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Febrnary 9,1884 The Real Estate Record ISO. / ^Frederick Aldhous to John H. Hanklnson. Mort. $110,000. Feb. 1. 200,000 TJth st. No. 202. s a, 75 e 3d av, 30x102,3, two¬ story brick school, &c. Oacar T. Marshall to Annie N. wifeof William A, Farrell. C. a. G. All Hens. Feb. 6. 15,000 'thst. No. 169, n B, 341 w 3d av, 1.5.6x102.2, three-story stone front dwell'g. David De Veuny to Anna Feiner. Jan. 21. 14,750 lOth st, No. 235 and 237, n s, 153.6 w 2d av, SOx , 103.3, two four-story brick fstone front) ,.' tenem'ts. Francis Mackin, Newark, N, J., to' Thomas B. Coddington. Moris. $32,000' Jan. 1.5. exch and 1,600 'th Bt, No. 335, n *, 305 w 3d av, 23.4x102,2, two-story frame dwell'g. Tbos. Kindergan-- to Minnie wife of Henry Martin, Hong Kong, China. Feb. 9. 1880. .5,000 3d st, No. 406, s s. 1.56.6 e let av, 25x102.2, five- story brick tenem't. Annie E. wife of An- " drew Kelly to Frank Knbischta. Mort. $13,- 000. Jan, 7. 20,000 ffth st, n s, 80 e 1st av. 26x100.8. four-story-^ brick tenem't. Jacob Wick, Ji-., to Mai'tifa Brechtleiu and Maria bis wife. Feb. 2. l6,000 / >88th st, s B, 335 w llth ay. 100x100.8, one-story / / stone dwell'g. Tbomas M. Hooker to / Cornelia S. Howland, Morristown, N. J. / Sept. 18. uom 91st St. ns, 87.9 e Madison av, 51.1x100.8, frame dwell'g. Benjamin S. Clark to Edward B, Ecker. Jan. 30. nom Istst, No. leS, s s, 148 w 3d av, 27x100,8, ya- , cant. James Donohue to Susan Sullivan. / Dec. 21. nqrn 2d st, s s, 100 e 9th av, 25x100.8. vacant. Isaac Bernheimer to John D. Crimmins, Febru- / ary I. 8.000 roth st, n s, 150 w Sth av. 50x100,11, vacant; / Release of dower. Isabella Corbitt, widow, / / to William, James R.. David J. and Thomas^ / A. Corbitt and Mary J, wife of Joseph Kps- / sick, heirs John Corbitt, dec'd. Feb. 1, .2,086 ■lOlst Bt, n 8. 150 w 9thav, 24,4xl00.1!,/two- ■ story frame dwell'g. Luther Horton tq/ Ernest J. Gehben. Q. C. Jan. 28. nbm OJdst, Sdav. Party wall agreement. Frauois/ McEntee with Charlotte Bull. Sept, 25/ 1883. ;ibm 04th st. No, 3:i2, s s, 243,4 e 3d av, 16,8xI00ylI, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. John / D. Ottiwell to Carrie wife of Jacob Scli^ab./ Mort. $4,010. Jan, 21. ' 7,000 07th st, n s, 385 w 2d av, 25x75. Release mort./ Phoebe B. Allen, extrx. J. W. Allen, to Wil/ heltnine Juch. Feb, 1. 3^500 ^67tb Bt, Nos. 213-219. n s, 310 w 3d av, lOfix 100.11, four four-story brick tenem'ts. .(ohn , H. Deane to John J. Cngan, Brooklyn/ Feb. 1. 5e:O0O' lame property. Release mert, Samu^ S/ Constant to Wilhelmine Juch. Jan. 31. jSm 7th st, n s, 310 w 2d ay, 35x100.11. Wilhel- / mine wife of Wm, A, Juch to John H. Deane/ Jan. 8. 14,000 107th fit, n 8, 385 w 2d av, 25x100.11. August B'
ane to James H. Gaffney. Morfc. |5Jw. Feb. 6, / S.tOO |-t4th8t, No. 118, ss, 311.3 e4fchay, 18.9x100.11. thres-story brick dwell'g. Thomas P. Hayes to Esther wife of Edward F. Timme. Jan¬ uary 31, 8,300 15tb fit. BS, S24w Sdav, 27x!00.11. four-stoiy brick flat, Foreclos, R, M. Stover to Jor¬ dan L. Mott. Sub. to morfc. $12,000. Jan- .«ary 31. 2,450 115th St, s 8, 378 w 3d av, 17x100.11, four-story brick flat. Same to same. Mort. $11,000. Jan. 31. 1 20O 116th st,,pB, 375 w6thav, 5.4x100.11. Howard W. Coates and ano., exrs. G, H, Peck, to Jo¬ seph H. Godwin, Jr. J^ part. Contains nora- Inal release dower from Mary A. Peck, wid¬ ow. Jan. 15, 1,000, Same propertv, Charles O. Havens to same., i< part. C. a, G. Jau. 23, 100/ Bame property. Joseph H. Godwin to same. / JiJ part, C, a. G. Jan, 33. 