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STJDPFLEIMIEISrT Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS^ GUIDR Vol. XXXI. NEW TORK, MAY 12, 18:(3. No 791 PublUhed Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAK, In advance.....$6.00 Commimicationa should be addressed to C. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway J. T, IJJJDSEY. Business JIanager. SALES OF THE WEEE. The following are the aales at the Exchange Sales¬ room for the week ending May 11; • Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiff's account: a. v. HARKETT & CO, Chambera st, No .1S3, u s, 20s-.6.6x18.9x62. four- atory brick huilding. ThomasR,McNeil.. S15,500 Mottst, No. 131, w s. 150 n Hester at. 25x100. two-story brick house aud four-story briclc teaem't on rear. John Wood............. 9,800 A. B, MULLER * SO.V. 23dst, No. 331 E,. s s, I9,&xl00,ll, four-story stone front dwelPg. O, W. Kaudall______ 12,000 •116th at. No. 3-JG E., s s, 15x100.10, three-story Btone front dweU'g. Robert I, TurnbuU et al, (Am't due, abt $ti,00O) ................ 7,850 J[. A, J. LYNCH, Varickst, No. 66, e s, 75,11 n Laightst. S4 lOx 60x—x81. four-story Drick building. D. B. Johnston.................................. 12,000 A. J. BLEBCEEB £ SOS. Grove st. No, 70, a s, 31.10x00, Ihree-story frame dweil'g and fnur-story brick dweU'g in rear, Patrick Dolan................... 10,510 •rathst. No. 251, s s, 130 w 2d av, 253102.2, four-story stone front dweli'g. David Sil- beratein. (Am't due, abt $iS,0l9)......... 23,443 E. F. BAYMOKD. •123d at, No. 60. 9 s, 174 li e Madison av, 18,9x 100.11, three-story brick dweU'g. Julius Schaul. (Amt due, abt 84,I)U0; prior mort. $10,0C0) .................................. 12,600 p. F. MB YER. Wall st, No. 15. a s, 71 e New st, 14.7x76x14. Ix 72. John H, Haar......................... 86,000 123d St. No. 58 E,, 8 s. 18.3x100.11, three-atory toick dweil'g. Frederick Hartutig........ 10,000 E. H. LUDLOW dt CO. •Madiaon av, No. 1861, e a, 18x100, three-atory Btone front dweil'g, W, S. Verp'auck aud ano., exrs,, &C. (Amount due, about $ 15,100).................................... 15,603 •Madison av, No. 1879, e a, 17.10x100, three- Btory stone front dweil'g. Wm, B. Ver¬ planck and aao,, exrs.. Jtc. (Amount due, about 815.1501...................... 15,500 JOHN H. HARNETT * CO. Eivington at, No. I2ii, n s, 20x75, three-story brickdwell'g. Daniel RoseuVaum ....... 8,6yO Total.......................................$339,402 _—-——<»i--------------- BUOOKLVA, K. V. In the City of Brooklyn, T. A. Kerrigan, Coie & Blurphy, Jas. C, Eadie and E. V. Harii:tt & Co. have made the following aales for the week ending May II: South 2d at, No, 95, n s. 25x100, three-atory frame dweil'g, Wm, H, M. Baker ....... $4,435 DeKalb av. s w cor Tompkins av, 25x100, P. J.Kennedy.......................... 4.400 De Kalb av, a s, adj 25x100. P, J. Kennedy.,. 2.950 Tompkins av, n w cor Kosciusko at, 20x100. P. J, Kennedy............................. 2,450 Tompkinsav, ws, ftdj, SJslOO. P J. Kennedy. Il.OOJ •Chestnut st, n a, 43.9 w Evergrtdu av, 18.9x75, Step lien HaU............................. 2,o:o Hewes st, n s, 23^.7 w Bedford av, 18x100, W, H,Halsted................................ 4,125 •I3th at, s s. -HT.IO e 5th av, 25x100. Hendrick E, Wyckoff.......................... 3,6:0 •Bushwick av, wa, 79 n Debevoise st, 21x80. JohnS. Dickinson et al .................. 1,000 Carlton st, w s, 487.3 s Park av. 25x100. A. Lazanskv................................ 2,1 !0 Graham av, Nos. 500 and 502, n a, 21.4 w Bayard 6t, 40x77, two Ihree-story frame and brick tenem'ts. J, W. Anderson.............— 7,900 Provost Et, w a, estdg from Eagle to Freeman St. Slots. A. Provost ................... 1,950 Provoat at, w a, extdg from Freeman to Greene st, 8lo:s, A. Provost................. . 3,00 i Provost st, w s. exidg from Greene to Huron st,«lots. A. Provost ............... 2,300 Provost St. e s. extdg from Paige av to Huron at, and running to Whale Creek, 107?^ lot35 blocks. Union College................... 23,275 Duck st, n e cor Paige av. extdg to Whale and Newtown Creeks, -ii lots. J, W. Donis.,.. IJ.OOO Water at, u w cor Shawnelt at, gore, 33 lots. M. Wanssley................................ 