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STJIPIPILJBIMIEisrT Real Estate Recori AND BUILDERS^ GUIDE. Vol. XXX, NEW YOEK, DECEMBEE 30, lb82. No. 772. Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE YEAR, in advance.....$6.0© Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The foUowing are the sales at the Exchange Sales, room forthe week ending December 29: • Indicates that the property described has beenbid in for plaintiff's account: HORATIO HENRIQUES. Lewis st, No. 167, w s, 20x75, three-story brick store and tenem't. Benjamin Auses. (Amount due, abt $5,100)................ $4,500 H. W. COATES. 40th st, No. 337 W., n s. 20x98.9, four-story brick store and tenem't. Richard Mahon, (Amount due, abt $7.450)................. 8,500 J. T. BOYD. *Av A, w s, 17.11 nl22d at, 16x68, three.storj- atone frOnt dweU'g, John R. Smith. (Amount dup, abt $1.650)................... 7,716 *57th st. No. 144 E., s s, 18.9x100.'", three-story stone front dwell'g, Wm, H, Macy, exr. (Amount due, abt $12,500).............___ 12,300 B. SMYTH. Clinton st. No. 173, w s, 25x100, five-story brick store and tenem't. Solomon Jacobs....... 21,250 'Clinton st. No. 175, w s, 25x100, four-story brick tenem't. Isaac Marks.................... 21575 1st av, Nos. 1433 and 1440, e s, 51x8«, four- story brick tenem't and stores, Joseph ThaU...................................... 21,000 2d av, No. 929, w s. 21,2x80, three-story dwell'g, Louis Pizer............................... 9,500 FAIRGHLn & DE WAI.,TEARASS. 146th st, n s, 550 e llth av, original line, £0x1 99.11......................................j 147th st, s s, 550 e llth av, original line, SOx f 99.11, two and one-story frame stables... J (Purchaser to pay $500 per year, until the death of young man, now 26 jears in in¬ sane asylum)............................... 3,800 Total........................................$109,571 ettOOKLYN, N. T. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs, T. A. Kerrigan .and R. S. Willis have made the following sales for the week ending December 29: ♦Clinton st. n w •er President st, 10'"xll5, Ju¬ lius Wadsworth............................ $15,705 ■Clinton st, s w ccr Unir n st 110x115........ i *Union st, s s, 115 w Clinton st, 50x100........f Julius Wadsworih........... ............ 39,000 ♦Fro't st, n s, 150 w Lorimer st, 25x100. Albert 0, HaUam......................... ...... 100 *High st, s s, 250 e Jay st, 25x100. Ihomas H. Read, as exr., etal................. 3,950 * Atlantic av, s s, 205 e Bond st, 20x80. Edward F. Patchen. admr....................... 3 000 Division av, ns, 41,G e 2d st, 20s60.9, Geo, W, Demond................................... 4,<25 Total .................................. ?66,180 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows lst—Q.C.IS an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed ■i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interesi of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. -2d—C.a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants thai he hathnot don^ any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. NEW lORR €ITY. December ^-2, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28. Broadway. No. 