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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 30, no. 765: November 11, 1882: Supplement

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STJiF'iFLEIS/dEElIsrT .toi-y stone front dweU'g. .Hymes Spingarn..... 20,000 A. H. MULLER & SON. 116th st, No. .324 E.. s s, 2i>xl'0.10, three-story stone front d wellV- El zabeth Cummings. (Amount due, aht f lO.OUd).................. 10,2-25 Lexington av, No. ."iGS, s e cor 5-2d st, 25.5x100, fuiir-story .^tone fr.'Ut dwell'p and brick stable on .5->d St. Jolm Crtllahnn........ 23.500 4th av, No. 251, ue cor 2uth st, 21x90, four- story brick store and dwell'g. E.Walters. 29,250 H. N. CAMP. *Bleecker st. No. 144, s s. 25x125, tbree-'sf ory brick store and dvveirg. Coudert Bros. (Amount due, abt $22,3 .0)................. 20,000 M. A. J. LYNCH. 82d st. No. 442 E , s s, 25x102.2. four-story s^one front tenem't. Max Danziger. (Amount due, abt §11,100)............................ 12,000 A .J. BLEECKER & SON. East Broadway, .'; s, 145.9 e Montgomery st. 23 x78 5, two-story briok dwell'g. Charles S. » Brown...!.................... ........ .Hous'on st, No. 173 "VV.. s s, 22x75 5, three-storj' brick dwell'g. D. ilosenbaum............. Total 10,250 7,550 ?162,875 BROOKLYN, N. ¥. In the City of Brooklyn, Me.«srs. J. Cole and T. A. Kerrigan have made the following sales for the week ending November 10 : Cooper st, s e s. 175 s w Evergreen av, 2.5x100) Cooper s', s s, 1-25 s w Evergreen av, 50x153.2 v xlOO.lx irreg..............................| Fred'k Busi-h ............................ $310 Fulton st, s s, 75 w Sackman st, 175x100. Pat¬ rick J. Kennedy.......................... 2,910 President st. No 4'6, s s, 20x100, three- tory frame dwell'g and two-stury frame dwell'g in rear. Stephen Lovejoy. (Rent, $33 per month) ............................ 2^550 Atlan'ic av, n w cor Brooklyn av, 20x89.1. Charles A. Loweri-e........................ 3,000 Lafnyette av, s s, 183.4 w No.'ttnmd av, 16 8x 100. J s. E.Robbert<;o.i andano., exrs___ 500 1,575 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. O. occur,pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee 'hey mean as follows Ist—Q. C is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed I. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interent of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in wh ch he covemints tUat he hath not don- any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charyed or incumbered. MEW lOltIi C1T¥. November 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. .Bedford st, Nos. 41 and 43, w s, b-tween Car¬ mine and Leroy sts, 40x:75, two three-story frame (brick front) dwell'gs. Caroliue F. wife of and Jared P. Harrison, New Rochelle, N. Y., to JIary McManus. Mort. $7,000. Nov. r. h. , $lb,(K10 .Bedford st, No. 79. n w cor Commerce st, 2.5x 50, three-stdry briek store and teuem't. Foreclos. Francis E. Parker to Charles Duttweiler. Nov. 1. 11,600 Beekman st, gore, at s w cor of lot No. 74, being irregular and at no point over 6 inches wide. Wiliam W. Grreen, Kings t.'o., to Charles V. Harmer aud John P. Hays. -Aag. 27, 1853. -^ 170 Beekman st. No. 74. Part}'" wall agi-eement. I VVilliam W. tjreen, BruuKlyn, witb Charles j Gr. Harmer and John P. H .ys. Juue Lo. j 18.53. Upon completion of wall parties of I second part pays to party first part 1,100 B oadway, No. 2I'2, easterly cor Kulton st, 29x 77.2x29x76.2, six-story brick store and offit-e building. Eliza B. Smitb wife of and Spencer H. to Edwaid M. Kiiox. 1 60 part. Nov. 1. 5,000 Same property. John E. Parsons to same. Share of. Kov 1. 