith, Hastings, N. Y. Oct. 20. 55,000 17 th st, No. 220, s s, 113 w Rutherford pl, 19x80, four-story stone front dwell'g. Thomas Mor¬ ton, New Windsor, to EmUy A. wife of John C. Acheson. Mort. $8,00U. Oct. 24. 15,000 17th st, No 125, n s, 296.8 w 6th av, 25x92, two¬ story bi-ick stable. Charles H. Stebbins and ano., exrs. H. G. Stebbins, to Lawrence Smith. Mort. $7,000. Oct. 23. 15,000 Same property. Sarah A. Stebbins, widow, to LawFc^nce Smith. Reslease dower. Oct. 33. - " nom 19th st, Nos. 527 anc 529, n s. 350 w 10th av. 50 x9l.ll. two two-story brick stables. Walter Roome, Red Bank, N. J., to Elizabeth C. wife of Francis Many. Morts. $12,13J. Oct. 16. nom 2Gth st. No. 220, s s, abt 495 e 8th av, 25x85.11x k 25x86.7, three-story brick dwell'g, Elliott