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STJFIPXjEIMlElsrT Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, Tol. SXSI. NEW TORK, MAT 19, 1883. No. 792 Real Estate Record Association TEEMS: ONE YEAR, In advance.....$6.00 Oommunicationa should be addre^ed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manaprer. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are tbe sales at tbe Exchange Sales room for the week ending May IS: • Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiffs account: R. V. HiRNKTT & CO. Hudaon at. No. 2)0. s e cor Broome st, 32 9x70.3, four-story brick buildinp, John Leeper... gl9,700 Pearl at, No. 106, a w cor O'd shp, 19x45, four- atory brick store, H, Raiiken............. 34,000 *Sth St. No. 7 E,, n s, 95x92 3, ihree-story brick dweil'g. Henrietta P. Cuming............ 25.500 16tb st. No. 403 E,, n s, £5x92, fourstory brick Store aud tenem't and three-atory brick tenem't in rear. James Beirne ........... 10,500 *91st St, D a. IOO w S.h av. 167.1Ixlf0.9, two- atory fiame stable. New York Life Ins. Co.................................... 32,500 *93d St. a a, IOO w sth av, 1131 SxlOr ,9, vacant. New York Lifelns. Co................... 34,000 •Sth av. a w cor Olst st, 100.8x100, vacant. New York Life Insurance Co____ ............ 93,500 *8th av. a w cor '.'2d st. lOn,8x100, two sforr brick dweil'g with ttvo-story brink exten¬ sion. Nl w York Life Ins. Co.............. 94,000 W. L. HAMERSLEY. 41>th st. No. T3 W., n s, 19.5x80 4rJ1.9xF0.r., three- atory stone front dweil'g. Maiihew Mur¬ ray. (Amt due, abt %5,525).........., 22,000 A. B. UULLER £ BON. South Waahington sq. No. 70, a a, 35x100, four¬ story b'ick and marble dweil'g, Chaa. Simpson................................... 19,200 •Union pl or 4th av. No, KS Union sq, e s, yGs 1^5, four-storv brick store nnd dwell'e. (Leasehold, leased .Ipri! 29, I861, term 30 J eara.) Margaret D G, Bursley. 4-5 part. I.OOO St. No, 221 E,. n a. 23x9-2. three-slory hricb dwe I'g. (L"asehold, leased Nov.], 1865, term '2\ years), Margaret D, G. Burs¬ ley. 4 5 part........................... 600 SOth St. No. 5ia W., a s. 16.8x91,1!, three-story briek dweil'g. S. De Walltearsa ......... 5.7C0 a7th at. No, 16 E , s s. 25x93,9, irreg. four-atory Stone front dweU'g. S. F. Jayi e.......... 42,750 112th at, No. 4aG E., a s, 19,5x100.11. Cour story atone front tenem't. S, De Walltearss___ 5,400 112th at. No. 423 E , s s, adj, 19,5x100,11. four- atoiy stone front I enem'c, S. De Walltearsa 5,450 8d aw. 8 w cor 94th st, 33,4x100. Thos. C. Hig¬ gina...................................... 14,200 3d av.w a, adj, 25,4x100. N. Cowen........... 9,950 3dav, w a, adj,a5.4x!0l). A. Dugro.......... 9,950 8d av, ws, aoj. 25.4x100. N. Cowen........., 9,100 Sth av, 6 s, SO 4 n 89th st, 50,4x102,3, vacant. Eobert Maclay............................ F'SiOOO 10th av, a a cor 145th st. 24.11x100. F. H. Hunt................................ 5.000 lOthav, e a, adj,, 24,11x100. F. H. Hunt...... 4,175 lOthav, es, adj, 24 llslOO. F, H, Hunt....... 4,025 lahav, ea. adj,24,11x100, F. W. Hunt ...... 3,?25 llth av. n w cor 6Sth st, 25,5xIC0. VV. H. Rich¬ ards............................. ....... 4,400 llth av, a e cor 68th st, 25,5x100. S, De Wall¬ tearsa ...................................... 3.100 LOUIS VBBiEa. 79tli8t. No. 327 E.. n a, 3S.6xl03.2, four-Btory Btone front flat, David Oppenheimer, (Two morls, amt due on each glO,950)..... 