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r 368 The Real Estate Record May 19, 1883 Jordan. Wm F.—Wm, Slack. (1883)......... 1,031 £6 Kellogg. David M., as esr.—J. W. Gillies. Keenan, John, exr. oC Ed. Kelly—Thomaa Cuabing, (!8T9).......................... Same-----0. S. Spencer, (1879)............. Eaiiehrau, Thomas F.—F, W, Burke, (1885). Kamps, George—Claua Bade, (1883)........ Kilpatrick, Thomas—Henrietta Heidelbach. (iti83).................................:. Lewis, E. J,-J. S. Tilney, (187S) ........... 2,172 23 Lewia, Thomas B.—Corneha Dowtbitt. (1683)................................ SMcCann, Patrick—Thoa, O'Brien. (1881) .. McClelland, Jamea D,—Peter Wnrren, (1877) *Wittnacht. GeorEe M,—J. W, Judd, (18721.. Marvin, Josepb J,—J. N. Galway, (1833).... Same—J, M, Constable, (1870)........ McLean, Andrew-b, M, Rlillikeii. (1881),... Meehan, Elizabetb—P. R. Kangh. (1883) ... Merritt. Charles D-Philip Shafer. (1883)... Nathan. Julius—Gold & Stock Telegraph Co. (1877).................................... **Oaborne, Tbo-naa-Cbaa. Schiereu. ('76}. Same——same. (I8TG)—............... Same— J, 0, Henderson. (187C).......... Same-----W. B. Smitb. (1877).............. Same-^W. T. Tooker, (18TG)............ *Osborne. Thomas—Stephen Pfeil. (ISrC), . Powell, Alexander B.—E, K. Scranton. (1873). Same—Francis Higgins. (1.S73)......... Place, Marv Ida, estrx. of Nelson. Jr.— Sam. Dallon. (I8S2).................... Pinto, Josepbine—Cbarlotte Polo, (1F83) ,, Phenix National Bank of City New York— Veriiia S, M. Chapman, (1882)......... Same-----same, (1882)..................... Pettit. William P.—Haden & Winans. (IS 6) *Prowse, Henr.v—J, II. Burgess. (1883)..... JKoone.v, Patrick and Annie-Albert Hirscb. (1883)..................................... Eoberts. Edward—Eliz. V. E. Smith, estrx. (1882).................................... Eideout, Elbridge G, and. Wm, W.—Chas. Bruno, Jr. (I663) ..................... •Sonneborn, Jonas—NIU Mitander. (1876),. SuUivan, John—II, K, Meise, (1883) Same-----J, T. Barnes, (1883).............. Slavin (formerlv Geary) Mary K,—E. P, Frank. (lS>2)........................ Sharps Publishing Co.—A, N. Poller. (1875). Teets, Albert—Philip Geigerich. (1883)..... •Trow, John F,—Andrew Boardman, (I8TT) Tuska, Adolph—Mayer I'utzpl. I1ST7)....... 4,827 98 Tracy, John M,—Dewitt Wells (G, M, Stein¬ hardt, by assign). (1877) .............. Thornton, George-Presbytei'ian Church of La Porte. Ind, (H81)................... Williama. Edgar, as esr, —J. W. 3illies. (1833)................................... Weeks, Noah L.-ThO'j, Daly. (1883)........ Warren. George T. and George W.—J. E. Hedgea. (1367) ...................... ♦Wheeler. Bethnel C—W. S, Seer. (1873).,. 795 63 16 00 25 00 297 41 229 00 97 SO 480 69 1,197 88 30 73 563 33 859 19 227 24 490 67 2,7(13 51 195 36 75 74 132 93 1.3 i 35 ^70 88 301 to ina •20 119 65 1,261 93 352 69 4W 33 1,22(1 50 3,209 15 73 83 208 02 053 83 930 33 91 23 212 65 3,833 04 47ii 02 553 32 275 68 83 01 72 67 896 03 160 90 2,823 81 7i>5 06 273 47 689 65 724 52 •Vacated by order oC Court, t Secured on Appeal. t Keleased. S Keveraed. 1 Satisfied hy Execution, •'Dischare'ed l)v Koine through bankruptcy. It Par¬ tially suspended upon appeal. KINGS COUNTT. May 11 to May 17—inclusive, Barnes, Denias—J. E. Kelsey. (1881)........ $500 00 78 04 74 07 1^8 07 351 05 142 67 1,031 86 Crooke. Chailes—A. Corbin. (1880) Crooke, Frank—F. Anderson. (1880)........ Same——aame, (1882)................... Same-----aame. (1881).................... Crooke, Robert I,.—J, S, Honalow, (1883),.. Cropsey, William—H. W. Shotwell, (1683),, Jordan, William F.