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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 31, no. 777: February 3, 1883: Supplement

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3^r Real S-CriPE'LElSdIEIsrT Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDR Vol. SXXI. NEW YORK. FEBRUARY 3, 1883. No 777 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: OWE XFAR, In advance.....$S.OO Oommimications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 8roadwa> J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Salaa- room for the week ending February 2; • Indicates that the property described has been 0 irf in for plaintiff's account: a. v. HARNETT & CO. Nichola pi, as, 183.4 w Preacoft av. 51.fls202s E. M. Olcott. (Amount due, 54.3x230.5 abD g3,4J51 Water st, No. 385, a a, 20x806. four-slory brick store, and one-story brick extenaion. J. R. Kelly........................... 18th sr. No. 227 E., n a. 23x82, three-atory brick dweil'g. Thos. E. Tripler. ILeaseliolcl; leaae eipirea Nov., 133ti; ground reut $350 per an uura and tasea).................... I9th st, No. UH E., a a, 2Ux9ii, three-story brick dweil'g. R.Kelly. iLeast-bold; lease &i:- pires Nov., 13!16; ground rent 8300 per an¬ num and taxeaj ...........___.......... »28thst, No. 41 W., u s, 214x08.9. four-story stone front dweil'g. Jolin P. Patterion and ano., exr. (Amount due, abt $13,700). Inwood st, s w cor B st, 9 lots ..............i Inwood St. n a, oppoaite C st, 8 lots....... ( A. R. Vau Nest......................... B. H. LODLOW A CO. Bowery, No. 186, w a, 25.\99.6, three-story brick house and i ue-story frame extunsion. H. Waters.......................... Broadway, No. 318, s e cor Pearl st, 25.ls99.6r 25x99.10. five-siory brick store and office building. Orlando B. Potter ............. L. SIESIEK. Beaver St. No. I. a s, 23.2x70.11, irreg., four- story brick siore. A. Kingaland. (Leased for 9 yeara, from May 1, 1882, at $4,000 per annum).............................. ... Broadway, es, abt 13,' n Exchange pi, 225x 119 5 to Kew st, x2i. 11x53.3x1.4x63.2; No. 68 Broadway and 11 New st, five-story brick biiildiiig. H.Kennedy. (Leased to May 1. 18S3. at g.8,300 per annum)......... Front fit, No. 56, n e cur Cuyler's alley. lH.5x 85.3, four-atory brick atore. John Dono¬ van ___................................ Fulton St. No. 8, ss, Ifl.lOxtas, four atory brick building. E. A. Cruikaiiank. (Leased to May 1, 1883, at $3,5U0 per annum).......... Wall at, No. 97, s s, i0.6x40,H, lour-atory brick building. J. Grifton Minet. (Leased to May I. 18S3, at $4,50 )..................... Water st, No. :.'■!;. a s, 25x73.9. five-story brick store. J. A. Leavitt. (Leased lo May 1, 16S3, at 81,700pBraQnum)................ Plot I oC 30 villa iilois at Riverdale, 24th Ward indeft. H. L. Wardwell ............... 1 5 part of 106.6 ft of total frontage of abt a3j.l ft. bulkhead and pier 5, North River. E. A. Cruikshank. (Leased to May ], 1383. ac $18,0,0 per annum) ......... 16th at. No. 9 VV., n s, 33.4x93, three-atory brick dweil'g. W. P. Prentice. (Amount due abt$iu,700)........................... 82d st, n s, lo3.6 w 2d av, 50.10x100, three two^ story dwell'gs. Chas. L. Willis. (Amount due, abD $7,010)............................ W. L. HAHBRSLEV. I2ih st, No. 9 E., n s, aix 127x20x121. three-atory brick dwellg. Bronson Murray, for United States Medical Assoc............... J. T. nosn. 120tb st, Noa 110 to 120 E., a s, ISoxlOO.lO six four-story brick dwell'es, unfinished. Fred¬ erick Baker, (ad mort.; amount due, abt $13,500; prior morts., $53,000).............. $2,000 7,400 7,100 3,B0t> a5.425'" 8,000 35,300 131,100 65,000 170,000 15,300 37.500 41.000 16,750 4,150 15,500 8,150 12,150 38,000 65,496 Total. i68S,li21 ftUUOKLYN, N. I. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and J. Colo have made the following sales (or the weekending February 2: Bond at, e a. IS a State st, 18.3x50. Frank Frost............................ ftg 7qq "Jefferson at, s s, 160 e Reid av,'26x166 'wil- liam Mackie.................. g ggO Lafayette av, s s, 110.1 u Raymond st. 22.6x95^ Alexander Asar .................... 7 BOO ♦6th av, a w cor 23J at, 25x100. William How¬ ard aud ano ............................... 3 010 'to'«'......................................"ilMlo CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. 6. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of ihe grantee they mean as follows ist—Q.C. is an abbreviation for Claim deed i. c, a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. ■id~C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, cluinjed or incum,bered. SEW YOKH. CITY. Jan. 26, 37, 39, 30, -31, Feb. 1. Broadway, s e cor Beaver st, runa south 26.5 x east 33.6 X 84.6 x north a'H to Beaver st, x west IIO.S. Cornelia W. Weeks, widow, to The New York Produce Excda'nge. Q. C. Jan. S3. nom Broadway, No. 233, w s, 18.6x118.11x18.6x117.6, five-story stone front office building Mah- lon Sands to George Noakes. Mort. S-IO OO^ Jan. 11. 73,250 Broadway or old Blcoiningdale ri ad, n p cor | 103d st, runs east 1.57.9 x north 100.U x west 2(18.1 to Broadwav, xsouth 113. Boulevard, e s, 59..5 n J03dst, runs 13.11 X northweat 39.10 x south 42.2. Broadway, s e cor 104th st, ruus east ISS.H x south 100.11 X west 83.1 to Broadway x northwest 113 9. Boulevard, n e cor 103d st, runs east 37.6 x north 73.3 x west 13.11 to Boulevard, x south 59.7. Boulevard, es, Vo.S s 93d st, runs east 106.1 to Bloomingdale road, x south 43.6 to lane, X west ioa.y to Boulevard, x north 35.?. Bloomingdale, n w cor 91st st, luns uorth 8.10 X west along lane 100.3 to Boulevard, x south 15.5 to 91st st, x east 99.8. Sth av, s w cor 58th st, 35.5x100. Jesse W, Liiienthal, trustee or a'-'signee, sub¬ stituted for J. Seligman, dec'd, who was as¬ signee for J. D. Phillips, to Joseph M. Emanuel. All title. Juue30, 18«l. l,fiOO Broome st, No. 105, s s, 75 w Sheriff st, 35x75, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Katha¬ rina wife of and Simon Levy to Tobias and Gerson Krakower. Moit. §3,500. Janu¬ ary S5. 14,000 Cortlandt st. No. 14, five-story stone front store, also all title iu trust fund, James R Walsh. St. Paul, Minn., to Olivia B. Walsh, Stamford, Conn., both children of Emily M. Walsh, dec'd. All title. Jan. 12. 800 Bame property. Silas B. Walsh, St. Paul Minn., to Elizabetb R. Walsh. Stamford, Conn., both children of Emily M Walsh. All title. Jan. li. 800 Canal st, n e cor Elm st, 33x92x33.6x91.6, four- story brick store and factory on Canal st, and flve-story factory on ?;im st. Nicholas Gerdes to John H. Gerdes. >., part Morts J^ of ?33,0l)0. Jan. 29. ' ar-m Canal st. No. 116, s s, 611 e Chrystie st, 30x50, three-story frame (brick front) store and dweil'g. Fredericka W. and Edmund War¬ ing, exrs. Wm. E. Waring, to Charlotte Bar¬ nett. Mort. $5,000. Jau. 30. 13,7.-,u Same prop«rty. Release dower. Fredericka W. VPftring, widow, to (Jharlotte Barnett. Jan. 30. Qom Chambers st. No. 18 New Chambera st, s s, 96.1 e Willifcm st, runs eaat 33.6 x souih 3.3 x west 17 X north 14.8, twe-story brick store and dweil'g- Emile Richard to Thomas Lewia. Jan. 31. .5,000 Christie st, Nos. 8 and 10, s e cor Bavard at, 43x76.3, two five-story brick stores and tenem'ts. John and Henry Stemme to Mayer, Baum and Moses Friedman, Janu¬ ary 30. 4,i5,00O Chrystiest, No. 110, e s, 100 n Grand st, 35x 100, three-story frame (brick fronl) store and dweil'g and fi ur-story brick tenem't in rear. Elizabeth A. wife of Stephen Barker, Elean¬ or Burling, New York, Coruelia B. Fond, Passaic, N. J., Edward O. Burling, Roseville, N. J., devisees L. S. Burling, to Josephine Carrol. Jan. 33. nom Same property. Stephen Barker, exr. L. S, Burling, to same. Jan. 39. 13,500 Same property. Lancaster C. Burling, heir L. D. Burling, to same. Jan. 83. uom Clinton st, No. 175. w s, 150 s Grand st, 25x100, flve-story store aud tenem't. Partition. Cliarles F. MacLean to Isaac Marks. Morts. $10,000. Jan. 26. 