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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 31, no. 779: February 17, 1883: Supplement

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Real Estate Record " AND BUILDERS' GUIDR Vol. ZXXI. NEW TORK, FEBRUARY 17, 1883. No 779 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAR, In advaace.....$6.00 Communications should he addressed to e. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway J. T, filNDSEY, Business Manager, Tho Western Union Telegraph Company is to erect abuildingat Nos. IG and 18 Broad street. Dr, Nor- vin Green said yesterday that the building would be begun the 1st of May. and the plan was to make it ahouteight stories high. By the orrangement of the late ex-Governor Morgan Ihe lease of No. 16 was se¬ cured two month? ago for tweuty-cne years, and No. 18has been secured on the same terms. Noplanshave yet been drawn for the structure. It is proposed to use the building for the cable business. SALES OF THE WEEK, The following are tbe sales at the Exebauge Sales¬ room fertile ^veek ending February 18; • Indicates that the property described haf been bid in for plaintiff's accouitt: R. V. HARNETT * CO. Bowery, No. S9. e s, 50.2 s Hester st. -.'5.1x127.5, five-story brick house and four-atory brick house io rear. P.Nathan&Co ..........$40,000 Bowery, No. 93. s e cor Hester st. 25x67.8x35.3 xG9.6, four-story brick house. E. D. Far¬ rell............................ 41,250 Bowery, No. 187, e s, 50.3 u Delancey st, 23x 119.0, iive-story briek house and one-story brick house in rear. Chas. Wolfenstein... W,700 *Bowery, No. 283, e •, 33 n Houston st, 90 \0x 70.1, two-atory marble front store. Myer Finn. (Amount due, abt $15,550).......... 36,500 Bowery, No. 354, w s, 19.4x1 14.8klTxlO£,8, flve- story brick bnilding. K. W. Wishart ___ 25,000 Catharine st. No. 5-!, w s, 22.5sG5, four-atory bri?k buiiding and one story brick exten¬ sion. Wil ham Mathews ................. 16,000 Charlton st. No. 12. s s, 2-J.lx93 10, three-story brick store and divell'g with extension. John Revere........................... 10,250 Charlton st. No. 03, n s. 24.11x99.10125 3x90.10. two-story brick building and thre -story brick buildiog on rear. Thomas Roe..... 7,750 Delancey st. No. 6, n s, 20x76, two-audoue-half- story brick house. Cbas. Wolfenstein..... 10,200 Hester st, Nos. 13i and 132, s s, 67.8 e Bowery, 39.7x49.6, £our-stcry brick house. P. Nathan &Co........... ........................ 29,00' 10th st. No. 163, s B, 110 w Waverley pi, 21.6x 93.6. two-story and attic brick house. Geo. Starr................................... 8,425 ISthst, No. 44 W.. s s, 28.4x10:^3, four-story brick stable with two-story brick extension. J.E. Hedges___................ ........ 80,501 ISthst, No. 46. ss, 270 eOthav, 21.8x103.3, four- story brick house. M. S. Van Beuren ___ 34,000 Prospect av, e s, abt 380 s I05th st, 65x347 to Stebbins av, x66x3i4. Wm. Jex. (Amount due, abt Sl,o0O)........................ 6,0iO 4th av. s e eor 27tb st, 93.9x100. three four story and two flve-slory brick hiuses on av, one three-story and two one story on rear of same and one twostory and one three- story hrick houses on arth st. Jobn B. Simpson............................ 