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STTTPiE'IjEISyiEEIsrrr EAL Estate AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXX. NEW TOBK, DECEMBER 9, 1882. No. 769, Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE YEAR, in advance.....$6.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T. LINDSEY. Busmess Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬ room for the week ending December 1: • Indicates ihat the property described has been bid in for plaintiffs account: L. MESIER. Edgecomb road, e s, nearly opposite 165th st, 49x124.6x8:1.4x130.8. J. R. brown........... Edgecomb road, e s, adj, 50x124.6. E. A. Taylor, Edgecomb road, e s, opposite 167tb st, 51.7x92 X—x!05.1.................................... Edgecomb road, sws, abt 259.11 s e Jumel pl, 51.1x99.2x50x78 6. Mr. Craig............... Jumel pl, w s, 160.3 n li;7tb st, 75x100. Wm. Gully ...................................... Kingsbridge road, 174tli st and New av, 23x60.8 X70.7, gore. Thomas Curran.............. 104th st, n s, -..'50 e 10th av, 50x136.1x50.5x142.11. John Sullivan............................. 170th st, n s, 95 e Audubon av, 7)xl00. A. Roe. 174th sr, s s, KjO w Audubon av, 75x100. Geo. Fiedler....................___............ 174th st, n s, 100 vr Audubon av, 75x60.7x75.4x 53.6. J.J Macklin......................... 174th st, n s, 100 e llth av, 75x60.7x75.4x67.8. J. J. Macklin......»___.................. Audubon av, s w cor 173d st, 25x100. Louisa Isabeau................................. Audubon av, w s, adj, 7;ixlOO.-----Scheefliu.. Audubon av, e s, 25 s 173d st, 75x95. E. A. Tay¬ lor........................................ 10th av, n w cor 17lst st, 20x100. J. J. Macklin 1 Ub av, s e cor 173d st, 25x100. J. aenaban... llth av, e s, adj, '.5x100. G. Feidler........... lltli av, n e cor 17.3d st, 25x100. John McKeon. llthav, e s, adj, 75x100. E. A. Taylor......... llth av, s e cor 174th st, 25x100. J. Borchers.. nth av, e s, adj, 7.5x100. G. Siegel............ inh av, n e cor 17-lth st, 25x'.00. G. Siegel___ llth av, e s, adj, 52.2x100.5x42.8x100. G. Siegel. llth av, n w cor 174tb st, 25x100. G. Siegel.... llth av, w s, adj, 61.7x100.5x71.1x100. B. Fell¬ man ....................................... A. H. MULLER & SON. Union sq. No. 8, n e s, 25x99, flve-story brick builaing. J. M. Kelly..................... Wooster st. No. 31, w s, 10,4x50, four-story stone front store. O. Jones................ 51st st. No. 119 E., n s, 17.11x100.5, two-story brick dweU'g. J. M. Kelly................ Pordbam av, s w s, near Lafayette st, 4 lots. J. B. Toner..., ............................ Railroad av, e s, 119 n Lafayette st, 25x—. W. A. Yoran................................... Railroad av, e s. adj, SOx—. Pat'k Nolan..... Railroad av, e s, ad.i, 25x—. J. B. Toner...... Railroad av, e s, adj, 75x140 to Fordham av, x —X—. W. A. Yoran....................... Riverside av, s e cor 93d st, 27.7xl42.3x25.8x 132.4, vacant. J. Wilie................... E. H. LUDLOW & CO. *142d st, n s, 250 w Sth av, 64.llxl00.6x53.Hx 99.11, vacant. Henry Meigset al,, trustees. (A.raount due, abt $5,400)................... Uth av, n w cor 104th st, 2.5.11x100, vacant. William Bleakley........................... *109th st. No. 313, n s, 171.8 e 2d av, 14.6x100.10, two-story stone front dwell'g. Geo. Buck¬ enham. (Amount due, abt $4,300)......... 