100 4l6thst. No. 336. ss, 241,8 wIstav, laSxlOO.li. three-story brick (stonefront) dweil'g. Clrira / E, wife of James H. Black to Bertha wife of / Bernard Lichteustein. Morts. $7,701. Feb/ ruary 1. 10,000 17th st, No. 180, s s, I35w3d av, 35x110.11. five-story brick flat. John J, Murphy and Michael McGinty to Jane E. Johnson. Mort. $14,500. Feb, 1. 31.000, 6th St. Nob. 408. 410, 413, s s. 94 e 1st av. Six.' 100.11. three three-slory brick (stonefront) anell'gs. Ann F, wife of and Thomas C. Clark. Brooklyn, to John F. Hume, Pougb¬ keepsie. Morts. $19,500, interest, taxes, &c. Feb. 1, 30,000 .32d at, Nos. 235 and 237, n b, 205 w 2d av, ruaa west 37.6 x nortb lOO.lL x eaet 12.6 x Boutb 65.6 to centre old Harlem Church lane, now closed, x north 32.6 x aouth 55.5, new buildings in course of erection, Abraham, Mary E. and Caroline Yost, Arraveata jfatf jetscheck. heirs Caroline L. M. K, Tost, to Fernando Yosfc. Q. C. Jan, 12. nom Same property. Fernando Yost to Louis Richter. Mort. $4,000. Jan. 14. 7,000 128dst, No. 49, ns, 145 6Madi8onav. 17x100,11, three-story brick (stonefront) dwell'g. Re¬ lease mechanic's ben. Robert Bunting and Orrin S. Vredenburgh to Helena M, wife of William F. Edmonstone, Brooklyn, Febru¬ ary 1, nom' 123d st, No. 339, n s, 283.4 e 3d av, 31.8x100,11, two-atory brick dwell'g, George W, Folsom and ano., exrs. Helen S. Folsom, to John G, / Folsom, Brooklyn. Mort. $3,-500. Feb, 1. 6,560 /123d st, ss, 250 w 1st av, runs south 100.lt x west 50 X north 91,2 x northeast 15 to 123d,st, /x east 38 9; No. 336. portion of four-story stone front tenem't; Nos. 338 and 340, two tbree-story stone front dwell'gs. James P. Burrill and Georgie W, hia wife, Newark. N. J,. toE. Ellery Anderson. Q, C. Jan, 30. :;om ,123d st, s s, 250 w 1st av, 33.4x100.11. two three- story stone front dwell'gs. Cornelia Gra¬ ham. Newburg. N. Y., fco Elbert EUery , Anderson. Q. C. Jau, 39. nom' 123d st, s s, 266-8 wist av, 16,8x100.11, three- story stone front dwell'g. E, Ellery Ander¬ son to Joaquin 'M. Aguero, Mort, $3,500, , , Jan, 30. 6,000 ''^124th st, a 8, 100 w 10th av, 100x100.10, va-" cant. 133d st, n B, 100 w 10th av, lOOxlOO.lO, va- r cant, John H. Hankins m to Frederick Aldhous. / Mort. $9,000. Jan, 24. 33.000 ,127th st. No. 5'>. 8 s. 93 e Madison av, Hx^ three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g, Johu O. Willis to Herman W, Vanderpoel. Jan. 28. /Bame property. Herman W. ,127th Bt, No. 317, u s, 150.6 w 7lh ay. 15xll9,W, three-story brick (stona froot) dwell'g. Sam-/ uel J. Morgan to George P. Morgan. M'bt fc-.' $7,000. Jan. 31. ^om Bame property. George P, Morgan to Ella-A. Morgan. Mort, $7,iOU. Feb. 4, ' nom 12Sth st. No. 310, ss, 153.4 w 7tb av, 16.8x99.11, / three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. CharleB 0. Le Count, as assignee of WiUiam H. and Theodore P. Jenkins, to Margaret Bi{ wife of John A. Hiltner. Morts. $9,^. 11,250 Release mort. Same to same. Jan. 31. Same propei-ty, '^ Jan. 31. / ,/ Henrietta Willis. C. a. G. Jao. 30. vid.. and Frederick and W. Endicott andH. White, trustees, to Artemas H. Holn-es. Jan, 28, nom .Madison av, No, 703, w s, 60.5 s fiSd st, 20x70. four-sfcory stone front dwell'g. Willett Bronson to Catharine B. Aitken. Q. C. Feb. 5. nom ^me property. Charlea H, Russell, Jr., assignee of Willett Broneon, to same. Mort, $25,(100, Feb. 5. 