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SU^:E>l-,:Eils£.-BiliT't} Real Estate AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. X^XX. NEW YOEK, NOYEMBER 18, 1«82, No 766, Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE YEAR, in advance.....$6.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J.. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales- ' room for the week ending November 17: • Indicates that theproperty described hat been bid in for plaintiff^s account: L. MESIER. Edgecomb road, n w cor 159th st,.S5.7x84x25x 89.9. V. K. Stevenson..................... $1,200 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 76.11x106.11x75x89.9. V. K. Stevenson.................;..... 2,475 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 76.11x124.2x75x106.11. ■ V.K.Stevenson........................ 2,550 Edgecomb road, s w cor 160th st, 85.7x129.11x25 X124.2. V. K. Stevenson.............. L175 Edgecomb road, ji w cor 162d st, 25.4x46.10x25 X42.6. -----Sutphen..................... 500 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 76.1x29.7x75x42.6. -----Sutphen............................... 1,080 Edgecomb road, s w cor 163d st, 126.8x7.11x125 X29.7. -----Sutphen........................ 1,750 Edgecomb road, n w cor 163d st, 25.4x68.11x25 64.7. P.G.Duffy.......................... 730 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 101.4x47.4x100x64.7. AlfredRoe............................ 975 Edgecomb road, w s, 25.3 s 164th st, 76x59.4x75 X72.4. V.K Stevenson................... 1,290 Edgecomb av, s w cor 164lh st, 25.2x55x24.10x 59.4. V.K.Stevenson..................... 500 Edgecomb road, n w cor 164th st, 25.4x115.3x25 X119.6. G.F.Gantz........................ 7i5 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 4 lots G. F. Gantz. 1,800 Edgecomb road, s w cor 166th st, 25.2x90.4x25x 93.5. H.Jumel........................ 610 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 4 lots. H. Jumel... 8,400 Edgecomb road, n vr cor 166th st, 25.1x109.11. L. TopUtz ........................... 500 Edgecomb road, s w cor 167th st, 22.5xl29.7x 92.11x109.11. L. Toplitz.................... 650 Edgecomb road, vr s, 219.11 n 167th st, 4 lots. John M.Jones............................. .800 Edgecomb road, vr s, adj, 4 lots. G. F. Gantz-. 1,020 Edgecomb road, vr s, aij, 3 lots G. F. Gantz. 750 Edgecomb road, w s, adj, 2 lots. W. A. Cam¬ eron..................................... 490 Edgecomb road, e s, n 167th st, 2 lots. August . Sbarbard............................. 570 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on south, 4 lots. J. J. Mahoney......................... 1,080 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on south, 4 lots. J. J. Mahoney............................. 1,000 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on south, 4 lots. S. Chester............................ 1,480 Edgecomb road, s vr Jumel pl, 130.4x63.8xl00x 147.3. ----- Maclin........................ 8,480 Edgecomb road, e s, strip 4.9 wide, extdg from 159th to 162d Sf'. x—x87x to .Croton Aque¬ duct, x irreg. Nelson Chase............... 6,600 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on north. 1 lot. John McCallum.......................... 290 Edgecomb road. e s, adj above on north, 5 lots. John McCallum........................... 1.050 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on nortb, 5 lots. John McCallum.......................... 1,110 ■ Edgecomb road, e s, opposite 163d st, 2 lots. , C. F. Partridge ............................ 700 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on north, lOOx 1246 to Croton Aqueduct. John Ruhl. ... 1,060 Edgecomb road, e s, adj above on north, lOQx 126.4 to Croton Aqueduct. T. B. McKenna. 1,000 Edgecomb road, e s, nearly opposite 164th st, 100x124.6 to Croton Aqueduct. G. F. Gantz 960 Edgecomb road, e s, iiorth 164th st, adj above, 109.4x130.8x60.2x124.6. G. F. Lespinasse... 960 , Jumel pi, e s, 113.8 s Edgecomb road, 75x122.2 to Edgecomb road, x ^xI68.6. Mr. Presst- man........................................ 993 Jumel pl, s e cor Edgecomb road, 113.8 on Ju- , mel pl, X — on Edgecomb road, x 122.3. John Brown............................... 