—W. Slack. (1883)....... Knoll, Andrew—K. Gutbrod. (1832.) (Re¬ versed).............. .................. Long Island Brewery—Bridget Dougherty, admrx. (1883). ......................... Merkle. Pbiiip—T, Christman. (1832)...... Page. William H,—C, Wachters. (18731..... Powderly. John—B. Seitz. infant, (1883),... Powell, Alexander B,—Jane Hutcheson,(1871) Same——N. D, Woodbull. (1873).......... Same- -P. S. Crooke. (1871) .......... Same-----E. IC. Scranton. (1873)........... 1,261 93 Schroeder, Frederick—T. and J, L. Rosa. (1878)..................................... Same-----E. C, Pease, (1379)............... Same-----Julia Kern, (1873)..........___ Schnepper, George—F. Sulaer. (188))....... Schuyler Steam Tow Boat Line—VV. Neville. (1683)................................. Smith. Jonas—J, L. Smitb, exr. (183;)...... Willetts, Andrew J, — E. SI, Van Tassell. (1833,) (Execution.................. Winans, Augusta F. H. and Henry H.—E. B. Thompsou, assienee. (1878)............. 131 91 831 79 87 07 304 6^ 387 65 836 23 107 05 220 02 66 75 219 66 98 GO 186 1! 1,203 64 16.843 90 53 21 721 09 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITT. May. 17 Broadway s e cor Slst st. runs east 158,11 to 7th av s F.6,2x —x4l,7 on Hroadway. Heury J, Dudley agt Henry G. Ongley, reputed owner, and Murphy & McCor¬ mack .....................................,$C50 00 17 Eighth av. w s, extdg from T2d to 73d st. 2 Cs200, Dakota Flata, Martial Lai eraon- nerieagt Gustavus Isaacs, contractor, and James Meehan and aao., exra. of Ed. Clark, owner.............................2 769 23 14 First av, e s, 50.7 n 113th at, 25 ft fionr. Manchpater & Philbrick aijt Teresa Coogan, owner, and M, Coogan, debtor.,, 824 48 17 North Third av, No, 67S. w a, 11 a ]54ih st, 16x50. Anthony McOwen agt Wm, M. Walker, owner, and Jamea E, Donnelly, contractor................................ 14 70 16 One Hundred and Twenty ninth st, n s, 225 e Tth av. William S. Jennings agt Sarah Fettretch. owner......................... 200 00 16 One Hundred and Twinty-fonrth st, No, 2-^2 W,, s a, John snd Archibald Culbert agt George Tracy, owner.................... 73 25 17 One Hundred and Twenty-eighth at. n s, 265 w Sth av, 25x99,11, Henry Turno agt Mar¬ tha White, debtor and owner. (Satisfled May 18) .................................. 18 One Hundred and Sixteeiilh st. n s, 85 e 3d av, 30x100,11. Austin Gregor agt Edwin M, Wadsworth, contractor, and Charles Loughrau, owner..................... 18 Sanae propertr. Johu Houlihan agt tame. 13 Same property. James McAvin .y agt same..................................... 18 Sameproperty. Joa. Tritchlern ast same,, 18 Same property. Aodrew Hunter agt same. 18 Same propert.v. John Guilfoyle agn same.. 18 Sameproperty, Fred K-Uer agt same ... 18 Sa'ne property. Frank Galen iigt same___ 18 One Hundred and Twenty-ninth at, u s, 225 o7thav, 25x99 II. Kate Albach ngt Sarah Petlrecht, owner and debtor.............. 100 00 14 Severty-cinth st, s e eor Lesington av. EOx 102.2. Fran cia.Cal laghan agt Estate of Hiram Sigier..............................2,361 75 14 Same property. Benjamin F. Bowne agt Hiram Sigier.......................... Ifi Same property. Jolm Lawrence & Son agt Estate of Hiram Sigier, owner............ 17 Tbird a v. Nos 125 lo 131, necor Hth at, 80.6xI0J. J, C. French & Son agt Charles A, Buddensiek........................... 755 00 200 00 17 59 2i 00 38 .'.0 9 00 13 00 21 00 Iti 25 23 35 030 52 81 24 KINGS COrNTT. May. 12 Varet st, s s. 120 e Bushwick av. 105x100. Jenkina & Gillies agt William Douglass, owner, &c .......... ..................§2,737 50 16 Wasliington av, w a, 277 s Greene av, 34.9x 122 7. Kane Sl Guilfoyle agt Annie Y. Fowler, owner, sud D, H. Fowler........ 151 90 17 Garnet st. No. 146, a s. 75 e Hamilton av, 25 xlOO. Jolm Myera agt Donohue, owner, and Wiiham Hubert....................... 65 00 50 EO SATISFIED OIECHANICS URNS. NBW TORK CITY. May. 14+One Hundred and Twenty-eighth st, n s. 1.50 e 7th av. Frank Galen agt Charlea Baxter. (Liea filed March 23, 1832.)