990 080 610 490 765 430 1,280 1,600 1,500 630 900 610 1.140 1,280 1,350 810 1,500 725 1,440 695 1,440 600 820 570 945 61,000 15,000 6,900 2,550 20O 450 230 3,600 8,500 4,000 3,600 3,500 B. V. HARNETT. *109th st. No. 345 E., ns, 25x100.11, four-story brick teuem't. New York Life Ins. Co. (Amount due, abt g6,800)................... ICth av, centre line, extdg from centre line 2l2th to centre line 213th st, 260x225x230x 225, vacant. Chas. Fox. (Amount due, abt $4,200)......................■.........,,^ L. J. & I. PHILLIPS. Division st. No. 115, s s, 25x61, five-story brick store and tenem't. A. A. Abrams, trustee. Waverly pl. No. 108, sws, 22.1x97, three-story brick dweU'g. W. R. Walker.............. B. SMYTH. Canal st, n o cor Elm Tst, 22x91.6x33.6x92; No. 249, four-story brick store and factory building, and 113 Elm st, flve-story factory biiilding. John H. Curtis. (Morts. $18,500). 61,47i» J, L. WELLS. 135th st, n s, 100 e 10th av, runs east 79 xnorth¬ east 16.2 X northwest 100.7 x south 59.1, vacant. Thos. ©. Higgins.................. 8,300 6,C00 5,500 17,000 9,800 H. N. CAMP. *Lexington av. No. 641, e s, 25x100, four-story stone front dweirg. F. D. Tappan. (Amount due, abt %i-6,o00).................. 33,400 J. T. BOYD. Essex St. No. 47, w s, 25.3x87.8x25x87.11, flve- story brick store and tenem't. P. E. Fitz¬ patrick.................................... 20,050 *Pitt st. No. 129, w s. 25x100. five-story brick store and tenem't and four-story brick tenem't in rear. Hy. Wille................ 20,000 *82d st. No. 513 E., n s, 29.8x103.2, flve-story stone front tenem't. Max Danziger. (Amountdue, abt S3,550).................. 15,000 A. J. BLKECK.ER & SON. Henry st. No. 307. n s, 25x7.5, tbree-storj- brick dwell'g. W. Cox.................... 9,350 Horatio st. No. 44, s s. 20x6-.i.0.x20.1x00.3, three- storj' brick dwell'g, Henry Tonjes....... 7,200 Jane st. No. 45, n s, 21x87.0. three-story brick dweU'g. Thos. Mallaby.................. 8,400 Totjvl ............................... £349,670 BKOOKLTN, N. ¥. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. J. Cole, Cole & Murpby, and T. A. Kerrigan have made the following sales for the week ending December 7: Broadway, s w cor 3il st. 94.7x122x04.3x121.6, several one and two story frame stores, Wm. B. Coite.............................. $51,003 *Broadway, No. 862, s w s. Michael E. Fin¬ nigan.................................... 500 Court st, w s, 23 n Church st, ' (l.GxSO. Agnes Misland. (Morts , &c., §3.4.32)......... 5,233 Fulton St. s s, 25 e Sackman st, 175x100. P. McMahon................................ 3,240 Floyd st, n s, 439 e Tompkins av, 18x100. An¬ drew Wils................................ 1,375 *Hicks st, e s, 115 n Joralemon st, 20.8x77. Abiel A. Low............................... 0,500 Herkimer .st, n s, 25 e Sackman st, 43.9x100. D. Gallagher............................... ' 575 Herkimerst, n s, adj, 43.9x100. Thos. Dunn. .■ 510 Herkimerst, ns, adj, 87.G.x;100. D, Gallagher. 1,000 Taylor .st, n s, 100 w Wythe av, 19.10x80, Katie N. Costigan........................... 