1,500 Total.....................................5105,485 nOBOKE-V, N. J. R, V, HARKETT. Park avenue, s w cor 8th st, 60x100. T. B. Eaaley, 213 East 87th st................... $3,700 CONVEYANCES- Wherever Ihe letters Q. C and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows Ist^Q. C, is all abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed iti which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty, 2d—-C, a. O. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hathnot doneany act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, cluirged or incumbered. HEW TOEK eiT¥. May 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Broadway, Nos 17 and 19, ruus south 44.9 \- west li7.8 X north 4-3.0 x east 9 x north 4.5 x east 119.7, six-story stoue front build'g, part of hotel. George F. Jcihiison to George J. Forrest. May 4. S:i38,5uO Broadway, No, 684, n e cor Great Jonea st, 41.d xl30 to alley, four-story brick store. Charles H. Russell to Joaiah Belden, San Jose, Cal. May 5. 176.00(1 Cherry st, n s, 1S4.6 e Clinton st, 23.lx99.3xS3.1 x99.6. P3ter Bowe, sherifE, to John H. Mul- cabey. Jan. 8. uom Same prop. Sam^a to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3.. 100 Cherry sfc, ns.3J7.7e Clinton st, 23.1x99.1x23.1 xy9.3. P. Bowe, sheriff, tj J. H, Mulcahey. Jan. 8. nom Same. prop. SametoCath. A. Hedges, May3.. IOO Cherry st, s w cor Montgomery at, 23.3 x >^ block. p. Bovfe, sheriff, to J. H. Mul¬ cahey. Jan, 10.; nom Same prop. Same to Cath, A. Hedges. May. 3. 45 Division st, a s, 8.5.3 w Pike st, 25x61.7x35x64.6. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan. 8, 18S3. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. 52 Division st, s ecor Jeffersou st, 26,1^x45, Peter Bowe, slieriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jau. 8, nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. Co Delancey st, No. 328, n s, 75 e Goercl: st, 25x100, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Pauline wifa of and Rudolph R'lsenburgh to Ludwig Heck. Mart, $7,500. May 1. 14,5''0 Division st. East Broadway, Henry st, Madison st, Mouroe st. Cherry st, Water st. Front st. Pike st, Jefferson st and Market st, iu all 43 lots, ou above streets, deeds of which are recorded herewith aud will be fo,md lo be conveyed by Peter Bowe, sheriff, to Johu H. Mulcaht-y. J, H, Mulcahe}' to Cath. A. Hedges, Q. C Marcii 20. nom Division st, No. 33i, three-story frame brick store and dwell'^, aud four-story hrick tenem't on rear. Contract. Joaeph B, Hoyt, trustee, to Frauk Lisieclii Mav 1. 8,OUO E^st Broadway, No. 51, n s, abt'il5 w Market st, 25x6y, three-story brick storo and dweli'g. Moses L, Abrams to Bertha Solomou. Mort, $13,000, April 30. IS.O'IO Ea-it Broadway, n s, 331.3 e Catharine st, 25x 69x-5x69.S, P. Bowe. sheriff, to J. H. Mul¬ cahey. Jau. 8. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. SO East Broadway, n s, 1 > w Market st, 35x07.5x 25x67.3. P. B-jwe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulca¬ hey. Jan. 8. uom Same pr._>p Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3, 85 East Broadway, n s, 61,6 a Market st, 34x156.7 xMs'^O.S, P. Bowe, ahtiriff, to J. H. Mulca¬ hey. J:in. 8. rom Same prop. Saiie to Cath. A. Hedges, May 3, 55 East Broadway, u s, 85.0 e Market st, 25x6d.4x 25x6[1.7. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulca¬ hey. Jan. 8. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3 9J East Broadway, n s, 50.4 w Rutgers at, 25x 122:4, to Divisim st, x25zl2i.l. P. Bowe, sheriff', to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan. 8, nom Same prop. Same to Cath, A. Hedges. May 3. 95 East Broadway, us. 156,6 w Jeffersoa sfc, 26x 70. P. Bowe, ahariff, to J. H, Mulcahey. Jau, 8. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedgas. May 3. 85 East Broadway, q s, 156,11 w Clinton st, 26.2x 113,4 to Division st, x2&,2xlVi. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan, 8. uom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. 100 Eaat Broadway, s s, 141,3 e Clinton st, 23,8x loO. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey, Jan. 8. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A, Hedgi-a, May 3 60 Eaat Broadway, as, 193.5 e Clinton at, 33.8x 100. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jau, 8. uom Same prop. SametoCath. A. Hedges. May 3. 