36,500 ^ame property. Dennis W. Moran to Charles H. hussell, Jr., assignee. Release judgment. Feb. 5. nom Madison av, w s, 40.11 n ICOfch st, 60x75. Be- ' lease morfc. Mitchel Valentine to George N. Mancbester and William N. Philbrick. Feb¬ rnary 1, nom Madison av. No. 1895, e s, 60.11 s 123d st, 20x 100, tbree-story stime front dwell'g. August Baumgarten and Elise his wife, Brooklyn, lo .-JohnH. Deane, Sub, to allliens. Jan. 14. 23,000 Same property. Jrhn H, Deane to Emily New- mark. Mort. $15,00(1. Ffcb, 4. 22,000 -Same property. Thomas F. Treacy to August Baumgarten. Q. C. Feb, 1, nom Pleasant av, late Av A, No. 294. e s. 50,5s1 116th st, lHx94, four-story brick (stone | front) dwell'g. , | Pleasant av, late Av A, No. 280, n e cor 115th st, 22.5x94x22,6x94, four-story brick store and dwell'g. J Christopher B. Keogh to Richard Lathers. Morts. $18,000. Feb. 2. 29,450 /Vermilyea av, 8 s, 800 e Dyckman st, .50x150. Campbell Brown, to James Moore. Feb. 1. 600 j^Ut av. No. 3243, e s. 25 n 115th st, 25.5x7.5, four- story brick store and tenem't, August ticher- nikau to John Koib. Feb. 1. 14 000 /Istav. e s. 23 s I12tb st, 37.10x95. four-ttory brick store and tenem't. George J. Ferns- ^..y , child to James Smith. Feb, .5. 10,3:,0 nom 4st av, s w cor 65th sfc, 150.5x100, ) Vanderpoel ,to / 65th st, a s. 100 w 1st av, 125x100.5. nom ' Frame mill and coal yard. nonr Same property. Release mort, dam to same. Jan. 29. i29th at. No, 24, a s, ^'88,11 e .5th av. 99,11, three-story "brick dwell'g. Wm, A. Martin to Charles M, Earle, exr, J. W. Mils- paugh, Jan. 31. 13, Av A, No. 323, e s, 24 a Uth sfc, 37,9x66,6. foiif- / sfcory brick store and tenem'fc. Jno. E. Efer- dinand to Carl Fubrmann. Jan. 30. i8.,500. Same property. Barbara Ferdinand, wiQow,.' /Edw'dF.and Francis L. Ferdinand to same, / Q. G. Jan. 30. nom Ay A, or Pleasant av, Nos. 425-429, w s, 3:;, 11 n - 122d st, 47x66. three three-stor? stone front dwell'gs, Randolph Guggenheimer to Julius Katzenberg, Morts, X of $15,750. Janu¬ ary 3. 18,000 /lv B, Nos. 69 and 71, a e cor 5tb st, 53x46.9, "I brick church, { 5th st. No. 602, s s, 46.9 e Av B,~53,3x72,l, f / three-story brick dwell'g. J ■ The Evangelical Ref-rmed Church, cor Av B and 5th st, to John W. Miller. Jan, i.S. nom Av B, No, 1610, w s, 103.2 n 81th ft, 17,5x99, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. Robert W. Parkinson and Elizabeth J. his wife to George B. Dunn. Mort. $5,000. Re¬ recorded. May 1. 1883. 9,0C0 Greenwich av. No, 35, w a, 45 s Charlea st, / runs westerly on curve, 80.5 x soulh 20.6 x easterly en curve 84.10 to Greenwich av, x north 31. excepting a strip off n w cor of lot 5x9.6, brick store and dwell'g Jane E. Rochefort to Jacob Klinger. Mort. $5,000. Ftb.l. 11,000' -Lexington av, e s, 75.5 n 51st st, .50x100, vacant.'' Tbe Church of the Holy Trinity to Edw'd Rafter. Jan. 33. 22,000 ^Lexington av, Wo. 1741, so cor 109th st. 20 llx . 63, four-story brick store and dwell'g. Homer ' D. Brookins to John H. Deane. All liens. Feb. 1. 16,500 ^ame property. John H, Deane to Dietrech W. Wehrenberg. Mort. J9,0li0. Feb, I, 16,500 /Lexington av, Nos. 1727-1733, e s, 20.11 n 110th st, 80x70, four four-story brick dwell'gs. John H, Deane to Jeremiah A, Hallanan. Mort, $30,000. Feb. I. 38.000 /Madison ay, e s, extdg, from 5'Jth toSlsfst. 200.10x175. excepting the interior plots con¬ veyed to A. H, Holmes and Ed, D. Adams. Henrv Villard to Wm, Endicott, Jr,, Bosti-.n, and Horace White, as trustees. Deed of con¬ firmation. Jan. 28, nom fliadi>on av, e s, 60 n 50th st, 80,10x73,3. 1-12 ' share of above, and also perpetual rights of way and easements in other jiarcels pertain¬ ing to property heretofore conveyed by Vil¬ lard to Adams. Henry Villard, individ.. and W. Endicott and H, White, trustees to Ed¬ ward D. Adams. Correction and confirma¬ tion deed. Jan. 28, ncm Same property. 