2-i,833 Cortlandt st, n e cor New Church st, 2-3. Ix 1*23x31.7x1:^3.8; five story brick) atone front) factory bui ding on Cortlandt st,, and Nos. 1.5 and 17 New Cburch st, two five- stuy brick stores. Charles A. Coe to Heury Naylor. Morts. $64,0 0, aud taxes and ass'ts since May 1, 1881. Oct. is. 11.5,000 Crosbv st, No. 131, e s,'20.6 n Jersey st, 21.Ix 73.11x2-2.2x73.1, two-story brick store and dwell'g. Joseph A. Lunn to Siegmund T. Meyer. Mort. $6,0U(>. Sept. 2Q 14,600 Delancey st, s w cor Ridge st, .50x75, two-story bri -k and two-st' u y frame stores and dwell'gs on Delancey st, and two story b ick store and ten m'c on Kidge st. James A. Roberts to Edward Opp^'uneimer and Isaac Metzger. Morr,. .S10.U0.>. Nov. 8 15,250 Eldridge st. No. 61, w s, 75 n Hester st, 25x100, five story brick store and tenem't and four- story brick tenem't in rear. Mary wife of and Heinrich Brossler to Levi Rotlisehild and Henry Fleisehman. Morts. .$L2,ooo. Nov. 1. 25,000 Eldridge st. No. 113, w s, KO s Delancey st, 2.5x liiO, six-story brick store and tenem't. M ai-y W. Trembley, Bayonne, N. J., to Kat" L. wife of G W. Trembley. Feb. 20, 1880. 10,000 Essex st, Nos. 132 and 134, e s, 42.8 ii Ki\i g- ton st, runs north 57.4 x east lOo x south 2.5 x west 60 X south 30 x west 4 x south 2.4 x we^t 36, two six-story brick factories, also ma¬ chinery. Francis F. Leich to Jobn Btewi, George Holfman and Philip Ffeffer. All title. C a. G. Aug. 1,1877. 6,000 Same property. John Brewi and George Hoffimau to William J. Gessner. Mort-^. $17,750. Nov. 1. 24,250 Front st, No. 66, n s, 20.6x93 6, five-story brick store. Henry M. Ahrens, Hoboken, to Al¬ fred V. and Stephen O. Ryder. Mort. $8,000. Oct 31. 18,000 Grove st. s s, 67 8 e West Washington pl, runs east 39.10 X south lOo x west 4 < x soutu -2.8 to West Washington pl, x northwest 15 x east S.6x nortb 9o to beginning. Release judg¬ ment. Patrick Meagher to James Meagher and Thomas C. McL-dughlin. Nov. 3. uom Madison st. No. 3u0, s s. 71 e Mont^iomery st, runs south 49.9 x east 2.7 x south .54.3 x east 17 6 X uon h 105 to Madison st, x west 18, three-story brick dwell'g. Stephen Whitney, New Havcn, Conu., to Catbarine Kerrigan. Oct. '-1. 3,500 Nassau st, e s. extdg from Cedar to Liberty st, beini 184.8 on Nassau st, 174 on rear. 115.9 on Liberty bt, ind 110.8 on Cedar st, old Post Office sit-, &c. The Secretary of the Treas¬ ury, on b half of the United States of Amer¬ ica, to The Mutual Life Ins. Co., New Yoik. Oct. 30. 650 000 University pl, No. 76, w s, 25.11 n 13th st, runs northwest 1.5 x agdn northwest loObx noribe'>st 25.10 x southeast 101 x again south¬ east 2.11 to University pl, x southwest 25.11, tbree-story brick dwell'g. John Hone, Clara F. wfe of and Richard Delafield, Frederic De P. ond Giraud Foster, New York, Marie A. wife of aud Frederic Sherman, Garrisons, N. Y., John ri. Foster. New York, Emily H. wife cf and Chnries de Kbam, Jr., and Albert E. Fo ter. heirs Emby Foster, to Carl H. Schultz. Oct. 12. 34,500 Washington .=t. No. 290, w s, 25 n Chambers sfc, 19.10x48.9, three-story brick store. William Little to William Hustace. Mort. $10,00). ISov. 4. 18,000 Washington sfc, Nos. 466, 46S and 470, w s. 60 s Hoboken st, 70x100, eight-story brick factory builditig. John M. Littell to Robert Gasten, Brooklyn. Morts. $40,000. Nov. 6. 6.',000 Same property. Release mort. Amelia M. Raffloer, trustee, &c., to John M. Liitell. Nov. 6. nom Waverley pl, s w cor West 10th st, 25.6x85.6x 23.5xt)5 li; No. 184, three-story brick dwellg; Nos. 156 and 158 vv est 10th st, two tbree-story brick dwell'gs. Eugene Ringgold, New York, and H< >rtense H. wife < 'f Edward Ste- vbus, Washington, D. C, beirs Mary A. Ringgold, to Amalia Berrian. Mort. $9,500. Oct. 30. 17,000 Warren st. No. 8. Cancels contract. Georfi.e iS'oakes to Amos M. L\on. Nov. 9. nom Sth st, or St Marks pl, No. 9-2. s s, .55 e 1st av. 20x73.2, five-story brick store and teneiu't. Ernest Obi to George P. Ai.dra. Morts. $7,000. Nov. 3 14,000 13th sc. No. 512, s s, 196 e Av A, 25x103.3, four- story brick store and tenem't. Louis Sohworer to VVilliam F. Rohrig. Moit. $10,000. Oct. 31. 