1,110 Jumel pl, n w cor 167lh st, 91.3x119.3x26.8x100. . J. Gillies............................. ... 820 Jumel pl, ws, adj, 7.5x100. J. Gillies.......... 1,020 Jumel pl, w s, adj. 75x100. Margaret Quinlin.. 750 Jumel pl, w s. adj, 100x100. J. R. Dorsett..... 660 Jumel pl, ws, adj, lOOxln'. J. R. Dorsett..... 940 .Jumelpbws, adj, 100x100, J.K.Brown..... 920 Jumelpl, ws, C3.9, s Edgecomb road, 50x100. W. H. Cochrane......................... 600 Jumel pi, 6 8,30.4, n 167th st, 100x176.10x104.7 to Edgecomb mad, X147.G. G.F.Gantz... 1,000 Jumel pl. e s, 130.4, n I67th st, 100x90. J. M. Jones...................___................ 72") Jiimel pl, e s, adj. 100x90. P. Fox............. 7> 0 Jumel pl, e s, adj, 75x9o. Thos. Curran....... 525 Jumel pl, e 8, adj, 50x90. Jas. DeVanney..... 400 Kingsbriiige road, I74th .st and New av, gore, 2:1x66.8x70.7. Thos. Walsh..............., 400 .159th sti n s, ICO e St. Nicholas av. 100x100. V. -'^ ^K, Stevenson............................, S,S3(> 160th St. s s, 137.4 e St. Nicholas av, lOJxlOO. V. K. Stevenson............................ 163d St. s s, IOC e 10th av, 100x112.6. H. Jumel. 163d st, s s, 200 e 10th av, 100x112.6. Alfred Roe...................................... 163d st, n s, 68,11 w Edgecomb road 25x125... I 163dst,ns. adj, 25x112.6.....................i Jas. McCloud..... ___.................... t63d st, n s, adj, 50x112.6. Tim Donigan...... 161th st, s 8,100 e 10th av, 50x112.4. Wilham Lalor...................................... 164th st, s s, adj. 50x112.4. M. Lichtenauer.... 164th st, s s. 200 e 10th av, 75x112.4. H. Jumel. 164th st, s s, 275 e 10th av, 100x112.4. J. Mat¬ thews ..................................... 164th st, n s, 100 e 10th av, 50x156.7x50.4x163.5. H. Jumel............................... 164th St. n s, 150 e ICth av, 75x142.11x75.7x166.7. H. Jumel.................................... 164th st, n s, 225 e 10th av, 75xl32.8x75.7xl4i.ll. H. Jumel.............................. 164th Bt, n s, 300 e 10th av, 25x129.3x25.2x132.8. H. Jumel .................................. 166th st, s s, 90.4 w Edgecomb road, 25xl21x irreg. Mr. Carryl........................ 166th st, ss, adj, Slots. H. Jumel............. 166th st, s s, adj, 4 lots. Frank Leber......... 166th st, s s, 95 e Audubon av, 50x92.9x51.4x84.5. EllenBarry................................ 166th St. s s, adj, 100xl09.3xl02.8x9J 9. James VonBien................................. 166th st, n s, 100 w 10th av, 85x95. T. Fitzger¬ ald........................................ 166th st, n s, 109.11 w Edgecomb road. 75x166.9 to 167th st, X 89.6x117.11. L. Toplitz....... 166th st, n s, adj, 100x1 (0. W. H. Morrell...... 166th st, n s, 95 e Audubon av, 50x95. Tim. Donigan........'............................. 166th st, n s, adj, 10 x95. H. Jumel............ 167th st, n s, extdg from Jumel plto Eagecomb road, 153 on .167th st, x 10.4 on Jumelpl, x 147.6x115.7 on Edgecomb road. Mr. Tresst- man........................................ 167th st, s s, 119.3 s e 10th av, 4 lots. W. H. Morrell.........................---- ...... 167th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 25x85. C. Schultz.. I47th st, s s. 125 w 10th av. 100x85 H. Jumel.. 167th st, s s, adj 50x85. Ellen O'Hare.......... 167th St. n s, 95 e Audubon av, 100x81.7. H. Jumel.................................... 167th st, n s, adj., 75x81.7. P. V. Bussing .... 168th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 100x95. A. J. Rob¬ inson ___................................... 168t^ st, s s, ad j., 75x95. John and Hubert Mc¬ Callum............................... 168th st, n s, 100 w lOch av, 75x95. H. Jumel.. 168th st, n s, adj., 100x95. L. Sinsheimer...... 169th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 100x85. Isaac Cahn. I69th st, s B, adj., 75x85. L. Sinsheimer....... 169th st, n s, 100 w 10th av, 100x81.7. Mr. Henry ..................................... 169th St. n s, adj., 75x81.7. Thos. Fenton...... 169th st, n s, 100 w Audubon av, 75x81.7. R. B. Saul........................................ 169th st, n s, adj., 75x81.7. W. Hahn....;..... 170th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 100x95. Mr. Henry. 