486, s e cor Broome st, 24x1 OOx 25x100, six-^story brick store. Paul Feiera¬ bend to William H. De Forest. Mort. |100,- 000. Dec. 22. nom Broadway, n w cor Duane st, 75x105x75.4x 105, three-story,brick buildings. Broadv»'ay, s w cor Leonard st, 56x149.2x49 7 xl56, six story brick (iron front) store. Samuel C. Hale, Haverhill, Mass., to James E. Collins, Boston, Mass. 1-18 part. Dec. 20. nom Same propei ty. James E. Collins to Susan A. wife of Samuel C, Hale. 1-18 part. Dec. 20. nom Clinton pl. No. 115, being Sth st, n s, 600.5 w' .5th av, 23x93.11, four-story brick store and dwell'g. 64th st, ns, 350 w 8th av, 2.5x100,5, twostory f frame dwell'g. | A Iso lot in Newtown, L. L J Edward F. Wiener, lieirS. Wiener, tp Joseph Wiener. )i\ait. Dec. 26. " 1,-100 Charles st. No. 22, s s, 40 e Waverly pl, 2<)x 74,11, furnished, tnree-story brick dwell'g. Timothy Brien to William McDermott. C. a. G. Dec. 16. nom Same property. William McDermott to Al¬ mira wife of Timothy Brien. C. a. GI. Dec. 16. i.om Catharine st, e s, .54.2 n Madison st, 27.1x10,5.71 x27xl02.8. Henry st, s s, 23.10 e Jefferson st, 23.10x100. East Broadway, n s, abt 215 e Pike st, 2.5x125 to Division st, x2.5xl25,3. Madison st, s s, 163 e Market st, 25x100. Madison st, s s, lot 844 Henry Rutger's map, \ 26x100, no such lot on Madison st. Madison st, n s, abt 111,4 e Pike st, 16.11xl('0, Cherjy st, n s, abt 1.57,3 e Rutgers st, 26.1s 114x26.1x114.6. Pike st, e s, ■i25 s Monroe st, 25x59.8x25x59.0. Madison st, s s, 26.6 w Clinton st, 26x100. Alice G. Doughty to Sutherland Tenney. Dec. 13. 7,308 Same property. Sutherland Tenney to Wil¬ liam H. Doughty, Troy, N. Y. Dec. 13. 7,308 Same property. Elizabeth M., Mary R, and Frederick V. S. Crosby, (^ertrude R. Jone-s, Louisa L. Lindley, New York, and Walter F. Crosby, Orange, N. J., to same as last. 65,770 Same property. Elizabeth M. Crosby, trustee E. K Crosby, dec'd, to same. Dec. 13. 65,770 Division st, Nos. 71 and 713^, s s, 2.5x )4 block, five-story brick store and tenem't. Harry A. Stroub to Teresa M. J. O'Donohue. )4 part. Morts. $8,000. Dec. 23. 750 Downing st, Nos. 49-51, n s, 122.3 w Bedford st, 39.6x90, two four-story brick tenem'ts, Cath¬ arine A. How;ird, widow, John, Williain and David D. Murphy, Montclair, N. J., Maria E. wife of and James Murphy, Bay¬ onne, N. J., Elizabeth wife of Frederick J. Odell, Orange, N. J., and Jeseph R. Mitchell, Jersey City Heights, to Francis Caragher. Morts. $8,500. Dec. 20. 16,000 East Broadway, No. 275, s =, 145.9 e Mont- go ery st, 123 x 78.5 x 23 x 77,11, two-story brick dwell'g. Josephine Forrester, Mary L. Whitlock, Theodore M, Dougherty and Emma Tuttlp, heirs T. M. Dougherty to Charles S. Brown. Q. C. Release and con¬ firmation deed. Dec. 1. nom Front st. No. 243, ses, 90.5 n e Peck slip, 2.5.5 x61.9x25x60.5, four-story brick store. Edgar Logan, Yonkers, to Edgar Logan, Jr. Aug. 2,1880. .'. 3,000 Hester fct. No. 101, n s, 65.6 w Allen st, 22x50, tbree-story I rick store and tenem't. Pat¬ rick Hei-nessey to Abraham Sclomon. Morts. $7,805. Dec. 26. nom Horatio st. No. 44, s s, 90.4 e Hudson st, 20x62.6 x20.1x60 3, three-story brick dwell'g. Theo¬ dore Mallaby to Henry Tonjes. X part. De-' cember6. ' " 3,600 Same property. Seaman J., Francis B. and Katharine S. Mallaby and Frances R. wife of WiUiamH, Dumont. heirs T. Mallaby, to same. Kpart. Dec. 6'. 