31,570 Clinton st. No. 133, w 9, 156.6 s Delancey st, 20.9x100, three-story frame store and dweli'g, and four-atory brick teuem't in rear. John Wagner to John Nehrbas, Mort. J3,500, Jan. 27. nom Same property. John Nehrbas to Friedericke w ife of Jobn Wagner. Mort. $3,500. Janu¬ ary 37. nom Ea';t Broadway, No. 90, n s, 185.6 e Market st, 35x65.1(1x35x65,11, flve-story brick store and tenem't Joseph and Frank Schaeffler to George Gottheimer. Mort. SIO.OOO. Janu¬ ary m. 21,001) Edgecombe road, e s, at n s of former 172d st, runs east 60.7 to High Bridge park x south 631.3 to centre of former 170th st x west 108.9 to Edgecombe road x north 764.6; includ¬ ing so much of Edgecombe road as lies between aboveproperty and centre of said ri ad, extend¬ ing north to Illth av, &c, Pbilo T. Ruggles to James McCloudand Jobn J. Mahoney. Par¬ tition. Jan. 4. 35,iil5 Edgecombe road, e s, at south boundary High Bridge park, runs south 599.2 x on line with 155tb ft 1.9 to aqueduct X north .595 to south boundary of Park x west 311.1 x south¬ west l(iis.9. Partition. Philo T. Ruggles to Hugh Stevenson. Jan. 4. 7.5113 Eldridge st. No. 1.^8, e s, 80 s Rivington st, X'3x W.6, four-story brick tenem't. Peter Schnei¬ der to Charles Tisch. Feb. 1. 13,501) Forsyth st. No. 317, w s, 75 s Houston st, 3lx 66.10, four-story brick tenem't. Louis Hey- mann to Elizabeth Bernhard. Mort. J5 000. Feb. 1. 11,800 Grand st. No. 107, and Nos. 32 and 34 Mercer st, begins Grand st, s c cor Mercer st, 3a.3x 95.4; No. 107 Grand st, three story brick store; Nos. 33 and 34 Mercer st, four story brick store. Jobn F. Townsend and Edward Tuck to Charles E. Butler. Morts. S:;5,000. Feb. 1. 47,500 Grand st. No. 476, n s, 50 w Willett st, 25xloo, fouT-.=tory b'ick store and tenem't and three- story brick tenem't on rear. Albert Bau¬ mann to Bernard Magen. Mort. $9,0 0. Jan. 31. .30,000 Greene st. No. 203, e s, 150 s Amity st, 25xlu0, four-story brick factory buld'g and tbree- story brick extension to same. FrsnK j. Dupignac to Isaias Meyer. Mort. $9,000. Jan. 30. 17,000 Greenwich st. No. 113, e s, 25 x —, four-i-tory frame (brick front) store and tenem't and three-story brick carpenter shop on rear. Thomas Wall, Brooklyn, to Patrick Kava- nagb. Feb. 33, 1883. All liens. 750 Houston st. No. 125, s s, 81 e Chrystie st, S7x 74.3, six-story brick store aud tenem't. Chas. H. Schminke to Charles R. Schminke. All title. )4 part. Jan. 29. 13,750 Houston st, s w cor Forsyth st, 66.7x75, three four-sCory brick stores aud tenem'ts on Hous¬ ton st and four-story brick cracber bakery on Forsyth st. Johu Stemme to Wiibelm Klumpf. Morts. 16,000. Feb. 1. 53,000 Houston st, n s, 315 w Pitt st, 60x73.3x50x69.8. Frank aud Peter Schaeffler to Catharine Springer. Morts, $18,000. Feb. I. 45,700 Irving pi. No. 17, w s, S3 n 15ih st. 30.3x60, portion of flve-story brick hotel. Mary A. wife of Samuel Frost to said Samuel Frost. Jan. 13. nom James st. No. 63, e s, 16.8x100, two-story brick frout store and dweU'g. * Annej wife of and Johu K.eirns to Bernard Golden. Jan. 30. 4,000 Jumel pi, ws, 213.9s Edgecomb road, 50x100, Partition. Philo T. Ruggles to Nicholas Powers. Jan. 4. 470 Kingsbridge road, s s, 100 w Hawthorne st, 3,5x147.11x25x147.9. Kingsbridge road, s s, 50 w Hawthorne st, 50x07.9x50x97. Hawthorne st, w s, 100 n Vermilyea ; v, lOOx 100. Wiliiam A. Booth, assign, of W. F. Moller, to Arnold Lustig. Q. C. Dec. 37. uom. Liberty st. No. 63, 3 s, 160 e Broadway, 33.11x SHx33.nx83.2. four-story (stone front) office bailding. Mary V. [Marquand wife of El¬ bert B. Monroe, Soulhport, Conn., Henry G. iuar.iuaua, N. Y.; Daniel W. McWilliams, Biooklyn, to Alanson Trask, Brooklyn. Q, C. Jan. 36. ,4^,000 Lc-wis st No. 86, e s, 145 s Stamon st, 20x100, twos ;y frame (brick front) storeand dwell¬ ing, and two-story frame dweli'g on rear. Christian Young to Emilie S. Young, Morts. $3,500. Jan. 36. gift Morton st. No. 60, s s, 105 e Hudson st, 25x100, tbree-story brick dweU'g. Francis Bouteeou, Toronto, Kansas, so Evert Bergen, Brooklyn, Dec. 13, 18,500