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Real fc3T-rje:EPijjEijNfl::E3i>rT STATE Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXXI. NEW YORK, MAUCH 17, 1883. No. 783 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAR, in Adrance.....$6,00 Oommimlcations should he addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J. T. IJNDSEY, Business Manager, SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending March IG : * Indicates that the property described has beettbid in for plaintiff's account: R. V, HARNETT Jt CO. Front st. No. 107, e s, 21.!sT2, four-slory brick buildmg, Ed. Rafter......................$45,500 Lewis st, No. 156, e s, 19.BsIOO.6x20.4x100.3, two¬ story frame (.brick front) atore and dweil'g. John Kheinf rank & Co .................. 3,825 Lewis St. No. 152, n e cor 3d st, 31.3x76.10x31.3 xBO, two-story frame (brick frout) store and dweU'g and two-atory brick stable on rear. John Rheinfrank & Co............ 3,700 Sth st, No. leE.. S s, ;J5s9'J.Il, tbree-story brick house with two-story extension, L. Hora¬ tio Biglow. (Leaseiiold). Lease espires 1839; ground rentgBOO,.............. 6,100 llth St. No. 426 E., s s, 25x91.8, flve-story brick tenem't. F. H. Piatt. (Rent, 81,350)...... 13,000 44th st. No. \3'., E., s s, 10 4xS3. four-story stone f'-ont dweil'g. F. C. Weibert............. 15,9J0 Mth st, No, llOE. s s, ^5x100.5, five-atory Nova Scotia stone flat. B. C. Cheesobrough___ 21,000 57th st. No. 459 W., n s, IB.SxiOO.S, five-story brown stone flat, F, C. Welhert. (Rent, $1,783) ................................... :4,S50 57th st. No. 461W., u s. adj, 10,8x100.5. five-atory brown stone flat, F, C. Weibert. (Rent, $1.733)..................................... 14,600 SBth st, No, 65 E., n s, 20x100.5, four-story Ohio stone dvi'ell'g. R. C. Cheesebrough. (Bent, ^•i.Om.......................... 33,000 •109th st, Nos. 317 and lilOE., n s. 38.8xU0.lI, two four-story brick flats. John H. Deane. SAmount due on each, $1,800; prior mort., id,00O)..................................... 16,000 laotb at, 8 s. 175 w 6tn av, 175x100.11, vacant. J. U. W. Brownmg....................... 33,300 12l3t St. s s, 200 w 6th av, 150x100,11, vacant. V. K. Stevenson, Jr........................ 30,000 135th st. No. 47 W., n s, 18.9x90.11, three-story stone front dweli'g. H. H. Brown ....... 14,EOO HOth st, No. 33 W., n s, 20x99.11, fourstory brown stone dweli'g. R. C. Cheesebrough. (Rent, $950).....,.......................... 14,800 Franklin av, w s, IOO s Tremont av, 75x108. H, Scheller................................ 405 Franklin av, w s, adj, 25x133, Q. Schultz...... 145 Lexington av. No. 414, s w cor 4Sd st. 16.9x75, four-story brown atone dweil'g, and two¬ story brick stable in rear. Mr. Bishop. {Rent, 83.000)............................... 18,250 Mulberry st. No. 119, w S, 35x100, four-story brick house aud store, and four-story brick house In rear. J. Q. Wendel ....... 13,150 Tremont av, s w cor Franklin av, 27.2x100. G.Schu.tz.............................. 375 Tremont av, s 3, adj, 81.6x100. 0. Schultz.. . 600 Tremont av, 8 s, adj, 35x175. H. Schultz___ 300 Tremont av, s s, adj, S.ix'ioo. G, Schultz....... 