145,100 79th St. ss. 70 e Lexington av, 100x102.2, va¬ cant. Michael Dinkelspeil................. 40,400 llth av, n ecor37thst, 24.0slUO. vacant. Ed¬ ward Tague............................. 5,100 nth av, e a, 24.9 n 37lh st, 24.8x100, vacant. Edward Tague............................ 3,800 llth av, e s. 49.5 n 37th st, 34.8x100. vacant. JamesNiblo............................ 3,300 llth av, e s. 71.5 n 37th. 24.8x11)0. vaeant. James McClenahan................... 3,250 llth av, e s, 74.5 s SSth st, 31.8x100, vacant. Da¬ vid Stevenson...................... 4,000 nth av. e s, 24.9 s 38th st, 49.0x100, vacant. David Stevenson............ ... .. 7,000 llthav, secor 38th st, 24.9x100. vacant. Da¬ vid Stevenson.......................... 5.150 12th av, s w cor 38th st. 98.9x',00. vacant. .. { 38th st, s s, 100 w 12th av, 50s9b.9. vacant___) Morris B. Baer............................... 19.000 A. H.;R ft SON. Broome st.uw cor Marion at, 37x100x12x100, brick front bnilding. J( hn McGeehai___ 15,625 Duane st. No. 203, n s, 20.8x58.4. flve-story brick building. Gerdes & Mangels ___ .21,000 Fulton at, Nos. 296 and 208, s s, 50x77.8, four- story brick building. Martin B. Brown.... 45,900 ffi. H. LUDLOW 4 CO. aath st. No. 312, ss, 600 e 9th av, 25x08.9, four- story brick dweil'g. W. A. Conover. (Amt due, abt $2,600)............................. 16,200 SOth st. No. 349, n s, 5'20.Itj w eth av,, three-story brown stone house. Ohver S. Carr..................................... 10,COO 51st St. No. 444 W., s s, 28I.2e lOih av, 18.9xIon.5, three-story brown stone house. Jobanna Blake........................... 10.COO 56th St. No. 455, n s, 61 e lOth av, 19.6x60.5, four- story brick house. James P. Eagen.. ___ 9,050 lOlh av, No 852, n e cor 56th st, 21x8J, four- slory brick store and dweil'g, James Car¬ rol!...................................... 15,700 IOth av. No. 854, e s, 19.6x61, four-story brick store and dweU g. M.A.J Lynch....... 11,000 L. J. i I. PHILLIPS. 70th st, Nos. 342-34BE., s a, 84x100.1, three four- atory stone front flats. Max Danziger. (Amt due, 85,725)........................ 2U,000 *62d st. No 412 E.. s s, 35x1033, four-story stone front dwe'l'g. Max Danziger. (Amt due, abt $2,500)................ 12 500 87th st. No. 124 E.. s s. 17.1x—. Eonr-story stone fronCdwell'g. Eliza Neumann .......... 750 87th st. No. 126 E., s s. l7.1x—, four-story stone frontdweU'g. J. D. Fish....... ......... ],400 87th st. No. J2S E , s s, 17.1X—, foui--st(iry stone front dweU'g, William Kohriiig......... 1,630 67th st, No, 130 E., s s, 17. Ix—, four-atory stone front dweU'g. Frank E. Wise ........... 1,700 LOUIS BIBSIKR. 123d St. No. 62, s a, 193 w 4th av, lS.9xl00.1I. three-story brick dweil'g. Frederick Har- tiug, (Amt duo, abt 89,700).............. 11,100 J. T, BOYD. 76th St. n s, 348 e Av A. 50x102.3, vacant. Paul W. Ledoux. (Amtdue, abt $5,800)....... 4,500 P. p. MEYER. 109th st, No. 205 E., n s, 19.10x100.11, tour-story brick tenem't, John H. Deane............ lO.SOO Total........................................$788,. 