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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 31, no. 797: June 23, 1883: Supplement

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sTJiPiPLEiiMiEiisrrr Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS^ GUIDE. Vol. SXXI. NEW YOEE, JUNE 23, -1883. No. 797 Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: OiVE TEAK, In advance.....$l>.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadwa; J. T. IJNDSET. Busine-sa Manager. SALES OF THE WEEK. The following are tbe sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending June 22: • Indicates that the property described has been bid in for plaintiffs account: R. V. HARNETT * CO. German pl, e s, IOO u Westchester av. 29x75, irreg. J. E Morton ..................... Kiogsbridge road, s e cor Bathgate av, 137xS3 xDli, gore. J. Murphy................... Bathgate av, e s, 160 n 183d st. 50x120. Johu Murphy.................................. Bathgate av, e s, adj, lOOslOOx irreg. J. Mur¬ phy...................................... Bathgate av, e s, 9li s Kingsbridge road, E0i8:J to Kingsbridge road. s6tal34. Jaraes Dooley.................................... West Vanderbilt av, w s, n Kingsbridge road, 37,3x100 to Webster av, x irreg. Franklin P. Duffy.................................... FAIRCHILD A DE WALLTEARSS. 133d st, 8 8, 460 w 5th av, 50s99.n, vacant. Geo, L, Davis................................... J. Ij. wblls John st, w s, G6 n Prospect av, 6Gi150. John S. Mapes................................ Samuel st. w s, 75 n Johnson av, SSxJSS. F. Boas...................................... Samuel 8t, ws, ad j, 50x133. Michael Brady... 28th St. n s, 135 e Istav. 25x08 3. W. G. Nichols........................ aSth st, n s, adj, 35x98.9. W. G. Hichols...... 41st at, s 8. 300 w 10th av, loOx93.9, vacant. M. & P. Donohue....................... e9th st, ns, 1183e Av A, 13.9x100.8, (wo-story brickdwell'g. M McCormick........... 89th St. n s, adj, 18,9x100.8. two-story brick dmell'g. Mr, Koesting.................... Grant av, n a, 133 e Sarauel at, B6xl50, Daniel Mapes........ ............. ...... Grant av, n s, adj, 66x150, Daniel Mapes..... Grant av, a s. nbt 264 e Southern Boulevard, 66x150. Christian Borndan................ Grant av. s s. 463 w Sarauel st. 66x150. Chas. Bennett.......................... Johnson av, av, n s, 133 e Samuel st, 33x150. Katharina Melz............................ Johnson av, n s, adj, 86x150. J. McKeon..... Johuson av, n s.adj, 33x150. Barbara Miller. Prospect av, 8 s. 39J w Samuel st, 66x150. F. Boas___................................. Prospect av, s a, adj. 33x350. Wm, J. Rey¬ nolds .................................... Prospect av, a s. adj, 33x150. Chas. F. Wien.. Rustic av, n s. 133 e John st, 132x150. John S. Mapes................................ ♦Thoraas av, s s. -239 w Welsh st, 93,ax:il7. Adeline Bruner........................___ Istav, n e cor 4ad st. 25,5x100, vaeant. Ed¬ ward Rafter............................... lat av, 6 s, adj. 35x100, vacant. Ed. Rafter... llthav. nwcor 37lh st, 49.4x100. Peter Mc¬ Garr........................ ..... llth av, w s, adj, 49.4x100. N. T.Nathan.., . Uthav, ws, adj, 49.4x100. M. B. Baer........ nth av, s w cor 38th st, 49.4x100. Geo. Wiley. J. T. Bovn. Cannon at, No. 80, e a, 25x100, flve-slory teiie- ment. Wra, Dortmund. (Mort. gg.OOu- rent $1,902 per annum}.............. eeth St. Nos. 148-160 E.. s s, 300x100.5. three and fourstory brick lager beer brewery, andone and two-story frarae sheds and stables. Henry Clausen, Jr................ SCOTT fi JIYERS. 123d St. Nos. 332-340 E., s s. 97.4xI00.Il, flve four-story stone front tenem'ts. E. A. Hayt. (amount due, abt $55,7:^5) .. *l23d St., Nos. 343 and 344 E., r a. adj, 38.8x IOd.II, two fourstory stone front tenem'ts. Bradley & Currier, (imt due, abt $33,230) $530 575 735 900 475 430 9,950 130 80 180 5,400 5,350 12.000 4,400 4,750 sm 310 280 320 115 2-^0 13J 140 70 90 320 826 7,250 5,000 13,900 7,-250 7,950 12,000 16,500 155.000 56,830 32,730 Total......................................... S372,]25 Corresponding week, 1882...................