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March 24, 1883 The Real Estate Record J 99 flat roof and front alterations; cost,------; owner, Franklin B. Lord, 46 West 19th st; architect and builder, C. W. H. Elting. 378—Pleasant .aV, No. 326, two-story brick ex¬ tension, 10.7 and 6x7, tin roof, being a bay window; cost, 8300; owner, Cornelia A. Kipp, on premises, architect, A. Spence; buiider, iS. B. Stephens. 379—16th st. No. 612 E., front alterations; cost, $300; owner, James Trainor, 0.53 East 16th st. 380—59th st. No. 426 E., front alteration; cost, $600; owners, Hymau Brothers & Lowensteiu, 183 Chatham st; architect, J. B. Snook; builder, not selected. 381—2d av. No. 613, two-story brick extension, 13x27, tin roof, front and interior alteration; cost, $3,OU0; owner, M. Luttschwager, 59 Eliza¬ beth st; builders. M. Schwartz & Son and M. Schmeckenhecker's Sons. 382—Sth av, Nos. 363 and 365, one-story brick extension, 34.6x14, tin roof; cost, ------; owner, John Paisley, 397 6th av; architect, James E. Ware, 383—Ann st, No. 63, enlarge hatchway; cost, $350; owner, Timothy G. SeUew, ,53 East T9th st; builders, Dever & Coddington. 384—West st, Nos. .52 and 53, buid hood over flywheel on roof; cost, $75; owner, C. A. Ste¬ vens, 51 West 52d st; architect, Jos. Esterbrook, Jr.; builder. Walker Coburn, 3a5—Washington st, Nos, 84 and 86, build hood over fly wheel on roof; cost, 875; owner, archi¬ tect and builder, same as last. 386—Boston av, 50 n 170th st, cut off corner of building to conform to street line, and a one¬ story irame extension, 28x15; cost, 8300; owner, Chas. Roth, on premises; builder, Louis Falk, ;J87—71st st, No. 396 E,, a two-story brick ex¬ tension, 25x25, tin roof; cost, $3,500; owner. Christian Haak, on premises; architect, Wra, Bridgwbod. 388—Union av, n e cor Boston av, one-story frame extension, 12x12; cost, 8140; owner, Har- fred B. Kuk, 1143 Boston a\; builder, Thos. C. Chave, 389—Broadway, Nos. 1413 and 1414, to be raised two stories, and interior alterations; cast, 830,000; owner, John Brower, 108th st and Wes¬ tern Boulevard; architect, Henry P, KUburn; buUder, not selected. 390—Duane st. No, 181, put in boiler and flue in cellar; eost, —; lessees, Abell & Morton, on premises. 391—1st av. No. 3224, raise building 5 feet to conform to grade, and a four-storv brick exten¬ sion, 33x8; eost, $2,600; owuer, Cath. M. Bal¬ more, 3'^ 6 E. Illth st; architects and builders, Wm, Fernschild & Son. 393—9th av, No. T31, new show windows; cost, 81T5; owner, Anna R. UuUe, on premises; builder, Robert Hayes. 393—South 5th av. No. 15, one-sto.-y brick ex¬ tension, 22i25, tin roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Alex. Loppin, on premises; architect, W. E. Bishop. 39-t—5th av, No. 640, oue-story Connecticut brown stone extension for picture gallery, 39.2x 59.3, asphalt roof, iron and glass skylight; also rear extension for conservatory, 3i>.3k23.3; cost, $75,00i); owner, Wm. H. Vanderbilt. 640 5th av; architect, J. B. Snook; builders, P. T. O'Brien & Son and W, Germond & Co.; iron work, Lind¬ say, Graff & Megijuier. 39.5—Av A, No,s. 28 and 30, new store front and interior alterations; cost, $1 l.OOo; owner, Moritz Bauer, '^07 Ea-t 55th st; architect, H. Kafka; builder, notselected 396—62d st. No, 448 W., oue-story frame ex¬ tension, 12x10; cost,850; architect, Wm, J. Lin¬ den, ou premises. BIKGS CODMTI'. Plan 115—Columbia st, u e cor Carroll st, part of top of extension altered for dweil'g; cost, $500; owuer, Margaret A, Pogarty, on premises; architect. C. F. Eisenach; builders, Tibbits Sc Bergendahl. 116—Gold st, No. 343, flat, tin roof; cost, $500; owner, Mr. Smith, on premises; architect and carpeuter, L. W. Morrell; mason, A. E. Strong. IIT—6th av. No. 133, cor Stirling pl. moved 6 feet to street and raised 4.6 on stone wall; cost, 8700; owner, John Cunningham, on premises; movers, B. 0. MiUer Sc Son. 118—Union st, No. 343, interior alterations top floor; cost, $300; owner, Francis J. York, on premises; architect and buUder, John King; ma¬ son, O. Nolan. 