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STJiPi'XjSrNdiEisra? Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Yor,. XXXI. NEW TOEK, JUNE 2, 1883. No. 794 Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE TEAR, In adrance.....$6.00 Communicationa ahould be ad dreased to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway J. T. IJNDSEY. Business Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬ room for the week ending Juue 2: • Indicates that the property described has been btd in for plaintiffs account: a. V. HARNETT & CO. 57th st, s s, IGI.6 e 1st av, 20sIOO, vacant. Geo. T, Doliinger................................ $6,000 571h st, s 3. adj, 25x104x25x105,6, vacant. Geo. T. Dolliuger.............................. 7,000 75th st. No. 407 E., n s, 25x102,2, one-story frame dweli'g. Thos. H, Higgina, (Amt due, abt $650)....._...................... a,2iS 9Gth st, n s, 225 w 3d av, .50x100.11. P. Casaidy 3,000 96th at, na, adj, 25x100,11, P, Cassidv........ 4,.=i73 SOthst, us, adj. 50x100,11, P. Cassidy......... 9,200 *I02d Nt, B s, lu5 e 4lh av, 37.6sI00.11, vacant, i 10l8tst.ns, 4056lthav, 37.6x100,11, vacant, f Herbert R. Hougbton, (Amount due, abt Sll,9"0)..................................... 8,C00 USth st, n a, S15e lat av, 2£x85,4s—sSS.l, S. Langer...................................... 1,975 llSth st, n a, 05 w Lexington av, 25x100,11. J. Jansen..................................... 4,400 123d st, n a, 90 w 2d av, 25x100.11. H. L. Sanders................................. 3,700 123d St. n s, adj, 15x100.11. H. L. Sanders..... 2,200 I24th at, a a, OJ w 2d av, 25x100,11. H. L. Sanders.................................... 4,300 I24tb Bt, ss, adj, 50x100,11. H. L.Sanders .,. 9,300 I24thst, ss, adj, 25x1(0,11, H. L, Sanders. ... 4,400 124th st, s a, adj. 20x100.11. H L. Sanders..... 3,100 I24th at. n s, Oil w 2d av, 18 0x100,11. Jaeob Korn..................................... 3,375 I24th st, u s, adj, I8.6xI00.ll. H. L. Sanders,. 3,250 ia5th st, a s, a50e3dav, SOxWO.lI. Jobn J, Maeklin.................................... 9,G00 125th at, s a, adj, 25x100.11, three-story frame dweil'g. L. Toplitz....................... 6,.500 135lh at, s w cor 2d av, SO.-cIOO.II. P. H. Dugro. 6,600 lasthat, ss, adj., 50x100,11. P, H. Dugro...... 11,200 135th at, as, adj,. -5x103,11. H. L. Paudera.... 5,300 Sd av, u wcor ISMst. 25.5x90. John Folev___ 0,750 2dav, ws, adj., 25.2x00. John Foley____'___ 4,800 2dav. ws, adj., 50.4x90, JacobKorn.......... 9.550 2dav, s wccr 124tb st. 25,5x90. P. H. Dugro.. 6,750 Sdav, ws, adj., a5.2xH0. Fred. Kurzman...... 4,950 2d av, ws, adj.,,50.4x00. JacobKorn......... 9,500 2d av, u w cor la4lh st, 100.3x30, Jacob Korn. 21,800 10th av, e s. 151,3 s 108th st, 10,2x1' 0x50,7 to n s I07that, x81,G, irreg. Amos R. Eno....... 5,100 B, e. LUDLOW & CO. stryker's lane, No. 9, n s, 175 w IOth av, 35x97. Geo, W, McAdams........................ 3,700 Teaadale pl, No. 829. 29,2x100. Tim Donovan, 1,160 Teasdale pi, Nos. 831 and 837, 39,2x100. Geo. W. McAdams........,........:........... 2.300 Teasdale pl. No. 830, 33.9x100. Geo, Kuper.... 1,535 Teasdale, nl. No. 832, 3:5.0x100. Geo. Wolfe.., 1,535 Teasdale pl. No, a34, 33.9x100. C, G. Haight,,. 1,550 Teasdale pl, Nos. 850 and 852, 75x100. W. J. Barnes................................... 3,300 Waltou St. cor Juliet av. 264 x abt 353.3 to Spring st, x irreg. E. Boatwick............ 15,025 RaUroad av, e s, uorth of 13atb st, 3 lols. C. Jones..................................... 