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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 33, no. 837: March 29, 1884

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March 29,1884 The Real Estate Record 333 SStBame property. William. Conklin agt same. (Sept, 20.1883)......................... 14 81 Sfl+Same property. Geo, B. Conklin agt same. (Sept. ao, 1R§3)........................... 18 60 S6tBame property. F. S. Coakliu agt same, (Sept. 211.1883)........................... 86 25 SdtSaine property. William Johnson agl same. (Sept 2D, 1883).................... 22 87 £6tSaine property. John Johnston agt same. (Sept. 20, 1883)..................... 45 87 26 Third av, n w cor ISfith et. 75,4.i99.6. Henry Turno agt Margaret Schmitt, (Jan. 14, 1884)................................. 240 00 26*UnIon at, n a, intersection of Wolf st, sws, 28d Ward. Bernard Duffy agt Alexander McNallv; John Spellman, owner.....618 76 37 Seventh av, sw cor 128th st, 100x85, R, L. Steiner, assiiroee Kasschau M'f'g Co, agt Patrick and Mary Whelan, John Allen and Benjamin Richardson. (Jau. 15,1884). . 451 G5 27 Seventh av. s w cor 128th st, 100xl2i>. Ole On:>sted aet John Allen and Patrick Whelan. (Dec. 15, 1883) .................. 266 83 28 Seventy-sixth st. n s, 125 e 4th av, 100 ft front. Thomas F. Treacy agt Fred. A, Wall and George H, Weyer. iMar. 4.1884) ....... 1,348 BO 28 Same property. Same agt same. (Mar, 3, 1884).....................................1,208 40 •Discharged by depositing amount of lien with County Clerk, f Cancelled and discharged by order of Court. KINGS COUNTY. March 22 to 28—inclusive. Howard av, e s. 50 s Marion st. 25x100. Rich¬ ard F.Whipple agt Christiana Webber, Peter Mode'^t ana Chris. Bauer. (Lien filed Mar. 14, 1884.) (Satisfied by deposit). 5S83 03 St. Jamea pl, w a, 75 n Greene av, 100x82. Cross, Austin & Co, agt Thomas S. Thorp, John J, Mills, J. M. Frace and H. Bush. (Mar, 4, 1884).........,........................... 300 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED IKEW TOftK CITY. SOUTH OF 14tB bt, - Rivington st. s e cor BherifE st, one five-story brick tenem't and store, 18,9x-')6, tin roof; rost. $10,000; owner, John McCuUough, 91 East 4th st; architect, Jobn A, Reiner; builder, Thos, Breanan. Plan 808, Bayard st, No. 47, one three-story brick wheel¬ wright shop and lofts, 35x75, tin roof; cost, $5jOoO; lessees, George Hoepfner and Henry Wuest. 103 Bayard sb; architect, J, Boekeli, Plan 321, Broome st. No. 400, one four-story brick and Ohio stone factory, 25,3 and '20x94 and lOd, tin roof; cost, $10,o'0(); owner. Jasper Cairns, 210 West 57th st: architect, J. M, Dunn; builder, M. McGinby, Plan 330. (3-'-and st, n e cor Allen st, one twostory brick store and dwell'g, 25,x44, tin roof; cost, $13,000; part owner, John L. Cadwalader, (5S Wall st; architect, Oulins Boekeli. Plan S20, Mulberry st. No. 224, one three-story brick stalls and wagon room, 25 and ."50x100. gravel roof; cost, $18,000; owner, Patrick McNamara. 