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STJIPIPLEaN^EIlSrT Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXXL NEW XORK, MARCH 10, 1883. No 782 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAB, In advane«.....$6.00 Communications shoidd be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadna; J. T. LINDSEY. BusineSB Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at tbe Exchange Sales room for the week ending March 9 : ■ Indicates that the property described has beenbld in for plaintiff t accoitnl; B. V. HABKBTT A OO. Boulevard, n e cor 75th st, a7.8x 0.4x—x87.2, V. K, Steveason, Jr.................. $9 350 Boulevard, e e, adj, E7.8x67.2i—x94.1, V. K. Irtevensoa, Jr........................... 7.6!:0 Boulevard, os, adj, 27.3x94,lx—xlOO.ll, V. K. Stevenson, Jr......................... 6,500 Boulevard, o s. adj. 37.8ilOMlx—ilC7.lO. V. K. i-tevenson, Jr .. ................... 7,fl00 Frontst, Nos. 31:1 and 353,n s, 31x70, two-story corrugated iron building. O. V, Peltinan. 5,200 Greenwich st, No. 27.(, w s, 17.7x8i\ four-story briokstore- Geo. Williams.............. 24,600 Macdougal st. No- 131. w s, li".6x65.9. two-story brictt dweli'g- Philip Rielly. tRent $6C0). 7,100 Pearl tt. No. 230, s s, a.i.:jx70.2xN.8x66.1U, four- atory brick store. William 1 eitit....... 13,550 Washington st. No. SO. e a. .30.l208.4x3"x57, flve-story brick build ng aud store. Wil¬ liam Ktnney.............................. 8,GOO West 3d Bt, late Amity St. No-BB, a w cor Poulh 6th av, 25x1 0. two three-ftory brick stores and tenem'ts, E, Delevan. tAmount due abt$l6,000)........................... 23300 S3d St. No. 40 E., s s, 23x98.9. 'flve-story brick store and dweli'g- Geo. Siegei- (Rent, »4,500) ................................... 43,600 Slstst, No. 41 W-, n s, 25x98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g. C. M. Piatt................. 33,000 ■46th st. No. 127, q e cor Lexington av. 20x!C0.5, four-fllory stone front dweU'g. John H. Abeel...................................... 20,700 75th st, n s, 8J.4 e Boulevard, 25x107.5, B. P- Fairchild........................... 5.000 TSthst.ns, adj, 25x117.5, August Mafheer... 4,900 76tbst, s s, 120.S e Boulevard, 37xD6.1 Ox 12,6i IW). P.P. Fairchild.................... 4,335 76thst, BS, adj. e5x!JG,iO. B, P.Fairchild...... 3 400 107th st, n s, luO w 8th av, 25x100.11. H. P. De Graaf...................................... 3,225 •129th st, s s, 169 4 e Sth av, 88.8x90.11 four four-story stone front flats. John L. Brewster. (Amount due, abt $10,^50)...... 27,357 A- n. UCLLER A SOH- Front et. No. 152, w s, 19.3x63x20x63, three¬ story brick store. Jobn A. Casey......... 13,500 Liberty st, Noi. 18 aod 20, s s. 36.lx5l.6x32.10x 48.1, flv-story brick building- Wiiham E. Hunt. (Rent, 33,S0O)....................... 45.750 T6th st, n s, 100 eOtbav, 100x103.2. Wm, Lalor 30,800 JTtbst, secor 9ih av. aaOslUii.S. Wra. Lalor-. 78,400 Jstav-No. 2270, e s, 30x94-6. four-story brick storeand dweli'g. G.W-Hubbard ....... 15,000 .7. P- B. SMYTn. ■42d St. Nos. 411 and 113 W., n s. 50x100.5, two five-story brick stores and tenem'ls. R. S. Treacy..................................... 