13,400 A. H. MULLER & SON. 74tbst, sa, 113 w Boulevard, 50xI42.II. F.H, Haviland................................... 11,700 7-lth st, s a, 287 w Boulevard, 25x153,8x25x148, F, H. Haviland............................ 6,S0O Fort Waahington Ridge road, e a, at ISSth st, 10 lols with houae. F. H. HavUand....... 2I,0M Proposed road eaat of Fort Washington Ridge road, at I88lh at, 191.5x173.7 x abt 191.5X 184.1, 8 lota, P. H, Haviland.............. 3,600 Railroad av, e s. 577,5 n I3Sth st. 75x224, to Molt Haven canal, F. V. Morriaon.......... 5,850 Mott Haven canal, es, abt 700 n 139th at, IOOx 125 to Rider av. F, H, Haviland........... 4,200 SCOTT &, MYERS. oithst,swcor Madiaon av, 38,3x100.5, four¬ story stoue front dweU'g. Thoa. C, Cum¬ mings. (Amount due, about $7.'',000)...... 93,000 C4th at, a a. adj, 21.9x100.5. four-story stone fronl dweil'g. Thoa. C, Cummings, (Amt. due, about $55,100)........................ 61.000 61th st, s a, ad], 21x100,5. four-story stoue front dweU'g. O. E, Bright, (Amt, due. about $47,400).................................... 55.878 J, F. C. ailYTH. Charlea st, No. 95, (old No, 78} e a. 19.5xlB0x irreg, tbree-atory brickdweU'g. J, C. Van Loon, (Mort. 83,000)..................... 11,350 Monroest, Nos. Ia6-1313^, a s, 131x100, eight five-story brick tenem'ts, ammal rent abt S13,000, Wm.H. Harris. (Mort. $55,000), 120,000 31th at. No, 329 W,, n s, 20.10x98.9. four-atory stone fronl dweU'g. J. F. Clarke, (Mort. g9,000)..................................... 22,000 35th st. No, 353 W,, n s, 16.8x98.9, (four-atory brick dweil'g. John R. and Mary E. Hart. (Mort. $4,000)............................ 8,600 10th av, e s. 61,2 n SOth st, 25.6x100, vacant. C. Fingelstock............................... 6,0C0 IOth av. 6 s. 25 5 s 64th st, 25x100, vacant A, PoUoin, (Mort, $1,000).................. 4,000 LOOTS MBSIBR Catharine Slip, No, 6. w a, 30,6x40, four-story brick atore and tenem't, Lorillard Spen¬ cer, Jr...................................... 9,600 Prince st. No. 138, a s, 25x100, two-atory frame (brick fronl store and dweh'g and two- slory brick shop ou rear. Edward A. Ab¬ bott........................................ 11,550 3Jth at, Noa. 537 and 539 W.. n s, 50x98.9, one- atory frame dweU'g and two-story frame stable on rear. (2 morts., amountdue abt $3,700 and $757.) J. Fitzgerald............ 6.000 I62d st, n s. IOO e 10th av, 25x112.6. J. H, Cyrle...................................... 1,000 38!^ city lots on Croton Aqueduct, extdg from centre linea oE streets formerly known 167th and 168th sts to bulkhead Harlem River. Q, J. Schermerborn............... 6.545 31J6 city lots, adj above on north. A. Roe... 5,512 21 3-10 city lots, adj above on north. G. J. Schermerhorn ............................. 4,770 nth av. n e cor i73d st, 25x100. G. F. Gantz.. 615 lltb av, es, adj, 75x100. B, Fellman........ 1,020 Audubon av, e s, 35 s I73d at, 75x95. J. H. Ma¬ honey.................................... 900 St, Nicholas av, n e cor IE9th st, 25.4xI04.8xS5x IOO, J, H, Cyrle............................ 2,400 IOth av, n w cor 172d st, 19.6x100, A, K, Ely., 1,425 lOthav, ws. adj, 75x100. A. K. Ely.........., 2,925 lOtbav, s wcor I73d St. 25x100. A, K. Ely.... 1,9!0 IOth av, w a, adj, 75x100. Mr. Gottchew....... 8.800 WU. KENNELLY. *I43d st, B a, 250 w Brook av, —x—, Thoa. C. Lyman and ano. (Amount due, aht $650). 4,640 M. A. J. LYNCH. E3d st, No. 312 W., s e, 15.7x100.5, three-atory brick (alone front) dweli'g, Isaac A. Law¬ rence, (Sold Nov,, 1870, for $14,750.) (Amount due, abt 810,700).................. 