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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 31, no. 780: February 24, 1883: Supplement

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stJDP^XjEinsdiEisr'r EAL Estate AND BUILDERS^ GUIDR Vol. XSSI. NEW YOEK, FEBRUARY 24, 1883. No. 780 Published Weeldy by Tlie Real Estate Uecord Association TERMS: ONE ¥EAK, in advance.....46.fl« Conununications should he addressed to C. W. SWEET. 191 BroadHay J. T. LmDSEY. Busmess Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK, The following are the sales at tbe Eschaiige Sales room for the week ending February 23 : • l7idicates that the property described knu beenbirl in for plaintiff's account: K. V. HAKNETT i CO. Bast Broadway, No. 321, s e cor Clinlon st, 24 I x90, four story brick house with store snd one-story extension and two-str-ry bricli stable ou rear. Henry aud Adolph Jentes. $18,750 57th St. ns. 125 e 7th av, 100x100 5. vacant. William George ... ................. 88,000 57lh st, Nos. 422 and 431 W.,s s, 50sI00.5, two five-story brown s'one flats. P. Lenane.., 48,200 eeth at, n B, 2:6 e 1st av, 25x100.8. Wiiham George.................................. 5,750 fiGth St. n s, ad], 75x100.8. Wm. George...... 17.700 fi3d st, n s, 350 w Sth av, 5Ux73 S, vacant. J. W. Stevens...............................___ G,600 9Bd Bt, n s, SOO w 9th av, SOx—, vacant, J. W. Sievens.................................. 6,800 9ad st, n s. 3:50 w 9th av, 50x78.10, vacant. J. W. Stevens................ . ........... 7,300 102dst, ss. 110 e 3d av, 25slU0.ll, vacant. E. Schoonmaker....... .................. 3,000 102d st, s s, 135 62d av, 25x100.11, vacant. Wil¬ liam George............................. S,b50 106th st, ns, 113 e 1st av, 100x100.11. WiUiam Juch.... ......................... 13.650 106th st, n s, adj 100x100.11. Wm. Juch....... 13,400 llOthst. No 130 E., ss, 16.3x100.11, Uiree-story brown atone house, M. E. C. Foster .. 7,300 mth st. No. 74 E., s s, 16.8x100.11, three-story brown stone house. S. B. Vau Duseu. . 8,000 116th St. s 6,30C e eth av, SOilOO.ll, vacant.. F. McGinn............................ 9,900 llBth st, s s. 350 e Sth av, 50x100.11, vacant. F. McGinn............................... 9,800 120th st,ns, 100 w 4th av, 5OxlO0.Il, vacant. H. F. Booth ......~........................ 12,400 120th st, n s. 150 w 4th av, 5OxI0O.ll, vacant. H. P. Booth ........... . ___........ 13,600 130th st, a s, 133 w Sth av, 27x136.9x10x132.10, vacant. H. F. Booth.................... 9,500 120th st, s s, 150 w 5th av, 125x98.10x130x133.10, vacant. H. F. Booth..................... 45,000 131st, ss. !00w4tb av, 75x100.1!, vacant. H. P. Booth................................... 20,700 131st. as, 175 w 4th av, 30x100,11, vacant, H. F. Booth............................. 7,400 Lexington av, No. 1741, e s, 16.5xlC0. three- story brown stone house. M. E. C. Foster. 9,400 1st av. u w cor !07th st, 75.8.1100. H. F. Booth. 9,500 1st av, n e cor 106th st, 25.3x113. William Juch.................................... ij,000 Istav, e s, adj, 75.9x11?. Wm. Juch.......... 13,000 3d av, e s. 50.ii s 102d et, 35x110, vacant. Wil¬ liam George.............. ............ 8,B0C 3d av. e s, adj, 35x110, vacant. Wm. George.. 