33,000 «th8t. No. 160 W., s g, 18.9xll!0 5. four-story atone front dwuH'g. Matthew Murray___ 17,500 LOUIS UESIKB Oourtlandt st, Nos. 39 and 41, s s, 6!.6xl27.7i 67.7x irreg.. flve-story brick buildinga, "Merchants'Hotel," J. Mclntyre........ 79,700 M- A. J. LYKce. •130th st, s s, 395 e Stb av, 30x99.11, two three- Btory Btone front dwell'gs- James Q, Burns, (Morts. $7,141)..................... 10,141 p. p. MKSER. 12tli Et, No-263 W., B s, 16.10x62.3, three-story brick dweil'g. B. C. Mclntyre. (Amt due, ■ abt $ 1,050) ............................. 8,127 *63dst, No. 316 E-, s s, lflx10\5, three-story stone front dweil'g. E. C. Delevan...... 9,900 89th st, No. 510 E., e s, 18.9x106.8, twe-story stone front dweil'g. M. McCormick....... 7,400 89thBt, No. 526E.. ss, 18-9x76.9s—x64.5, tvro- Btory Btone front dweil'g. Peter Noelka.- 6,850 *132d st, No- 25 E-, D s, 20x99.11 three-story Btone front dweli'g. E. C. Delevan........ 10,000 •Concord av, e s, 75 n 176ih st, IBOx 140x75x40s 75x100. E. C. Delevan...................... 7,000 J. A. LEVY. Btanton st. No. 78, n s, Slx65, flve-story brick Btore aT;d lerem't. Hugo Gorsch. (Am't due, aht $4.660)............................ 1^,200 A. J. BLEECKER ± SON. fllth st, Noa. 107, 109 and ill E., n s, 73.4x102,2, two-3tory frame dweU'g. Wm. Schuster., 84,200 E. H. LUDLOW & CO. *37th st. No. 131 E., s s, 24.flx73.Il, irreg., four¬ story stone front dweU'g. John T. Lord. (Amt. due. aht $16,600) .................... 20,000 L. J. « I. PHILLIPS. 148th st, n s, 125 eSihav, 60x99.11. T. P. Ed- sall........................................ 3,600 148th st, n s, 175 e 8th av, lT5x99.Il. T. P. Ed- sa'l........................................ 12,425 I48th Et, n s, 325 w 7th av, 100x99.11. T. P. Ed- sail......................................... 7,300 Total.........................................8725,300 eaooKLTN, N. T. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and J. Cole have made the following sales for the week ending March 9; Broadway, No, 1012, sw e, 20x.54.3x2l.4x46.10, Ihree-story stone frontdwell'g. Geo. West- low ............................... ....... $3,100 Clark st. No. I(i9, n s, 95 w Fulton st, 25.3x abt ,' 90.1. gray stone dweU'g. Mrs. Laodon ... ILSSO Clark st. No. 10.\ adj.. &3x aht 100.8, frame -^ mansion. Mrs. E. H. Dodge and ano...... 22,100 Dean st, n w cor Underbill av, ^6x75, Daniel O'Connel.......------..................... Ep *Same i roperty. Mary Byrnes................ so *Same property. Jas. McDermott............ 56 Hewes Bt, s s. 393.9 e Bedford av, 23 3x100. Annie M. Kenney.......................... 7,510 Madison st. No. EOl, n s, 18x100, two-atory frame dwell'K. Silos Condit............... 1,390 'Marion st, n a, 200 e Stuyvesant av, 35x100, J^ part, Jas. McDermott..................... 65 Pacfficst, secor Sackman st, 125x107.2s:—x87,l, East New York. H. A. Smith............ 1 150 Wyckoff Kt, No. 236, s s, aOxIOO, two-story brick house. H, L. Nostrand ............ 