228 Mulberry at; architect, W, Graul, Flan 336. Mulberry st. No. 326, one tbree-story and basement brick tenem't, 25x44, tin roof; cost, $9,000; owner, Patrick McNamara, 328 Mulberry et; architect, W. Graul, Plan 337. •■Grand st, Nos. 305 and 307, one three-storv and baaement first-class store, 44,1 and 44x75, metal roof; cost, $30,1(00; owner, Thomas Lewis, 583 Lexington av; architect, J, B. Snook; build¬ er, not selected. Plan 339, BBTWEKN 14th AND 59TH STS, 24th st. No, 234 E,, one five-story bricfc tenem't. 24,8x83. tin rooC; cost, $15,000; owner, Edward Mulvany, 170 East 70tli st; architect, John Sex¬ ton. Plan 315, 28th at, n s, 296 w 7th av, one flve-story brick factory, 23x81, gravel or tin roof; cost, ?S,000; owner, Mary Smith, 136 West 123d st: architects and builders, Bartlett Smitb, Plan 298. 29th st, Nos. 513 and 514 W., two five-atory brick tenem'ts, 25x75, tin roof; cost, $15,000; owner, G, M. Barretto, 438 West 57th st; archi¬ tect, F. Brinkerhoff; builders, John A. O'Connor Se Co, Flan 303. 40th st, n a, 325 w llthav, one three-storj brick slaughter house, 74.6x88, gravel roof; cost, $15,000; owner, Michael Scanlan, 133 WesbSJth 8t; arcbitect, M. L. Ungrich; builder, not se¬ lected. Flan 332. Sth av, n e cor 24th st, one five-story brick fiat, 3+.9x96, tin roof; cost, $30,000; owner, Thomas Gibney, 9tb av, n a cor 24th at; architect, G, B, Pelham. Plan 333, BKTWBBN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th avenue. 83d st, B 8, 175 e 9th av, two four-story brown stone front dweU'ga, 35x60, extension.;, 10x1,5, tin roofs; cosb, ;eacb, $25,000; owner and builder, Kichard Deeves, 242 East 13bh sb; architecbs, D. & J. Jardine. Plan 312. 61at Et, s a, 200 e 9th av, one four-story brick and sand stone tenem't, 50x97,8, tin roof; cost, $,55,000; owner, Thomas L an non, 502 West 57th sb; arcliitects, Schwarzmann Sc Buchman; builders. List Sc Lennon. Plan 329. 9bh av, No. 980, one fonr-story brick dweU'g, 26 x30, tin roof; Ci)3t, $30,000; owner, Mary De An- gelia, 391 South 5bh av; arcbibeoCs, Bebbingen & Lange; bnilder, not selected. Plan 328. Ylst at, n s, 337.9 w Boulevard and 10th av, six t'oree story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, total, 100x53, tin roof; cost, each, $1.5,000; own¬ er, Elizabebh Sbeinmecz, 133th sb, near Alexander av; architeot, J. H. Steinmetz. Plan 333, BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH 8TBEETS, BAST OF J 5th avenok, Madison av, n e cor 65th st, seven fonr-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, all tin roofs, (our on *v, the comer, 27x50, cost $36,000; next north, 23x aht 50, ■ cost, $19,000; next uorth, 32x .50, cost, $35,000, and next north, 18x abt 94, cost, $31,0i)0; three on st as follows, nest east (rom corner, abt 24x54. cost, $3C,000; next east, abi 21 X.54, cost, $18,000, and next east. 17x65, cost, $18,009; owner, architect and builder, Charles B-.iek, 500 Madison av. Plan 334. Lexington av, s e cor 40th st, one one-story bi'ick workshop, 33xll!,6, tin roof; cost, $1,000; lessee, John H, Schlobohm, 353 Lexington av; archi¬ tects, Berger & Baylies, Plan 303, 68th st, s s. 348 e Av A. one one-story'brick dwell'g, 20x35, gravel roof; cost, $8(10; owner, James H, Jones, Westchester Co.; architect, John G. McGrath; buUder, John McManus. Plan 319, 68t.h st, s 3, 373 e Av A, one one-atory brick dwell'g. 15x30; grave! roof; cost, $30ll; owner, James H. Jones; bnilder, Chas. Giockrien. Plan 309. 