5S East Broadway, a a, 217 e Cliufcon st, 23.8x100. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Janu¬ ary 8. nom Same prop. Same fco Cath. A. Hedges. May 3, 53 Easfc Broadway, n a, 183.10 e Clinton st, 83.10s 107.4x25x23,10x1075. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H, Mulcahey, Jan 9. nom Same prop, Sams to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. 180 Eaat Broadway, n s, 202,8 e Clintou st, 23,!"x 107x33.10x107.4. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan. 8. uom Same prop. Same to Cath, A, Hedges. May 3. 120 Frout st, s s, 185 e Clinton st, 46.3x— to South st. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan 8. nom Sarae prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3 800 Front at. No. 206, 80x73 6, flve-story briclt w^arehouae. Thomaa J. Falls to Thomaa F. Stevensou, Brookiyu. }^ pirfc. May 1. uom Giaud at, Nos. 214 and 2I6, n a, 04.2 w Eliza¬ beth at, 30s51xo5.6x.50.8, four-story brick atore and tenem't. Nathau M. Rosinky to Emauuel and Myer Goldschmidt. }^ part. Morfc. S13.0UO. May 9. 4,')0U Same property. William H. Klauberg, Brook¬ lyn, aud Daniel L. Klauberg to Nath m M Uousinky. May 9. 17,000 Grand st. No. 415, a a, 75 e Clinfcon st, 35x100, fourstory frame (brick front) store and dweU'g. Hyman Glick fco Tobias Sil7erstei;i. Morfcs. §10,7.50, Mayl. 81,01)0 Greenwich st, No. 699, fcwo-story frame {bricl: front) dweU'g. Miss Elmira Wood to Miss Mary S. Miller. Q.C, Feb. 15. 4,001 Grove st. No. 31, s s, 190.6 w Bleecker st. Six 100, three-story brick dweil'g, William H. and J. E. Miller, exr. Wm. Miller, to Carrie M, Butler, May 7. 13,500 Henry st, a s, 80 e Catharino st, 20x53. P. Bowe, sheriff, toJ. H, Mulcahej. Jan, 8. uom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3 50 Henry st, s s, 100 e Catharine st, 80x50. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H, Mulcahey. Jau, 8. nom Sameprop, Same to Cath. A, Hedges. May 3. 50 Henry st, n s, 176.8 w Rutgers st. 25.10x100, P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H, Mulcahey. Jan 8. nom Sameprop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May3. 5J Heury st, s s, 188,3 e Clinton st, 83.7x100. P. Eowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jau. 8. nom Same property. Same to Ca'.h. A. Hedges, 45 Henry st, s s, 211.10 e Clinton st, 2S,7x10j. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H, Mulcahey. Jan. 8. uom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. 45 Heury st, n s, 188.6 e Clinton st, 23.6x100. P. Bowe to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan. S. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A Hedgea. May 3. 50 Heury st, n s, 312 e Clinton st, 23.6x100. P. Bowe, shsriff, to J. H. Mulcakey. Jan. 8. nom S-inie prop. Same to Cath, A Hedges. May 3. 45 Hudson at. No. '^71, w s, 250.1 s Spring st, 2jx 6.), five-story brickstore aad tenem't. John B. Halaey and ano., exrs, H, C. Halsey, to Harris aud Aaron Ratkowaki, May 1. 9,000 Jeffersou st, n e c ,r Water st, 23.6^98.3. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey, Jan. S. nom Same prjp. Same to Cath. A, Hedges May3, 30 Jefferson sfc, w s, 33,7 a Cherry st, 33,7x75x3:3.8 x75. P, Bowe, sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jan. 8. aom Sameprop. Sameto Cath. A. Hedges. May 3. 60 Kiug st. No. 1, n s, 39,3 w Macdjugal st, runs north 36 x west 2.4 x northeast 12 x still northeast 33.10 x northwest 5.8 x west 13.3 X south 72.10 to King st, x east 1S.4, flve¬ story stone front flat. William J. Peuojer, Gjshfeu, N. Y., to Robert T. B, Easton. Mort, S 10,500. May 9, 22.000 Madisou st, s s, 163 w Markefc st, 25x100. F. Bowe. sheriff, to J. H. Mulcahey. Jau 8. nom Sameprop. SametoCath A, Hedgea. May3. 70 Madisou av, s a, 187 5 o Clinton at, 23.-5x100. P. Bowe, aheriff, to J. H, Muloahey, Jau. S. uom Same prop. Same to Cath A. Hedges. May 3, 40 Madison st, s s, 310,10 e CUnton st, 21.5x100. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J H. Mulcah:?y. Jau, 8. nom Same prop. Same to Cath. A. Hedgea, May 3, 40 Madison st, n s, 187,7 e Clinton st, 23.5x100. P, Bowe, sheriff, to J. H, Mulcahej. Jan. 8. nom Sarae prop. Same to Cath, A. Hedges. May 3. 36 Madisou st, n s, 311 e Clinton si, 23.5x100. P. Bowe, sheriff, to J. ti.. Mulcahey. Jun. 8. nom Sameprop. SametoCath. A Hodges. May 3. 40