7,650 J. L. WELLS Herrick av, n s, abt 670 e Southern Boulevard. 517x498,9x812x398. Iwo-story dweil'g and out buildings. Martha A. Ivea. (Sub¬ ject to dower right) ..................... 8,060 Railroad av, n e cor Herrick av, 394i323x irreg. Martha A. Ivea.................___. 870 V. K, STEVEKSON. JR. Boulevard, w s, 25.8 n 92d at, 35x100, Isidore Cohnfeld................................... 4,400 Boulevard, w a, adj, 25x100. I, Cohnfeld..... 4.500 Boulevard, w a, adj, 25xB!0. I, Cohnfeld____ 4,375 Boulevard, w 3, adj, 35x100, 1, Cohnfeld..... 4,275 Oth av, B a, 25.5 s 69th st. 25x100. Amos R. Eno 3.975 9th av, e a, adj, 25x100. A. R. Eno............ 8,925 Othav, es.adj, 25x100. A. R. Euo............. 3,935 J. T. BOYD. Lexington av, No. 97, s 6 cor 27th st, 24,8x95, three-atory brick dweU'g. Zelhna M, JeweU, (Amountdue, about $6,650)...... 20,266 A, J. BLEECKER & SON. ICSth sc, n w cor 10th av, 18.9x75,11, two-atory stone front dweU'g. Ann Thornton....... 8,100 lOSth Bt, n a, adj, 18.9x75.11, two-story atone front dweil'g, Ann Thornton........... 8,000 lC5th sl, n s. adj, 18.9x75,11, two-atory atone frontdwell'g. Ann Thornton............ 7,400 ICSth sl, n s. adj, I8.9x75.ll. two-story atone fronl dweil'g. J, 0. Develin............... 7,000 *I05th sl, n s, adj, 25x75,11. Maria L. Winter- son....................................... 6,000 IOlh av, n w cor I04lh st, 25.11x100, frame officj. Isaiah Meyer......................... 5,050 Total.................................... $842,265 BKOOELT», N. Y. In the City of Brooklyn. Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan, J. Cole. Cole & Murphy, E. V. Harnett & Co., A. H. Muller & Bon and Jere. Johnson, Jr,, have made the following sales (or the week ending June I: Bergen st, s e. 80,7 w Franklin av, 80x97.6x—x 134. Eliza Cackett........................ 2,000 *Cenlre sl. n w cor Sackett at, 75x100, East New York. The Washiaglon Life Ins Co. $650 *Centre st, s w cor Sackett at. 100x100, East New York. The Washington Life Ins. Co. 1,100 Oroivu St. n s, IB 4 e Washington av, 78x102.4. J, Williams............................... 1,700 Decatur st, s s. S6.ll w Throop av, 117x(ll.9i— s82,3, A. Lowery,....................... 5,350 Dean sl. n a, 260 e 4th av. 20x80, Margaretta Remsen..................................... 2,600 Degraw at, n w cor Hicks at, 117.6xl50x irreg illl,9, six three-story brick stores and dweU'gs on DeGraw al. with brick house ou Hick st, and brick alahles Ui rear. , Andrew Gray.............................. 34,400 Dean at, n a, 600 w Frankliu av, 25x110, Thos. Downing.................................... Fulton at, a a, 20.5 w FrankUn av, 40x80.5.... i Fullon st, es, adj, 40x117....................[ E. Duncan................................. Pulton St. n w cor Bedford av, 40.11x93,4x—x 83.11. J. H. Scott____..................... Fulton St. n s. adj. 20x83.11 to'Bedford av, x 25xh-reg, J, H. Scott.................. Fulton st, n s, adj, 20x90.6x20,10x103.5, A. Lowery................................ Fulton at, n a. 255 a Tompkins av, 80x103.9 to Decatur at, xe2x85,9, J, WUliama........ Hicka at, No. 711, n e cor Luqueer st, 25x100. three-story frame store and dweU'g. C, Block................................. Halsey st, n s, 50 w Sumner av, 90,4x100. H. F. Anderson............................... Halaey st, n a, adj., 77.8x100, W, H. Wella..,. Halaey at, n s, IOO a Saratoga av, 100x100. N. Mooney.................................. HancocK st, a s, 85 w Sumner av, 140x100. H. F, Anderson .............................. Jefferson st, s s, 90 w Throop av. lOOxlOO. M. J. Reynolda................................ Lynch st. No. 39, n a, 17x100, three-story brick dweU'g. M. Evans___ .................. ♦Monroe st, n s. I56.B e Lewis av, 18.4x100. The Frautelln County Nalional Bank..... Park pl, n w cor Rogers av, 20x75. H. F. An¬ derson...................................... Park pl, a a, 100 e Troy av. 200x241.4x—x235.5. J. Donovan................................. Sackett at, a a, 842 w Oth a.v, 75x95. Edward Hughes..................................... Spencer st, w s, 83 n De Kalb av, 25x100. H, F. Anderson.............................. Union at, n s, 342 w Sth av, 75x95. Samuel Hattou.................................... ITthst, ns, 100 w7lhav, 149.11x100.2........{ Prospect aV, a a, 100 w 7th av, 149.11x80.2___f F.Penfleld.................................. mh st, n s, 249.11 w 7th av, l>5xi00,2. B, lOthst, SB, 243 6 4th av,'32im''R.'B," Martiu,! Bedford av, w a. II8.4 n Fultou at, 22.6x79.8. A. Lowery.................................. Bedford av, w a, adj, 22.6x91.7. A, Lowery... Bedford av, e s, 83 n De Kalh av, 35x100. C. Donovan............................... De Kalb av, n s. 20,8 w Kent av, 100x93. W. H. Wells..................................... De Kalb av. a e cor Tompkins av, 20x100. Mar¬ tin Conway............................ DeKalbav, ss, adj, 40x100, M. Conway...... De Kalb av, s a, adj, 40x103. M. Couway...... FrankUn av, w s, 88,1 a Fulton at. abt 40x112.6 x40x96.7. D. Owens....................... Prospect av, s S, 249.11 w 7th av, 125x80.2. F. Peufleld................................ Ralph av. s e cor Bainbridge st, 100x00.....i Bainbridge st, a s, 90 e Ralph av, SOxlOO ( William Ellia............................... St. Marks av, s s, 135 e Olason av, 40x126. F. Peufleld.................................. St. Marks av. No. 108. s w a, 20x95,10, irreg,, lbree-story atone front dweU'g-, John Nugent................................. Sumner av, w a, IOO n Halsey st, 80x85. H. P. Anderson............................... Sumner av, s w oor Hancock at, 20x85. H. F. Anderaon................................. Tompkins av, e a, 40 n Kosciusko at, 40x100. M.Conway............................... Total......................................... s 1,000 16.000 8,b00 5,450 4,500 8,800 2,500 4,750 3.800 2,500 5,350 0,250 1,390 4.519 800 4,000 e,700 1,200 6,100 fl.lOO 3,000 3,005 2,550 2,450 3,22S 0,000 4,-^50 6.600 5,000 4,000 4,200 2,700 1,250 9,150 3,200 1,100 4.600 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur pre- the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covejiants or war¬ ranty. 2d—C. a. O. means a deed containing Covenant against (Srantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be imveached, cluiroed or incumbered. JfEW YOEK CIIT. Mat 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, Sl. Broadway, No, 313, necor Fultonst. 29.6x76 6 Reginald H. Bartow et al., trusteea under deed of trust by Maria R. Bartow, to Ed¬ ward M. Enox, 1-10 part. April 30. $30,000 Same property. Margaretta H. Ward to aame 1-30 part. Dec. 29, 1883. lo oOO Same property. Eliza M. wife of nnd Nathaniel P. Bailey to aame. 1-30 part. Dec. 27 1882. 10,(100 Same property. Julia wife of and Daniel M Edgar to same. 1-30 part. Dec. 29, '82. 10 000 Same property. Lewia G-, Morris, Fordham individ. and as exr. EmUy Morria, to same! 1-SO part. April 30. 10,000 Same property, Nathaniel P. Bailey, Daniel M. Edgar and Lewia G, Morris to aame 5-SOpart. May m nom