50 SUUOKLTIV, N. T, lo the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and J. Cole have made the following sales for the week ending February 16: *Butl6rat, s s, 106.3 e Court st, 14xl00x irreg. Boardof Education, City of Brooklyn.. .. 5,800 Court st, w a, 40 w (?) MUl st, 20x80. Martin Keogh ............................ 2,475 ''Schermerhorn st. n s, 325 e Smith at. 25x100. Board of Education, City of Brooklyn ___ 5,000 Court st, 6 s, 103.5 s Wvckoff st, 26x50.8x94.1 Ox 47.7x55. John W. Keyser aud Peter Wil¬ kins ...................................... 9,3(10 North Elliott pi. No. 36, w s, 294 s Fluahing av, 17x93.10x17.7x93 6. Maria Hanlon ..... 2,375 Warren st, a S, 479.9 w Nevins st, 30.3x100. Herman Seekant ..................... 300 Total...................................... $22,130 CONVEYANCES- Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. oecnr^ pre¬ ceded by thenameof the grantee Ihey mean as follows Ist— an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2dX-C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hathnot don- any act whereby the estate conveyed m,ay be impeached, charoed or incumbered. NEW YOEK CITY. FBBRDAKT9, 10, 12, 13,'14, 1,5. Alien st, Ko. 152 and 154, e s, 75 n Rivington st, nms east 33.4 xsouth 0.6 x east "21.9 x north 0.6 X east 43.5 X north 53 x west S7.6 to Allen st, x south 53, two three-story brick stores and tenena'ts. F. Henry Dugro and Francis A. Dugro to Adam Schulz. Moi'ts. ^28,000. Feb. 14. §57,a50 Academy st, e s, 300 n Vermilyea av, runs east 50 xnorth 137.6 to Kingsbridge road, x west along road 50 to| Academy st it extended, xsouth 13ti. 11. Charles E Crowell. Brook¬ lyn, to George H. Brewster. >^ part. Oc¬ tober 4, 18S1. 25 Ashland pi. No. 11, n s, 45.8 e Waverly pi, 33.9 x86.10x33.10x86.10, four-story brickdwell'g. John N. Steams etal., exrs. E. Bloomer, to James H. Cook. Brooklyn. Feb. IS. 13,000 Bond st, Ko. 17, s s, 350 e Broadway. 37.6x114.5. to alley, three-story brick dweil'g. Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn, to Henry Barnard. Mort. $35,000. Feb. 3. 46.500 Same property. Heni-y Barnard to Isaac T. Meyer. K part, Mort. S35,000. Feb. 2. 33,a'50 Broadway, w s, extdg. from Canal to Lispen¬ ard st, being 36.5 on Broadway, 137.7 on Canal st, 125.10 on Lispenard st, and 55.6 on rear. The Brandreth House, Virginia G-, Brandreth, widow, Ossining, N. T., to Helen Baron, Beatrice C, Symonds, Katharine B. Green, Anna McA-lpia, Florence and Isabella Brandreth and E. Gertrude Robinson, deviseos of Benjfimin Brandreth. Q, C Jan. 33, nom Broadway, Nos, 09, 71 and 73, s w cor Rector st, 77.6x314 to Church st, xS0,5x33a. 11, three five-stoiT stone front office buildings. Jo¬ seph A. Dunn to Joseph M. Emanuel. Morts. §760,000. Feb. 5. no»i Broad st. No. 38, w s, 88.1 s Exchange pi." 20.3x97.7x34.9x94.10, four-story stoue frout offic,^ building. New SC, No. 3S, e s, 119 s E.schange pi, 31.t2x 47.3x17.2x15.2x3^7x60.1, with all title to land in rear fSr air and light, five-story brick offioe building. New st, No. 34, e s, 87.10 s Exchange pi, 31.3 x47.3x3,'jx-^l. 1, with all title to laud in rear for air and light, five-.'itorj' brick oflice building. Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn, to Joseph I6. Emanuel &iorts. $-*2o,tl00. Feb. 5. nom Broad st, Nos. 78 and 80, w s, T3.7 s Markelfleld st, runs west 105 s south 74.6 x east93 x north 33.1 X east 80.2 to Broad st, xnorth 5i.:3, ftve- story stone front warehouse. Richard Ar¬ nold, Brooklyn, to Sarah H. Popbam, exr. Wra. H. Popham, dec'd, Harriet S. Criiwell, Mark S., Eliza H., "William 11., Jr , George M., Lewis T., Saraband James L. t'opham, heirs Wra. H. Popbam, dec'd. Feb. .5. 31,350 Same property. Release mort. The South Brooklyn Savings Bank Inst, to same. Feb¬ ruary 5. consid. omit'od Beekman pi. No IS, s wcor 50th st, 19x90, four- story stoue front dweU'g, Rebecca J. Phil¬ lips to Elizabeth Seitz. Feb. 13. 13,000 Chrystie st, Nos. 33 aud 25, w s, 1-50 n Bajard st, 37.8x70, two fivo-story brick gtor.s and tenem'ts. Henry Clausen. Jr., and Georga C. Clausen to Max Borck, Mort. S13,000. Feb. 3, 34.S06 Clinton st. No. 220, e s, 25 s Madison at, 35x 98.9, two-story brick dweil'g. Sarah E, Car¬ penter, individ. aud as extrx, Elias Carpenter, to Richard Lombard. Feb, 1. 8,000 Duane st, n s, lot 3 Church Farm, indftft, 35.31 x78.3x'34.9x78.6. 1 Franklin st. No. 142, n s, 103 w Varick st, f 18.10x87,6x19.3x87.6. J Alfred ti. Lahens to John and John, Jr., Mc¬ Kesson, Wiiliam H. Wickham, Daniel C, and Charles A. Robhins. All title. Feb. 13. 6,550 Delancey st. No. 13^, s s, 3^ e Norfolk st, 35x75, five-stcry brick store and tenem't Isaac Marx to Adolph Pawel. Mort., S10,0no. Feb. 15. 21,000 Delancey st. No. 108, n s, 87.6 e Ludlow st, 2i.l0 xlOO, nve-story brick store and tenem't and three-story brick shop on rear. Alois Braun- er to Moses Lachmann. Morts. S 10,000. Feb ruary lO. 15,000 Dey st. No. 49, s s, 35x90, one aud fonr-storj brick factory buiiding. William Little to WiJIiam Hustace. Mort. §1.5,000. Febru¬ ary 13. 30,660 Edgecombe road, e s, 433.7 n 16ad st. 50x134 6. Partition. Pbilo T. Ruggles to Thomas B. MeKenna. Jan. 4. 500 Edgecombe road, e s, 483.7 n 163d st, 50xl24.6x 50x124,6. Partition. P. T. Ruggles to Ann McEenna. Jan. 4. 500 Edgecombe road, n w cor 164th st, 116.7x1 101.1x139.3 to 164th st, X119.8. Edgecombe road, e s, 533.6 n 163d st, 100x134.6 f to Croton aqueduct. J William H. Flitner to George P. Gantz Mort. «3,137. Feb. 7. 3,545 East Broadway, No. 135, s s, 185.7 e Pike st, 35 x75, five-story brick .store and tenem't. Amelia wife 06 August Marscball to Bernaid Kasner, Mort, $10,000, Feb. 15. 33,000 Elm st. No. 115. e b. 91.« n Canal st, 13 4x73x 12,8x73, four-story bri.ak factory building. Tbe Twenty-yiird Street Railway Co. to Frederick Hollender. Feb. 1.5. 8,SOO Ferry st. No. 2S, easterly cor Jacob st, a5x4S x35x47.4, flve-story brick factory building 19th at, No. 26, s s. 363.3 w Stb av, 31.9x93, three-story stone front dweil'g. J Lewis A Smith to J. Louise Smitb. C. a. G All title. Feb. 10. nom Grand st,ss, 138 e Wooster st. Party wall agreement. Joseph Fisher with Mayer and Simon Sternberger. Feb. 5. Greenwich st. No. 728, w g, 93.4 s Perry st, 23x 62,5x23.4x71,2, three-story frame |bHck front) dweli'g, George Green, Nyack, N, I 1