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EAL Estate Reco AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. XXXI. NEW YORK, APEIL 7, 1883. No. 786 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: OiVB TEAB, in advance.....$0.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager. SALES OF THE "WEEK. Tlie following are the sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending April 6 ; • Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiJTI account: fi. V. HARN'ETT & CO. Eatt Broadway, No, IB", a s. 'JO.lilOD three- atory brick dweil'g. Jacob Korn.......... 815 350 Spring st, No. 3S, n s, l.l.'lxiHx -sGO. tn o-story ar d attic brick house. Michael Lepp 7 500 aist st. No, 2.-,2 W.. s s, la.-lioa, four-atory stone front dweil'g. C. W. lat John...... 8 300 ■20lh St. Nos. asG and 253 E., s a,5>i.I x south 98.9 X xv-stS.Tx north 84.10 X west 49.4 x north 14.3, two fourstory brick hoiiaea. F. E.Johnson................ 4Tth st. No. 138 E., s s, 18x101.5,"four-story stone front dweU'g, R. D. Hainieaon..... H 000 53d at. No. 215 E., n s, ISxIOOS thrte-story stone front (Iwell'g. J. Freund___ 8 600 £6lli st. No. 137 E., n s, SOxlOJ.fl, f. ur story stonefront dweU'g. E. Popper...... 20 250 Br.thRt, No. 140 E., n a, I9.-;I0U,5, threestory btone front d\s-eirg. H«nry Waters STth at, No. 415 W., n s. ai.2sI00.5x20.9xl'oo"!3' fourstory stone front dweil'g. J.icoli Davidson 12,600 15,650 10,000 4,400 27,7B0 3,009 H,450 5rih .-it. No. 44! E., n s, 90x100.5, three-atory Stone front dweli'g. J. Cassin 5eih st. No, 114 E, 8 a, aaxiOO..-;, four-story stone front flat. J. Freund IWlhst, No. 2'je E., a a, 16x50.7i-!4ssi,"twol story frame bouse. Karl F. Geyer I31st St. No. 7^ E., s s, 17 6xilD.li, tbree-story stone frout divell'g. Patrick Fox. . . Lexington av, w s. 18 n 117lh st, runs south¬ west 33.5 to 117th St. K west 511 X north 100.11 X east HO X southeast 50. '0 to begin- nhie:, t - o-slory brick dweil'g. Wm E Riidischhauer. (Morta. $1,000) ... " 13 000 Morris av, e s, 105 a 151st st. 30x70.3 John Heyburn................................... 700 E. e. LUDI.OW A CO. Eldridge st, Ko. Tl, e "s. a0.t87.G, three-story framehouao with extension. J. Donley a4lh at, Nns. '310. 213 and 214 E., s s, 72x98.0. sta¬ bles G. C. Wilise........... 3lst st, No. 431 W., g s, 22x01. three-story brick dweil'g and Ihree-story brick dweil'g on rear. Mai-garet O'Hara ................... 8 50] SCOTT & MYailS. rsthst, No ^32. E„s a. 10 8x102.3, three-atory brick factory. K. Weber.......... I06lh f-t, n s, 150 w Dthai, asilOO.U. "h'.'p. Palmer.................... lO'lhat, n a. 3*5 f, I ih av, 2.5xlc6.'n.'*Th(is"F' Murtha................. 143d Rt. n a. 100 e6thav,2Bxni).ii."L; Fried¬ man.................... IJ3d 31, n s, adj. 25x39.11. L.Friedman'*" 14 (th St. a s, 10uo8lhav, 25x99.1! L Fried¬ man.................. HItUst, s a, edj. 95s99.11. L. Friedman...... 8lb av, necor 14Sd St. 24,11x10(1. Mr Goodwin Sthav, e.^, adj, 25x100. Mr. Goodwin_____ sm 81 bav, e s, adj, ^-5x100. L. Friedman .., s'st 8th av, e a, ad j. 25x100. M. H. Caslimin... ' a'liB eihav, 3ecorl4JLhst,24.nxlOO. M. JI Cash- man ................... g rjtg ath av. es, adj, 25x100. M.B. CaBhmau"."'