...... 14+Sanie property. JohT Waldemati agt Frank Galen andano. (March 29, 1882.)......... 11 67 14t Samo proper ry. Robert Mark agt same .. 11 12 I4+Sanieprop6rty. Sam. Schmidt agt aame . 15 89 15 One Hundred and Eleventh st, No. 317, n a, 3 0 e 2d av, 25 ft, front, James Mara agt Wm.E, Diller. (Anriin, 1882) ........ ,. Fourth av, nwcor 121st st, 100,11x142.6... I '■' Fourtb av. swcor lilatst, 100.11x100.....f P. J. Troy agt Lottie 1.. and Harvey N. Dean. (March 27. 1883.)..................3,471 50 16 Cliff, or One Hundred and Sixty-flrpt st. n a, abt81.6e Concord av. Thomas C, C/iava agt Wm. R. Nevins aud Jamea Lyons. (Mayl, 188.3,)............................. 90 OD 17 One HuDdred and Twenty-ninth Kt, abt 225 e7tbav, 25 ft front. H. O'Neill agt Wm. Fettretch. (April 26, 188i.)_____........ 38 00 15+First av, w s, 25,2 n UOth b', 25 ft. front. George Mackenzie ngt Peter and Eohert J. Algie. (March 28, 1882)................. 96 50 IStSamepropertv. John Shannon agtsame. (Aprii 11,1682)............................ 53124 15tSame property. Henry Turno agt same. (ApriPJS).............................. 90 00 15+Sam6 property. Gilbert Wood agt same.., 405 13 15+Same property. G. H. Toop agt aame..... 210 OU 15+Same property. McS'abb & Bro, agt same (Mayl)............................... 30O 00 15+Same property, Pat. Childs agtaame .. ■., 1'20 00 IStSame property. John H, Lyon agt same. (May 18).................................. 203 27 *17 One Hundred and Twenty-nlntb at, a s, abt 133 e Sth av, Thomaa O'Brien agt Wm. J. Merritt. (April 20. 1883)....... .......... 10 50 18 Oue Hundred and Twenty-fourlh st, a s, 225 e Sth av. 50 ft front. "James Eogers agt C. W. Pinckney, G. A. Tracy and Peter Coyle. Releaae as to lot commencing 225 e 8ih av and running east 25 it. (April 21. 1883).............................. . .... ____ Seventy-fourth at, s s, 105 w 3d av. 3) houses.—Discharged aa to | ,Q Seventy-fourth at. a a, 165 w 3d av. 30x ,' '° 102.2. Seventy-fourth at, s S, 105 w ?d av. SOx lOi.2. ^ Farrell Bros, agt Johu E. O'Biiin. (Dec. 6,1682).................................. ----- 18 One Hundred and Twenty-eighth st, n a, 285 w 5th av. 25 (t front. Hanry Turno agt Martha White. (May 17, 1883)............ 200 00 * Discharge! clerk, t Cancelled and d'a;harged by depoaiting amount of lien with hy order of Court. KINGS COUNTY. May 12 to 1?—Icclueive. Myrtle av, se cor. Palmetto st, ir8.5x4fi llx 44.3 to Palmetto st, X 103.7. Julius Bind¬ rim agt John Fincken. ownerand Henry Westford. (Lieu filed Feh, 23, 1880 - .,.5300 03 7th av, n e cor St, Johnspl. 100x37,7. Bram¬ hall. Deane & Co. agt The Grace Meth. Epis. Church, owner, aud T, W. Eollina. (Feb. 10, 1883).............................1,030 00 Sameproperty. James White ogt aame, (Jan, 31, 1863)....................................1,165 31 Satne property, Boston Terra Cotta Co, agt same. (Feb, 6, 1t8:s).....................2,J0O CO Moore at, n s, 125 e Bushwick av, four houses, William Kiefer agt Mngdalina Jtiliua, ov/ner, and Geo, Heerlein and Henry Leondhardt, (Nov, 9, 1882)............ t2 CO Macon at. a s, 125 w Eeid av, 100x500 to Mc¬ Donough st, Thomas McDonald agt Henry A, Foster. (Feb. 13. 1883) ......... 921 00 Macon st. n s, 2C0 W, Eeid av. 10 xlOO, Thos, McDonald agt aame as last. (Feb, 12, 1833) ...................................... 300(0 Hart a', Nos. 176, 178and 180, a a,268 w Throop av, H. P, Christmas agt Ruth S, Baker, owner, &c. (April 10).................... 510 50 Hart st, Nos, 176 to 190. King & Auama agt ■ same aa last......................... 535 ]2 Hart at, s a. 268 w Throop av, Goodwin, Cross Sl Co. agt same....................... 697 07 Hart, et, a s, 208 w Throop av, 57xIC0. Charlea Schwenck aot aame................... 235 01 Hart at. Noa. 176. VS aod !P0. Michael Tro.