170th st, s s, adj , 75x95. H. Jumel.......... 170th st, n s, 100 w 10th av, 100x100. Mr. Henry. 170th st, n s, adj., 75xlC0. P. Fox......... . .. 170th st, s s, 100 e Uth av, 75x95. Alfred Roe.. 170th st, s s, adj.. 75x95. H. Jumel............ 171st st, s s, 100 w 10th av. 100x95. Mr. Henry. 171st st, s s, adj., 75x95. H. Jumel........ 171st st, n s, IOO w 10th av, 25x95. A. Roe...... 171st st, n s, adj., 100x95. H. Jumel........... 171st st, n s, adj., 50x95. H. Jumd......... 172d st, s s, 101) w 10th av, 25x95. Geo. Fisher. 172d st, s s, adj., 75x95. Ellen O'Hare......... 172d st, s s, adj., 75x95. H. Jumel............ 172d st, n s, 100 w 10th av, 100x94.6. J. J. Ma¬ honey....................................... 172d st, n s, 100 e Audubon av, 75x94.6. J. J. Mahoney........................ — •..... 172d st, n s, 100 w Audubon av. 75x94.6. A. Foise ...................................... 172d st, n s, 100 e llth av, 75x94.6. L. Sins¬ heimer..................................... 173d st, s s, 100 w 10th av. 100x100. J. J. Ma¬ honey .................................. 173d st, n s, 100 w lOih av, lOOxlOO. Wm. Lalor. i73d St. s s, 100 e Audubon av, 75x100. J. J. Mahoney ............................... 173d st, n 8, 95 e Audubon av, 75x100. W. A. OfliHiGron......,.....»•••......•-••■ •••*.... 173d Bt. s s, 100 w Audubon av, 75x100. Geo. 173d st, s s, 100 e iitb av, 75x100. John Rene¬ han......................................... 173d st n s, 100 e llth av. 75x100. Pat. Fox.... 173d st, n 8, 100 w Audubon av, 75x100. B. Fellman.................................. 173d st, n s, 100 w llth av, 100x100. W. H. Mor¬ reU...........•■.....•....................... 174th st, s s, 100 w llth av, 100x100. J. B. Dor¬ sett...................•.............•....... 174th st, n s, 100 w llth av, 100x105.7x100.5x96.1. John "Whelan........:...................... 174th st s s, IQO vr Audubon av, 75x100. B. Fellman.................--................. 174th st, s s, 100 e llth av, 75x100. C. Hage¬ meyer.............................•/«■;■•'•• 174th St. n s, 95 e Audubon av, 275 to 10th. av, xl.6x2763x26.11. G. F. Gantz..;........... 174th st, s s, 100 w 10th av, 100x100. John Ren¬ ehan.....'... ..••••......".................. 174th st, s s, 95 6 Audubon av, 75x100. L. C. : Ledgelt............. ........**............... 3.800 2,800 1.600 1.380 1,220 1,880 1,330 1,980 2,000 1.5C0 2,490 2,250 570 570 1,650 8,440 930 1.9^0 620 1,575 1,800 970 1,060 l,7f0 450 2,000 990 1.640 1,335 8,120 1,530 1,680 2,040 2,000 1,426 2,200 1,650 720 750 2,680 1,89 1 3,000 1,890 675 sro 2,440 1,575 325 1.100 400 500 , 1,185 1,760 1,050 840 870 2,360 8,400 1,650 1,710 1,290 1,800 870 840 1,240 1,220 1,400 645* 174th st,ns,.100 e llth av, 75x60.7x75.4x67.8. Margaret Quinlan.......................... 174th st, n s. IOO w Audubon av, 75x60.7x75.4x 53.6. J, M. Jones........................... Audubon av, n w cor 172d st, 19.6xlC0. John Foley..................................... Audubon ay, w s, adj, 7.5x100. John Carlin... Audubou av, s w cor 173d st, 25x100. V. K. Stevenson, Jr......................... Audubon av, w s, adj, 75x100. V. K. Steven¬ son, Jr...................................... Audubon av, n w cor 173d st, 25x100. J. R, Brown...................................... Audubon av, w s, adj, 75x100. J. R. Brown.. . Audubou av, s w cor 174th st, 85x100. A. W. Gerloch................................... Audubon av, w s, adj, 75x100. L. J. Phillips,.. Audubon av, n e cor l72d st, 19.6x95. Dan'I Brady.................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. V. K. Stevenson. Audubon av, s e cor 17.3d st, 25x95. J. J. Ma¬ honey..................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. J. J. Mahoney.. Aud "bon av, n e cor 173d st, 25x95. W. A. Cameron................................... AuduDon av, e s, adj, 75xU5. W. A. Cameron. Audubon av, s e cor I74th st, 25x95. L. C. Led- gett....................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. L. C. Ledgett___ Audubon av, n e cor 174th st, 36.5x95x36.11x 95.4. B. Fellman........................... Audubon av, s e cor 166th st, 25x95. T. F. BtafiEord................