1-12 shaie, and also perpetual ' rights of way and easements in other parcels Sertaining to property heretofore conveyed y Villard to Holmes. Henry Villard, indi- Selig Steinhardt to John C. Umberfleid. Feb. 4, 83,500 2dav. No. 3071. w s, 7.5,11 s 107th st. 35x75, four-story brick store and teupm'r. Karl M, "Wallach to Annie wife of Bernhard Appel- baum. Morfc, $3,000. Feb. 1. ].5.5t0 ^d av, Nos. 990-998, n w cor 59th st, I' 0.5x95. four four-=tory brick stores and dwell'gs. and No. 163 59th St. two and three-si ory brick brewery. Geo. F. Steinb."enner. Carroll, Md., to Lyman G. and Jos. B. Bloomingdale. Q. C. Nov. 23. ncra Sdav, No, 1065, es, 50 n6?d st, 25.2x100, five- sfcory brick store and tenem't. Christian Lambert Suy- / Sander to Leopold Yankauer. Jan. 31. 28.400 833 3d av, Nos. 1828 to 1846, w s, extdg from H'lst 2L]i 1/ sttol02d sfc, 201.8x100, ten flve-story brick (stone front) stores and tenem'ts. Augustus F, Ferris to William I. Preston, Brooklyn, Feb. 6. 200.01.0 ^th av, s e cor 52d sfc, 100 5x76.8; No, 771 4tii av, four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g; No. 773, four-story brick store and dwell'g and onestory brickstable on rear; Nos. lOo- 104 52d st, three fonr-Btory stone front dwell¬ ings. Moss S, Phillips, Brooklyn, to Joseph M, Emanuel. Correction deed. Morts. $52,000. Feb. 5. 98.000 4th av. No. 1536. s w cor 86th st. 22.2x70, ^ four-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. 113th st. No. 143, a t, 520 w 3d av, 17.11x 100.11, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g, 116th st. No. 151, n 3. 351 w 3d av. 17x80, three-story brick (stone front) dwell'g. 127th st. No. 27. n s, 310 w 5th av, 18 9x99.11. three-story brick (stonefront) dwell'g, 131st st. No. 66, 8 B, 142.6 w 4th av, 17 6x 99.11. three-story brick (stone frjnt) dwell'g, 131st St. No. 60, s s, 195 w 4th av. 17,6x99.11, three-stoiy brick (stone front) dwell'g. Wasbington av. No. 1366, e s, 303 s 169ih st, 75x232 to 3d av, x75x218, twostory frame dwell'g. Railroad ay, e s, 250 s 9fch st, 150x300 to Washington av, two-story frame dweli'g and two and one-Btory frame stable. J Erastus Brainerd. Portland, Conn,, to The Brainerd Quarry Co.. Conn, Jan, 33, nom 5th av, No. 73, n w cor ISth st, 51.7x100, four- ' story brick (stone front) flat, Jobn Sher¬ man, Washington, D. C, and Isabella M, wife of and Eder V. Haughnout, Madison. N. J,, to Sinclair Myers. C. a, G, Morta. $90,000. taxes. &c. May 9, 1876. Re-recorded. 95,000 Same property. John M. Pinkney lo Philip Brunner. Mort, $60,000. Feb. 4, nom Sth av. e s, 50 n S6th st, runs north 75.11 x east 103.3 X south 85.10 x northwest 16 5 x west 89.3, vacant, Henry Lipman to Julius Lip¬ man, },i part. Feb. 5, 1883. 55,000 6th av. No. 223, w s. 4.3,3 s 15th st, 20x100, four-story brick (stone front) store and dwell'g, JobnB. How ser and ano,. exrs. of J. C. Howser, to Susan C. wife of Benj. Hax- tun, Jan, 29. 50,000 Same property, John B, and Geo. W, Howser, Mary A. wife of and Henry T. Button, Re- bf cca B. wife of James M. Du Bois and So¬ phia T. F. wife of Howard F. Randolph to same. Jan. 39. nom 6th av, Nos. 21S and 21.5, ws. 48,3 n 14ih st.40,6 x78, two four-stoiT brick stores and dwell'gs, Owen Jones to Robert K, Davies aud ano,, exrs. J. M, Davis. Feb, 4. 95,000 Tith av, n e cor 128th st, 99.11x100, vacant, Ida Jackson, widow, individ, and in her own right, also as guard. D. L Jackson, infant, to /