6,750 Sthav, a wcor 131gt st. 25.3x100, vacant. J. W. Stevens............................. 0,750 Sth av, w B, 25.3 s 131st st, 75.7x100, vacant. J, W. Stevens................................. 15,000 E. H. LDDLOW & CO. Front 8t, No. 90, w s, 35x87.6, fourstory brick store. Pierre Vickers (Leased May 1, 1878, for 31 years: ground rent, $400 per annum)........... ................... 19,100 39th st, No. 3 W., s s, 37.6x98.9, four-story brown gtone dweil'g. Samuel Smith..... 63,000 A. H. MULLER & SON. Bowery, No. 107, e s, 30.10x100, three-story brick building. Eliiigenstein Eros ....... 39,400 Bowery, No. 109, a a, 20.7x103.8x30.10x105. H. Scbnitzer___........................ 28,500 Ferry st. No. 23, a e cor Jacob st. 25x48, six- story brick building. F. Kaufman........ 20,000 Eeade st, a w cor City Hall pi. 53.2x38.ilx4ex 16.3; No. 9 i ity Hall pi, four-atory brick store and dweil'g, and one-story frame extension. D. W. Gross............... 17,9 0 20th Bt, No. 242 E., s e, 20x100 11, tt.ree-story hrick dweil'g. Ar hur Blue.............. 7,900 Plot of land containing abt 6 lots, with pii r and watdr gmnt foot 130th st and Harlem Eiver. 'Ihe Knickerbocksr Ice Co....... 43,350 p. p. MEYKtt. WestaS, No. 431, w b, 33x81.6xWx89, three-storv brick house. Ottinger Bros......... " 12,560 Wooster st. No 104, e s, 25x100, two-story brick front house. ThomasJ Poe....... 14,SOO 13th dv, n e cur V/eat lltb st, 96.7s 165.8x93.6x 143.4, three four-story warehouses, and two-story brick building. E. M. Vau Tas¬ sell..................................___ 30,600 •Mitchell pi, No. SE., ns, 18x80.10, three-story stone front dweil'g. Samuel Coben. (Amt due. abt $3,500)............................ 7,25o L, MESIER 8th av, s w cor 94th st, 25.8sl00. Mr. Ottin¬ ger.................................____ 1.9.000 Sth av, w s, adj, SSxirO. L.Friedman........ 9,760 Rtb av, ws, adj, 75x100. L.Friedman .. ____ 28,050 Sth av, w 8, 50.4 n 9Sd st, 35.4x100. R. R. Ham¬ ilton ..............................________ u,500 Interior lot, 250 w Sth av, at centre line block bet S3d and 94th sts, 97x46.5 Benj. F. Fairchild................................ 3,775 Interior lot, 347 w Sth av, 36x39.10. R. R. Ham- illon........................................ 4^0 B. HEKRIQUES. •Pleasant a^. No. 431, nwcor 132d st, I7.11x f-C>, three-story stone front dweil'g. Idan- chester & Philbrick. (3 morts., amount due, $l,300;prior morts., $6,250and 84,000|. 7,633 A. J. fiLEECKEK. S3d St, No. 240 W., s s, 18.9s98,9, three-story brown stone divell'g, W. J, Stewart.. ., 18,1 E. F. RAYUOND. 35th st, No. 2,58 W., s s. 25x98.9, three-story frame store aud dweil'g, and three-story frame dweil'g on rear. Lawrence Curran. 8,450 JAS. L. WULLS North 3d av, ses, 296 s w Eenry st. 20.0x—. John Madden............................ 3,900 3d av. No. 492, n e cor 147th st, 28x103.9s35x 116.5, two-story brick store and dweil'g. Wna. Miller ............................ 7,300 J. T. BOYD. 9th st, No. 230 E.. s s, 31x65, three-story brick stable. Thomaa H. Tynan......... . . 8,800 54th st, No. 331 E., n s, 19.9x100 5, three-story brick store and tenem't. J. Hojman...... 12,900 Total.....................................S661,19S sKiiuKLvn, ni. V. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and J. Cole, Cole & Murphy and Jore Johnson. Jr., have made the following sales for the week ending February 23: *l5th St. n a, seu.T e Oth av, 18.9x100. Anson B. Stokes___............................. 63,500 *King st, nes, 150 n w Richards st. 35x111.8, irreg. Mary E. H. fo! I'er ............... a,BOO *Madisonst, n s,200e Ralph av, 2.5x100. Susan M Bidwell . . ............................ 2,000 Fulton at, No. 658, s s, 19x82x irreg.. brick house. Leonard F. (3olei ........... Atlantic av. No. 280, s s, 20x74.1, brick house. Leonard F. Colea................... Marshall st, a s, 50 e Ewen st. 25x100. Henry Roth ............................ Halsey St. No. 313. C. H. Moses............... Halsey st. No. 384. B. S. Stone................ Gwinnett Bt, No. 80}^., s s, 18x72. S. 'Condict.. Gwinnett St, No. 88, I^x7l.2. H. Condict...... Park pi, n w cor Rogers av, 80x75. N. Mooney. Park pi, adj above, 20x75. C. D. Conkliu...... Marcy av. No. 170, nws, 18x85. W. Johnston. Marcy av, No. 1^5, 18x85. W. Johnston....... 1^340 Marcy av, No. ISO, 18x66. N. Mooney........ 1.575 Total.................................... $47,905 13.000 10,0(10 3,550 :'.925 3,575 l.tlOS 995 I 600 2,000 1.340 CONVEYANCES, Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by Ihe name of the grantee Ihey mean as follows 1st—Q.C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e.,a deed in which nil Ihe right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in tvhich he covewmts that he hathnot dowany act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charoed or incumbered. NEW TORR CITT. February 16. 17, 19, 20, 21, 33. Bowery. No. 73, e s, 135 n Canal st, SSxllO.lx 3.5s110.,S, flve-story brick store. Edward C. Donuelly to Eugeue Kelly. Mort. $15.0011. June 34, 18S1. .335,000 Broadway. Nos. 38, 40 aud-13, aud Nos. 41(. 51 and 5S New st, begins Broadway, e s, 3iiti 11 s Exchange pi. runs east 175 to New st. xsi>uth Si.4 X west 104.S1 X north 8.4 x west 8.5.8 lo Broadway, x'uorth 73.4, Nos. 38 and 40, two four story brick (stone frout) office buildings, &c.; No. 43 Broadway through to auci No. i'.i New st, four-story brick (stone frout) office building, &c; Nos. 51 and 53 New st, two fourstory brick office buildings, &c. Joseph A. Dunu to Heleu Laugdou. Morts. S3.iO,00D. Feb. 10, tiOO,000 Broadway, Nos. 52, .54 and 50, and 31, 33, 35, 37 aud 39 New st, begins Broadway, s e enr E.x- cbange pi, 134.11x159.10 to New st, x 130.1 to Exchange pi, x 135.2, five five-story brick office buildings. The New York G-uarauty aud Indemnity Co. to John J. Astor. ■ Feb. L 1,000,000 Brcadway, No. 620, e s, 175 a Bleecker st, 25x 103, portion of six-story iron front store. Julia (^iottlieb, Brooklyn, to Jacob Roths¬ child. Morts. f25,000. June 15, 1881. nom Br.iome st, No. 358 and 360, n s, 36.3 v/ Eliza¬ beth st, 49x85.8x51.4x97.3, six-story brick factory buiiding. Adolph Rothbart to Maria Morris. Dec. 5. 