* a'no Jthav.es, adj. 25x100. M. H. Cushman .... 3'200 6thav,es, adj, aSxlOO, M, H, Casbman .... jisuj LOUIS MESIER. Betnera lane. 2-474 acres, extdg to the Hudson River H. L Warded ....... 4.50 Betinars lane, 8-110 acres, adj ab^.ve on south W. C. Noyes...................... » qqo Btttners lane, 3-531 acres, adj above on soui'li' W. L'. Noyes................ ' j acn Bettners lane, 9 SG6 acres. J. T. Irving ..... 17'ooo Beitners lane, 0 512 acres, adj above on aouth. i,000 !.500 Goerck st.'Nos. 53. 6!^ 6ri'and G5, w"b, i6'sG5' ' four and two-atory brick buildings and one- story work shop in rear. J.T.Taylor .. 3 000 houtb Broadway, junction of Mosholuav 6 295 acres. James Carroll...... o ikq South Droadway, 7-179 acrea. James"!!' ' Suydam............... , -fl^n 47th St. No. 7 W., n s, 20.6xl00.,5, 'fon'r-st'ory brick dweil'g, leasehold. T. W, Raylh io'I'l'?,!!?'' ''"*'' ^^°^'' Sl5,O0O, prior mort, Mosholu av, 8-tr->acres. W. P. Dixon.','."'!';.' 4*559 8,2 » 30,540 8,500 4,175 4,180 2,22.1 1,800 2,300 1,875 4,03 Mosholu av, 4 905 acrea. Mosholu »v, 4 383 acres. Hoihotu av, S-'.i7y acrea. Mosholu av, 2-06H acres, Mosholu a"-, 4111 acres. ceuiiers lane, 0 jia acres, adj above on aouth W. C. Noyea.............. ^r Boulevard, 5 loS acres. W. P. Dixon ........ "'5 Boulevard, 4035 acres. W.P.Dixon ..... a's a, H. Forster ...... 3.-325 G. H. Forster ... 1.5''0 A. W. Suj'dam...... 1,100 H. Bftheock ........ 1,000 J. F. Doyle ......... 1,550 A. H. MUl.LEn ft SON. Elm st. No, IPfi. w s, 21.3x100.1, three-story brick dwellg. W. H. Barretto....... Pearist, No. -378, w B,aix06,6x Irretr., five-story brick etore. Johu G. Wendel.... IOlh at. No. 40G E,, a b, 30x92.10, four-story brick store and dwell'tj. F. Fish SJd St. No. 210 E.. a s, 19x100.5, three-atory stonefront dWBll'g. A. Adelsbergh....... 8 950 132d St. No. 35 E., n a. 20,x09.11. tliree-story stone frontdwell'g. E. C. Delevan........ Forest av, e a. 75 n Qeorge av, IStel lOxirreg., Iwo-story frame dwoil'g. E. C. Delevan.. Madison av. No. 67, w s. 34 7xliI0, three-story brick dweil'g, and two-atory extension. Geo.B, Butler........................... 13,950 19,900 7,400 9,000 5.000 L. J, & I. PHILLIPS. *82d st, s 8. 83.4 w 4th av, 33.4x100 5 | 62d at. as, 183.1 w 4th av, 49.8x100,5...... ' f Henry A. Cram. (Am due, abt $66,125),.. 77th st, n K, 275 w Oth av, 25x107.2, vacant. Mr Marston.................... 33,900 B2,C00 4,500 100 M. A. J. LY.VCB. *Laue. n e a, distant707 from corner ftrmedl by intersection of n es of said lane witli n s j of road leadliiir from Kinp'ibridge to Wil- !- llamabrldge, (iOx92.4xti3x92.il.......| Laue as above, 6i7 from said road, 50x92.1; . J WillianiR. Harriaon. (Amtdue,abt$2,150) 19lh st, Nos. 2-23 aud 295 W., n s, 37.0x97.7. Henry Hudaon............................ 14.800 J. T. BOYD. Delancey st. No. 141. ss, 25x100. threestory frame (brick front) store and dweil'g aud fourstory brick tenem't en rear. Hermau Kraft.......................... ,,. . 