32,350 115th at, Nos. 4 3 and 415E.. n a, SOxlOO.ll, two¬ four-story brick tenem'ts. Smith D. Jen¬ nings. (Morts. 816,( 00).................... 20,500 Brcome st. No. 84, n w oor Columbia at. Z5x 46.0. four-atory brick tenem't, Georga Hinck ..................................... W.OOO Broome St. No, 86, n a. 3ns:Sr,6, four-story brick tenem't. D, Buhli r........................ 9,000 Columbia st. No. 'J3, w s, 39x25,3, two-story frame clwelTg. Cliarlea Rot'euburg....... 4,900 Grand af. No, 585, a a. 23,4 w Corlears st, 20,7x 81,10s23,10x70, flve-story brick tenem^t. Wm, Buhler................................ I2,0C0 Grand at. No, 5B3, a >; 20,2x81,10, Bve story brick tenem't. Wm. Bubler . ........... 12,7llO Grand st. No. 5B1.17,2x30.exl5,.'xT3,9. Eve-story brick tenem't, Wm. Bnhler............, B.IOO Monroe st, n w cor Corlears at, 3 lota, each '.■0,10x59,&. John Eait .................... 11,350 Sulhvan st, No,i. 66 acd 63, w a, 143 9 n Broome st, 42x76x40,7x55.9, frame (brick front) dwell'Ea. D. L. Grunhut.................. 14,275 SSth St. No. 273 W., n e, lSxBS.9, three-atory brick. F. H. Dugro...................... 8,400 88th at. No. 375 W,, n s, adj.. lSx98.9, three- atory brick. F.H. Dugro.................. 8,600 8&th at. No, 2T0 W.. s s. 18x93.9, three-atory hrick. Samuel McMillan.................. 6,000 39th st. No. 372 W,. s b, adj,, 17.0x93,0. three- atory brick. Same..................... 8,000 41st st. No. 113.ns, 1376 w 6th av, 12.6x9S.9, four-^tory brick building. Wm. Loughran 11,500 8th av, No. 570. n e cor 381h at, 13,2x61, ibree- story brick store and dweU'g. Edward PfeifC.................................... 19,400 8th av. No. 573, e s, adj , 13,2x61, three story brick. H. Barnard ,,. ............... Jl,650 Sth av. No. 574, e a, adj., 13.3x61, three-story hrick. H.Barnard........................ 10,700 Bth av, Nos. 576 and 578, e s. adj.. 26,4x64, two tbree-story brick. D, B. Johnaon......... 23,900 ith av. Nos. SSO and 563, e b, adj 26,4x64, two Ihi-ce-atorv brick. D, B, Johnaon......... 22,800 Sth av, Nos. £84 and ,586, e s. adj, 23,4x61, two ihree-atory brick, C. Lipman........... 22,750 Sth av, Noa. 588 and 590, e s, adj, 26.4x64, two ihree-story briok. C Lipman............. 23,450 Sth av. No. 592. e a, adj 13.2x01, three-atory brick. W.H.White....................... 1!,90J Sth BV. No. 598, secor i'Oth at. 13.2x61. tbree- story brick. Louis Ash.................... 18,050 8th av. Nos, 694 and 596, e a, adj, 26.4x61. two three story brick, Louis Asb........ 23,500 B, B. LUDLOW & CO, tileeckerst. No. 45, n a. 22 11x87.7x17,4x93, two- siory brick building S, T. Meyer........ 11,15'J Convent av, n ecor I2i;th at, 74,11x100, vacant. John D. Crimmins....................... 8,750 SCOTT £ MYERS. *;th av, e s, 74.11 a i:)Jth at. 25x75x27x irreg, vacant. William M. Wilson, (Amt due, 8btS9,900}............................ S.fOO Greenwich at. No. 317, es. 2[i,lxJ2.10xa5.-!x.57,G. five story brick building with alorea, Cath¬ arine J, Cook.............................. 42,500 19ih st. No. 410 W., s s,'25x93. tbree-atory hrick dweirg, Cath. J. Cooit___........... 10.200 19th st. No. 412 W,. s R, adj. ^^s92, tbree-story briok dweli'g, Ciith. J, Cook.............. 10,600 JOHN H. HAHNETT Ji CO. Foulevard, n w cor lOJth at, in!).4x 50xlI0,llx 192 3, three-story house with stable. Wil¬ liam R, Msrtin..................... 