74th st, s s, 85 w 3d av, one two-story brick dwell'g and store, 25x50, tin rocf; cosb, $3,500; owner. Ralph Irvin, 1274 Sdav; architect, John Brandt. Plan 316, 7ythst, No. 53 E,, one four-story brown stone (ront dwell'g, 35x84, tin roof; cost. $33,.5U0; own¬ ers, Jacob and Samuel Cohen, 300 East 50bh st; architects, Thayer & Robinson; builders. List & Lennon and Jas, J, Garland. Plan 311. |05th st, n s, 400 e Isb av. one two-story brick stable, 53x33, gravel roof; cost, $------; lessees. Wm, HaU's Sons, 532 East 20th st; architect. Barb. Walther. Plan 399, I05bh st, n s, 400 e 1st av, rear, oue one-story brick boiler room, 34x48, gravel roof; cost, $——; lessees and architect, same as last. Plan 300, 107th St. ss, 100 6 1st av, two sbone cutbers' sheds, 100x13 and 200x13, gravel roofs; cost, total, $450; lessees. Light Se Louther, 117th st and Har¬ lom River, Plan 317. lllth st, Nos. 169 to 173 E,, five fourstory brickflats, 30x65, tin roofs; cost, total, i;80,000; owner, Joaeph R. Beams, 353 Washington st; architect, Julius Knstner. Plan 310. 123d st, No. 2i'6 E,, one tbree-sfcorv brickstable, 25x44.6, tin roof: cost, $5,000; owner, Chas, Merisch, S264 3d av; architect and builder, Bart. Walther. Flan 301. 1st av, nw cor 103dst, four fivestory brick tenements and stores, 25x6i> and 75, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000; owuer, Johu Simon, 136 Chrystie st; architect, Julius Boekeli. Plan 318, 1st av, e s. 25 n lllth st, one twostory brick gas purifier, 130x61. slate roof; cost, $18,000; owner, Harlem Gas Light Co,, 110th sb and 1st av; architect aud contractor, T. P. Rowland; builder, Bichard Deeves. Pian 294. llSth st, s s, 95 e 1st av, one ono story brick building, 35x.50. slate root; cost, $2,000; ownar, architecb. Sec, same as lasb. Flan'.i95. lllbh Ht, n s, 83 e 1st av, one one-story brick engme house, 64s7B, slate roof; cost, $20,000; owner, architect. Set:, same aa last. Plan 296. 1st av, s w cor UOth st, hrick enclosure for gas tank, lOOxlrill; cost. $30,000; owner, architecb, &c,. aame as last. Plan 297, 106bh st, n s, 58 w Lexington av, one one-story and basement ofBca and store, 18x17,7, tin roof; co,st, abonb $1,500; owner, James (il'Counell, 105bh sb near 2d av; architect, A, Spence, Plan 332. 3d av. No, 2156, one fivestory brick store aud tenem't. 85x73, bin roof; co.:t, 116,000; owner, Benjamin Wilson. 1468 Park av; architect, H. S. Baker; builder, notselected. Plan 334, 2d av, w s, 50 n 110th st, one five story brick store and tenem't, 35x85, tin roif: cost, $18,000; owner. Marie O'Hare, 219 East 7Sth st: architect, J, H, Valenfcine: builder. J. O'Hare. Plan 343. Isb av, n w cor 65th st, four flve-storey tenem'ts, corner 25,5x83.6, others 2-5x75, tin roofs; total cost, $70,000; owner and carpenter, Samuel Smybb, 173 West Sdst; architect, A. B. Op-den; masons, Dawson Sc Archer. Plan 348. 1st av, n e cor 74th st, five five-story brick tenem'ts, 35x83, tin roofs; total cost, $75,000; owners, Higgins Sc Keatin^ll33 2d av; archi¬ tecb, A. B. Ogden; mason, J. Keabing; carpenter, not selected. Plan 346. 