17,.500 16th st. No. 421 W., n s, 2.'-0.3 w Oth av, 25x92, five-story" brick store and tenem't. Theresia wife of and Joseph Rose to Joha C. Meister. Mort. .$9,000. Nov. 1. 19,500 17th st, No. 413, n s. 194 e Isfc av. 2.5x92, five- story brick tenem't. Piitri'-k Trainor and Bridget bis wife to Josepb I. West. Morfc. $2,000. Nov. -2. 12,000 ISth St. No."^. 356 and 358, s s, 125 e Oth av, -ax 92, two tbr^e-story brick dweU'gs. George W. .Luyster to Maria Moss, y^^iiavt. Moits. $4,501). Nov. 1. 850 23d st, No. 42, s s, 175 w 4tb av, 25x98.9, four- story brick store and dweU'g. Piei-rot .lulien to Eleanor F. Russell, widow, Wash n.;tnr, D. C. Nov. I. ' 71,o00 26tb st. No. 141, n s, 126 8 e Lexington av, 23.4x 9'<.9, three-story brick dAtjl'g. Felix Gotts¬ chalk to Jeannet e Mehibach. C. a. G. Correcfcion deed. Nov. 1. uom 27tb st, n s. 81.10 e Sth av. 28x68.6x20,11x08.3: ]So. 261, ihree-story frame (brick front) store and dweU'g: No. 2o3, tbree-story biick stoie and dwell'g and two s;o y brick exieiision ou rear. Bernard Silveruiau and ano., exrs. J. Silvprman, t'j Benoit VVasserman. Mort. $3,000. Nov. 1. 9.000 30tbst, No. 2,53 W-, n s, '225 e Sth av, ;..5x98.'.>, three-story brick dwell'g. Joseph I. Wesfc to Isaac Mannheimer. Mort. $3,-.00. Nov. I. 9,500 37th st. No. 1.54, s s, 160 w 3d av, 20x98.9, four- story stone front dweb'g. Samuel Willets to iviarv S. wife of Edward M. Cook. Nov. 2. " 24,000 SSth st, n s, 125 w 1st av, 100x98 9, vacann ' 3yfch st, .s s, 125 w Isfc av, 75x98.9, vacaut. > Jobn I. Jcuesaiid ano., exrs. and trustees D. Jones, to Henry J. Burchell. Nov. 9. 28,000 40th st, No. 338, s s, 75 w 1st av, 25x98.9, five- story brick tenem t Amelia F. wife of and Frederick Baker, Brooklyn, to William H. Brower. Mort. $9,000. Nov. 1. 15,.500 Same property. Release mort. Chiistian HertertoWdliam H. Brower. Nov. 1. 1,300 40th sfc. No. 109, n s, 151 e 4th av, 14.6x98.9, three-story stone fi-ont dwell'g. Theodore W. Dwight to Mary E. Vredenburgh. Oct. 27. 14,2.50 4')th st. No. 231. n s, 400 w 7tb av, 16.8x98,9, three-story brick dw-'U'g. Anne, Mary A., John H. and James E. Doyle aud Margaret O'Hara to Mary E. Dwiiinelie. Mort. .$4,000. Nov. 2. 9,505 Same property. William H. Brooks to same. Q. C, &c. Nov. L nom Same property. Maria Moss to same. All title. Mort. $4,000. Nov. 1. 500 43d st. No. 24^ n s. 80 w 2d av, 20x100.5, five- story brick tenem't. Ebenezer Morgan, Gro¬ ton, Conn., to Marie H. dwell, Brooklyn. Mort. $6,.5U0. Nov. 7. 10,600 Same pr< perty. Lemuel L. Fountaine to Ebenezer Morgan Q. C. Sept. 23, 1881. nom Same property. Edward Wilson to Ebenezer Morgan, Groton, Conn. Q. C. Nov. 2. nom 44th bt. No. 3-2, s s, 4.5 w 6th av, 2.5x100..5, four story frame store and i enem't. William T. Ryerson and lia Biown'to Washington E. Connor. Mort. Sh,ooO. Nov. 8 15,000 SOth St. No. 117, n s. 23) w bth av, 30x46.0x30.10 x4^'. 9, two storv 1 stable. John Graham to Marv M Holmes. M $4.oo0. Nov. 2. 15,500 Slst st, No. 338 W., s s, 443 w Sth av, 20 6x100.5, three-story briek dweU'g William J. Grea¬ cen to James Irving. Mort. $7,OuO. April ], 1882. 15,t00 52d st, No. 433 E., n s, 419 e 1st av, runs nortb xeast to poin: 4i9 e Isfc av and 49.9 n 52d st, X south 49.9 to 5*2d sr, x west 20, four-story stone f i-' nt tenem't. Mitchel Valentine to John Motzer aud Mary his wife. Nov. 1. - 7,500 52d st, No. 407, n s, 137.9 e 1st av, runs north K 3.3 X east — x south 99.S to 5-Jd st. x west 1S.9, four sfccry stone front tenem't. Mitchel Valentine to Moritz Gerber. N.>v. 6. 11,000 .53d st. No. 215, n s, 425 w d av, 25x100 4, two- > story frame dweli'gs auU one aud two-