$141,833 BROOKLTN, N. Y. In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan, J. Cole, Cole Sl Murphy aod A. J. Bleeeker Sl Son have raade the following sales for the week ending June 23: •Butler St. n w cor Clason av, 35x83.6x73.8x—x 73.8, Lawrenca^Fitzpatrick................ $3,750 Columbiast, No. 173, ea. 20.1x97.6. three-story brick store and tenem't, E. J. McGmre.,. 4,125 Columbia st. No. ITl, e s, adj., 20x97.6, similar dweil'g. H. Lindsay....................... 4,400 Columbia st. No. 109. e s, adj., 19.10x97.6, simi¬ lar dweU'g. Thomas !?barkey............. 4,500 Columbiast, No., adj., 2C.5x97,6. simi¬ lar dweil'g. H.Lindsay................. 4,400 Columbia st. No. 151, nws, 30.9x100, three¬ story briok store and lenem't. D. Row¬ land...................................... 3,800 Columbia st, Nos, 156 and 158, u ws, adj., 39.11 xIOO, two three-story brick atores and tenem'ts. D. Murlane.................... 8.800 Devoe at, s s, 139 w Lorimer at, 60x100. Chas. W. Boyntou................................ 7,000 ■^Ditmars st, n a, 100 e Broadway. 7 lots, togeth¬ er 175x80.9x175x93.6. Wm. H. Harbeck... 3,500 Henry st, No. 483, n w s. 21x97. three-storv stone front dweil'g, Wm J. Neely........ 7,100 Kelaey's and Union stores foot of Irving and Sedgwick sis, abt 500 front, with 2 piers, 50 xa60 each, and one 75x401, together with machinery. Sec. J. T. Mai-tin___ ......... 452,000 Sackett st. a s. 129 w Nostrand av, runa south 1S5.7 to Union at. x west 571 to Rogers av. xnorth iO.3 x northeast 225.11 to Sackett 8t. X east 898.9 to beginning. Wra. E. Clarkson................................... 1,500 Sedgwick sr. b s, 75 e Van Brunt st. 175x100. E. J. McGuire........................ 10,500 Strong pl. No 36. nws, 35x109.9, three-story brick dwell'gand extension. G. W. Hale. 7,000 Union st, n s, 135.10 e Columbia st. 35x100. Geo. Daub................................. 3,900 Van Brunt at. n e corSedgwick st, 25x100, two- slory brick teuera't. Peter Fagan........ 4,550 Van Brunt st, s e cor Harrison st, 41.5x—x35.7 xlOO.2, one-8toiy frarae machine ahop. R. Costello................................. .. 4,400 Van Brunt st. ses, adj, 50x100. Mr. Rowland. 3,600 Van Brunt sc, sea, adj, 25x100. Mr. Rowlaud. 1.900 Van Brunt at, ses. adj, 50x100, one-story "^frarae building. J. T. Martin.............. 8,300 Van Brunt st. sea, adj. 50x100. one-slory brick shed. J. T. Martin......................... 6,000 •Elms av, a e cor Coney Island Plank road, 252.8x103.8x380.1x101 8, South Greenfield. John B. Phillips aud ano................... 1,300 3d av, e s, 30.2 s 3ist st. 40x100. Rufus L. Scott. 5,000 Total..................................... 8553,425 CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the noTne of the grantee they mean as follows 1st— an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i, e.,a deed in which all the ri^ht. title and intereat of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty, •2d~C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hathnot doneany act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. NEW YORK CIT¥. Jone 15,16. 18,19, 20, 13. Broadway, No. 34, and No. 6tJ Neve st, begins Broadway, 6 a, 383.6 n Beaver st, runs east 67.5 X nortli 6.4 X east 70 xsouth 0.8 x east 63.5 to New st. at point 223.9 n of Beaver st, X north 3u.3 x west 197 to Broadway, x south 28, two lour-story brick stores. Fred¬ erick Sheldon, Newport. R. I., and Mary wife of Harrison Ritchie, Paris, France, to Clarence M. Roof. AprU 30. $100,000 Broadway, No. 34 and No. 69 New st. Clarence M, Roof to Edward H. Emerson, Brooklyn. Contract. April liO. 127,500 Bowery, No. 359. e s, 23 s 4th st, runs east 34 ' X southeast 40.10 x southwest 14 xwest 70.S to Bowery, x north 21, four-story brick store and dweil'g. 6lh av. No. 14, e s, 50 s Amity st, 16x80. j Edith M. eennedy, Hudson, N. Y., heir of C. Mason, to Lewis W, Mason, Newark, N. J. C. a. G. June 13. 1,500 Boulevard, e s, 125.10 s 95th st, 41.11x140.6x43.6 xl38.3, vacant. Mary A. Feck, widow, to Elias S. Higgins. Juue 1. 10,000 Boulevard, w s, 25.11 n SSfth st, 76x100, vacant, Jamea T. Leavitt aud auo.,exra. D. E. Vau Valkenburgh, to Lawrence C. Streeter, Brooklyn. Xpart. May 34. &,!d13 Same property. Philip Van Volkenburgh to same. X part. May 24. 