74th st, n a, 100 a 1st av, four five-story brick tonem'te, 28x65, tin roofs; total cost, $60,000; owners, architect and builder, same aa last. Flan 347. 106th st, n s, 350 w 8d av, two five-story brick storesandtenem'ls, 25x83, tin roof; cosb, each, $15,000; owuer, John McCormick, 343 East l]3bh st; architect. J, H. Valentine; builder, Peter Mc¬ Cormick. Plan 343, NORTH OF 125tH ST. 164bh sb, n a, 300 e 10th av. one two-atory frame dweU'g, 35x38, tin roof; cosb, $3,500; owner, Christian Uebelacker, J65th st, 300 e 10th av. Plan 32G. 33d and 24th ward 3, 138bh St. 3 s, 75 e aoubhern Boulevard, one two¬ story brick dweU'g, 25xfi0, gravel roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Mary Whelan, 138rh stand South¬ ern Boulevard: arcnibect, Chas. Baxter; builder, P, Wheelan, Flan 305, Boston av, s w cor Spring pl, one four-story frame dweU'g, 23x43, extension 13.6x36,8, slate and tin roofs; coat, $10,000; owner, Ernest HaU, on premises: architect, Theo. E, Thomson. Plan 314. Courtland av, w s. opposite 163d st. one one¬ story frama saloon, 2.7x75, tin roof: cost, $1,000; owner, Martin Phelan, oa premiaes; builder, Louis Folk. Plan 304, 138th st, n B, 250 e Wiilis av, one three-story brick dweU'g, 92x51. tin roof; cost, $12,000; owner. Anna M. Bradley, 138th st; architect, John Rogers; builders. Smith Bro, and E. Ous- taveson. Flan 306, 151st st, n B, 80w Mottav; one one-story frame stable aud carriage house, 15x30, gravel roof; cost, $100; owner, Andrew Patterson, on prem¬ ises. Flan 307, I54th st, u s, 80 ft from 3d av, one-story frame workshop, 9x13; cost, $50; owner, Joseph Kubin, 3d av. bet ISIsb aod 153d sts. Plan 313. 176th st, southerly cor Weeks st, Mt. Hope, one two-story frame dwell'g, 30xii6, tin roof; cost, $3,.5fi0: owner, Mrs, Mary A, Lodge, Me. Hope, N. Y.; architect, J. C, Kerbv, Plan 315. CJoncord av, e s, 100 n Cliff st. one one-and a^ half story frame woodhouse, &c,, 30x13, gravel roof ;cost,$300;owner, architect aod builder, Her mann Strese. Plan 335. North 3i av. No. 1073, one one-story framo shop, 24 and 21x40, tin roof; cost, $------; owner, Charles B. Simpson, 324 2d av; architect. W. W. (jardiner; builder, H, A, Sherwood. Flan 331. Riverdale av, s w cor Kingsbridge road, one two-sbory frame store and dweU'g, 39x41, tin roof; cost, $------; owners. T. Sc W". Thorn Sc Co,, Riverdale, N, Y.; architecb and builder, S. L, Berrian. Flan 333, Worth av. 125 n Spring st, 34th Ward, one one-story frame dwell'g. 25x15, shingle roof; est, ?400; owner and builder, Patrick Foy, 404 East 133d St. Plan 337. Potter pl, n s, about 3^5 w WilliamsbriJgu road, one two-story frame dwell'g, 20x30, shingle roof; cost, $3,000; owner, John J. Bannan. 305 West 36th fit; architect, E. Von Lindemao. Plan 340. Potter pl. n s, abb 300 w Williamsbridge road, onetwo-story frame dwell'g, 20x30, shineleToof; cost, $2,000; owner, Ernst and Louisa Von Lin- deman; architect, E, Von Lindeman. Plan :S4!, Catharine st, w- s, aht 500 n Locust or Tremont av, one one-story (rame dwell'g, 33x13, tin roof; cost, $100; owner, James Brogan, Springhurst; buiMer, Ch. Liebetrau. Plan 344, 149th st, n R, 100 e St. Anns av, one oue-story frame dweU'g, 20 and 21.6x25 and 19. ti" roof; cost, $800; owner, George Buhier. 