3 000 Howard av. No. 30, w s, 20x80, three-story framedweU'g William Lyon............. 1,800 Howard av. No. 33, w s, 20x80, three-story frame dweU'g. Wm. Lyon ............... j 775 Lafayette av, No. 1063, s 3. 16.8x100, two-slory frame house- John Giblen............... 2,100 Lewis av, No. 74, w s, ;:5x 00, two-story frame house, Alvin Colvln...................... 4 050 ♦Liberty av, n w cor Jeffeison st, 137.6x100. Alfred W.'Lowerre, exr........... 300 Ralph av. No. 62)^, w s, 20x80, three-story frame store and dweil'g. Wm. Lyon..... 1,450 *Stuyvesant av, n e cor Hart st, I6x60. James Brackett .................................. a^soo Willoughby av, No. 770. s a. 60x100, two-story frame house. Henry Nell............... 3,950 Plot at Gravesend. adj. lands of Stillwell. Stry¬ ker. and Emmons, contalniagO acres. H. McLoughlin ............................. 3j05 Total........................................ $71,045 CONVEYANCES- Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by thenameof the grantee they mean as folkiws Ist—Q. 0. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i, e,, a deed in tohich all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. MEW YOEK CITY, March 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Allen st, No. 181. e s, 83.6 n Stanton st, 17.6x 87.6, two sfcory briek dweil'g. Eva wife of Joseph Weber to Frank Keller. Undivided }4 part. Subject to share of morts. $6,500 $500 Broome st. No. 302, n fi, 50 e Forsyth st, 25xlOU, three-story brick dweli'g. Frederlka wifeof Peter Yost, New Rochelle, to Ferdinand Col- larius. March 3. 13,900 Barrow st. No, 43, n a, abt 170 w Bleecker at. 33 X 97.2 1 23 X 97, three-story brick dwelling. Thomas W. Roe, New York, Charles J. Roe, Jersey City, Mary E. wife of Charles E. Van Norden to George H. Laughlin. March 1. 11,COO Bowery, No. 187, e s, 50.3 n Delancey st, aSx 99.9x25.4x97.8, fiv6-.=tory brick store and oue- story brick in rear. Wm. and J. B. Simp¬ son, Jr,, exrs. and trustees W, Simpson, to Charles Woifensteio, March I. 40,700 Broadway, No. .'iSJ, e h, 50.6 n Spring st, 2ixlU0 x33ilUO, five-story stone front store, Fore¬ clos. William J, Marriu to Richard S. Em¬ met, exr. and truttee B, H. Lillie, dec'd. J^ part. March 2. 25,C00 Broadway, No. 331, s e cor Worth st, 5.3xlO0x 5,lxl(i0, on,j-story iron building. Eliza wife of and Edmund S. P. Arnold, and Mary wife of and Abram B.'Hart and James R. Whiting to James A. Hayden and Harriet his wife. Undivided ^ part, March 7, 33,959 Broadway, No. 57, and No. 95 New Church st, begins Broadway, n w cor Exchange alley, 38.6x303.7 to New Church st, x 38.5 to Ex¬ change alley, x 2d3.4, five-story stone fr^nt office building. Moss S. Fhilbps, Brooklyn, to Joseph M. Emanuel. Morts. tllO.OOO. March 5, 350,000 Same property. Joseph M. Emanuel to Moses Lazarus. Mort. §110,000. Mar. 5, 350,000 Broadway,> ecor 75th st, run;* south 78.4 xeast 89,5 X north 25 x east 100 to 10th av, x north 50 to 75th st, X west 313.3, three two-story frame buildings. Foreclos. Homer A, Nel¬ son to Margaret B. Tripp. Deed of Correc¬ tion. Oct. 31,1878. 2,500 Same property. Margaret B. Tripp to Alfred C. Clark. March 1. 