14 qqq Delancey st. No. 143, s s, 25x100, three-story frame (brick front) store and dweil'g and four-atory brick tenem't on rear. Herman Kraft...................,............, 13 000 41st st. No. 315 E., n a, y0x98.9, three-story stone front dweil'g. Elizabeth R, Field- '"S......................................... 9,100 E. A, LAWRENX-e S SON. *92d St, No, 150 E.. as, 21x100.8, three-stoiy stone front dweU'g and tw»-story brick stable on rear. Jobu Cohen, (Amtdue, abt 89,1110; prior mort. $1,9501............ jg Z2S P. p. lIEYSa. ' 18th st. No. 144 W., a a, 33xJ^ block, two-atory brick alable. Isaac Rodman............ i] 950 All right, title and iuterest of H. E. Nnnnen- ' bacher in estate of his father, liie late John Nonnenbacher. Hugh Seybel 4 300 Total.........................................$650,13? BROOKLYN, IV. Y, In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan J. Cole, and Cole & Murphy have made the follow¬ ing sales for the week ending April 0; Adelphi St. No. 10, w a, Snx41, two-st-..ry frame dweil'g. Albert Proctor ... $9 0 Bergen St. No 216, s a, 18x100, two-atory'stone front dweil'g, Felix Galaher............ 4 900 *Butler st, s a, 210 e Brooklyn av. 20x100. three¬ story Luilding. National Pahquiotiue Hank..................................... 4 ooq Clinton at, No. 195, e a, 45 n Pacific st, 32,6xU0, three story brick dwaU'g. M. V. D. Cruaer 'Ist St. n s. !20 w Sth av, 20x100. The Germania Lift- Ina. Ce...... .............. 17th at. No. 410, s a, 16x100.2 three-atory frame dwe 11'k Joseph Van Sicklen..,............ 2 135 Park av, s a, ab. ut 37 e Cinlon st, 95x100.., ) ' ' Tillary st, a e eor Canton st, 54.8x45.8x34 3 X40 9................................ M. J. Flanigan..................... 'Sd av, e a. 100 a Pacific St, 32x100. Mutual Life Ins. Co........................ 3d av, n w cor 13lh st, 3Ox'30. John R. liriggs "Madison st. n a, 225 e Ralph av, 25x100 Susan M, Bidwelt........................... Monroe st. 11 a, 909.G o Lewis ay, I8.9xIOo! Charles T. Young —.......... ' 4 ono *Hth st. No. 2:3, n s, lO.lxlOO. JWm. E. Dodge. 2^900 Total................................... $37,625 10,500 3,000 900 a.oon 1.100 2.000 CONVEYANCES. MEW YOKE CITY. March .SO, 31, and April 2, 3, 4, 5. Ann st, No, 37, n s, abt 25,6 e Nassau st, runs north-Sai X east U.iJx south 2it.b x oast l.U s: south 8.9 to Ann st, x west lli.l), five-story brick store and tenem't. S, Charles Welsh to Henry M, Johnson. Mort. ^10,000. March 33. $19,000 Allen st. No. 19, w a, 75 n Canal at, 35.2x65.7, flye-f(ory brick store and tenem't. Contract. Rosetta Steiuert and Isidor Abrahams to Israel h. Prager. Peb. 28. 18,000 Attorney st. No. 33, e s, 150 n Grand st, 26.6x 100, three-story brick dwelling, aud three¬ story hrick dwelling in rear, George G. Hal¬ lock et al , exrs. M. Ludlow, to Tobias and Gerson Krakower. March 23. 11,450 Attorney st, No. 34, e s, 170.0 n Grand st, 2bx IOO, three-storv brick dwelling, and three¬ story brick dwelling in rear. George G. Hal¬ lo k et al., exrs. H. Ludlow, to Tobias and Gerson Krakower. March'iS. 11300 Beach .st, Nos. 4'i and 44, s e cor Hudson st, 54x 97, No. 40, four-atory brick dweil'g, No, 42, four-story brick store and te;iem't and one¬ story frame store In rear on Hudson st. Isaac Newton to Rezin A. Wight, esr. of W Kel¬ ly. Mort., &c. Oct. 10, 1874. 