-y agt Melville C. and Eulb S, Baktr, owi t r, &C....................................... 112 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED NEW yOKR CITY. SODTH OF 14th ST. Broadway, No. 771, n w cor 9th st, one six- story brick and iron front store, 23 on Bi-nad- way, S3 rear and 123,4 deep; tin roof; coat, JIOO- 000; ownera, Trustees of Sailor's Snug Harbor, A. Snow, Presid't, 74 and 76 Wall ft, room 33; architects. Wm. Field & Son. Plan 524, Praukforfc St. Kos. 55 aud 57, one six and a- half atory brick store, 43,4x72.8. tin roof; cost, $35,000; owners, Barnes & Merritt, H'l Gold at; architects, John Mclutyre; builders, Robiusou & Wallace, and W, J, O'Connor. Plau 534. Waahington. Fulton. Weat and Vesey sts, one¬ story irou market building, 175.8J-^ on Washing¬ ton st, 235.7)4 on Fulton st, 186.31..^ on Weat st. and 255.4)4 01 Veaey st; slate, gravel, tin and glass roof; cost, $S35,000; owner. City ol New York, hy Hubert 0. Thompson: architect, Doug¬ las Smyth. Plan 525. West st, Nos, 164 and 165. one five-story brick store, 44.1 and 43.10x4.5.9, tin roof; cost, ?17,972; owner. Wm, R. Renwick, 112 East 18th st; arcbi¬ tect, Gen. M. Huss; buiiders, G. M. Piatt and H. M. Smith. Plan .540. 10th st, Nos, 170 and 171 W., one five-story brick and Nova Scotia stone frout apartment house, 40.11 and 41.3x83.2 and lO'.ej^, tin roof; cost. $50 000; oMmer, Mary E. CdIc, 4b3 W. 7:Jd st; architect, Alf. H, Thorp; buildei-s, Samuel Lowden and Grissler & Fauacl, Plan 526. Ludlow st. No. Zi, one flve-story brick store and lenem't, 19x67,1, tiu roof; cost, $ll,000; owner. Harris Baum, 1499 3d av; architect, W. Graul. Plau 5-19. Minetta st. No. 9, oue flve-atory brick tenem't, irreg. front. 25 on roar, by irreg. depth, tin roof; cost, §9,000; owner, Emeline Johnston, 445 East 84th st; architect. A, B. Ogden. Plan 553, McDougal st. No. 101, one five-story brown atone tenem't, 25x65, tin roof; coat. |ll,(iCO; own¬ er aud architect, same aa laat. Plau 554. BETWEEN 14th AND 69tH STS. 2Sth st. No. 235 W., one five-story in frout (and three in rear) factory, 37x90. plastic slate roof; cost,?------: owners and builders, Cary &Moen; architect, E. O. Lindsey. Plau 546, 42d st, n a. through to 43d at, 185 e lat av, one twostory brick stable, 26,6x100,5 and a lun ber storage shed; cost, §8,500; lessee. Cbaa. TT. Wii¬ sou, Mount Vernon, N, Y.; architects and build¬ ers, Chas. Graham & Sons. Plan 541, 50th st, No. 225 W., one oue-story brick stor¬ age shed, 23.5x90, tin roof; coafc, $600; leaaee and builder, Johu Morrow, 263 West 4od sfc. Plau 535. 57th st, n w cor 7th nv. one teu and atfcic-stoi-y and part flffceen-sCory brick and stone apart¬ ment house, 150 ft fronfc, 143 feefc rear, 94,5 deep, slate and brick roof; cost, $650,000; owner, Thos, Osborne. 1753 Av A: architect, James E. Ware. Plan 53S. .59th afc, Noa. 110 atid 113 E.. one tbree-atory brick and terra cotta Club house. 50x96.7, tiu roof; cost, $90,000; owner. Progress Club, 127 East .5yth st, byM, Lewey, 81 Franklin sfc; architect, Emile Gruwe; buddera Chriatian Eberspacher and R. Westbrook Myera & Co. Plan 527. 46th st, No. 418 W., oue flve-story Connecticut brown atone tenem't, 25x83, tin roof; coat, $17,(00; owner, Henry Doacher, 243 Weat 46th st; architecfc, J. M. Forster. Plan 547. 56th sfc, n s, 335 w Sth av, one seven-story brick apartment house, 40 and 33x89, tin roof; coat, $75,0U0; owner, James A. Frame, 105 East TOth st; architects. Thom Se Wilson; builder. days' work. Plan 551. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STEEETS, EAST OP 5th AVENUB. Av A, a w cor 62d st, one one story brick work shop and office, 12x36, tin roof; cost, S------; lessees and builders, Orr Bros,, on premises. Plan 530. mHi