976 151st st; architect, A. Arctander. Flan 315. RINGS CODNTT. Plan 316—Stockton st, n s, 60 e Sumner av, one one-story frame stable, lCil3, tiuroof; coot, $70; owner, M. Schmidt; builder, Geo. Ross. 317~Fark av, s s. 75 w Sumner av, one one¬ story frame store and dweli'g, 20x45, tin roof; ooat, $400; owner, Michael Jacobs. Park and Sumner avs; architect, George R. Dietrick; builder, C. Dietrick, 318—Clay sb, No. 97, n s, 250 w Oakland st, one three-story fiame tenem't, gravel roof; cost, $3,300; owner, Patrick Murtha. 97 Clay st; architect, Julius L Smith; builder Patrick Duffy. 319—Bushwick av, n w cor Greene av, three two-and-a balf-Bory and basement, 16.8x40, tin roof; cost, $3,500; owner and builder, Jacob Murr. 477 Bedford av; architect, Wm, H, Dougnty. 330—Woodbine st, n s, 80 w Central av, one two-story frame dwell'g, 80.3x23, liu roof; cost, $1,I(K); owner, M, Hevy. Central av; architect, F, Marryatt; builders, E, Loercb and F, Mar¬ ryatt. 321—Central av, No. 317, e s, 35 n Stanhope st, one two-story frame stable, 19x15.6, tiu ronf; cost, $150; owner and carpenter. Louisa C Oldenburg, 217 Central av; architect, T, Phillips, mason, notselected. 323—Skillman av, No, 169, ns, 78 e Graham av, one two-story and basement framedwell'g, 22x 40, tin roof; cost, $4,000; owner, Barbara Metz¬ ger, cor Graham and Skillmsji avs; architect, Th, Engelhardt; builders, Geo. Doering and John Frey. 333—Freeman st. No. 147, one three-story frame tenem't, 25x50, gravel roof; cost, $3,600; owner. ------Fuilerton, on premises; architects and car¬ penters, Randall Sc Miller; mason, Jobn Ha^ord. 334—Magnolia at, s e cor Central av, one three- story frame store and tenera't, 25x50, tinroof; cost, $5,300; owner, Henry Kopke, 124 Magnolia st; mason, notselected; carpenter, F. Stemmler. 335—Grand st, ii s, bet River stand Easb River, two one and two-story fram« ferry waiting rooms and oflSce, 103x36x33x11"), gravel roofs; c^st, $17,000; owner. Nassau Ferry Co., New York; archibecb, William Ander.son. S26---2d av, w b, 65 u 9th st, one three-story frame wagon shed, 35 aod 50x40; felt and gravl roof; cost, $600; owner, G, Bungarz, 129 9th sL; architect, \. -V, B, Eu^h, 337—55th st, s s, 135 e lat av, two two-story frame dwell'gs, 13x36, with one-story extension 12x13, shingle roof; co.'ib, each, $1,3(10; owner, W. S. Matherson; buildera, M, Ryan and S. W. Howard, 328—York st, s w cor Charles st, one one-etory brick kitchen, 20x15, tin roof; cost, $3i)0; owner, Johu Wibter, on premises. 339—Phillips alley, e s, abt 7.^^ a Plymouth st, one one-stor.v brick boiler hou>-e, 2i(x34, iron roof; cost, $600; owners, Phillip SFurguson, 209 Water st; builder, Jnmes Shannon. 3.50—6th st, n s, 297.10 w 6th av. six two-story ■nd basement brick dwell'gs 16.8x4(1, tin roof, wooden coruice; cost, each, $3,0i)0; owner, Thomas Butler, 457 6th av; builders, Geo, Bu¬ chanan and Thoa. Butler. 331—Bridge sb, w s, 50 n Nassau st, one one- btory brick store, 15x12, gravel roof, woodeu