400 6th av, Plo. 455, w s, 2 x60. four story marblel front house with extension ..........l 87th at. No. I'jl W., n s, 20x83 5, three-story f stone front store and dweli'g.............J John Boyd.................................. '^ ,500 Bth av, No. b38, e s, 18.!0x50, threestory brick house with stoie. R. C. Cheesebrough. Leasehold. {Lease espires 1889; ground rent,8118.) (Rent, $85a)......... ...... GOO A. H. Mm^LER &, SON. Eaat Broadway, No. 19!, se cor Jefferson 6, 23.7x65.6. three-Story brick house, with Btoru and brick stable in rear. John Corse......,............................ ]6,C00 Washington st, Nos. 733 aad 725, e s, 36x91.7x 3!.8x80.5, two two-story briclc dwell'gs. Christopher Clark...................... 11,500 Slst st. No, 30 E., s s, 2:^x1 lOx irreg, four-story Btone front dweil'g. William Adam...... 37,0CO SSd St, No. 240 W., B s, 2a.lix9.-;.9, three-story brick dweil'g. Andrew Pattersoa......... 15,550 39th st, s a, iOj e llth av, IGis93.9, vacant. Andrew Ward............................ 11,950 10th av. No. 136, e s, 23.JslOO, three-story brick front dweil'g and frame stable on rear. Fred'k Bohlman............................ 8,200 IOth av, n w cor 33d st, 49.4x100, ihree-story brick house. Herts & Co................. SO,O0O loth av. No. 207, w 3, adj above, 13.4x100, four- si ory briclc dweil'g. C. Darragh_________ 7,000 lUh av, 3 6 cor iOih. at, 24.9x100, vacant. 8. Mc¬ Millan....................................... 7,100 llthav, es, adj, 21.8x100. F. .1. Wall......... 4,T0i llthav, es, adj, 24.8X1U0, Andrew Ward..... 4.500 llth av, e s, adj, 24.8x100. Andrew Ward....;. 4,000 E, H. LUDLOW & CO. 133d at, n s, 300 e 8th av, 100x100.11, six three- t^tory stone front dwell'gs, nearly finished. Thos. 0, Beekmmi....................... 134,000 124th st, s s, 300 e Sth av, IMxlOO.ll, five four¬ story stoue froat flats, nearly finished. Thos. G. Beekman......................... 73,500 Oth av, w s, 75 8 n 103d st, 25.3x100. H. W. Weinman.................................. 3,000 D. U. SEAMAN. 59th st, s a, 325 e Bth av, 50x100,5, vacant. Ter¬ ence Farley.............................. 21,500 J. T. flOYD. Mott st, Nos. 43oud41, e s 59.8x25x57.9x35, flve- story brick factory building. Geo. Lane et al..........,.......................... 15,5C0 *I48tu st, n a, 275 w Boulevard, 50x99.11. vacant. (Amount dueabt$3,4O0).................. 2,000 A. J. BLEBCEER & SON. Charlton st. No, G, s s. 33x56, three story brick dweil'g. C.S.Phillips .................. 6,100 Thompson st, Nos. 170 and 173, e s, :)3si00x58x irreg. two two-story brick dwell'gs "nd one aad two-story frame dwell'gs in rear. C, S, Phillips.................................. 17,900 P, F. UEYBR. 7th St, No. 2.-7, n s, :15.3 w At D. 3^.2x97.4. three-.tory brick dweil'g. Richard Haa- ley.......................................... 9,300 C. a, BROWN. Soutii 5tU av, No. 136. n- s, 25x70, four-story brick building. E. F. Haight. (leasehold leased to May 1,1884)...................... 8,300 Total.........................................$777,300 BKOOKLTX, K. T. In the City of Brooklyn, T. A, Kerrigan, J, and Cole & Murphy have made tho following for the week coding March IG; Bergeu st, No. 177, n s, 19.6x100, three-story brick dweil'g. Hugh Steward ............ Boerum st. No, "iSS, n s, 35x10,1. I. Kail...... Boerum st, No. 125, n s, adj, 35x100. I. L. Gains___................................. Boenim st, No. 137, n s, adj, 23x100, stable on real', F. Selzer.......................... Boerum st, No. 139, n s, adj, 35x100. Geo. Steinmetz............................. Boerum st. No. 131, n s, adj, 35x100. three¬ story frame store and dweU'g. L. Rich¬ ardsou ................................... Boerum st. No. 128, s s. 25xl0:>, two frame dwell'gs. A. Fleig......................... Boerum st. No. 136. s s. 35x100, three-story frame store and dweU'g. A. StelBns...... Butler st. No, 731, n s, 21xe3.6x—x^9.9. three- Story frame dweil'g. John Chambers..... Delmonico pi. No. 19, u e cor Hopkins st. 4ti.lx 43.1x79x77.9, three and one story buildings, L. Richardson............................. Fultou st. No. 361, e s, 37x350;r33.4x 197.2, four- storj'hrick stir.- and dweil'g, with three- two-story buildings in rear. Aaron G, Robbins .................................. Fulton st, No. 389, s s, 20x9G.10x irreg., three¬ story hrick store and dweU'g. Edward Masou................................... Fultoo st. No. 799, n s, 19x95.0 x irreg., four- slory hrick store and dweil'g. Jaa. Ker¬ nan ............,........................... Nevins st, Ko. 285, cor Sackett st. 30x78, three- atory brick store and dweli'g. Edivard Lamed..................................... North Oxford st, No. 78, w s, 16.8x100, two- stor3' frame dweU'g. A. Underhill, Jr... *Warren st, u s, 395.10 e Troy av. 00.9x155.7, Heury H, Biddle, exr..................... I5thst, No. 106, 3 s, 10 8x100, two-story frame dweU'g. S. W. Albertson................ 15th st. No. lOGtg, a s, adj., 18.8xlf0, two story frame dweil'g, S. W. Albertson........... Baltic aT, n e cor Vau Sinderen av, ICOxlOO. James Keruau............................. "■Central av, n ecor Van Voorhis st, 100x100. Andross H. Gourand....................... Franklin av, Nos. 232 and 333H, w s, 35x100. two two-story frame dwell'gs. B, B. Thompson------............................ Franklin av. s w cor Bergen st, 30x80.7. S. A. UDdi-rhill................................. Frankliu av, w s, adj , 30x30.7. J. Seiler...... Franklin av, w s, adj., 3IxS0.7x37.6xSJ.3. J. Seiler................................... Graham av, No. 15,n w corDebevois st, 35x100, three-story brick store and dweil'g. L. . Cole sales Weil. Graham ay, No. 17, w a, adj, 25xl0i, three¬ story hrick store and dweil'g. L Weil___ *Grand av. No. S'i", e s, 35 n Dean st, 3Jxl00, Maria L. Labagh........................... ♦Schenectady av, ext'g from Baltic st to Van Voorhees av, 117.3X51 on Balclc st, xl7.1 on Van Voorhe-iS av. Henry H. JBiddle, exr., "•"Schenectady av, u w cor Warreu st, runs north 1.3, x northwest — to point 113 north Warren st, x west — to point 14G.9 west of av, s^scuth 113 to Warren st, x east 116.9 to heginniug. Henry H. Biddle, esr......... St. Maries av, No, 450, s s, 16.8x101'. two-story $5,975 1,500 1.635 1,700 1.635 3,300 1.635 2,500 2,735 3,350 3S,100 10,975 11,950 4,200 3,450 150 2,350 3, GOO 1.30O 125 3,800 1,475 050 976 6,850 4,150 3,000 300 500 frame dweli'g. Samuel G. Stanle r___..... a.lW St. Marks av. No. 462, s s, adj, 16.8x100, two¬ story frame dwellg. S. G. Stanley........ 1,973 'Tompkins av, n e cor Greene av, 25x100. Chas. Von Glahn....... .................. i,B60 Van Sinderen av, e s, 100 n Baltic av, 100x100. James K-sraan.............................. 1,17S Van Sinderen av, e s, adj, 100x110, Mr. String¬ ham...................................... 1,500 Total........................................