119—Tth st. No. 209, door opening basement front and new area walls and steps; cost, $35; owner, J. C Rustin, T9 Clermont av. 120—Harrison av, s e cor Bartlett st, one-story frame extension, 10x13, gravel roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost, $150; owner, architect aud mason, H. Winter, Harrison av, n e cor Bartlett st; car¬ penter, not selected. 131— 12tb st. No 1T4, s s, 275 e 3d av, interior alterations lo dweU'g and stable; cost $450; owner, Louis Pu Vogel, 176 12th st; builder, J. B, Sherman. 122—Sidney pl. No. 31, e s, flat and mansard roof; cost, $1,500; owner, George Burritt, Sid¬ ney pl; builder, E Osborn. 123—Grand st, No. 437, 9 foot skyUght; cost, $150; owner, Mrs. C. Steinhardt, 433 Grand st; builder, J, Weingart, 124—Adams st, s w cor Bremen st, one-story frame extension, 20x35, lin roof: cost, $200; owuer, Leopold Michel, 150 Ewen st; architect, J. Platie. 125—Graham av, n e cor Powers st, two ovens under walk; cost, 87U0; owner, A. B. Herse- mann; architect and builder, J. VV. Jackson, !26—Orient av, No. 35, two story frame exten¬ sion, 0!i30, tin rcof; cost, 51,900; owner, Robert Beales, on premises; architect, Jno. Deringer; builders. J. H. Doremusand Deriuger Sc CampbeU 127—Herkimer st. No 7 9, raised 13 feel, f i ame story beneath, with stt>ne foimdation, also one¬ story frame extension, 22x30, gravel roof, wood¬ en cornice; cost, 84.50; owner and architect, Wiliiam J. Wilson; builder, not selected, 138—Himrod st, n e cor Knickerbocker av, pro¬ pose to raise buildiug 11 feet, frame story be¬ neath, also two-storj' frame story extension, Vix 13, gravel roof; cost, -?3.000; owner, Louis Weber, Myrtle av Park Hotel; architect, A. Herbert; builder, not selected 139-Bedford av. No. 565, being 40 n Clifton pl, one-story brick extension, 13x20, cemeut roof, wooden cornice; cost, $325; owner, architect and builder, Johu Clark, 675 Willoughby av, LSO—South 4th st, s w cor 5th st, two-story brick extension, 3l.4icJ2, tin roof, iron cor¬ nice, interior alterations and bay window on side; cost, $4,000; owner. Dr. Dugon, on prem¬ ises; architect, A. Herbert; builder, not .selected. la I—Wallabout st. No. 399, raised 11 feel, frame story and stjne foundation beneath, cellar, &c.; cost, $675; owuer. Johu Mosehauer, on premises; architect, A. Herbert; builder, PritK Kuehne. MISCELLANEOUS. BllSLVKSS I'AILIIIiE'^S. Schedule of assets and liabilities filed for weak end¬ ing March 23 : Nominal Eeal Liahilitie.'i, Assets. Assets. Baumann, Albert......... $1,657 $4,0i3 S3.()5fi BruckAnsem ........ H,13a r>.414 '1,197 Rice, Augustus ....... 30,(i4-J 2li.:33 •24,b:t> Sheldon, ^yl^'este^ W.... ]9,7'17 18,L1,)D ll.»-31 Wattson, EdT.'a-d F..... (1,435 3B,00J I,UOO tJ, r, ASSIONMENTS -BENEFIT CKKniTOrtH. March. 20 Loughuan, Tiniuthy. to Arthur D. Williams. IS Fendergast, James P., 83 Beaver st. r." Kdward W. Kumphreya. ■22 Schwenk, Qustav A . to Cliarles L Roeder. 19 Schloss, Simon, and Joseph HeilhronnKr, firm vf Schloss & Heilbronner, 144 Grand st. to Meyer S. Sch loss. S3 Spethmann, RolofC L. J„ to Frederick Winkliaus. 21 Wrlzlar, Moriiz, 6U Eeade si, lo Frederick Lewis. ---------------------■* - — KINOS COUNTY, Mar. aENERAi. assionments. 23 Harrison, Heury A., to John Bunce. -----------■-----------■ < ■------------------— PBUCRRDlNtiS OF THK BUARD OF ALDt BMEA AFFKCTISG REAL ESTATK. • Under the different headmgs indicates that a reso¬ lution has been introduced and referred to the appro¬ priate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has passed and bas been sent to the Mayor for approval. Nkw York, March ao. 188S. OEOnLATmO, G BAD I NO, BTC. 79th Bt. No. 239 East, sidewalk In front of '' laeih St. from Sth lo 8:li av. excejit beiflcb and7th avs.t 151st st, from nest curb Av St Nicholaa to east line Boulevard.