52,500 Greenwich st. No, 714, w s, 20,1x60,9x24 5x58.4, two-story frame dweU'g. John N, Geld¬ ing....................................... 3,000 J, T, Bovn. 3Ith st. No, 431 W,, n a, 25x9^,9, five-story stone front lenem't, M. & E. Salotuon. (Amt, due, abt S5,650) .......................... 24,850 Olh av. No, 4"6. e s. 74.1 n 3.?ih si, 24.8xi00,' three story hrick store and dweU'g. W. C. Lester. (Amtdue, abt 86,500) ............. 12,650 ISatb St. No, 9 W., 0 3,19x99.1), four-atory stone fronl flat. SI. McCampbcll.............. 21,3^0 125th at. No. II W., n s, adj, 18,6x99,11, four¬ story stone front 11 it. H, D. T, Moore..... 31,400 I25th st. No. 13 W., n s, adj. 1 .6x99,11, four- sfory sione front flat, John R.Foley ., . 21,375 135th st. No. 15 W,. n a. adj. 19x99.11, four- atory stone front Hat. S, Ulman....... 31,390 P, F. MKYKR. I22d Et, n s. IOO e New av, esst of Mt, Morria .sq. 125x100.11, vacant. Frederick Hartung. (Amount due, abt $16,400)................. 17,0C0 A. J, DLBBcesa A SON. !30lh st. No. 2-1 W , n a, 16,8x99 11, three-stoi-y stone front dweU'g Caroline Hanlein, (Amountdue, abtSS,900; taxes. &c,$38).. 9,E0O Total.......................................$1,305,765 6R00ELTN, N. V. In the City of Brooklyn, T. A. Kerrigan, J. Cole, Jas. C. Eadie, E. V. Harn;-tt & Co., and A. H, Muller & Son have made the following sales for the week ending May 17; Degraw st, a o cor Bond st, SCxIOO. P. H. Quinn.................................. «12th at sa, 450w4tb ay, IS.rxlOO. Ivan Ton Auw................................... •2l8t at. n a, 25 e 3d av, 25x50.................( 3d av, s e a, 35 n e 21st 35x50 ................f J. H. Lott................................. •Wyckoff av. northerlv cor Bleecker st, centre line. 4C6.9x055x399x652, Susan A. Harris,- Kosciusko st, n e cor Si mner av, SSPxlOO___ DeKalb av, s e cor Sumner av, 2^5x100...... De Kalb av, ns, 2i5e Sumner av. SCslOO..... Pulaski st, a s, 225 e Sumner av, 50x100...... Geo,V.Tnrner..............over morls Richatdaon st, n a, 200 w Leonard st, E0sl40x irreg. Mr. Lowry..................... Richardson st, a s. 75 e Lorimer st, 135x half block. Marton Reynolds.................. 1,475 Withers st. No. 56, a s, 25x100, one-story frame dweU'g, Margaret Leonard............... 1,100 17th st, n a. 244 w llth av, 100x90,2. Thos. Me¬ Cann ..................................... irthat, a a. JOO w IOth av,20sl00,2, T. Croak.. 17tbst, 3 3, adj, 4l,xl00.3. Ed. Eglof........... 17th st, s a, 300 w IOth av, 40x100,3. Hart & Dady....................................... 730 17th st, a B. 400 w IOth av, 40x1003, W. H, Losee....................................... 900 3,450 3,800 3,000 5.000 5,500 60O 755 360 670 17th Bt, a s. 230 6 Oth ay, 40x100.3. Pafk Burna...................................... 860 18th st, n a. 200 e 9ih av, 40x100,3. J, H. Hun¬ ter....................................... 800 ISthst, ns. 320 6 nth av, 40x100,3, J.Doran,.. 760 Prof^pect av, a e cor llth av, 20x103, C. Scher¬ merhorn................................... 150 Prospect av, a s, adj, 40x100, W. Lessee ..... 250 Prospect av, s w cor llth av, 20x100.2. P. Doi Rhty.................................... 270 Prospect av, a s. adj.. 40x100,3. P, Doughty... 210 Prospect av, adj., 40x1003. E, J. Eagan...... 180 Prospect av, adj,, 4 lots. J. H, Huyler........ 430 Proapect av. adj.. 4 lota. W. Loaee........... 440 Prospect av, adj., 4 lots. C. Schermerhorn... 