6,000 Burling slip, No.b. 28 and 30, sws, 39.4 s e Protit st, 67.8£3;ilx66.4x23.6, two three-story brick stores. John McGreevey etal., exrs. Robert Dillon, to Tbomas and Samuel C, White Mort. §10,000. Feb. 6 23,000 Same property, Harriet A. Dillon, widow, Brooklyn, Robert. Harry A., Nelson D , Ed¬ ward H. aud John F. T. Dillon, Elsie E, wife of Harrok! L Crane and Charlotte M. Diossy. widow, all of Brooklyn, to same. Confirma¬ tion deed. Subject as above. Feb, 6. nom Bowling green, s s, 33 w Whitehall st, 31x128.6 -x32sl2S.6. The,Mayor, &c.. City of New York, to Herman C. Von Post. Feb. 15. uom Bowling green, s s, 63 w Whitehall st, 31x128.6 ■ x32xl38.6. Samerto Theodore Chichester, trustee Ferdinand Suydam, dec'd, Feb. 15. nom Bowling green, ss, 63 e State st, 31xl2S.6x33x abl 138.6. Same to William H. Vanderbilt, Feb. 15. ■ nom Bowling green, s e cor State st, 33x131x41x1311. Same lo Harrietie-^ W. Berryman. Feb. 1'5. - - nom Bowling green, s s. 94 e State st, 31xl98.6x32x P^8.0. Same to Cbarles P. Hemenway et al., trustees Augustus Hemenway, dec'd. Feb. 15- . nom Boulevard or Public Drive, n w cor 86th st, runs west along st 6.7 x north 100.8 x east 13.8 to Giund Boulevard, x soutb to begin- nifig, vacant. James R. Smith to John P. Munn. Feb. 15. 6.000 Cannon st. No. 41, w s, 7S s Delancey st, 25x '\ 100. three-story brick store aud dweil'g and | two-story brick stable on rear. | Delancey st. No. 277, being the rear part of i lot. 18.9x18, one-story frame stable. ] James Fitzsimons to Johu J. Fitzsimons. C. a. G. Feb. 17. nom Same property. Jobn J. Pitz^nions to Ellen wife Jamcs Fitzsimons. C. a. G. Feb. 19- uom Division st, Nos. 13 and 13>^, s s, abt 140 e Catharine st, 2.5x70x25x70.5. East Broadway, No. 26, n s, 125 w Catharine st, 25x70x35x70,5. Madison st. No. 17.5, n s, 187.8 PLke st, 25x100. Henry st. No. 170, s s, 53.3 w Jefferson st, 26.1x100. Henry st, No. 201, n s, 7L4 w Clinton st, 24x 87 6. Therese P. de Ferriere to William C. Clopton, intrust. Morts. SIO,500. Oct. 14, 1883. nom Elizabeth st, No. 15.5, w s, 257 s Spring st, 35.T 94, three-story frame dweU'g. and two-story brick stable on rear. EliKa H. Bowne, Rhine- heck, N. Y., to Caroline G. Bowne. Q. C. Dec. 6. nom Greenwich st. No. 803, e s, 3ii. 1 s Jane st, 24. Ix 83.7x34x83.9, fourstory brick store. Ber¬ nard Corbet to Mary Burns. Moit. $4,000. Feb 19. 10,000 Greenwich st, ii e cor North Moore st. 2.5x70, No. 385 Greenwich st, four-story brick store and tenem't; No. 71 Norih Moore st, tbree- story brick atore and tenem't. James P. Piister to John S Foster. Mcrt. |G,000. Peb. 19. 25,000 Greenwich st. No. 576. e s, 100 s West Houston st, 35x100, two-3t(uy brick vacant building. E. Ellery and Josepkine Anderson exrs. of E. H. Anderson and-losephine Anderson, indi¬ vidually, to Jacob D, Ackerman. All liens. Feb. 19. 7750 Lawj euce st Nos. 38 and 30, s s, w la^th ..t, 61,7x100x50.8x100.6, two two-story frame dweU'gs. Mary Banks to Eliza Banks. Jan¬ uary 6. nom Lewis st, No. 55, w s, 175 n Delancey st, 2.5x 100, four-story brick atore and tenem't, aud two-story frame shop on rear. August O. Hassey to Henri Sfcrasbourger. Mort. $7,500. See 20th St. Feb. -.5. 13,000 Madison st. No. 59. n s, 31x108, two-story brick tenem't, and two story brick teuem't on rear. Pauline G. Langley to Harlow M. Hoyt, East Orange, N. J. Und.vided U part. Feb. ItJ. ^' a_o00 Macdougal st. No. 10, sea. 278 s Prince st, 25x100, two-sti ry brick dweil'g. Jobn De¬ graw, Leonia, N. J., to Johu Cavaguaro. Feb. 30. 11^500