2,400 *Nortb lilh st, s w s, 250 s e 5th st, 25x100. Philando 0 Langdon................... 100 37th st s s, abt 400 e 7th av, 23.9xl0n.2x-x—1 - ■-- - ■ • ■ " -l.2x [ irreg. 33th st, n s, abt 425 e 7th av, 43.8x100.! 38th st, s s, abt 418.0 e 7th av, 33.9 front.....J M. R. Pope....................:........... 300 *38th st, s s, 100 e 7th av, 160x79. Ix—x73.3. Howard Ackerman...................... 040 *38th st, D s, abt 350 e 7th av, 25x100.2. How¬ ard Ackerman............................... 100 Graham av, n w cor Varet st, 135x100, vacant. Henry R. Wilson..........................'. 15,200 ♦Kent av, w s, 75 s land Bierbrower, 25x90. Dime Savings Bank........................ 6,000 6th av, w s, exldg. from 36th st to 37th st, 1 200.4x100..................................I 36th st, s s, 100 w 6th av, 75x100.2 ............}- 37th st, n s, IOO w Oth av, 247.6xl03.11x271.3x 100.2....................................J M. S. Pope................................. 2,600 Oth av, w s. extdg. from 37th to SSth st, 200.41 XlOO................................... 37th st, s s, 100 w 6th av, 232,3xl02.4x307.1x ! 100.2......................................I 38th st, n s, ICO w Oth av, 182x102.11x207 Ix ! 100.2......................................J M. R. Pope................................. 3,100 ♦Bedford av, e s, 100 n Willoughby av, 25x100. The Mutual Life Ins. Co., New Y'ork....... 3,100 6thav, swcor SSth st, 1; Ox 100.............I 38:h st, s s, 100 w Oth av, 164.4x100.0x146.1x99. f M.RPope................................. 1,300 Oth av, s e cor 38th s% 98.6x100 ...............I SSthst, ss, 100 e 6th av, 3i0x79.1x—x91.2.....f M.R.Pope................................ 2,3C0 7th av, w s, 20,2 n 37tb st, 20x100. M. R. Pope. ICO 7ih av, w s, extdg. from 37th to 38th st, 20J.ix IGO. M.R.Pope.......................... 1,C00 Total........................................$110,103 CONVEYANCES Wherever the letters Q. C. and O. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as folloivs 1st—Q. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. •2d—G. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. NEW YORK CITT. December 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Broadway, No. 229, the Hamilton Building. Charlotte A., Adelaide, Alice, Schuyler, Charles A. and William G. Hamilton, heirs J. C. Hamilton, to Maria E., otherwise Mary wife of Cliarles A. Peabody. Agreemenfc entitling grautee to 1-0 of the income of above premises. Aug. 8, gift Broadway, No. oS3, vr s, 23.8 n Whito st, 23.3s; 8LOx2::!..5x80.11, four-story brick store. Ber¬ tha wdt'e of and John B. ymitli to Pilchard S. Clark. Mort. SGi),OUO. Dec. 1. §84,000 Broadway, No. oi)3, w s, 133..'> n Whito st, 25x 100..")x25x'.00, five-story brick (stone front) house, and one story in rear. Lorillard Hpencer et al., exrs. Cath. L. Spencer, to Lorillard Spencer, Jr. Nov. ',). 119,000 Broadway, ISo. 448, e s, 130 s Grand st, 2.5x120.3 x24,10x120.2, five-story brick (irou front) store. Lorrillard Spencer etal,, exrs. Catb. L. Spencer, to Williani A. Silencer. Nov.1.5. 133,000 Same xiroperty. William A. Spencer to LoriUard Sifencor. C. a. G. Mort. $74,000. Dec. 2. 