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 43.9x96.3x—x95. T. F. Stafford.................................. Audubon av, n e cor 166th st, 25x95. Thomas Kearney.............................;. Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. Thos. Kearney.. Audubon av, e s, adj, 50x95. Alfred Roe...... Audubon av, s e cor 167th st;, 30x95. Alfred Roe..................................... Audubon av, n e cor 167th st, 26.7x95. H. Jumel...................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 100x95. H. Jumel....... Audubon av, e s, adj. 25x95. H. Jumel....... Audubon av, s e cor l6Sth st. 25x95. ' H. Jumel................................. Audubon av, n e cor 168th st, 25x95. Alfred Roe........................................ Audubon av, e s. adj, 75x95. Alfred Roe...... Audubon av, e s, adj, 50x95. L. C. Ledgett___ Audubon av, s e cor 169th st, 30x95. Alfred Roe ..................................... Audubon av, n e cor 169th st, 26.7x95. H. Juinel ................................ Audubon av. e s, adj, 75x95 Thos. Fenfon___ Audubon av, e s. adj, 50x95. Samuel Brown.. Audubon a.-, s e cor I70th st, 25x95. P. Fox... Audubon av, n e cor 170th st, 25x95.7. H. Jumel..................................... Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. T. F. Stafford. . Audubon av, e s, adj. 75x95. Alfred Roe...... Audubon av, s e cor 171st st, 80x95. Ellen Newman................................ Audubon av, n ecor 171 st st, 20x95. H. Jumel. Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. H. Jumel........ Audubon av, e s, adj, 75x95. H. Jumel___.... Audubon av, s e cor 172d st, 20x95. H. Jumel. Audubon av, s w cor 170th st, 25x100. H. Jumel.................................... Audubon av, w s, adj. 50x100. H. Jumel...... Audubon av, ws, adj, 75x100. Patrick Barry.. AUduhon av, n w cor 109th st, 86.7x100. C. D. Mills....................................... Audubon av, n w cor 174th st, 25x10J. G. F. Gantz...................................... Audubon av, w s, adj, 19x100.5x28.6x100. G. F. Gantz...................................... New av, n w cor 173d st, 25x100. J. J. Macklin. Newav, es, adj. 75x100. L. J. Phillips........ New av, n e cor 174th st, 25x100. L. J. Phillips. New av, e s, adj. 75x100. L. J. Phillips........ New av, n w cor 174th st, 25x100. M. Littman. New av. e s, adj, 90xl0u.5x80.7xl00. M. Litt¬ man ....................................... St. Nicholas av, n e cor 159lh st, 25.5xl0Cx85x 104.8. W. Moore........................... 10th av, s e cor Edgecomb road, 100x96.9x77x 100. A. Boe................................ 10th av. e s, adj. lOOxlOO. L. J. Phillips........ 10th av, e s, adj, 200x100. L. .7. Phillips........ 10th av, e s. adj, lOOxlPO. L. J. Phillips........ 10th av, n e cor 167th st, 361x119.2x76.8x100. J. Gault................................... mth av, e s, adj, 7oxl00. L. J. Phillips..... 10th av, n w cor 172d st, 19.6x100. V.K. Ste- 1,060 1,920 1,260 venson. 10th av. w s, adj., 7-5x100. . V. K. Steven.son___ 10th av, s w cor I73d st, 25x100. V. K. Steven¬ son......................................... 10th av, w s, adj., 75xlC0. V. K. Stevenson.... 10th av, n w cor 173d st, 25x100. A. Koe....... 10thav, ws. adj., 7.5x101. A. Roe............. 1 th nv, s w cor 174th st, 25x100. J. Wickham. 10th av, w s, adj. H. Jumel................... 10th av, e s, opposite 172d st, contains 41 city lots. Jaines McCloud....................... 1 Olh av, 8 w cor 16:id st, 85s 100. H. Jumel..... loth av, w s, adj. 7.5xl00. H. Jumel........... 10th av, n e cor ie4th st, 25x100. H. Jumel.... 10th av, e s, adj, 75x100. H Jumel____....... 10thav, es, adj. Slots. H. Jumel............. 1 th av, s e cor 166th st, 25x100. H. Jumel.... 10th av, e s, adj, 2 lota. Stephen McCarthy... 10th av, n e cor 160th st, SSxlOO. H. Jumel.... ^ ibth av, a s, adj, 100x100. H. Jumel........... 1,200 840 450 810 650 1.200 610 000 410 810 450 810 710 1,200 730 1,200 510 1,230 800 710 060 775 1,590 1,060 720 640 1,800 430 525 600 1.230 950 600 825 1,575 1,060 875. 875 1,575 1,350 625 425 8-25 900 480 570 620 610 380 340 925 l,a30 540 l,4fS 500 1,215 2,000 5,800 2,445 7,750 2,415 2,4.30 8,400 1,680 3,900 1,850 3,525 2.025 3,675 1.800 3,300 25,215 2,-275 4,050 2.300 8.075 3,000 1.475 2,500 1,500 4.280