8,812 Same property. Alida Van Valkenburgh to same. All title. C. a. G. May 22. nom Same property, Lawrence C. Streeter, Brook¬ lyn, to Leopold Friedman. % parts. Mort. $8,812. June 18. nom Same property. Same to George S. Lespinasse. )4 part. Mort. $8,812. June 18. nom Boulevard, s w cor 147lh st, 99.11x100. 147th St. a a, 100 w Boulevard, 50x99.11, va¬ cant. Philip Van Volkenburgh to Lawrence C™ Streeter, Brooklyn. K part. May 34. 7,937 Same property. Alida Van Valkenburgh, widow, to same. All title. C. a. G, May 33. nom Sameproperty. James T. -Leavitt and ano., exrs. D. E. Van Valkenburgh. to sam.6. )4 part. May 24. 7,937 Same property. Lawrence C. Streeter to Leo¬ pold Friedman. % part. Morts. 57,838. June IS. nom Same property. Lawrence C. Streeter to George S. Lespinasse. J^ part. Morts. S7,838. June 18. nom Broadway, w s, adj land conveyed by Putnam 'to Hawxhurst, at Kingsbridge, 50x16-3. Al¬ bert E. Putnam to Francis M. Varian. May 19. 2,000 Same property. 3^ part. Francis M. Varian to Mary L, Studwell. Subject to )4 ot mort. May 19. 1.000 Bloomingdale road, s w cor 131st st, 25x97.4x 34.11x95.9, three-story frame store and dwell¬ ing and two-story brick stable on rear. Foreclos. Louis P, Kircheis to James Pettit. Taxes, Sec June 20, 5.900 Broome st, No. 74, n s, 103 e Columbia st, 22x'^ 75, four-story frame (brick front) dweil'g, aud three-story brick dweli'g on rear. Chas. Hahn to Audrew Dumproff. June 15. 8,300 Catharine slip, No. 22. w s, 60.3 n South st, 20x 40, four-story brick store and. tenem't. Bertha Michel to Simon Michel. Mort. 85,000, Nov. 1,18S2. 9,000 Cherry st. n wcor Pike st, 65.5x99.5x63x93.6, new buildings in course of erection. Leonard R., Leonard P. and Stanley C. Kipp, Heze- ' kiah_W. Runk aud Fannie K. wife of and Augustus Lane, and Mary H. Calam, to Theo-^ dore H. Calam, Maria Calam, widow, Sarah^ wife of Sanauel Lawrence aud Emma L, wifei^ of Albert E. Smith, Sing Sing. C. a, G, April 17, 1883. nom Cherry st, n w cor Pike st, 65.3x159x62x153. , Benjamin F. Van Valkenburgh, assignee of.; P. J. Ronk'a Sons &, Co,, and aa assignee of S. ^ C. Kip, to Theodore H. Calam and Maria J Calam, widow, Sarah E. wife of Samuel Lawrence and Emma L. wife of Albert E. Smith, Sing Sin^. Q. C. June 10. nom Same property. Leonard R. Kip to Maria Calam et al. Release judgment. May 16. nom Delancey sfc. No. 86, n e cor Orchard st, 33.6x 75, five-story brick felone front) stoi'e and dweil'g. Elizabeth L, Manolt, widow, to Elizabeth L. Petrie, Jersey City. Q. C. Juue 13. 80O Edgecombe raad. n w cor 167th st, 115.8x147.4 to Jumel pl, X30.4 to 167th st, xl53.1. Parti¬ tion. P. T. Ruggles to Charles A. Herr¬ mann. Jan. 4, 630 Same property. Assignnaent of bid. Wm. I. Chase to same. May 5. nom Franklin st. Assigu. of party wall contract. John C, Buttre, Ridgewood, N. J., to WU¬ liam H. Philips et al., exrs. S. Philips. June 18. nom Front st, No. 141, s e s, 17.7x65.7x17x67.1, five- story brick store. Benjamin A. Sands to William aad Chauncey Marshall and James M. Waterbury, of L, Waterbury Se Co. Mort. *6,000. June 16. 20,000 Grand st. No. 73, s s, 18 e Wooster st, 32x75, four-story brick (iron front) store. Parti¬ tion. P. T. Ruggles to Mayer Eisemann. Nov. 20, 1683. 7,850 Houston st, No. 355, s a, 78 w Suffolk st, 25x80, flve-atory brick store aud tenem't. John Ritter to Henry Stemme and Rudolph Troest. Mort. $10,000. June 19. 24,600 Lafayette pl. No. SS, ses, 287.9 n e 4th st, 38.4 xl50, three-story brick dweil'g. James G. Maclay, Chicago, 111., and James G. Maclay, Jr., South Auburn, Neb., to Richard Wor¬ thington. May 33. 25,000 Lewis st. No, 114, e s, 175 s Houston st, 25x100 two-story frame (brick front) store and dweil'g. Daniel D. Lord et al., exrs. D, Lord, to Jane Driver, widow. AprU 24, 1S68. 3,350 Same property. Jane Driver, widow, to Catharine Coyle. May 3, 1883. 6,000 Same property. Hannah Oliver, and Eliza A. Black, children of John Driver, and Julia A. Peck and Delia E. Ford, surviving children of Julia Bartlet, dec'd. daughter of said J. Driver, and being the heii-s of John Driver, to some. Q. C. May 3. nom Madison st, No. 359, n s, 263.7 e Scammel st, 33.10x96,five-story brickstore and tenem't.