3,600 Ludlow st, No. 541^, e s, 100 s Grand st, 20x86.6 x20x87.6, three-story brick dwell'g. Char¬ lotte Smith to Carlton R. Fish, Oct. 17. nom Same property. Sarah Stake to Pranklin W. Pish, East New York. Deed of assignment. Nov. 29. • 309 Madison st. No. 59, 21x108, two-story brick dwell'g and two-story brick dweli'g in rear. Ellen Morony, widow, Brooklyn, to Maria L. Daly. Q. C. Dec. 22. nom Same property. Ellen M. Grogan, widow, to same. Q. C. Dec. 23. nom Same property. Mary C. wife of aud Edward V. Fargis to Maria L. Daly. Q. C. Decem¬ ber 22. nom Pittst, No. 26, e s, 66.1 n Broome st, 2l..5x.55, three-story brick dwell'g. John, James, Heury, Mary, Matilda, Ann, Rose and Cath¬ arine McNulty, by W. C. Reddy, as guard'n, to Jane Carberry. De.:. 23. 5,700 Same property. Mary McNulty, widow, &c., to same. Q. 0. Dec. 22. nom Varii-ksit, Nos. 68, 70 and 72, s e cor Canal st, runs south 74.3 x east 61 x north 30.10 to Canal st, x west74.8; No. 68 Varick st, three- s'ory brick dweU'g; Nos. 70 and 72, two four- story briok stores and tenem'ts; No, 421 Canul st, two-story brick store and dweU'g. John A. Goodl- tt to Norman G Kellogg. Fore¬ clos. Dec. 20. 3.5,4^5 Waverley pl. No. 120, s s, 137.3 e fith av. runs east 22 x south 97 x west abt 11 x south 7 x west llx north 104 to beginning, tbree-story brick dweU'g. Charles A. Fox to Amelia M. Garland. C. a. G. % part. Mort. 88,500. Dec. 27. 9 7.50 8th st. No. S17, n s, 301 e Av B, 20.8x09.10, four-story brick tenem't. Margaretha Baier, widow, to Amalie wife of Jonas Schuster. Dec. 28. 8, OGO Same property. Margaretha Baier and ano., exrs. J. Baier, dec'd, to Amalie wife of James Schuster. Q. C, Dec. 28. nom llth st, n s; 93 e Av B, 2.5x103.3, three story brick dwell'g. For
98,9. four-story stono front teneiu't. Napoleon B. Kelly to George H. SchAveitzer. Decem¬ ber 23. 15,500 Same property, George H. Schweitzer to Ed¬ win M. Tavlor. Morts. $9,600. Dec. 23. 16.000 32d st, No. 348, s s, 117.6 w 1st av, 17,6x98.9, four-story brick store and tenem't, Sadie wife of and Leon Ulman to Marks Schon- feld. )4 part. Subject to morts. .?4,2.5ii. Dec, 21. nom 34th st, Nos. 20G-212, s s, SO e 3d av, runs east 100 xsouth 90,2 xwest 98.11 x north 35.7 x west 1.1 X north 54.4, one-story brick stable and two-story flame dweU'g. John Straiton and George Storm to Jobn Fish, Morts. $38,000. Dec. 26. 40,000 37th bt, Nos. 209 and 211, u ?, 30 e 3d av, runs north 102,11 x east 5U.6 x south 95.9 to .37th st, X — to beginning, five-story brick car¬ penter shop. Frank Hoffman to Tbomas H. Hall. Mort. .$12,000, Dec. 28 45,500 40th st. No. 213, n s, 175 w 7th av, 2.5x98.9, three-story brick store and dwell'g, and two¬ story frame dweli'g on rear. Jacob Sauer, Hone-^dale, Pa,, to Andrew Finck.- Morto. $6,000. Dec, 23. 15,600 40th Ht, No. .^37, n s, 300 e 9th av, 20x98.9, four- story brick store and tenem't. IsabeUa B. Clute, Brooklyn, to Helen Cockburn. Taxes and assmts. Dec. 27. 14,000 Same property. Helen Cockburn, Brooklyn, to Thomas"J. Clate. Dec. 27. 14.00Q