133,000 Broome st, ii s, 50 w Maugin st, 25x100, Eliph- j alet Stratton, exr, Eliz, Ryckinan, to Joseph ^ L West. Mort. .?l,0. 0. Nov. 30. 0,500 Broome st, No. 150, n s, bet Attorney/ and Ridge sfc, 2.5x100, three-.story frame (brick front) dwell'g and two-story frame dweU'g iu rear. Silas White, New Haven, Conn., to Mary L. White. Q. C. >< part. Decem¬ ber 2. nom Same property. Catharine A. Wbite to same. )4 part. Dec. 4. uom Same probertv. Mary L. White to Isaac Welis. 3-" part. Dec. 4. 4,.500 Bowery, No. 22, vr s, 'i2.% n Pell st, 25.1x".i9.0x25 x07,8, four-story brick and one-story brick house ill rear, Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Cath. L. Speucer, to Catharine R. Thomas. Nov. 0. 3r),100 Bowery, No. 54, vr s, 02.6 s Canal st, 12.Gxl25. ] Bowery, No. 543 f, w s, 50 s Canal st, 12.Gx [ 125, two-story frame store, and one-story f frame extension. J The Citizens' Savings Bank to William ETra- mer. Nov. 20 45,000 Bridge st, No. 0, n w cor Whitehall st, runs north 12(i x west 11,0 x still west 12 x south 125.2 to Bridge st, x east 35, five story briek building. Georgo W. Du Bois, Wiiiniiigton, Del., to William L Paulding and Mary G, his wife. Cold .^'pring, N. Y. Dee. 7. 100,000 Chambers st, No. 43, and No. 21 Reade st, begins on Chambers st, ii s. 25 x the block—to Reade sfc, X 24.llx—, five-stoiy stons front store. Cornelia M. Stewart, widow, and devisee A. T. Stewart, to The Russell & Erwiu M'f'g. Co., New York. Nov. 2.5. 130,000 Church sfc. No. ;i34, w s, SO n Lispenard sfc, 20.2 x74.llxl0.9x74.11, three-.story briclc house, Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Cath. L. Speu¬ cer, to Eleanora L. Cenci, Rome, Italy. ' Nov. 9. 33,000 Canal st, No. 331, n e cor Greene st, 21x81.0x1 20.6x77,11. ono three-and-oiie-half-.story ! and three-story brick hou.ses. Greene st, No. 0, e s, near Canal st, 22.10x 100.5s:20,6x abfc 102, two-and-one-half-story brick house. Lorillard Spencer et al., exrs. Cath. L. Spen¬ cer, to William A. and Cbarles G. Spencer. Nov. 9. 2S,.50O Crosby st, No.s. G.5-09, '=> s, 4l.o s Spring st, 50.1 60,000 Clinton, st, No. 17, \v s, 175 n Stanton st, 25x 100, five-sfcory brick store and tenem't and four-story brick factory in rear. Daniel Zimmermann to Mary Monell. Nov. 23. 18,000 Division st, Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, n s. 95.9 o Bowery, runs north 52.2 xnortbeast i'0,2x east 46.0 x south 48.3 to Division sfc, xwest 50,3, two iive-story brick factory buildings. Gersbom B. Smifch to Marx and Moses Ottinger. Morts. .$1.5,000. Nov. 20. 24,900 Division st, No. 15, s s, IGG..^ e Cafcharine st, 12.6 X about7i', portion of two-story brickstore and dwell'?. Mary Powers to (Jeorge J. I^esiie. In trust. Dec. 1. nom Division sfc, Nos. 166 and 16GK, n s, 55.2 e Essex st, 28x89.3x2,5.2x102.2, two story frame house, Lorillard Spencer et al,, exrs, Cath, L, Spen¬ cer, to Howard Conkling. Nov. 0. 11,750 Easfc Broadway, s s, 145.0 e Montgom.ery st, 23 78.5x23x77.11, two-story brick dweli'g. William E. Dougherty, San Francisco, to Lucinda. Doughei-fcy. Q. G. Coufii-nation deed. Nov. 1. nom Same property. Horace H. Chitfcenien to Charles B. Brown. Partition. Dec. .i. 10,250