60,000 Boulevard or Public Drive, s w cor 98th st, ' 100.11x75, vacant. Iteiease mort, JohnF,, Charles, Adrian, William and Matthias Feit- ner and Anne E. Walker to Bernard Smvth, Feb, 28, ■'so Boulevard, w s, lot 3 map of Elizabeth Wil- lard's property at Fort Washington, plot of 13 lols and 974 feet. Emma S. ivife of and Vernon H. Brown to Isaac P. Martin, Sub¬ ject to morts. C. a, G. Feb. 6. 50,000 Broad st. No, 81, n ecor. South William st, 30.1x68.1x11.9x74,2, four-story brick store. Partition. Stephen A, Walker to Henry L. Meyer, March 8. 49,100 Cherry st, No. 359, s s, 91 e Montgomery st, 21 x63x2I. Ix60.fi, vacant. Ellen wife of and Alfred Abrahams to Dennis Sullivan. March 1. 2,600 Clinton st. No. 86, e s, 175 s Rivington st, 25x 100, five-story brick store and tenem't. Jacob and Moses Goldberg to Adolph Pawel. Mort. $10,000. March I. 19,250 Cliff st. No. 23, fourstory brick warehouse. Nathaniel E. James, Paris, Fi-ance, heir N E. James, dec'd, to Melville Brown. Con¬ tract- All title. March I. 6,C00 Charles st, ses, 142 sw Bleecker st, 73.4xl4x 72x15; Nos. IOO to 104 Charles st, three- storj frame dweU'g, and nortion of one-story brick factory. Sarah E.'wife of and James A- Somerviile, formerly Sarah E. Taber, Newark, N. J., Mary L. wife of and George W, Bradford, Rochester, Mich., Martha W. wife of and John J, Brouner and Harriet wife of and John T. Lockman to Charles Hall. Jan. 37, 3,000 Delancey st, No. 6, n s, 93.10 e Bowery, 20x 75.10x20x75.8, two-story brick house, Wm. andJ. B. Simpson, Jr., exrs. and trustees W. Simpson, to Chas. Wolfenstein. March 1. 10,30(1 Delancey at. No. 47, s s, 25x100, five-story brick store and tenem't, and three-story brick dweil'g on rear, John Rheinfrank and Henry Gati Ken muller to Charles H, Schminke. Mort, Si5,000. Marchl. 26,C0O Delancey st, No. 359, s s, 25x65,6, three-story brick store and dweli'g ani two-story brick dweli'g on rear. Eva D. wife of Louis Schaeter, formerly widow of JohnKlingel- hoefer, to Johan Q. Peter. Morts. $4,000, March 6. 8,900 Division st, s s, 130,8 w JelEerson st, 26x48.2i 26x48.5, two-story brick store and dweil'g. Louis and William E. Hartwig to Marx and Moses Ottinger. Mort. $5,000, Confirmatioa deed. Feb. 16 8.350 Same property. Louis Hartwig, assignee W, E, Hartwig. to same. Mort, $5,000. Febru¬ ary 16, 8,350 Essex st, Hos. 133 and 134, e s, 42.8 n Riving¬ ton st, runs north 57.4 x east 100 x south 25 X west 60 xsouth 30 x west 4 x south 3.4 x west 36, two six-story brick factory build¬ ings. William J. Gessner to Philip Hake, Hoboken, N. J. Mts. $23,750, March 1. 33,000 East Broadway, No. 149, s s, 166.10 w Rutgers st, 35x87.6, five story brick store and tenem't. Valentin Kleemann to Salomon Jacobs. March 6. 17,500 Forsyth st. No. 59, w s, 25 s Hester st, —x50x 3f>x50, fnur-story brick store and tenem't. Christian Freund to Pauline Cohen. March 1. 13,825 Fulton st, Nos. 206 and 208, s s, 50x77, four¬ story brick building. Charles A. Davison, as trustee Rachel Vanderbeek, dec'd, to Martiu B. Brown. March 7. 45,900 Greenwich st. No. 781, e s, 171.10 s West 12th Bt, 2L3x55-4x24x55-6, three story brick dweil'g. Henry McCaddin, Jr., Brooklyn,