40,000 Beaver st. Party wall agreement, &c. Isa¬ bella P. Hunnewell, Boston, Mass,, with Wm Tumbridge, Brooklyn. March 34, 2 200 Bleecker st. No. 17, n s, 210 w Bowery, 20x65!4 x:J0x03.S, two-story frame (brick front) dwelTg. Annie L. Osgood and auo., exrs. Letitia Mumford, to Michael Meyer. March 31. ]Q CQQ Bleecker st. No. 38, s s, 53.4 e Mulberry st, SO'fi xl20.5x37.0xiaii.5, four-story brick store and teuem't, Moses S, Beach, Brookiyu, to The New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Soc. Mort. $13,000. March 28. 24 7.50 Bowery, No. 105, e s, 125 n Hester st, SO.lOsluO three-story frame (brick front] store and dweU'g. Kachel F. 8triker, widow, tn Henry Klingenstein. Release of dower. March .5, nom Same property. John M. Bruce and ano., exrs and trustees W. H, Striker, to same, March „ 30. 29 400 Bowery, No. 109, e s, bet Hester aud Grand sts 20.7x105x30.10x103.8, three-story briek store! John M. Bruce and ano., exrs. and trustees W. H. Striker, to Hyman Schuilzer. March „ SO. 28,500 Sameproperty. Rachel F. Striker, widow,to same. Release of dower. March 5. nom Bowery, No. 274, w s, 25x88.8x25x88.3, three¬ story brick store and dweil'g. Robert Ir¬ win to Hugo Joachimsou. Mort. $18,000 March 31. ;y ooq Broome st. No. 280, n s, 44.2 w Allen st, 20x75 two-atory brick dweil'g. Elizabeth wife of Peter Koop to Frederick H. Ernst. Mort ■S6,000. March 31. 10 100 Broome st. No. 329, s a, 75 w Chrystie st, 25 xiOOx—x75, five-story stono frout store aud tenem't, Joseph M. Ohmeis to Henrv John¬ son, Mort. $13,0011. March 31. " 38 oOO Cedar st, No. Hi, s s, 21.llx.'5.5.2i22.7x.^5.4, fonr-story brick stora. Arthur J. Peabody to David W". Bishop. March 30. 35,000 ClifE st, No. 23, n w B, runs west 25 x north¬ west 59.3 X northeast 11.2 x northwest 33.11 X northeast l.S,7 x aoutheast 45.11 x south¬ east 50.2, fonr-story briokstore. Nathaniel E, Jamea to Melville Brown. Subject to dower right of MaryJ. James. Undivided X part. March 31. .^^„oq Cannon st, w a, 75 n Broome st, 50x100, No, 27 three-story frame store and dweil'g. and four story brick teuem't in rear. No. 39, two¬ story frame atore and dweU'g, and fonr-story brick tenem't in rear. Eliaabeth wife of and Joseph Hillenbrand to Kaufman Henschel Morts. S8,0U0. March 39. jg.^og Chrystie st, No. 13, w a, 25x77.8, two-story frame (brick front) atore aud dweil'g and two-story frame dweU'g on rear. Dirk C P Jansson to Charles D. J. Noelke, Jersey City' March 31, 9 jgQ Chrystie st, No. 15, w a. 50 n Bayard at, 25x 77.(5, flve-story brick store aud tenement Louisa wife of and Carl E. 8, Van Raden and Amelia wife of and George W. Kaune Jersey City, to George S. Adrian aud Theresa bis wite. Mort. $7,000. March 31. 31 150 Crosby st, s e cor Spring sf, 43x1 (J0.\48x100 two two-story In'ick stores and dwell'gs on Cro?by st, and three-story brick store and dweU'g on Spring st. Marie L. Caihart et al exra. and trustees T. F. Carhart, to Albert T. Hamiltou, South Orauge, N. J. March 3f- 45,000 Catharine st. No 81, e s, 103.1 n Cherry st 2H 8 xIDI 7x3.5.7x100, partly along alley. Edward G. Byrnes to George H. Wheeler, Brooklvn March 31. -30,000 Canal st, na, 63.4 e South Sth av. Party wall agreomeut. Olin G. Walbridge with ISenja- min B. Johnston, Brookiyu. March 31. nom