490 Prospect av, adj., 100x90,3, Hart & Dady .... 473 Prospect av, s w cor 10th av. 60x100. M. J. Kane....................................... 750 9ih av. a e cor I7th st, 20.3x100, Hart & Dady. 1,175 Bthav, es.adj,. 100x100........................ 7,680 10th av, w s, 40,4 n 17th at. 40x100, Chas. Hart. 460 10th av, a a, 40.4 n 17th at, 40x100. Hart & Dady...................................... 360 Proape.-t av. indef,, 153.7x251,8, irreg. G, H. Hunter..................................... 85 l.thav, wa, 100,3 s Proppect av, 40x100. N. Steven.................................... 315 llth av, w 3, adj,, 8,xI01 2x irreg. J, H, Huyler.................................. 65 10th av. n w cor 18th st, 30.2x100, P. Dough- e: ty —.................................. 500 irth av. ws.adj,, 80x100. E. Eglof,.,......... 1,045 llth av, e a, 52.1 u 17th at, 28,31100x12,11x101.3. Tbos. McCann.............................. 150 Total....................................... $43,iO0 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. O. occur, pre¬ ceded by the nayne of the grantee they mean os follows 1st—Q. G. is an abbreciation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or wat^ ranty. 2d-—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hathnot done any act tohereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. NEW YORK CITY. Mat 1], 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. Allen st, No. IS.'j, w s, 7.5 n Stanton st, Six75. Peter Schaeffler to Lorenz Harhauer. Mort. ¥4,000. Mayl.o. £10 000 Broad at. No. !(1S, n w cor Water at, 31,6x74,3s: 31a68,5, flve-story brick warehouse. Wm. B. Martin to Hermann Hoefer. Ms. $45,000, May 1. 80,000 Broome st. No. 74, n s, 103 e Columbia at. 23 x75, four-story frame (brick front) dweli'g and three-story brick dweil'g on rear. Charles Rosenberg to Charles Hahn. May 15. 7,755 Courtlandst, No. 61, s s, 50.1 w Green^^ich at, Si4x77x23.nx77.3, flve-story brick bnilding. Partition. Hamilton Cole to Annie S. wife of Ira O. Miller. May 8. S3,2O0 Courtlandt st. No. 39, s s, 25.6x100x24x100, " also lot adj on rear, 23,0x27, portion of five- atory brick hotel. Courtlandt at, Ko. 41, s s, runs west along street 26 x south 103 x west 9.3 x aouth 25 x eaat 33,9 x north 128, portion of flvestory brick ho^el. Dudleys. Gregory, Jr., 2d, and David Hen¬ derson, New York, and Ann E. wife of Dan¬ iel G. Elliot, New Brighton, 8,1., toGeorge W. Tubbs. Mort. $30,000. March 21. 100,000 Same property. Walter Gregory, aud ano., exrs. G. W. Gregory, to Dudley S. Gregory. l-6lh part. Mort. 1 6th o£ §30,000. May 1. nom Same property. George W. Tubbs to Jefferson M. Levy, Mort, $73,100. May 15. 100,000 Division afc. No. 186, n s, 43,(5 e Norfolk at, 20.4 x62xl8,4x70, threestory frame dweil'g and one-atory frame dweil'g on rear. P. T. Rug¬ glea to Lewis Ki'ulewitch. Partition. Nov. 20, lf-82. 6,725 Dover st, No. 2, a w s, abt 94 s e Pearl sb, 19.11 3:53x19.5x53, three story briok dweil'g. Wm. R. Foster, Jr,, to Elizaheth F. wife of Ed¬ ward Dodd, Brooklyn. Mort. *3,00(). May 14. 6,000 Elm st, No. 1S8, w s, 115.1 n Broome st, 21,3x 100.4x21.8x100.4, tbree-story biick dweil'g. Marie B. wife oc and Charles R. Coster to Johu H. Coster, All title. May 7. 2,160 Same property. Eliza A, wife of and George W. Closter to John H, Coster. All title. May 10. 2,150 Eldridge st, Noa. 184, lSi)4 and 186, abt 42x83, two aix-story brick stores and tenem'ts. John