* 158lh at, from weat side of aqueduct lo east line Pub¬ lic Drive.+ 175ih St. from KingbridRe road to 10th av.* Sth ar. e 9, from north curb 68th sl to south curb I 07th St. 1 + flSthst. n 3, from west curb Madison av to east erb f Gth av. J East neth sr, bet west curb line North 3.1 av and oast curb line Railroad av.* Kims. 69th st, from 3d lo 3d av; Croton -t 82d St. but 4th and Miiiilson ava; gas.* STth st, from Sth to 9lh avs; Groton water pipes, f 97th st, from Houlevard to River-iide drive; gas.t 175th at, from Kinesbridne road to lOth av; Croton,' 175th St. from Kingshridee road to lOlh av; gas.* ValPiitine av, from Highbridge road lo point TOU a of said road; i roton * "th av, IV s. from 118 to ISad al; Croton.* PLAOaiNO. St Anns av, e a, from Cliff to John st.t CROSSWALKS. Franklin, av het east aide North 3d av and norih side Horton st. where not heretofore ordered laid." CHANOE OF QHiUE. William st, from Duane to the Brooklyn Bridge.* 63d st bet 1st and Av A.t ADVERTISED LECAL SALES. RBrBRKKS'SALBa TO BE BKLD AT laB BIXOBASQR BALES - ROOM, NO. Ill BROADWAY. MttrCh. lOOlh at, n s, ISB e lllh av, 100x100.11 siOOx irreg, vacant............. lOisi st, a s. 135 6 lllh av, lO'xlOO U, vacant..... by A. H. Muller & Son. (Amount due, about $16,300) ................................... 37 116ih Bt, No. 322, SH, 3rBe2d av, 20x100 10, three¬ story Btone front dweli'g, by A. H. Muller £ Son. (Amount due, about fio.ax))..................... H 39 sa S9 29 4!6t Bt. Noa. 2(6 and S08, s s, 105 e 3d av, BOx08.9, vacant, by C. S. Brown. (Amount due, ahOut $31.0-0) ................................ - ...... Sff 7th av. No. 2136. w e 19.10 s ]27tb sl. 20.1i8n, four¬ story stone frort dweirg; all the right, title and interest of John Arrell, wliloh he had on the l'.Jth day of Feb., 18T7, by Sheriff, at Cily Hah. (Sale under execution)......................... 28 39lh sl. No. 141, n s, awe )Otb afr, 25x9^.9, five-1 story briclc atore andjtenBm't..................1 lllh av, No. 63S, e s, 75.4 K4Tlh sl, 35x80, four- f siory brick store and lenem't...............| All ihe righl, title and Iuterest of James H. Clarke, which he bad on the I Uh day of Oct., 1883, hy Sheriff, at City Hall. (Sale under eaecutiou)-----............................. Lexington av, No. 57, s e cor arth st. 34.8x95; thret>- Btory brick dweli'fr, by J. T. Boyd. (Aniounl due, about S6 550|............ ............ Caiharine st. No. 15. a a, 37x114, fourstory brick store and lenem't, and four-slory brick shop ia rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Parti'lon sale)....... S9 Madison av. No. 19i;5. e s, 40.6 a 13 th Bt 2'X80, threestory stoae front dweU'g. by R. V. Har¬ nett (.\moiint due, aht $6,.WO)............... S4th st, Noa, L'lO, 313 and 314 E.. s 8, btt 3d and 3d ava, 73X9H.9, stables, by E. H. Ludlow & Co. (Assignee's sal ).................... ......... 5th av. No. 815. e s. 50.5 n 62d st, aBsl08, four-story stone front dweH'e, bv BI. A. J. Lynch. (Ami. due, abt §35,850) ............................. 39 Sth st, Nos. 117 and 119, n a, 023.5 w Sth av, 46sl 03.11, threestory and attic brick house, with two-story extension .... ................ 9th av. No. 234, e s, 49.4 n 24th sl, 24,8x100, two¬ story frame house . ................... Broome >t. No. 1 0, n s, 3^.4x111.8x25x105.4, two- atory and'1110 brick house ................. Broome st. No. 402, n s, 35.3x70.7x34 7x71.6, three¬ story brick hoii.se.............................J 09th sl, n a, 'JUO w HCIi av, 4 lota, each. '25xlOU 5. .. iKtav, w s, 76 8 s 81st-St. 61 6x110........ Riverside av, n e cor Ittilh st. abt 6 lots...... UOth st, n s, extdg from 12ih av to pier hue, 500 161.7........................................ Pearl st. No. 506, n s, near Centi e st, brick build¬ ing, with lease of let ........................ Also property at Astoria, L. I...........----- ... hv A. H. IVlullar & Son. (I'ariiiiou sale)........ 46th at. No. 157, n s. 131.4 w .Sd av, ll5.HxlOr.5, four- Btory atone front dweli'g, hy R. V. Harnelt. (Amountdue, abt $13,751') ..................... 4th av. No. 33i7. e s, as n 13Glh st, 26s90, two-story frame dweh'g, by E. F. Raymond. (Aniouul due, abt?l,ilOu)................ ---------- 41st st, No. -315, n 9. 175 e 2d av, 30x98.11, threa-st-iry alone front dweil'g, by J. T. Boyd. (Amount du*". abuui$Il.'-'00) ............................ 3U Madison av, No. 1875, e a, E5al3-M st, 18x100,' three-storj- alone front dweil'g ............... Madiaon av, No. 1873, e s, 73 s 133d at, ISslOO, threestory stoue frunt dweU'g ......... Madison av. No. 1871, e 9. 91 s I23d st, ISxlOO. three-s'ory siona front ri weil'g ........... by J. T. Boyd. (Three morts., amouat due on each, about 816,150)....... .................. 149lh St. s a, IOO e IOth av, 75x93..1, two-story frame stable, by J. T. Boyd. (Amount duo, abt $;.2.iO) ..................................... 18Eh st. No 331, n s, 380 w 1st av, aOx9i, three-story brick dweU'g, by R. V, Harnett................. 31 29 30 30 30 30 KISGS corsTV. March:. Smilh st, ea, 44.3n Balehen jil or 2d st. 5i.6xT.3.1. hy T. A. Kerrigan, at .'i5 Willouchbyst......37 Market st, e s. about 791 s Brooklyn and Jamai-1 capike, 250x150........................> Locust st, e s, 1.50 n 3d at, lOUx.301, to Rapelje st, ) by Cole & Murphy, at 37U Fullon st............. a7 Broadway, sws, exldg from Somers st to Hull ] af, S7e.tii393.fl............................i......' Somers st, a s, at intersection centre line of old f" road, 135.1X—......................... ......j by J. C. Eadie, at 4^ Broadway, E D......... ■>» Herkimer at. a a, 3T7.8 w .Albany av, 70.5x193 llx , 13.1liil85.a........................... Spencer st, e a. 33* u TMary st, 25x100......... by J. Cole, ai 389 Fulton st..................28 Washinglon av. u e cor Clason av, 03.3x71.3x37.9, byT. A. Kerrigan, at 85 WiUoughby st ...... SU Stagg st, No. 15J, a s, 137 w Graham av, StxlOO, 1 irreg ........................J- Ewen st, No. 203, w s, IGO s Maujer st, 35x100 ..\ by T. A. Kerrigan, at 45 Broadway. (Pariition aalei........................ ..... 3U Carlton av, e b, 556 7 a Fuliori st, 10.8x100......i Gatesav, s s, 158.6 w Lewis av. .39.10x1 0 .... ...) by T A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st.......... 29 Reid av. u w cor Kosciiskoat, 6li72.............1 Ko.iciusko st, n s, 72 w E-id av. 16x100 ..........| Kosciusko St. n s, 120 w Rpid av, 16x100........)- KosL-hisko st, n s, 108 w Reid av. ISxlOO.......... Kosciusko st, n s, 184 w Reid av, 10.\liO..,-...... J by J. Cole, at 389 Fullon al.............. 30 3d av, e s. 100 8 Pacific si. 22x100, hy Cole & Mur- nby. at 379 Fullon st................. 31 Clintoa av, es. 613.9 n Mvrile av, 30x110.........1 Park av, a s, abt 27 e Canton st. 25x100..........y Tillary st, s e cor Canton at. 54.8x45.8x34.3x46.2.. ) by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughbv st....... ai Clinton av. w s, about 295 s Greene av, 25x200 to Vandi^rbilt av, by D. F. Manning, referee, at Court House..................................... 81 MS PENDENS. NEW lOHK 01T¥. MISCELLANEOUS SUITS. March SSth at, n s. 455 e Oth av, 30x100.5. Francis T. Wal¬ ton aet WiUiam H. Meeks and ano, admrs. of Anu McCabe et al.; action to compel specific performance of contract to sell; att'ya, James K. Hill, WingA Sbuudy...................... 17 Bthav. es, 32s73dst, 22x130....................] 77th at. n a, 335 e 4lh av, S6I102.2.............. Sthav, No. 292, Lease....................... Broadway, No. 54. Leaae......... ........ George Cruickshank et al. agt Henry Proiua Cooper: attachment; att'ys, Forbes £: Sage..... 17