$131,485 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur pre¬ ceded by thenameof the grantee they mean as follows 1st—Q.O.is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in lohich all the right, title and interest of thegrantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. 2d-—C a. O, means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he Imthnot doneany act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeaclied, charged or incumbered. NEW YORK CITY. Mahch 11, 10, 13, VS, 14, 15, Broadway, Nos, 81 aud 33, ws, 29.1 u Morris st, 43.3x117.4x42.1x113,5, five-story brick (stoue front) office building, James L. Flint, exr. T. J. S. Flint, doc'd, to Moss S. Phillips, Brooklyn. Jan. 18. $175,000 Same property. Elizabeth J. Fliut, widow, to same. Feb, 23. aoni Broadway, Nos. 3S0 and 383, n e cor White st. 31x175.11 to Cortlandt alley, five-story brick (stone front] store. Edwin M, Kelloge, trustee of Henry C. Riley, to Franklin H. Delano etal., trustees for Laura A, Delaao. Feb. 1. 275,000 Broadway, e s. Part wall agreement. Joshua Weaver et al. to The WiUiamsburg City Fire Ins. Co. Jen, 2'J. nom Bleecker st, No. 17, n s, 210 w Bowery, 20x65.4 xao,\63.8, two-story fi'ame (brick front) dweli'g. Cornelia " M, wife of G. Warren Cfeer to John O. Geer, Q. C, March 5, 3,500 Broome st, n w cor Marion st, 27x100x13x100; No. 4111! Broome st, three-story frame (brick front) store and dweli'g; No. 2 Marion st, two-story frame dweli'g, Eugene M. Ketel¬ tas and ano., esrs. andtmstess W. A. Ketel¬ tas, to John McGeehao, East New York. March 11. 15,625 Charlton st. No. 12, s s, 127,1 w Macdougal st 23.1x99.10x33,4x99.8, three-story brick store and dweU'g, Jeannie M. L. Delamare, Port Lee, N. J., widow and sole devisee Jean B. Pic Bois, and Jules Delamare her husband, to John Rivara and Sophia Longinotti. Mort. *3,C00. March 13. 10,250 Centre st, Nos. 81, 83 and 85, w s, CO n Worth st, 63,10x67.10x63.3x71.3, two six-story brick factories. Meyer L. Sire to Henry A. and Mary V. Mott. Mort. $60,000. March 9, nom Centre st. No. 104, e s, 57.9 s Franklin st, 24.6x 74.3x24 6x74.8, error, flve-story brick factory building. Benjamin Sire, Hanover, N. J., to Henry A. and Mary V. Mott. Mort §15,000. March S. nom Chatham sq. No. 5, and No. 8 Catharine st, be¬ gins Catharines!, iv s, 49.3nEast Broadway. 35.1x60.7 to e s Chatham sq, sa5.3x61.9. flve-story brick office building. Harrietta Grigg, Mary P.. Joseph D., John G. and WiUiam G, Faj- to Lucius Tuckerman March 8, 29,250 Cannon st. No. 90, e s, 200 n Rivington sfc, 25x 100, five-story brick store and teuem't, Ed¬ ward J. F. Werder to George H. Benner and Lorenz Zeller. Morfc. S;11,000, Mar. 10, 16,000 Division st, s s, abt 90 w Market sfc, 25x135.7 fco East Broadway, x25x abfc 13-5, being Nos. 51 Division st and 64 Easfc Broadivay. Augus¬ tus C. Downing to August Marschall, March 15- 27,500 Duane st. No. 203, n s, 26.8x58.4, flve-story brick factory, Christina A, Blackman and Har¬ riet N. Deklyn to Martin Gerdes and Wil¬ liam C. F. Mangels. March 15, SI,O0O Elizabeth st. No. 147, w s, 103 n Broome st, 35.2x76.9x35,2x76.4, flvestory brick store and tenem't. Thomas J. McKee et al., cici-s. L. St. John, dec'd, to Pefcer Stewart. Decem¬ ber li. 11,700 East Broadway, u s, 141 e Clinton st, 23,10x lOS to Division st, x23.10xI08, four-story brick tenem't on East Broadway and five-sfcory brick store and tenem't on rear. Aima C. S. Mackenzie, iadivit). and as extrx. and tnis¬ tee Catharine C. Stevens, dec'd, to Samuel Mendel, Jan. 10. » gci)